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My last day was yesterday. Got my level 2 trading post up, but could not care less, and did not feel like it was something I had accomplished myself. I also noticed that eventually you can just fish in your own garrison pond to level fishing skill.


It's Farmville. There is no reason the ever leave your garrison. Can't make money selling ore or herbs. They've completely ruined professions.


The garrison invasion thing is lame, the followers thing is lame. Garrisons have gutted the game. I thought they were going to be optional, and i suppose they are if you're a tank and just keep queuing for dungeons.


I'd love to see the sub numbers  now compared to 5 weeks ago.

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My last day was yesterday. Got my level 2 trading post up, but could not care less, and did not feel like it was something I had accomplished myself. I also noticed that eventually you can just fish in your own garrison pond to level fishing skill.


It's Farmville. There is no reason the ever leave your garrison. Can't make money selling ore or herbs. They've completely ruined professions.


The garrison invasion thing is lame, the followers thing is lame. Garrisons have gutted the game. I thought they were going to be optional, and i suppose they are if you're a tank and just keep queuing for dungeons.


I'd love to see the sub numbers  now compared to 5 weeks ago.


Spot on, and I made the same point last night.  Back in the day a request to run a five man dungeon in guild chat would normally get at least a couple of responses.  Add in a PUG or two and off you go.  Last night, there were 30 people in my guild on, and all but a couple of were doing Garrison stuff, and only one person bothered to reply.  Once you've done enough Farmville stuff you can even have an auctioneer in your garrison, so there's no reason to leave whatsoever.   Garrisons giving you decent blue armour is pointless, as nobody will ever leave to use it.


It's by far the worst expansion ever, absolutely awful.  Every single thing in it is an absolute piece of piss.  I think I died once when levelling up, and that was due to a mistimed jump off a building.  The characters are all massively gimped, with half the abilities from ten years ago.  All the three man quests take a second to do solo, even with crap green and blue gear. The dungeons are all 30 minute tank and spank  with no thought required whatsoever.  I've seen precisely three allies while levelling up, so world PvP is out too.  They've completely destroyed what made the game fun in the first place.

Edited by Risso
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I consider myself a casual player- I'll buy the latest xpac, play it until I've seen just a bit of lagged out raiding, and then unsub for a year. But if garrisons are still part of the game next xpac, I'm finished for good.

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Same here, the days of 5 hour MC or BWL 40 man slogs are thankfully long behind me, but the game has gone too far the other way.  It's almost just a series of sub games now, with Pokemon type pet fights and Farmville style resource gathering. 


The latest expansion didn't have enough content either.  A big part of the map which you can't get into yet, and Shadowmoon Valley that had about 4 quests.  There were some fun things, like the area specific rewards and the bodyguard following you about, but these weren't nearly enough to make up for the many problems.

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I'm really starting to enjoy the healing mechanics this expansion. They've created a nice balance between Cata healing and MoP healing and it feels so rewarding to play. You still probably do get punished a little for other people's bad play but i'm having to really use every single tool at my disposal and use them wisely as every decision matters. The way mana works is that you'll run out through bad play and bad decisions but won't ever be a problem if you play correctly. Holy priest is phenomenally fun atm. Resto shaman has a few mobility problems but long gone are the chain heal spam days, having to really use the correct totems at the correct point and managing cooldowns feels pretty nice to play. Hoping to do some heroic raiding too within the next few weeks. 

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I was a resto shaman for the glory days of MC, BWL and then TBC and a while afterwards.  Back then it was a hard task with mana conservation a really big deal, and I remember the sense of achievement when as a guild we started to down Razorgore in BWL regularly.  New players these days probably wouldn't believe that we used to turn people away from 40 man raids and that we'd practise for weeks and weeks on certain bosses.

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  • 1 month later...

after reading through last few pages I am glad i no longer play this dated game. i see they copied neverwinter with companions/followers.


i play Neverwinter now for FREE, i will not give blizzard another penny tbh they had 7 years off me

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Blizzard announcing that players can now buy tokens in the AH which can be redeemed for 30 days playing time. The way it works apparently is players buy token from Blizz site, get it in mail in game, then put it up for auction.


I can only imagine how much gold it'll cost though.


Nonetheless, this suggests a desperation move and that Blizz are hemorrhaging subscriptions right now.

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They're still at 10 mill subs so it's not any sort of panic decision. They made it clear last year that they were desperately seeking ways to improve income without giving players in game advantages. Players gaining gold with real money means it might give someone a slight advantage at the start of an expansion buying up all the BoE epics but other than that gold doesn't serve much purpose in the game these days. It's a good move I think, a modern way to collect subs and less rigid. 

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Of course, just because this is a way for me to play the game for free, I'll still have to sub for at least one month to get back in there....and also, because this xpac destroyed profs, not many people are going to be able to get much free to play time using this method. I think this is more of a baiting technique, to maybe recapture 5% of the people who try it out.

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I've belatedly turned to the Pet Battles, and I have to say they are brilliant fun.  Some of them are very demanding, and it's a real sense of achievement when you crack it.

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I've belatedly turned to the Pet Battles, and I have to say they are brilliant fun.  Some of them are very demanding, and it's a real sense of achievement when you crack it.

I've always though the pet battle think was something they added to make the game more attractive to girls

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