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General Krulak (part 2) and *STILL NO TRANSFER QUESTIONS*


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Guest Ricardomeister

General, I think that the team deserve full credit for the way they battled and gave 100% effort last night, just as they deserved the criticism for not battling and not putting in 100% effort against Wigan, and maybe the boos were the kick up the backside that they needed. The fact that Liverpool fans booed their team off at half time and full time shows that our fans are no different from any other fans, so it is very hypocritical of anyone to say otherwise. If the team continue to put in the same effort as last night then their will be no need for any fans to boo.

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I don't know if you've watched much ESPN (US channel, not UK channel) lately, but they seem to still have only our old crest in their database. Their advertising for their PL broadcasts (both on-air and on sites such as this) features the old crest and in the SportsCenter highlights for the game, they clearly showed the old crest.


I'm sure that Randy, being party to the biggest rights deal that ESPN has (Monday Night Football), can get somebody in Bristol to remedy this: ESPN showing the old crest is counterproductive to any branding efforts the club is undertaking in the States.

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Dear General,

What a fantastic performance last night which shows thats there's not much wrong at Villa Park. We have the best chairman in the Premiership, excellent ground and training facilities, one of the best youth systems in the country, a superb manager who has turned the team from relegation contenders to achieve consequtive top 6 finishes. Some of our more fickle "supporters" mock Martin O'Neill as the "messiah", but I think he has been nothing less than this, taking us from 16th, to 11th and then 2 6th place finishes. He inherited a shambles and turned the club around with the help of Mr Lerner. Whatever Martin does from now on, and I have no doubt he will achieve many great things, he should be remembered as the manager who stopped the rot, much as Vic Crowe did in the 70s.

More than ever we need to keep the faith in the club, the team and the manager.

Will you be at the Vienna and Fulham games. I'm coming over from Barcelona for these games, and I'd like to give you one of our Barcelona Lions Club Keep The Faith badges?

Thanks for evrything you're doing for our great club.


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General Krulak here:

1. There was a short sentence in one of the posts that we all need to think about: Losing to Wigan doesn't mean relegation and winning at Liverpool doesn't mean winning the Premiership. We still have a long way to go. Many of the comments made over the past couple of weeks remain valid...both positive and negative. I am a realist...and have been one all my life. I have "been there, done that and got the T-shirt." We will get to where we all want to go...we will!!! At the same time, we need to take each game one at a time and recognize we will have good days and bad ones. The key is to have more good ones than bad ones!! I've been in battles that we have lost...the key is to win the war.

2. An example of how helpful this thread can be to the Fans: sellyoakvilla posted a question re. ticketing. I said I would check with Nicky Keye and sellyoakvilla was right! The student price should have read 28 pounds...and we frequently have student offers...particularly in the lower holte. We will correct this on the price web. It is correct that our match ticket price has been raised to 43 pounds for a top tiered seat in center areas of the stadium and areas which have been re-categorized. At the same time, we do offer great value for money. Tickets start at 17 pounds for adults and 10 pounds for juniors for value games. Category AA games start at 20 pounds a ticket for adults and 15 pounds for juniors.

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Hi General,

Agree wholeheartedly with your last post. Those who have criticised Martin O'Neill and Aston Villa in general after one game were foolish (even more so the idiots who boo and continue to use this bizarre "I pay my money, so I can do what I like" excuse).

However, it will arguably be more foolish for anyone to imagine that after one victory everything is rosy and we will waltz into a top 4 finish! Now is the time to knuckle down and make sure we try our best to stay in Europe - which may be far harder than people think.

However, what concerns me most is an apparent breakdown in the mutual affection between MON and our fans - understandable given the unjustified booing, which depressed me more than the performance v. Wigan. In Premiership football, continuity is key and I've been naively hoping that Martin might be our first manager in ages to stay for longer than 5 years. He sounds pissed off at the moment - have you spoken to him about how he feels towards the fans, and reassured him that there are a quiet majority that are completely behind him?

Thanks and Up the Villa!


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Really pleased with the performance yesterday, still buzzin off it now if I'm honest. Could you inform MON that we would like to see more of that formation with Reo Coker and Sidwell in the middle and one striker up top on his own instead of an unbalanced 442. Cheers!

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Hello General

What a night....brilliant, more than makes up for last seasons defeat (although everyone seems to forget we nearly had them the season before too ).

Anyway, my reason for posting to you...

I can only think of one thing more depressing than our own fans moaning about our team and Manager, and that is if our players and Manager assume we all feel that way.

At Liverpool last night it seemed that maybe that was the case (Martin not responding to the fans - until the end - Ashleys celebration, and Martins comments afterwards).

It may be that I'm wrong. I hope so. It worried me. I'd have felt more at ease if he'd said "some" fans booing rather than being more general. The trouble is, not booing doesn't make any noise !!

Or it may be just that MON wants to put a bit of distance between himself and the fans and I wouldn't blame him, and it may be a good idea.

In any event can I ask for your reassurance that he and they are aware that just as some are unhappy others are not at all.

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General Krulak here:

1. claretandstew: I have not talked to Martin about his relationship with the fans and I would certainly never try to get inside his head to try and quess what he is thinking. With that said, let me put myself in his shoes and try to suss out how I might be feeling if I were in those shoes. (I recognize this is a dangerous thing to do.) First off, he is a pro. He certainly does not go into Bodymoor Heath thinking, "I can't wait to blow it today." He is like any of us...he wants to do well. He has had success over his career and has had success here at Villa Park. He is liked and respected by his players, his coaches and the Board. Last year he had some serious injuries that left his defense depleted and we did not end the season as we wanted to end it. He recognizes that fact and has been working hard to address this issue. The Fans are not happy with the speed with which he is addressing the issue. They don't know the effort he is putting into it...they don't know the negotiations that have taken place...they just don't know what they don't know. The team wins the Peace Cup against some very strong competition. Our youth produce great results. The spotlight is shown on the youth system...a system that is ultimately Martin's responsibility. We play a game against Wigan and it is, truthfully, a poor showing. Some Fans take that loss...add it on to the end of last season...and pile on the transfer window...and lay it all on Martin. The frustration and anger is displayed on the Sites, on the airways, and by booing Martin's lads at half-time of their first game of the season. When looked at in this perspective, I think that it is possible to understand why Martin might be a bit frustrated. (Remember, I am using myself in this situation because I have not talked to Martin). Again, when Martin talked about the booing to the press, he was doing what any good leader does...he was supporting the men he is leading. If he just let the booing go, it would not have been right. I thought Martin was spot on when he initiated his comments with the statement that the Fans buy the tickets and have the right to say what they want. As a professional, he recognizes that fact and stated such to the press. At the same time, that doesn't mean that he isn't human and doesn't have feelings himself. As Commandant of the Marine Corps, I had to put up with some pretty sharp words from many areas over a 4 year period. It is easy to say that "this comes with the job" but we are all human...and there were times when I felt that, for the good of the Marine Corps, I had to speak out...and I did. I think we are blessed with a fine owner, a fine Manager, a fine Coaching Staff, a great group of folks working at Villa Park and wonderful fans. I continue to believe that NOW we need to pull together...to unite for the "Bright Future." We are obviously going to have our ups and downs but believe me, we will have more ups than downs and that is what counts. Aston Villa Football Club has a great tradition and NO ONE wants to build on that tradition more than Randy Lerner and Martin. :D:D:D

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General: I am happy to admit I was wrong earlier about the suggestions that things were not all rosy in the garden. I know I had asked the question about the peace cup team, the way they played and the personel / match against Wigan. I am glad we beat the Red Scousers, it has been a long time coming and one which will surely enjoy for a few months to come yet. I believe it is down to the personel that played (obviously) but more so in the positions they played and the precise tactics they were given by MON.

It appears to me that given the right tactics, we have the personel currently. I also think we have cover in some places that we don't quite believe we have yet (i.e. the youngsters - lichar, albrighton, bannan, clarke etc.).

My only ever gripe previously seemed to be the passion and the tactics. They were addressed last night and look what happens !!!!! Magnificent.

Lets pray that on Thursday against Vienna and Sunday against Fulham that we don't revert to a system that does not help the defenders (4-4-2). I would much prefer we conceded nothing and win by one or two than concede 2 and only draw the match by playing 4-5-1.

Here is to more matches like last night and a bright future for the rest of the season.

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Now, THAT, is a post worth having on the front page. No doubt about it at all. It's even long enough ;)

Mods. seeing Pilchard got his airing is it possible for this Generals post to receive the same treatment?



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General - an excellent motivational post. I think it has been a quiet summer and I may be very wrong, but I suspect that some of the negativity and malevolence towards things that have happened (or in some cases have not happened or 'not happened quickly enough' for some) might have been avoided if 'somebody' (and not necessarily you) had been able to speak out positively like this to 'allay' any fears or concerns that 'easily led' supporters/fans/consumers might have had cause to post about.

I guess you are a victim of your own success here! Somebody with your status, with your outlook on life and your position in the hierarchy has the ability to lift the mood by putting things into perspective, seeing things in a more balanced way (there is no real comparison between football, real life and warfare and the respective sacrifices made in each - we can have only respect for guardians of the peace/justice in the military). A positive post by yourself (or similar) has the power to change the whole mood - that and a good result for the team. I learned more about this club and it's supporters in your last post than I have the last month of bun-fighting and point scoring in the other threads.

My point is - silence from the hierarchy (and it was deathly silent at times this summer) allows people to speculate, rumour churn and cause confusion and 'madness.' Even the 'new start' for the forum as a whole carried a veiled form of sarcasm for the usual offenders. Then again, everyone is different and there is no way everybody will tow the line - but I digress.

In a lull - I would feel happier about the 'quiet times' knowing that things were indeed still ongoing at the club and people were working hard to make things happen. It may be that some sort of regular 'official post' (preferably from the heart, like yours seem to read) would go a long way to dispel any myths... Maybe a weekly temp. check? I don't know. I guess something to keep the momentum and optimism going. Feed optimism and your herd will (probably) follow. In my job, I am a leader of men/women, though not from a military background. As a leader, being positive, without the woolly bullsh*t, has worked for me, and your posts work for you too.

Relaying on the printed media to fuel our forum has 'wind assisted' the 'death spiral,' that culminated in Pilchard's stance and MON's antedote to boos.

The Wigan performance played into the hands of the speculators and doom-merchants. It was difficult not to be affected by that performance - the players probably felt it, the manager certainly did and so did the fans. I know I did. As I have written in other threads, I didn't boo (though I admit I did against Stoke last season) and I didn't leave early - but I was shocked at the 'apparent' apathy of the players and what appeared to be (and I am not experienced in professional football) ill-preparation. You are spot on that I do not know what I don't or didn't know.

Liverpool was an epoch making signature result to finally start our season.

Now we have Vienna - Ah, Vienna (sorry). I would like to think that the whole ground, and not just the Holte will now get behind the team. Can we bring our flags?

I think the lesson to learned here for everybody (Boo-ers, Clappers, Supporters, Foot-voters etc) is that we are all different and have different priorities in life and in what we want to achieve and how quickly we can change things.

I've got my season ticket and cup scheme - I'll be there and I will live it. I might rant (profusely) at the ref, but I will certainly be behind the team. I am sure most others will too.

Thanks for your time.

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General. I wondered if there is anything that could be done about this. My friend and I have been Season Ticket holders for many years now. Myself for 20 years and my friend for about 15 now. Currently we sit in the upper Doug Ellis(middle) and for the last few seasons my friend's nephew has been a season ticket holder with us. This year he has turned 16 so his ticket had rocketed in price from £150. My friend told me it was £450 this year but I've just checked the prices ad there seems to be no concessionary price, not sure if that is right?

At the time of renewing his ticket my friend e-mailed the ticket office and asked if anything could be done as even though he is over 16 he is in full time education and can't afford the new cost. Unfortunately, nobody responded wither way to his request. As a result, his nephew didn't renew his ticket and it's possible he won't go at all now. He wants to join the RAF, though, so maybe he'll take advantage of the armed forces discount in future! Anyway, I know that there's probably nothing that can be done for him now but I just wondered if there is any way that the pricing structure could be looked at to reflect people who are students but considered young adults now? At the moment a 17/18 year old in full time education will be paying the same as one in a full time job. I did intend to make this enquiry when this happened but, unfortunately, you were away from the board with illness at the time. Anyway, glad you are back and thanks for listening.


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Good afternoon General,

It has been a while scince I spoke to you on here, however I do have a very good question for you (I think).

I understand that the North Stand will be knocked down and rebuilt. If this is correct, is there any chance that the seat could be sold to the current season ticket holder, maybe if they had been in that seat for 5 years plus or so?

I would love to have my seat in my house somewhere instead of it sitting on some dump or so!


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