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You have to do both.

I did them yesterday. Both a total piece of piss. Your biggest problem on the whole thing will be should you meet some Alliance.

After you do the Silithus and Premier League things, which you should be able to solo quite quickly, you need to kill that fire elemental guy in UBRS.

Rend run anyone? :winkold:

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First boss inside AQ40?

Overpowered Warlock gets to see it first again?

And shit. You can get to him in minutes, and the cúnt drops this

Warlocks and Mages wet dream. Shamen think of reasons why they can ninja!

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It was amazing last night at the opening, loads of stuff going on! I got there about two minutes before the gates opened, all the Horde were on one side, and the Ally on the other. Then the bloke with the mallet rang the gong, and the gates opened, and two of those enormous Egyptian dog head things came out and attacked. The Horde got theres down first, and then it was just a case of running round having a look see.

Got some cool screenies that I'll post when I get home from work. Liked all the lines of troops lining the road in Silithus, and there were random monsters everywhere.

Most excellent.

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, and the cúnt drops this

Warlocks and Mages wet dream. Shamen think of reasons why they can ninja!

Best reply on the thread:

as a warrior, i would love to have this.

the +int is really nice in leveling up my axe skill.

the proc to recude the dmg taken from axes is also really nice, only if it increased the block of my wooden sheild.

the healing incrase would very much help out my heavy linen bandage healing.

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Didn't know anything about it. Spent all night in jerky motion mode and got kicked repeatedly. "There is already a character with that name". Argh. About half the guild seemed to be affected, the other half didn't.

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, and the cúnt drops this

Warlocks and Mages wet dream. Shamen think of reasons why they can ninja!

Best reply on the thread:

as a warrior, i would love to have this.

the +int is really nice in leveling up my axe skill.

the proc to recude the dmg taken from axes is also really nice, only if it increased the block of my wooden sheild.

the healing incrase would very much help out my heavy linen bandage healing.

I thought it was funny too. Those Thot threads are always full of people saying that the item should be for their class, and why. Someone decides to stir it, and people always fall for it.

I would say the staff is Lock/Mage though. Certainly for attacking pure casters this is just fantastic. Yeah, it does have a + healing buff, but +damage and healing just means that the buff affects all spells.

Do healers need to drop the resistance of their targets?

Dont healers need spirit?

(in fact, dont mages need spirit as evocation and mage armour stack on top of it?)

Its one that i know most locks will be saving DKP for. No doubt Mages will be thinking the same thing.

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A LOT of unhappy people complaining about Ally guild Resurrection on the official forum, and the fact they didn't advertise the fact that they'd be opening the gates. It opened about 1.30am for 10 hours, so basically I'd guess that 75% of players at least will miss it.

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AQ is open! Its been a **** havoc! Ive tons of pics andprob 200 players gathered fighting tons of mobs.

We grinded the elites and kited em back to theCC soldiers, and we made 5 g profit each kill! I earned 20 in 15 min. Some people earned 100 g in a a few hours. One epic dropped for a another guild, and now we are entering AQ20...**** wicked

Il post pics later

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A LOT of unhappy people complaining about Ally guild Resurrection on the official forum, and the fact they didn't advertise the fact that they'd be opening the gates. It opened about 1.30am for 10 hours, so basically I'd guess that 75% of players at least will miss it.

I cant see what their complaint is.

If you wanted to see the gates open, open the bastards yourself!

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I cant see what their complaint is.

If you wanted to see the gates open, open the bastards yourself!

Not possible. The "war effort" was a server wide event, and everybody who contributed should have had the opportunity to see it.

But anyway, I was there so what do I care?!

Righto Tarj, I bought that salt shaker to make refined deeprock salt for cured rugged hide, but I suggest you keep an eye out on the AH as it's on 3 day cool down!

And it's going to cost you!

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I liked the truce between Horde and Ally, we were both killing the same mobs and I was a sitting duck at times with very low hp, but I never got attacked.

I very nearly killed a level 38 for fun but just knew that there'd be a thread put up on the DW forum denouncing me and my guild thus scuppering my chances of getting in permanantly!

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Anyone ganking last night wold have been the biggest clearing in the woods around. I'm all for the "It's a PvP server" ethos, but last night was the exception.

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We entered AQ20 thius morning and we got to the first boss, Clicky! , very easy, but we wiped at the boss at 58 %. Then i had to leave but it was great fun, except the bugs... hate buggggs

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