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General Krulak (part 2) and *STILL NO TRANSFER QUESTIONS*


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General Krulak here:

1. Great result today at a place where we have not had great results. I was proud of the lads.

2. I literally surrender on the tickets. You all have won. The white flag is waving. Put a bullseye on my chest and just have at it. I have already said that we are going to look very hard at what went wrong and what went right and make changes to the process. But I guess that isn't enought so...just let it fly! BUT, you will not get a response from me anymore on those comments. I am done in. :bang::bang::bang:

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General Krulak here:

1. Great result today at a place where we have not had great results. I was proud of the lads.

2. I literally surrender on the tickets. You all have won. The white flag is waving. Put a bullseye on my chest and just have at it. I have already said that we are going to look very hard at what went wrong and what went right and make changes to the process. But I guess that isn't enought so...just let it fly! BUT, you will not get a response from me anymore on those comments. I am done in. :bang::bang::bang:

General I spoke to someone today who met RL at Villa Park and when he asked for a photo RL took him into the stadium to have it taken, this guy was very impressed with not only how he went out of the way but how down to earth he was.

General do the men in the states suffer from PMT like some of the men in the UK? You must be starting to feel like your married to some of the fans on here the way they are moaning at you :lol: :winkold:

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Guest Ricardomeister

General, I am very disappointed that you have, again, chosen to ignore my worries and the possible solutions to these problems. Unfortunately this just re-inforces my belief that the ambulant disabled fan is treated as a third rate fan. I was polite and constructive in all the points that I made and backed up my views with evidence, not abuse. After over 35 years of loyal support to Aston Villa I am very, very upset (not angry as I do not do anger) that my opinions count for so little that they are continually ignored. Obviously you are free to agree or disagree with my views and solutions, but to continually ignore them just shows that I, as an ambulant disabled fan, have little or no worth to Aston Villa FC which is a big shame.

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General Krulak here:

1. Ricardomeister: I have said, in two separate locations (thread and pm) that I am absolutely looking into this issue and have alerted the Club to your concerns and to others with like concerns. What more do you want me to do? I have also stated, unequivocally, that we have no 3rd rate fans. I am at a loss as to what you want me to do that I am not already doing. Once again, I cannot continue to be a whipping boy after indicating that I am working the issue. I must confess that I have never experienced anything like the past week since I have been on this thread. We get to the finals of the Carling Cup for the first time in years and all the Club gets is complaints. We've got Brits and Americans being killed and wounded fighting for their Countries and we are moaning about tickets. Let's get real. I have said I have raised this with the Club...enough said. :bang::bang::bang:

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General Krulak here:

1. Ricardomeister: I have said, in two separate locations (thread and pm) that I am absolutely looking into this issue and have alerted the Club to your concerns and to others with like concerns. What more do you want me to do? I have also stated, unequivocally, that we have no 3rd rate fans. I am at a loss as to what you want me to do that I am not already doing. Once again, I cannot continue to be a whipping boy after indicating that I am working the issue. I must confess that I have never experienced anything like the past week since I have been on this thread. We get to the finals of the Carling Cup for the first time in years and all the Club gets is complaints. We've got Brits and Americans being killed and wounded fighting for their Countries and we are moaning about tickets. Let's get real. I have said I have raised this with the Club...enough said. :bang::bang::bang:

I agree with this general I am pretty astounded that fans are moaning about where they have to sit at WEMBLEY, considering we have not been their for 10 years you would think people would just be happy to be there.

What I will say is the majority of fans of course are delighted and although as my daughter was born last year and my missus would not let me have a season ticket :x I will still have a great day watching the Villa with my Dad at WEMBLEY on the T.V.

People are claiming to feel like 3rd rate Villa fans but where else do you get a board member talking to the fans on a forum? Surely for most that is a pretty good indication that we (Villa fans) are not seen as 3rd rate.

Keep up the good work.

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Are their any plans re: flags for the Final, I think you will agree the atmosphere was brilliant at the semi-final and the uniformity of the flags really made it electric? I'm not suggesting we get free flags again but if we could purchase flags with the Carling cup final as a momento that would be great..im sure its happening

On another note I was having problems getting a hotel in london and their beer prices are astronomical, could Nicky Keye look into it for me..just joking...just to let you know we'll be raising the Villa Flag high in London Town on Sat, let them know the mighty VILLA coming..UTV

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Guest Ricardomeister

General, with respect the only point that you said that you were responding to was the e-ticketing issue unless I have missed the point where you said you were looking into a direct phone line for the Disability Liaison Officer and the point where ambulant disabled fans could order their tickets in the same way as England do (ie the day before they go on general sale as surely it is only fair that the few seats we can reach are reserved for our group, not just morally but also legally). If you can point me to where you did respond to those specific points then I will gladly apologise. I have certainly not had any pm from you as I have just checked my inbox.

I did not ask for my disability and I have done nothing to cause the condition as it is hereditary and yet I am being portrayed as unreasonable which I find disgraceful, if not surprising merely for wanting the chance to keep my dignity and look after my health. With respect, why mention soldiers being killed as this is just being emotive and has nothing to do with this issue?

As for the sarcastic comments from some "fans" about PMT and moaning about being 3rd rate fans this is unfortunately symptomatic of the lack of empathy in society...I just hope that you people do not ever suffer from a major disability as I suspect that you would not then make such ignorant comments.

I will now just wait and see what happens as to whether this issue is merely just down to poor communication from Aston Villa or whether it is something that needs to be pursued in other channels.

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Im sorry you feel this way about tickets - i really am. There will be Birmingham City fans who have never been to a birmingham match, let alone a Villa one (apart from when they are working in the stands) who will be sitting in the Villa end at Wembley singing for the opposition (in which tickets say if you know of any opposition fans in our end it is to be reported - in which im doing), while there will be loyal fans who wernt able to get to this game because of this.

TBH, it doesnt come as a surprise to me - the ticket office as been a shambles for as long as i can remember and i dont see why it would change now.

*PS. This is nothing personal towards you general, just venting how i feel about something at the club. Hope your well.

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The lack of respect/appreciation being shown towards the club and ticket office is quite astonishing..

The achievement of making it to our first cup final in 10 years is being slowly eroded by some fans over the frustration of not being able to get a ticket.

I was one of those on Wednesday who spent all day trying to get tickets online with no success, fortunately for me I managed to get 3 on the Thursday, did I get frustrated at times while waiting....yes, did I take a moment to reflect that this is at a maximum an event which can occur twice a season and in our situation has occured once in 10 years - and fans expect a system to be faultess - I sometime believe that our fans do not realise how fortunate we are and as they say "You only realise what you had when it's gone"

Clearly none of us want to be in the situation of Portsmouth etc, but sometimes I think it is what some of our fans attitudes actually deserve and it dissapoints me beyond belief at this lack of respect shown.

I beg for all you to get behind the team 28th February, whether it's at home watching or in the stadium this is an achievement which we can be proud of and lets show that we are proud of this and not spoil this over pathetic and over the top frustrations.

Up the villa!

Thanks once again General for your incredible work, time and most of all patience and resilience.

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Embarassed to read some of these posts, especially after the General has gone out of his way to respond and to look into the issues. I've got little to no chance of getting a ticket for Wembley but i'll wait, cross my fingers and hope for a huge stroke of luck. Yet those who will DEFINITELY be getting one do nothing but bitch and moan at a man who has nothing but class and integrity. Shameful.

I really hope this doesn't sour your dedication to the Villa cause Gen. And on a lighter note, who's your pick for the Superbowl next week?

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It really is a joke that the General is getting nothing but grief on the ticketing issue for the cup final...get a grip everyone, if you've got a ST you're guaranteed a ticket so what's the big deal? This thread just reneforces my belief that a large amount of members on this site are muppets.

Great job General, I really appreciate everything that yourself and Randy (and the rest of the backroom staff) have done for my beloved Aston Villa, cannot and will not fault you in any shape or form! I want to buy you a beer when I come over to America to celebrate St Patrick's day! Get yourself down to Savannah, GA for the parade and all your beers will be on me!!

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It really is a joke that the General is getting nothing but grief on the ticketing issue for the cup final...

There will be 31,000 tickets sold. Law of averages says you will always get the odd complainant. Fair play to you General and the club for listening to these concerns and trying to take action.

Thankfully, as I am sure you are aware, the overwhelming majority of supporters are more than happy to be at the final and have found, or are finding, the process of buying a ticket a welcome novelty after 10 years if not a perfect process.

Keep up the good work General. You are very much appreciated.

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I do not wish to belittle the issues of handful of fans who have complained on this thread in recent days, however, can you confirm you are not going to lump all Villa fans into a group who appear to be ungrateful, impatient and love to moan?

I guessed there might be some issues with thousands of fans all trying to buy tickets immediately they were available so, even as a season card holder, I haven't tried yet. I have faith in the ticket office's ability to save a suitable amount of each category tickets for my choice when my K5 purchasing opportunity arises.

I'm disappointed that a few fans have decided not to trust that the system will eventually get them a ticket and instead chosen to complain. Please don't let it get you down. I'm sure 99% of us remain grateful to all those who work hard at the club.


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General Krulak here:

1. ricardomeister: I meant what I said...I passed all of your issues to the Club. In fact, I was on the phone at 8:00 am EST today with a member of the Club discussing your issues. JUST LIKE I SAID I WOULD DO. As for suffering from a major disability, I have been wounded twice and still carry the iron in my body and have major difficulty accomplishing certain things. Likewise, I am not exactly in great shape now...medically. My mention of those who are serving in Afghanistan and Iraq is to simply suggest that others are suffering too. I am trying to put this issue to bed...I have done what I promised I would do. If that isn't enough for you...if that doesn't show that the Club does care what you think...then I don't know what to do.

2. I will be off the thread for the next 5 days undergoing some tests. It is probably a good thing for my mental health!! :bonk: :bonk: :wave::wave:

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God this has got a bit heavy recently.

Can I ask a Wembley free question (however, I know you've answered it 100 times before, but not recently)

Any update on the Villa Park development ?.

I would think if we were planning any changes this summer they would have been announced by now,as it would effect season tickets for next year, which go on sale in less than 4 months.

Also, does this all depend on England getting the World Cup ?

Hope the tests go OK.

Just to make you chuckle, you think you have silly questions. I had a woman ring me up at work today telling me her 18 yr old son has decided to move out and live with his mate , and she thought I needed to stop him and stay with her. I also had another woman ring me up and tell me her 18yr old daughter had met a guy that she didn't like and she wanted me to stop her seeing him.

I have this stuff every day of my life !! , at least you've only had it once in 10 yrs. :D

PS - I sometimes moan at MON but fair play to him this week - put both Wenger and Allerdyce in their places. Big thumbs up

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A great big LOL @ the Gen!

The combat hardened General who has always answered the constant stream of gripes and moans on this site without so much of bead of sweat befalling his brow is now somewhere cowering in a corner clutching an off-tilt tin hat to his head whilst waving a tattered white flag as a small army of disgruntled Villa fans hurl season tickets, chairs, computers and prosthetic limbs at him!

I bet you didnt see this coming as the final whistle went at the Blackburn game now did you :winkold:

Please remember though Gen, its all because we love the Villa so much, and we all appreciate what you do personally here.

Hope your therapy, ahem, i mean tests go well, all the best


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Guest Ricardomeister

Thank you for your help General, and I hope my mind will be put at rest on Wednesday. I am glad that, unlike some of the intellectually challenged sycophants on here, you can understand that some of the "moaners" do actually have genuine reasons to "moan". I wish you well with your tests.

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