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General Krulak (part 2) and *STILL NO TRANSFER QUESTIONS*


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Firstly, Thanks for your reply to my post. I must admit I too find it confusing why it's not been put up as an article - the fantastic thing about the club is that no matter what is going on, the very fact that we can address issues to yourself like that is brilliant, and I thank you for that. Your participation on this site is very much appreciated,

My overall point, I guess, was that people weren't deserting Villa and that there were very valid reasons why some might be deciding enough is enough,

However, it makes it much harder to do such a thing after performances like that. It was those kind of performances tonight which I spoke the lack of. It wasn't just the win (which was of course much appreciated), as it got to the final minute I'd have still come out of that game proud, and happy. Because it was the performance. There had been a lack of drive, a lack of desire in recent games. It was all there, back. The spirit shown in the games such as Everton away, Hull, it was back.

The players were a credit to this football club tonight, and Martin O'Neill got it spot on. I've criticsed him before on decisions, but I've also got to praise him. We stopped Liverpool playing - we frustrated them, and we got three goals. Fickle? As I said, you wouldn't be a fan if you were happy at losing and unhappy at winning.

I didn't think we were capable of playing like that anymore. I thought there was too much water under the bridge. I was clearly very, very wrong.

I'm off to pack now - for a weeks holiday with my girlfriend who happens to be a Liverpool fan. It's very hard not to gloat.


A very happy Villa fan.

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General Krulak here:

1. I thought the lads played an inspired game tonight...and deserve great credit. I also think that MON deserves great credit for his role in "inspiring" the lads. I thought NRC was immense.

2. I have already given my opinion of Pichard's post. Based on his post, he did not attend this game...and that is sad. Again, now is not the time to give up on the team or the manager. Now is the time to get behind them. If this game wasn't "fun" (I believe that is now the applicable term), then I don't know what is. I can get very frustrated and I can get angry and I can get disappointed and all the other feelings that are recorded on this site and others but my DNA does not permit me to turn my back on the Lads and vote with my feet. I am sorry but that is how I am. I have said it from day one...no miracles! No overnight sensations! Hard work, keep focused on building the Club based upon history and a wonderful ethos, trust the Manager, try to communicate with the Fans and....the day will come when '82 is repeated. Walking away from the game is not the answer.

I love that highlighted part of your post General :)

I agree with your comments about making a statement with your feet, it just isn't the way to help the club, unless your finances aren't able to meet the requirements of course. It certainly won't help the club push on as all of the big clubs already have a larger fan base than we do. But I do think it may have helped for the players to know that the fans won't accept such below par peformances as the one they dished up against Wigan.

The day we all start settling for performances like the one against Wigan, we may as well give up any hope of challenghing the big boys. At the same time, the players should realise that it was them who set such high standards for the fans in the first place so they should know that they are very capable when they put the right amount of effort in, as shown tonight!

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there's been a lot of negativity here recently, and as such credit where it's due, tonight was awesome. We're all Villa fans and can only call what we see, until tonight, there were ( and of course still are ) legitimate concerns, but now we've seen the Villa we love turn up, and it's wonderful and it gives you that little tingle of excitement back. Of course it will go back down and come back up again as the weeks go by, but it has been a long time since a victory has been savoured in such style - so I'm going to enjoy it! Terrific!

I'm glad you let MoN know that 4-5-1 was the way forward, I'm sure he got all those tips passed on by the fans ;)

Now let's take this form into Thursday.

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General like you said:

NRC was immense.

Credit to Curtis also!

But going back to NRC, How he isn't one of the first names on the team sheet is beyond me, Petrov seems a great person and all and a fine player but NRC in games seems to be the leader, seems to be the one rallying the lads, he's a natural born leader and a brilliant player!

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Hi General, There is is a reason we keep faith and though i dont like to gloat there are quite a few posters absent tonight. We will lose more games for certain but even then i will keep the faith. TONIGHTS GAME WILL GIVE THE TEAM ONE HELL OF A BOOST! :-)

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A tremendous win tonight General. Well done to all involved and a fantastic response to what has been a tough few weeks.

I'm really surprised that your response to Pilchards post was not given the front page treatment that it should have. Surely, mods, it's only fair that in any good debate there should be a right to reply and that right to reply be highlighted as prominently as the original post?

The excuse that the General's response isn't long enough to warrant front page exposure is pretty embarrassing given that there is at least one article currently on the home page with less words than the Generals reply (Habib Beye signing).

So, although not a direct question to the General my question to Villatalk is why hasn't his reply been given the same prominance as the original post? Surely in the interests of balance this is only fair?

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Fantastic result and performance tonight.

Its so frustrating when you see what the team can play like (ie tonight) and what they often do play like (ie Wigan and the final three months of last season) because we know this team is a very good one and we know we are so close to doing something special. We have been underperforming for the bulk of 2009 but a display like that reminds me of how good we could be. Lets hope that this is a new dawn, and not another false one. :D

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Mr General Sir,

That O'Neil is some guy, the whole team looked completely focus tonight. From the first whistle I new we were in it. Every player new what they were doing and did it with confidence. Last week we lost and we people wern't happy, Liverpool lost today and showed themselves up to be a disgrace to the game. I am loving Mon and the board for what they are bringing to this football club, we can't win them all but thank **** we ain't liverpool. win lose or draw I know what is right and wrong. Mo'N is the only man for Aston Villa. Thanks Again.

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I questioned the spirit when I spoke to you last General (and you gave a good reply which I'm thankful for), but even I can't doubt that on tonights performance. That's what we expect from this team, that's what we know they're capable of, and that's what O'Neill is known for in his sides, and I'm overjoyed to see it back, fantastic!

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Great match tonight General. Im not sure if MON has gone back to 4-5-1 because of fan pressure but im glad he has done whatever the reasons for it, please pass on our thanks for getting the tactics spot on tonight.

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General, perhaps now, those 'fans' like flashing and brumstopdogs and even pilchard will now get behind the team and the manager and stop their stupid and crass comments. Tonight has proven that they haven't got a clue.

It was a special result for all kind of reasons.

We beat a team, on their own patch, who supposed to be challenging for the title. Not many teamjs get to do that.

Not only beat them but beat them decisively and superb individual performances throughout

Not only that, but first time they have been beaten at home since December 2007 and first time the lads have won there for a very long time.

I am not gloating but would seriously like to see the words now of all those nords on this thread and others who were slagging off MON and wanting him to be sacked. What about it boys?

As they say, actions speak far louder than words and an absolute fantastic result.

This will allow us to 'kick on' now and hopefullly silence finally those who lack the faith and in my opinion do not deserve to be called Villa fans.

Please pass on my congratulations to Martin, the players and the rest of the staff for a superb performance


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Hi Gen

I was once again a proud Villa fan last night. Pilchard's post has raised many a debate but last night's performance is the kind of one that was relevant to certain areas of his original message in that we should build on these great results, kick on and make those all important additions to our squad and not to let nights like last night be in vain....but i applaud every single player last night. They showed desire and bottle and that is all we ask regardless of result...

get in :D

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I was there last night and I knew from the first minute that all this BS about MON loosing the dressing room and the spirit that got us so far eveoprating was absolute rubbish. We were at it from the first minute and every single player can be so proud of their efforts. As can the Villa fans who were rewarded for making the trip. I will never forget last night and I will beaming all week.

'The General Krulak Thread (Part 2) and *STILL NO TRANSFER QUESTIONS*' pages circa 87-92 are the perfect example of just how fickle football fans really are. Please refer to this next time we get a bad result and MO'N is clueless once more etc etc etc!

Randy, MO'N and the General - some Villa fans just dont know how lucky we are!

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Hi General,

A couple of things I would like to point out if I can.

1) Around midnight last night, I trawled through page after page of Liverpool fans rants on one of their fans sites that is similar to this one. Believe me General, they were just as unhappy at losing to us as we were at losing to Wigan. Claims that the club has no money to spend and questioning whether or not Benitez can take the club any further. I also read things like "Stevie G was sh*t tonight" and "Stevie G was f**king useless" etc etc. This is the same Rafa Benitez that managed them to two Champions League finals. The same Steven Gerrard that single-handedly won them the Champions League against AC Milan! The same board that bankrolled the £25m? signing of Fernando Torres! This is football for you i'm afraid to say. It leaves us with massive highs and lows and in the emotion of it all, good AND bad performances are remembered and forgotten in the blink of an eye - or the scoring of a goal!

2) Together with a lot of other fans on here, I believe that your reply to Pilchard's post deserves to sit along his as a front page article. After all, a lot of people agree with your reply just as much as people agree with what Pilchard wrote. So, with that in mind, have you considered the stance that Pilchard mentioned taking in his post? What if you decided that, due to the site not meeting your requirements and feeling like you are not receiving the service you would like etc etc, you would no longer decide to interact with the site any longer. That's the kind of stance Pilchard was suggesting wasn't it? To not make an appearance because he was dissatisfied with the service he was getting! The site thought that his view on things deserved "top billing" so maybe that's the stance you should suggest taking. Maybe then your reply would get to be placed where it belongs, alongside Pilchard's!

I have to say General, that I think you have far too much honour than to take this kind of stance just to get your message across and I think that WE as fans should learn a thing or two from that!


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Before the game I am not looking forward to it and hoping to nick a point, but we play fantastic well in a system which suit us and we beat Liverpool 3-1. Outstanding and exciting. Congratulation to the lads, tell them this is how we want Villa to play. Do not ever consider coming back to 4-4-2. It is a nice response to tell us MON have not lost the plot.

Let hope it will inspire a great season.

Well Done :)

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I did not think that we would get relegated after the Wigan game and I do not think that we will win the league after the Liverpool game. Likewise I do not think that every decision the Management Team at AVFC makes is 100% perfect nor do I believe that there is no plan or direction at the club.

What I do believe is that we are fans of one of the most honourable, best led clubs in the country and that we have both commercial leaders and football leaders of whom we should be proud. Please let all at the club know that as least one of us (me) trusts, believes and is thankful for what we have and where we are heading.

Keep it up

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