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General Krulak (part 2) and *STILL NO TRANSFER QUESTIONS*


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I have just spent 1hr 10 mins trying to get thru to the ticket office and then got the young girl say "SOLD OUT" - is there any chance of lobbying Blackburn for more tickets - if 5,000 go this early I'm sure we could sell 1,000s more??

Merry Xmas

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I've been reading VT for a while now, but only just got around to registering!

You do a sterling job and I would like to wish you, and the ever-mentioned Mrs K, a Merry Christmas!

One minor-point; I had chips & curry sauce from the Upper Holte at the Stoke Game and the curry sauce seemed very thin! (It's normally top notch - but on that occasion I had to leave most of the chips because the curry sauce tasted so watered-down!)


ps- I was roaming Wikipedia the other day and saw that your birthday is on 4th March... Ditto! (unless Wikipedia is incorrect!)

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Good evening General,

I was just wondering if you have any idea when we will be able to purchase half season tickets again? Also, will the price be reduced slightly when they do come back on sale? I tried to purchase one today, however I was unable to due to the fact that the Liverpool game is sold out.

It might also be a good idea for the club to update the official website, which still advertises the half season ticket as being on sale. It could clog the phones up for no reason and slow others down from buying individual match tickets otherwise.

Thanks for your time as always General and keep up the good work.

I don't usually quote myself. however I just wanted to let you know that the situation was resolved. The staff at the ticket office were brilliant about the whole thing and contacted me last night to let me know I could purchase the HST but without the Liverpool game (plus at a slightly lower price). The speed in which they contacted me was fantastic. The OS has also been updated.

If you could also give a special thanks to Sophie at the ticket office then that would be great aswell. Her customer service was fantastic and she did all that was possible to help.

In the past issues such as this would not have been resolved as fast. I just want to say another big thankyou to all of the staff at VP, along with Lerner, yourself and everyone else involved in reviving our beloved club. You have all done a terrific job.

Merry Christmas to you all! :D

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Hi General.

Just a note to say how many Villa fans feel let down by the club. Single match ticket prioty for fans that traveled to sunderland over fans that went to Portsmouth is a disgrace. I wrote a letter to the club on the 8th Dec and still had no answer back. To quote you in a early message "Fans that want to go to Blackburn will get a ticket" It is a disgrace that fans that travelled to portsmouth did not have the chance to get their tickets today. One of my freinds went to his 1st away game to Sunderland where there was free travel, he was lucky 2day to get a ticket. Do you think this is fair to supports that travel more often. Yet again Aston Villa let down the FANS.

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Yet again Aston Villa let down the FANS.

Mate in all fainess i think that has been answered plenty of times. You can please some of the people all of the time and you can please all of the people some of the time. But you can't please all of the people, all of the time.

And to state that Randy and his regime have let fans down at this time, let alone any other time, is absolutely absurd.

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Hi General.

Just a note to say how many Villa fans feel let down by the club. Single match ticket prioty for fans that traveled to sunderland over fans that went to Portsmouth is a disgrace. I wrote a letter to the club on the 8th Dec and still had no answer back. To quote you in a early message "Fans that want to go to Blackburn will get a ticket" It is a disgrace that fans that travelled to portsmouth did not have the chance to get their tickets today. One of my freinds went to his 1st away game to Sunderland where there was free travel, he was lucky 2day to get a ticket. Do you think this is fair to supports that travel more often. Yet again Aston Villa let down the FANS.

although i have ticketsfor this i do want to second this as its a disgrace.

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Somebody please call 999, some people are going to need a WAAAAAAAAAmbulance.

Nobody, but nobody, should feel a sense of entitlement to a ticket, regardless of what match they attended and when. To say that, because you haven't got a ticket to a football match, "Yet again Aston Villa let down the FANS" is a shockingly narrow-minded comment.

This was always going to be a hugely over-subscribed match. The club had to make a decision .n ticketing, and its a decision that was never going to be 100% popular regardless of what side the club came down on. Suck it up. Demand far outweighed supply. This is only going to get worse and worse as we get more successful on the pitch.

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General Krulak here:

1. Blackburn game: We received an allocation of 5,000 tickets for the game...which is more than the 15% that Blackburn had to provide. We have gone back and asked for as MANY MORE tickets as we can get. Unfortunately, it is highly unlikely that we will get any more. We WILL be showing the game in both the Holte Pub and Holte Suite...details will be posted on line.

2. People who missed out on tickets need to understand that when they go on sale, you need to move fast...the number of tickets is finite.

3. andyadidas: "Yet again, Aston Villa let down the Fans." I don't even know how to respond to such nonsense other than to say that if you feel that way, then I absolutely do not know what would possibly make you happy. We cannot be all things to all people!! Simple as that. You have an owner who busts his bum to do right by the Fans. You have a Board that keeps the Fans in the forefront. You have a Manager and Coaches and Team that are working like trojans to make the Fans happy. You have a Villa Park staff who are focused on the Fans. And YOU have the nerve to say, "Yet again, Aston Villa let down the fans." You need to reevaluate such a statement. It does not honor you as a fan.

4. Rob182: Welcome aboard to a great site!

5. paddy: I see thru your veiled "transfer" question...so let me again say that I do not do transfers. Martin does transfers. Whether he buys, sells, or does nothing is HIS call. Randy trusts MON. The Board trusts MON. He has proven that he can do a superb job and we are with him 110%. None of us are going to be dictating to MON what to do...we haven't done that before and we aren't going to start now. Some 6 months ago we had Fans questioning selling Barry...buying a injured player...spending money on some backs...etc. etc. My sense is that if we look at last summer objectively, those concerns have gone away. Let's just let Martin do what HE feels is necessary...not what WE feel is necessary.

6 Mark Hughes: I am not one to comment on his sacking. I will say that this may be symptomatic of what happens when a great deal of money is poured into a Club in one transfer window and immediate results are not forthcoming. ManCity is a helluva team and results are expected I would imagine.

7. Christmas in the Krulak family will be spent with one of my sons and daughter-in-law and grandkids. It will be a great day.

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You have an owner who busts his bum to do right by the Fans. You have a Board that keeps the Fans in the forefront. You have a Manager and Coaches and Team that are working like trojans to make the Fans happy. You have a Villa Park staff who are focused on the Fans.

It's a great time to be a Villa fan! Having all this at our club, you'd think it was Christmas. General, please remember that most fans do appreciate all this and love you for it!

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You have an owner who busts his bum to do right by the Fans. You have a Board that keeps the Fans in the forefront. You have a Manager and Coaches and Team that are working like trojans to make the Fans happy. You have a Villa Park staff who are focused on the Fans.

It's a great time to be a Villa fan! Having all this at our club, you'd think it was Christmas. General, please remember that most fans do appreciate all this and love you for it!

Nobody goes though life General without making mistakes, what i love about the Villa is they learn from them and thats whats important. Its times like these that disappointment causes people to have short memories, it may come across as ungrateful but it reality they are just disappointed

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You have an owner who busts his bum to do right by the Fans. You have a Board that keeps the Fans in the forefront. You have a Manager and Coaches and Team that are working like trojans to make the Fans happy. You have a Villa Park staff who are focused on the Fans.

General K,

I haven't posted on here for some time but had to defend you, Randy and the club here. AVFC is about as far removed from the old club you tookover as I can imagine. We have an owner who is 2nd to none!! Not one other club has what we have in Randy and the way he puts the fans first. I believe if he could we would get into Villa Park free!

I am looking forward to Christmas and the New YEar more than I have done in decades as a Villa fan and think we are very close to a very special time in our history.

I know you don't do transfers but if MON feels he wants to make a mvoe in January will Randy be able to help again?

Have a great Christmas with the family and I hope to see you back at Villa Park in the early New Year.

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General: Didn't get the chance to get a ticket for the away leg at Blackburn because by the time i finally got through, they were gone. Bit gutted but that is life.

My understanding from talking to the helpful person at the ticket office is that it is down to our fans behaviour that we only got 5,000 - not the 8,000 that we had last season. It was explained that the 5,000 was probably more than the police really wanted to give us.

Now I understand the reasoning, I would expect villa to do no less if the same happened at our ground. If we do get more, I shall try again. :-)

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Thanks for your response General, I guess it was a transfer question if you look at it that way, sorry about that. Thanks for your response anyway, it did answer it really in that you say if MON wants to buy he can. That's all I wanted to check really, I wasn't asking you to force him! I trust him as much as you do.

Anyway, I wish you a happy and (perhaps more importantly) healthy Christmas and hope to see you back at VP in the new year. I've delayed my treatment for a week of Christmas so I can appreciate it fully before starting again on December 28th. Have a good one.

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Yet again Aston Villa let down the FANS.

That sentence alone invalids all that you have said or indeed might say in the future.

General you, Villa and the team are not letting anybody down. Some villa fans let themselves down but to everybody else have a very Merry Xmas.

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Hiya Gen - Merry Xmas to yourself, Mrs K and all the family

I would say I would love peace to all the world this christmas, but personally, I'd settle for a pair of slippers !.

Well first of all I must say a big thank you and well done to everyone at the Villa. What a fantastic time to be a Villa fan. Listening to Talksport the other day they were debating "Can Villa win the league" - jesus, it's been 16yrs since I heard that !. Give MON his due, I moan at him a lot of the time, but if it was by luck or judgement, he's got it right with the Milner / Downing combination.

I do want to tell you about a bad experience I had on Saturday, I actually don't think it is the Villa but I would like you to know.

Against Hull, I had two bets at the Kiosk at the Holte End. These were Dunne to score 1st goal - 18/1 and Dunne to score anytime 5-1 - £1 bet. I asked at the time how you can collect winnings and I was told you can collect them a) at a Kiosk behind the North Stand after the game, or B) at the Kiosk I placed the bet at the next game (ie: Stoke).

So Saturday, before kick off I trundled to the kiosk in order to collect my £25 which was paying for the petrol home only to be told "Sorry mate, that ia not on the list". I enquired what list and they showed me a list of the odds from the Hull game - which included things like Fabian Delph and Villa to win 6-1 !!!!. I tried to say "Look , the odds are on the coupon here - 18-1 and 5-1" but all I got was "It's not on the list, you'll have to open an online account or collect after the game. Neither was appealing to me, I park in Nechells, the opposite way, and had two young kids with me - I don't fancy walking around Nechells when no-one else is around. I therefore had to get my 62 yr old dad to borrow me the money so I could get home, and he queued for the money.

I really want to know why they will take your money, but not pay you out. Why on earth they had a list that was not needed. I can tell you off my head all they needed. That was the odds for ;

Dunne to score 1st, Dunne to score anytime, Carew to score anytime, Milner to score anytime, Villa / Villa at half / full time and Villa win 3-0 ! - that was all that was needed. Why on earth they needed Delph and Villa to win 6-1 was beyond me.

I only noticed this week these are no longer Ladrokes, but some online place. My personal view is, lets say, Gabby scores first, people will say (as with lottery scratch cards) - sod it, it isn;t worth the queue for a couple of quid, and I am not setting up an account - and not collect.

I was really angry and will never place a bet at the Villa again, I'll use the bookies down the road.

As I say, I presume this isn't strictly a Villa issue, however, I would hope when the contract comes up for renewal, concerns (as I believe I am not the only one who has had issues) will be raised.

Cheers, see you at Emirates if you are there !!!



Re: Blackburn, I like others have been left disappointed that I didn't get one. However, i don't blame the club - I blame the total morons who demolished the Fernhurst Pub outside Ewood Park in February. I only hope for Villas and footballs sake that these idiots didn't get tickets this time, and if you were one who was doing it, and now haven't got a ticket - JUSTICE !!

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You were right to tear a strip off that adidas bloke but I suppose he's just posted in 'hot blood'

Anyway I just wanted to say the whole team at Villa - and I do mean everybody involved, has done a fantastic job this year. Look at all the teams who are casting envious glances in our direction. I reckon 2010 is going to bring some special moments.

Happy Christmas to you all.

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