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General Krulak (part 2) and *STILL NO TRANSFER QUESTIONS*


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Also, when did some of our prices get so high for certain games!! £43 for a ticket to a category AA game on the WINGS of Doug Ellis upper - in my opinion the wings are places which need to be cheaper as people tend to go for the middle and not the wings. Same goes for Trinity. I'm sure you'd rather have a full stand with wings reduced by 5 or £6 than keeping prices higher and having them empty? Just a thought!

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General Krulak here:

It might be only fair to our Fans that my comment be afforded the same front page spread that the other comment received...not because they are mine but, rather, because it presents a different view with hopefully the same passion.

Fully agree General. I agree wholeheartedly with your response to Pilchard, and i do agree, in the interests of balance, and indeed in the interests of positivity and Villa as a whole, that your posts should again be put on teh front page as a response to Pilchard.

Both posts have their worth, and therefore IMO both posts, coming at the siuation from different angles, deserve front page status.

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In addition to my last post General, I would also like to point out that some of the fans concerns are due to what we have all witnessed in the past. We have seen our club rise to the top and not sustain it, by failing to invest whilst we have been their. I guess that a lot of us are fearing that we may be witnessing a case of deja vu, which would be a shame given the amount of investment that Randy has put into the club so far.

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General Krulak here:

1. The "Post"...now a page one article. First and foremost, I appreciate the post...well written, well thought out, well reasoned and obviously passionate. I recognize (and have said so time and time again) that the comments made in that post mirror the feelings of many on this site and others. I have done as I said I would do...I have passed the comments to those who need to know...and to some because I think they should know. At the same time. when it gets to the bottom line, I find myself disagreeing. Maybe it is just my military background...maybe it is because of the battles I have been in and the sacrifice I have seen so many men make...maybe it is just the way my parents brought me up. I just cannot reconcile myself to the idea that because the going gets a little tough...that things aren't going the way I want them to go...that my view of how things should work is not being met...that things aren't "fun" anymore...etc. etc. that I just stop being involved. In the case of Aston Villa Football Club, I stop going to the games. Yes, I am still a fan and I love Villa and Claret and Blue runs thru my veins but....I won't go see them play because it is so discouraging. I cannot reconcile myself to that view. I am sorry. I am not being critical of anyone...particularly the poster...I am just saying I cannot reconcile myself to that view. It is not in my DNA. If everyone felt that way and acted on those feelings, we would not have a football Club. It would lead to a "death spiral." Forget about relegation...without a fan base in the stands, cheering the lads on...there would be no team...no Club. So when all of the Fans who have agreed with the post decide that they too will not come to the games, understand where that attitude can take us. As I said earlier, it probably just stems from my time in the military...but as I have said before, "when the going gets tough, the tough get going." NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO GIVE UP!!! NEVER give up your colours!!

Hi General, whilst I love your rabble rousing post. I would like to ask you a question and one I would appreciate a definite answer to; if you can't I totally understand, but however; given you are a fan, like us, do you think, given the losses of Laursen and Barry, we are as strong a side as last year? Secondly, do you think that, if and its a big if we don't acquire any further first team members we can emulate the successes of the last two seasons?

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Hi General,

I hope you're back to your best.

Just wondered, and this may come slightly close to the transfer questions rule so ignore if needs be, but does MON enjoy the transfer window and the wheeling and dealing that goes with it, or is he desperate for for it to end, so he can get on with the season?

Looking forward to the season ahead,


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General Krulak here:

It might be only fair to our Fans that my comment be afforded the same front page spread that the other comment received...not because they are mine but, rather, because it presents a different view with hopefully the same passion.

So does the General get front page coverage with his comments? Nothing as yet. Would seem only fair?

The General has been contacted about his right to reply. limpid.

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Hi General,

I wholeheartedly agree with your post on the previous page. When times are tough, fans of this club should get behind their team. We choose to support this club, and the majority will continue to support them through thick and thin.

If some 'fans' decide they don't want to support our team when we are not performing well, then they can go off and support one of the true teams of glory supporters, like Manchester United. I want this team to succeed as much as any other fan, but failure to do so will not affect my support of my team. Even if we are a relegated side I will continue to support this team.

Some 'fans' seem to place the club and the current management/playing staff on the same level. But this is simply not the case. No individual, whether it be a player on the pitch, a manager in the dugout, or a chairman in the boardroom, is bigger than the institution of Aston Villa Football Club.

If we start deteriorating, I will expect changes to turn around our fortunes. I will not be happy seeing my club fall further away from success without changes.

I am not an unconditional fan of any individual at the club. My support for the players is conditional on them giving 100% every time they pull on that claret and blue shirt. My support for MON is conditional on him leading my club forward. My support for Randy is conditional on him putting the interests of my club ahead of his own private interests.

For the past three years, the players, MON and Randy have been absolutely fantastic, and they have earned my support of them as individuals, doing what is best for my club. The players have been fantastic in reaching two top-six finishes in the League, and getting us into Europe for the first time in a decade. MON has been fantastic in building his own team with young, home-grown talent who have the ability to play exciting football and are potentially the future of the English national team. Randy has been fantastic in revamping the image of this club, physically with his investment in the stadium and training facilities, and charitably with his support with Acorns.

In the past three years, I could have realistically asked for little more than what my club has given me as a fan. It's the reason I have renewed my season ticket for the third year running, it is the reason I attend as many home games as I can physically get to, and as many away games as I can get the time off of work. And for some to question the direction of the club after two competitive games, almost judging our season, which could last over 50 games, on two, is completely beyond me.

I can not say what will happen to our team this season on the field, because I do not have the powers of time travel, and I cannot see what will happen in the future. Like many others I believe we have lost two vital players to our cause, and we have yet to replace them adequately. But there is still over a week left to do so. I cannot, I WILL NOT, judge a man who still has time to make changes. And even if MON does not meet my level of expectation over signings, despite being disappointed, I will see how our team performs throughout the rest of the season, and I will continue to support them, because I want us to win, because I am a fan.

I do not believe with the current playing squad, that we are a team who could even come close to being threatened by relegation. If bizarrely such a conclusion seemed likely during this season, I have faith the club would change things. If by May we have not matched reasonable expectations, I have faith the club will change things. Because no man is bigger than Aston Villa Football Club. But we have come so far from where we were three years ago, and I believe we can go even further under the current setup.

Please keep up all the good work you have done for us in the past three years. I hope to read your posts here for many years to come.

Best wishes,


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A rousing reply General.

At the start of any campaign, you make sure that the grunts under your command whom have to carry the mission, are prepared and properly equipped to carry out the tasks set. Poor preperation, insufficent strength in key offensive and reserve areas, and troops being asked to operate in roles they are not used to, would (im sure General), have had you fuming and demanding that the right resources ARE in place, or risk high losses, and defeat due to a likely drop in morale.

OK, the military is about life and death, and even sacrifice. But the ethics of preparation and being equipped properly hold true in other walks of life, including sport.

Is Randy enforcing these basic facts onto his commander in the field, as you would of done during your military service?

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Hi General,

I appreciate your input and your pride and the responses of other fans - and i respect your opinion of course.

BUT, its all just words and means very little in the real world to be brutally honest with you.

Since Martin O'Neill first took over three years ago, every time we have had a bad result, or played poorly,.......

Im sorry to do this, but i think you need to re-read what the general said as regards to who you are talking to and have a think about "the real world" before you complain about a football team which the general has no control over.

Some of the tripe here is simply Unbelievable and embarassing,Is he the manager?why ask him football questions like he is responsible for results?The guy is doing us a favor by coming on here,Grow up.

Just a quick question general,

Sorry if this has been answered but will we be keeping acorns on our shirts indefinately?I would like us to do so,Some things are more important than football and revenue in my opinion,And the acorns thing is something i am really proud of and pleased with.

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Fantastic response General, did we expect less ? - NO !

Pilchard is also a star for being able to articulate so well how he feels

We all want our club to succeed SO very strongly it would be kind of tepid to see non reactions by the fans at the moment though.

UTV, what a special club it is.

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General Krulak here:

1. I asked that my comment be placed along side of the current comment on the front page. I was informed that my comment was not long enough to warrant front page placement. I indicated that I had addressed every comment made by the poster in my thread over the past two months and that the intent of my post was to address the issue of Fans "voting with their feet" and the very real danger of that sort of action. I also wanted to point out the simple fact that I understand where the Fans are coming from and have passed their concerns to those who need to know. I almost feel like I am back in school...where papers are graded by "weight"...how much is written vice content.

2. flashingqwerty: "all just words and mean nothing." OK, if that is what you think, I cannot do a thing about it. I am amazed at such a statement.

3. sellyoakvilla: I will ask Nicky Keye to look into your questions and give me her thoughts.

4. jimijames: I was intending my comments to be much more than a "rabble rouser". I intended them to clearly articulate how I feel about the idea of Fan's "voting with their feet." I was not criticizing the poster...I was saying how I felt. I based it on everything I have experienced in life. I firmly believe that the team needs us more than ever...not listening on the radio...or watching on the telly...but in the stands cheering them on. If we took the poster's view across the Board, no one would be in the stands and we would not have a Club.

5. heystally: Another well thought out post...you make some very good points.

6. ACORNS: Nothing has been decided about going forward. It will be something discussed with them later in the season.

7. WhenSaturdayComes: No, unfortunately, I have gone into combat woefully understrength and without all the support I have needed. Some of my Marines would have just joined my outfit and I would have zero opportunity to train them...I accepted them as they came to me. Underequipped was the name of the game in VietNam as was an ill-defined mission. EVERY SINGLE DAY my Marines put on their helmets and flak jackets, grabbed their weapons, and went out into the jungles. At no time did any of them bemoan the fact that they didn't have all that they should have had...they just did what needed to be done. The Fans (the American People), influenced by a negative media, lost confidence in THEIR Military and stopped supporting the troops. It basically took 40 years for the US military to fully recover. Bringing this up to today: Support from the Fans is critical...we can moan and rant all we want but...support is critical.

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1. I asked that my comment be placed along side of the current comment on the front page. I was informed that my comment was not long enough to warrant front page placement. I indicated that I had addressed every comment made by the poster in my thread over the past two months and that the intent of my post was to address the issue of Fans "voting with their feet" and the very real danger of that sort of action. I also wanted to point out the simple fact that I understand where the Fans are coming from and have passed their concerns to those who need to know. I almost feel like I am back in school...where papers are graded by "weight"...how much is written vice content.

I felt that your post warranted front page because it would of complimented the original post.

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General Krulak here:

7. WhenSaturdayComes: No, unfortunately, I have gone into combat woefully understrength and without all the support I have needed. Some of my Marines would have just joined my outfit and I would have zero opportunity to train them...I accepted them as they came to me. Underequipped was the name of the game in VietNam as was an ill-defined mission. EVERY SINGLE DAY my Marines put on their helmets and flak jackets, grabbed their weapons, and went out into the jungles. At no time did any of them bemoan the fact that they didn't have all that they should have had...they just did what needed to be done. The Fans (the American People), influenced by a negative media, lost confidence in THEIR Military and stopped supporting the troops. It basically took 40 years for the US military to fully recover. Bringing this up to today: Support from the Fans is critical...we can moan and rant all we want but...support is critical.

Totally agree General. I think you will find that most peeps gripes are around squad strength, and see the results from Feb to now a result of that, and those results do bare that out.. Its certainly knocked a lot of confidence out of a lot of people regarding the Manager, but you can rest assured that you and Randy still have our overwhelming backing.

All the best General, and thanks for the reply.

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Awesome performance tonight General. Full of passion and spirit and the players definitely showed a lot of character in that showing. I think the kick up the backside certainly worked wonders and hopefully MON has realised that we are a much better organised side when we play 4-5-1, the formation we played when so successful for most of last season!

You passed on the negatives from the Wigan game so please let the lads know just how appreciative we all are to see them back to their very best!

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Superb performance tonight, very much improved and clearly you have passed on all of our worries as you say. Thank you very much general for all the good work going on at the club. I too had deep concerns for the future after last weekend but it was clear to us all that the 4-4-2 was still not working. The switch back to 4-5-1 and the counter attacking quick paced football was a delight to watch at the beginning of last season and we made most of our own luck in most of the games. The switch back tonight was what the majority of fans were hankering after and it has taken 18 games to have been proved right. The end result is there for all to see in the result tonight and to have finally beaten them after 8 years of hurt. I hope this result is the fruition of all of our concerns being passed on by you so we are all extremely gratefull to you for that. Keep up the great work and UP THE VILLA!

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General Krulak here:

1. I thought the lads played an inspired game tonight...and deserve great credit. I also think that MON deserves great credit for his role in "inspiring" the lads. I thought NRC was immense.

2. I have already given my opinion of Pichard's post. Based on his post, he did not attend this game...and that is sad. Again, now is not the time to give up on the team or the manager. Now is the time to get behind them. If this game wasn't "fun" (I believe that is now the applicable term), then I don't know what is. I can get very frustrated and I can get angry and I can get disappointed and all the other feelings that are recorded on this site and others but my DNA does not permit me to turn my back on the Lads and vote with my feet. I am sorry but that is how I am. I have said it from day one...no miracles! No overnight sensations! Hard work, keep focused on building the Club based upon history and a wonderful ethos, trust the Manager, try to communicate with the Fans and....the day will come when '82 is repeated. Walking away from the game is not the answer.

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General, now is not the time to gloat....but I will. How can we not doubt that the people in charge in all areas know what they are doing. Thanks and by the way I hope MON shook Rafas hand before he laughed in his face :)

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