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Bah! It doesn't count when you're called in at the last minute!

But seriously, having a guild is ace, I'm gonna do all I can to get them to accept me permanently, including a respec! On Monday night if you'd said that we'd have downed Raggy and Onyxia between us on Thursday night I'd have told you to **** off!

BTW Nays, I'm not sure about the answers to the questions you pose re. Boss difficulty but that video is the shit. I'm gonna watch it again!

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Yep we killed him, with no wipes. Can't really remember what dropped tbh, wasn't paying that much attention. I know there was an awesome caster's ring, and a few leather pieces, I'll try and see if someone on the website has posted them.

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Nice one Dan, just been reading up on them. Apparently in the end you need a certain amount of rep to get the ring, but this is manageable by doing two full MC runs.

Actually, having killed Raggy, I'm bored of MC now, think I'll have a go at soloing BWL!

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It's sheer madness in there Si. 40! people all running in, quite something.

And Raggy is HUGE and the site of all the nukes from mages and warlocks is brilliant.

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Still, the best thing ive ever seen on WoW just happened.

Some Shaman (level 59) was one of those people who cant sit still on a zep.

A million emotes (he does love Gelham though, so props for that) and dances and stuff. Gets to Tirisfal Glades, mounts up, spins around in a "look at me everybody!" kind of way, jumps off.

Now i had him targeted. Which means i could see his health when he hit the ground. Lets just say he misjuded the height, and if he was one of those Shamies who forgets to carry Ankhs, then he will have just covered himself in shame..

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Haha! I've got an image of a jolly fidgety shaman jumping to his death with a smile on his face...

Anyway Riss, I can't help but think you missed out a bit TBH. Killing Raggy is supposed to be the climax of the whole instance, the whole game (up until they brought in newer, harder instances) and instead of working your way through MC, and bearing down on him for a dramatic finale to all your hard work, you just popped in right at the end and killed him. I mean, your only experience of MC is the very best part, it can only get worse!

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In order to preserve the challenge of these dungeons, they have had their instance caps lowered. Stratholme, Scholomance, and Blackrock Depths now allow a maximum of five players inside, and Blackrock Spire allows a maximum of ten.

ZOMG, bye bye class runs, and 10 man Drakki kills should be interesting!

Magister Kalendris has been moved in to the middle of the hall.

The difficulty of the Lord Incendius and Ambassador Flamelash encounters has been increased.

Making farming harder I see.

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