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It's so crazy logging in after a long time away. This game was pretty much my life for 5 years, but I login, and I recognise no one. Never mind the players, even the guilds have all gone...The World of Warcraft had moved on!


Dark Tower reference?

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Underwhelmed by the pre-expansion patch quest content which basically translated to half an hour of questing and a truncated UBRS.


However, the quality of life additions are very welcome, the skill changes and number crunch haven't been too obtrusive and I absolutely love the new character models. The Orc race is particularly good with real feeling of weight to them. So much so, that i've binned off my BE DK and made him an Orc.


Really psyched for the expansion now. Just trying to get my Shadow Priest to 90 before it hits so i'll have all 11 classes at max to choose from (before I have to get them all to 100 of course :D ).


I had a quick blast last night.  They just seem to be dumbing down the game even more.  Lots of stats and abilities taken away I noticed, this really will be playable on a PS4 before long!

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Blizzard announce new game 'Overwatch' at Blizzcon.


Overwatch will feature squad-based combat with two opposing teams of six players each. Each team has a role to either Attack or Defend in both the Payload and Point Capture game modes. Players are able to select one unique hero, from a roster, to play as during the match. 12 playable characters have been revealed in the video trailers released by Blizzard, although a poster that have also been released featured 15 unique individuals. Upon death, the hero chosen can be changed to any different hero. Heroes are categorised into four distinct roles, each serving a different purpose: Offense, Defense, Tank, Support.



Official website here


Looks good fun and as it's Blizzard, I have high hopes.

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Mediocre doc, to be honest. But I guess there's only so much you can cover in one hour. I'd really love a doc just about the music, or a thorough analysis of each and every zone. They probably exist in some form already on YouTube.

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I quite liked it, brought back some good memories. I remember arriving at Ironforge for the first time and wondering why everyone was scuppering around asking me for leather scraps and bits of pieces to open up the gates of Ahn'Qiraj. The idea that both Horde and Alliance had to work together as a server to open the zone was fantastic. Showing Blizzard's security rooms, particularly the large server area and the electronic map thing that shows when everyone in the world logs in was quite a nice insight. There are some serious nerds in that video though :D


Anyway, happy WoD week! Can't wait to get started. 

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Anyway, happy WoD week! Can't wait to get started. 


Same here.


MoP is going to take some topping (particularly from a story PoV) but i've no reason to think Blizzard can't do it.

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I read that the final decision won’t be made until they’ve gauged player feedback after a while.

So, for a few weeks at least even if you’re level 100 you won’t be able to fly. However if the majority cry about being grounded it will be reinstated during a later patch.

That’s my understanding of it anyway. I wouldn't be at all surprised to see it put back in the game during the first patch.

Glad I transferred 90% of my toons to a PvE server to be honest. World PvP holds no interest for me anymore, it's just a ball ache since the CRZ were introduced.

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Flying mounts ruined the game.  I'm glad they are binning them. :)

I like flying mounts, to a degree. You shouldn't be able to use them in cities. And maybe once level capped, you have to really earn the right by completing an epic quest line or something. I think the amount of new flightpaths in Cata ruined world pvp, and meeting random lowbie questers out and about. It's a joke how many FP's we have now.

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