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General Krulak (part 2) and *STILL NO TRANSFER QUESTIONS*


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General Krulak here:

1. Never met "the real Tony Daley"...I sort of like the one on this thread.

2. The RV game "deal" was the combination of Fan input and the great work by Nicky Keye and her folks and Paul Faulkner...and, of course, Randy.

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General can I ask you a question with your fan hat on.....

Who is the nicest current Villa player, 1 name is no problem, that's not saying the other fella's aren;t lovely guys but I'm sure someone stands out who comes across as as such a helping and great professional/person.

also who is your favourite current Villa player in terms of, if there was 1 person you'd want to see on the team sheet more than most, who would it be?

We all have our favourite players and I'm sure you do too, although it's a tough one at the minute!

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General Sir

Our thanks again to Randy et al re the RV tickets, another gesture which I'm sure some will take the wrong way as usual. I wish these fans were about when Doug Deadly used to shaft us watching dross as season tickets went up 20% per annum!

Anyway, we are on the Stadium tour on Sunday for my Twin brothers birthdays, and they/me/we are really looking forward to a good day and the usual nice food, which it always is down VP. Could you pass onto MON that my MOM is from Derry too and she's coming to stalk him, in a nice-ish way!

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Hi General,

I would also like to take the opportunity to say thank you for the generosity shown by the club to the fans who attended the Vienna game. I will make sure that I shout myself hoarse when cheering on the lads against Cardiff!

One last thing General. I sent you a pm yesterday and just wondered if you have had chance to take a look at it yet.

Up the Villa!

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I've just got home after a 14 hour shift at work and a 3 hour drive. After saying hello to my wife and kids, the first thing I did was check VillaTalk and what do I find? Free tickets for my family to go to the Cardiff game! Please thank Randy and the relevant club staff on my behalf. I'm genuinely pleased my support is appreciated by the club.


Oh and while your at it, thank Randy for the transfer cash! :D

Here's to a quicker recovery and your swift return to Villa Park! :cheers:

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General Krulak here:

1. I can't help but note that this is my 1000th post on Villa Talk. I confess that when I first came on this site I never expected it to last this long...I figured I'd be out on my hat within a week or so. 1000 posts later the only person ready to chuck me is the "real" General...my wife!!!

2. The credit for the RV/Cardiff scheme is, obviously, Randy. Backing him up and making it all work was Nicky Keye and the folks at ticketing and Paul Faulkner. I can promise you...this was NOT a PR scheme or anything else. This was Randy and YOUR Club sending a signal to OUR Fans that we DO appreciate you. I have said it often in the last weeks but....without Fans in the seats, we will not have a Club. We need the stands filled...we need folks cheering...and yes, we need the revenue. BUT, first and foremost, we need the spirit of the 12th man that is embodied in each of our Fans.

3. To the Mods: Thank you for all your help over the past 1000 posts...I know you have had a few tough days and your help has been greatly appreciated. Semper Fidelis to you all.

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general, sorry its taken a few days to write this up -

i got 2 tickets for the lower north for fulham on sunday, got there sat down watching the warm up, over came the 2 season ticket holders who's seats we were sat in as it had been double booked, got moved into the corner (by a very helpful and apologetic steward) which wasnt the end of the world but got absolutely drenched in the 2nd half

not sure how that could be allowed to happen

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General Krulak here:

1. I can't help but note that this is my 1000th post on Villa Talk. I confess that when I first came on this site I never expected it to last this long...I figured I'd be out on my hat within a week or so. 1000 posts later the only person ready to chuck me is the "real" General...my wife!!!


Congratulations and thank you for your contribution on behalf of our club. It might not always appear so, but it is appreciated.

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General Krulak here:

3. VillaNI: I am sure that MON wishes it was a easy as you seem to think it is to go out and get this great signing. Just is NOT as easy or as practical as you think. It just isn't!! The Club must be willing to sell this "world class" CB, the CB must be willing to come, the agent must be effective in helping make all of this happen, the money needs to be right, the player needs to be of the type to fit into the Squad, etc. etc. etc. You make it seem so easy...well, it isn't. If you don't like the transfer window, so be it.


please don't take my comment out of context as I had patience throughout this transfer window and am pleased with the additions to the squad. Solid if not spectacular would be my description.

I was simply stating that it would be nice to have a 'world class superstar' and felt that a new CM, not a CB as you seem to think I mentioned was the position to slot him in. I know it isnt easy and did'nt assume it is but god loves a trier ;)

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Hi General, so happy with the spending again this summer. Real investment spent on the team and the facilities year in year out. Im gobsmacked how many people dont seem to appreciate this. Very clever buys by MON, and we have done what i thought would be impossible, i.e improve the first 11 and the squad despite the massive losses through no fault of our own. Apart from disastar (from the PR side of things to the loss in morale) that was Moscow last year, and the fact he didnt sign what was needed in January to help us keep that 4th spot, are the only real critiscism I can have of MON at this point after 3 seasons, any their are so many plus points and the guy has donew and is doing a stirling job. Well set still I feel to have a good shot at meeting our target, at the end of the 5 year plan.

Infact ref the 5 year plan, was it a solid, thought out, step by step plan we have attempted to follow, or was it just a figure of speech basically saying you hope to be battling for a top 4 slot within 5 years? If its the former, have recent events / takleovers meant the plan has been adjusted, and perhaps extended?

My question to you which may have already been asked is, what are your thoughts on the low attendences aty certain games this season? Due to the recession did you exoect this a downturn is ticket sales? If so are there any more offers in the pipeline (like the brilliant announcemnent today ref the free tickets for those who attemded the Vienna game?) to help get a few more through the doors.

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General - 3 things for me to mention.

1) What an excellent thread this is and it simply underlines the comitment that Randy and yourself has shown to the club and how much you really are here for the right reasons. Keep up the good work, and hopefully your efforts will be rewarded on the pitch eventually.

2) An superb gesture from the club to reward the loyal fans that showed up for the RV game with tickets for the C*****F game. What an amazing thing to do, how many other clubs would offer a similar deal?! Not many I'd bet.

3) Please tell MON and the boys (if possible) to give the scum (C*****F) a right thrashing in the Carling Cup. By sharing my loyalties between Newport County (a team which I doubt you've every heared of; we're a Team From South Wales, in the Blue Square South - around 5 leagues below the Villa!) and Aston Villa. C*****F are our rivals (like blues are to Villa) and for us to hammer them would give me no greater satisfaction, as being honest the days of my team (Newport County) having a chance to do it are long gone. :cry:

Keep up the good work General. I really enjoy reading your responses.

Up the Villa! and Up the County! :winkold:

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General Krulak here:

6. chips'ngravy: Simply put, I disagree with you. "There are very few of his ilk in the Premiership, if any, as good as him" You cannot be serious about that can you??? None as good as Barry?? Let's just agree to disagree and get off the subject. Gareth did a fine job for Villa over the years. He wanted to go...for two years. He's gone.

I'm deadly serious, whilst the likes of Gerrard and Lampard may be considered as world class and are extremely good attacking midfielders there are few that do the same kind of job as Barry in taking responsibility in possession in a very important part of the pitch, which explains his place in the England side. His distribution and selfless play are but two of his qualities.

I don't wish to labour a point, but I'd be interested to know who you think, of his style, is as good let alone better than Barry in the Premiership at the moment.

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I dont post on here often, I tend to just read and listen to debates.

First off I am proud to be a Villa fan and gestures like Cardiff make it even more so, thanks to you, Randy and MON

I go to every home game and away game (bar the few when I'm ill or when the Missus has something important to do, like shopping!! im not bitter)

The home and away games are almost chalk and cheese..the passion and voice of the away fans is 10 fold what we get at Villa Park

My question is what can we do to change that at Home, it would make a massive difference I am sure of it

Thinking outside of the box, I was thinking some kind of noise meter visible to all fans or a band sponsored by the Villa (like at the england games or at American sports games)..I know this sounds crazy but if you remember not too long ago with the scarves at the Euro champs the noise and the atmosphere added to the performance I am sure of it

anyway just a thought

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Well done to you and everyone involved with the RV ticket scheme, what a great gesture to the fans of our grand club! Hopefully against Cardiff there will be a big crowd, a great atmosphere and hopefully a Villa victory to see us into the 4th round!

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Firstly, I am really thrilled at the free ticket for the Cardiff game. Thank you very much. Regardless of whether it's the club or a family member or friend, you have to be delighted when someone treats you to a game at your beloved Villa. :D

Secondly, thank you for this continuing facility on VillaTalk, whereby the Villa family can communicate civilly and openly with the Board through yourself. It remains a privilege not a right, and I am very grateful for it. You and I have had one or two discussions about tactics on the field and the way you handled those, even when there might have been a measure of disagreement, is a credit to you and the club. If it's any consolation, I have never met two fans who agreed on absolutely everything! The club is in great health and for the first time in my adult life, we have two decent players in every position. Not galacticos, but solid, decent players. And everytime I see the facade of the Holte, it symbolises our progress.

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I'd just like to add my thanks to those already posted for the generous and somewhat expensive) gesture made by the club.

Please forward fullsome praise to all responsible in the decision making process.

And further thanks for still being here after 1000 posts some of which must have been frustrating to write and for continuing to meet with us here during your convalesence, hopefully back to full fitness soon so we can welcome you back to VP properly

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Hi Gen

Just got back from sunnying myself in Tenerife, and caught up on here.

First off, I recommend anyone to go on holiday for the last two weeks of the window then just find a computer 5 minutes after it shuts - it is a lot less stressful I can tell you !.

Games - Liverpool, hilarious !, nothing better than being in a bar, away from home surrounded by "self pity city dwellers" and stuffing them.

Vienna , not disappointed, but this is not a good thing. With what occurred last season I am sorry to say my feelings at full time were "At least that saves some money !"

Fulham - again , great performance, I actually wondered whether Friedel was reading a book - he must have been bored stiff !.

Overall -

surely to god Martin has realised, or maybe been told, to stop being so bloody stubborn. 4-4-2 and Heskey does not work. Not only do we play with 10 men, as Heskey is woeful, as Gabby cannot work off a target man, we play with 9 - 4-4-2 was destroying Gabby, and also Ash, as he is then forced to play a more box to box player - and Ash's strength is not at our corner flag. It is no co-incidence that Milner plays will in a 4-4-2 - as that is his style.

Also, I and many others have said for 6 months now - NRC should be the 1st name on the team sheet, and maybe even captain. The guy gives us bite, the guy gives the defence protection. Again, I hope to god Martin has now realised - but I just think it has been 8 months totally wasted.

Off pitch.

Well, this is it isn't it. 40 m spent, 2nd highest spenders both gross and net. He has no more excuses. Personally, I like Dunne, he is a leader and I think we lack that more than anything. Collins I'll be honest and say I've never really saw him so I will reserve judgement. Beye - sorry, looks out of his depth, but I am hoping Luke will be back shortly. Delph - one for future, Downing - I just dont understand that one, but we will see, maybe he sees him as a central player - but again, square pegs and all that.

However, he has had the money, he has spent it - he will live and die by it. I do agree with others though, I wanted a "high profile signing". I know Man City are different but they showed with Robinho, once you attract one star name, others will follow. Only you know if we tried to get that "quality" signing, but from the outside it doesn't look like it.

Cardiff gesture, very nice touch even though I dont benefit.

"That post" - although I would go to the games if Villa were in the conference, I agree with every sentiment Pilchard said and hope it was shown and hope it had the desired effect.

Barry - I do think you have come across a little disrespectful. I don't see barry as a hero - he tried to leave us twice before which some people forget. However, the guy was a unbelievably class act, keeps his England place when England has it's best midfield for 40 yrs, is getting MOTM in a city side that makes Real Madrid look like Accrington - and all this from what was supposed to be a centre back !

I hate him for going - but the guy was sheer class.

Oh - and nearly forgot - tell MON "NEVER" to let Young take another penalty - he's bloody woeful !. Personally, I cannot see why a forward would ever pass up the opportunity of a "free goal" - if Carew had of took pens he would have been the 1st player in 30 yrs to get 20 last season !. I could never see Shearer or the like saying "I don't want to take this - I don't like them" !. And if they aren't confident then Gabby and Carew should be made to stay behind and practice them every day !.

Up the Villa, how long to Jan 1st ?

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