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Dan, I got that Mount Switch mod working last night, and it's pretty good. WHEN you finally get the c*rr*t (ie I don't have any more great ideas!) you get a screen up where you put all the stuff you use when you're on your mount in one set of boxes, and all the stuff you use when you're dismounted in another set. So tonight I'm going to get some spurs attached to the shittiest, cheapest pair of boots out, and I'm going to try and get riding enchants on a similalrly crap pair of gloves. I'll have these equipped when I'm riding, along with the carrot trinket. Then when I dismount, it'll automatically be set to switch to my decent boots and gloves with normal enchants (+str or whatever) and a trinket like Horde Insignia or Nifty Stopwatch whatever. It works a treat.

I also downloaded monkey speed, a speedo add on. It confirmed that the carrot and spurs do stack, giving you 11% speed increase overall.

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Demonology rules.


But enough about Warlock Talent trees. That Hunter is a bastard of the highest order who deserves to be killed, camped, and killed and camped.

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Finished that Azhara quest last night as well, absolute piece of piss. Getting the tablets took about five minutes as they all spawned within a few feet of each other, and the odd Spiney fish thing was piss easy to take out. Then just a case of travelling to and from various points, for over 30,000XP. Bicks if you're on tonight you should do this now, it's an absolute piece of cake, and gets you well towards you next level. If you were careful you could almost do it without fighting anything, but think the mobs in the ruins are only about L47/48 anyway.

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Dan, I got that Mount Switch mod working last night, and it's pretty good. WHEN you finally get the c*rr*t (ie I don't have any more great ideas!) you get a screen up where you put all the stuff you use when you're on your mount in one set of boxes, and all the stuff you use when you're dismounted in another set. So tonight I'm going to get some spurs attached to the shittiest, cheapest pair of boots out, and I'm going to try and get riding enchants on a similalrly crap pair of gloves. I'll have these equipped when I'm riding, along with the carrot trinket. Then when I dismount, it'll automatically be set to switch to my decent boots and gloves with normal enchants (+str or whatever) and a trinket like Horde Insignia or Nifty Stopwatch whatever. It works a treat.

I also downloaded monkey speed, a speedo add on. It confirmed that the carrot and spurs do stack, giving you 11% speed increase overall.

Can you link this please Riss? It looks right up my street.

Like a lot of spellcasters, i dont need to spend money on weapons, so i spent it on a second set of armour. I have +int and +sta gear on most of the time, and +shadow damage gear in my bag, should i need it. My +shadow damage shoes dont have an enchant on them at the moment, so putting some spurs on them seems like a good thing to do. Having an auto switch when i mount will be ace. Cant wait until i have Spurs and an epic mount! :D

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It was on Curse Gaming Nays, but the site seems to be down at the moment. Just do a quick search for mount switch or something similar. If the site's down all day PM me your email address and I'll mail it to you when I get home. It's absolutely PVP tastic. You can hunt down ally scum on your souped up mount, then as soon as you switch all your decent gear and trinkets kick in. Last night I was messing about in Tanaris, legged it after a lone ally hunter, caught him up, then had Nifty stop watch to make sure he didn't get out of range. Probably the best mod I've used yet to be honest.

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He is a level 60 hunter.

Ive found that if you cant take someone out, find someone else smaller, who you can. It makes you feel better.

I was in Stonetalon, just to kill an ally before i logged, and there was a shout out that a level ?? ally was ganking questing horde in the Charred Vale.


And there was a level 39 warrior there. I was going to leave him alone, but its clear to see by the lovehearts that he was looking at my Succubus and thinking impure thoughts. As a jealous type, i was forced to kill him and eat him. ;)

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A quick word on the dreaded C*rr*t *n a St*ck q.

The really, bad, unfunny joke was all my idea, and I take full responsibility for what happened after. The priest we were with was only after the blue priest's staff that the first boss drops, and we managed to get it for him, so he was chuffed to bits. I've finished the q, so wasn't that bothered, so it's only really Dan who's missed out due to my daftness. So if anybody fancies helping him get it tonight (assuming he hasn't done it today already) I'd be grateful, as he doesn't deserve to miss out because of me. With no pissing about, it's a stupidly easy q, when I did it with some of the guildies we were 5 all mid L40 people. Having just about everybody over L50 makes it a snip, as long as someone doesn't agro all the mobs!

BTW, I might have misread, but did somebody say the Azhara q was possible to do more than once?

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I'd like to do it tonight. And No Riss, you can't redo it.

Demonology is an absolute clearing in the woods, he's the Ally Splatter - I want him dead, and not just his character. He uses the Hunter glitch to kill horde in so called truced areas, and then camps them, and he gets away with it. I hate him.

Mind you someone a gnome mage probably thinks that about me, I was in a bad mood and decided to chase this L43 just outside gadgetzan - he ran all the way to the race track - where I finally killed him. Because he'd made me run so far with his frosting etc, I decided to camp him, again and again, each time he ressed he got closer and closer to Gadgetzan, finally after one of the kills he got close to the mobs that guard the town, and in his defence from one of my attacks, frosted me again. The mobs took a disliking to this and finished him off for me while I got off scot free!

Then when he ressed in gadgetzan, I rogue-attacked him again (dead, again) and managed to vanish before the mobs got me. So much fun! He's on my KOS list now because I'm such a bastard to him, and want to keep on doing so!

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I've given up entirely in being a nice bloke. If I saw an ally minding their own business questing, 9 times out of 10 I'd leave them alone. Now I'll go out of my way to gank them. If I can make them think they're safe by helping them kill a mob, then waving at them, so much the better! All the more fun!

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I **** over my first one-on-one lvl 60 today. A Mage in Silithus thought it would be a good idea to stick a fireball up my ass. I turned around, used intercept, heroic strike, hamstring, intercept again (he tried to run off) and finally the coupe de gras with Execute whcih hit for 2k +. Not usually any good against clothies so I was well chuffed.

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What's the hunter glitch?

I think its that Hunters can use their pets in so called "truced" areas and get away with it.

and have you ever tried being invisible when you have a big **** arrow pointing at you? Not as effective you know.

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What's the hunter glitch?

I think its that Hunters can use their pets in so called "truced" areas and get away with it.

and have you ever tried being invisible when you have a big **** arrow pointing at you? Not as effective you know.

I've never tried being invisible, why? because I cant be and you have the cheek to complain that hunters can put a big arrow over your head, we cant if you hadnt made yourself visible in the first place - so is yer own fault dimwit :D

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