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General Krulak (part 2) and *STILL NO TRANSFER QUESTIONS*


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General Krulak here:

1. The "Post"...now a page one article. First and foremost, I appreciate the post...well written, well thought out, well reasoned and obviously passionate. I recognize (and have said so time and time again) that the comments made in that post mirror the feelings of many on this site and others. I have done as I said I would do...I have passed the comments to those who need to know...and to some because I think they should know. At the same time. when it gets to the bottom line, I find myself disagreeing. Maybe it is just my military background...maybe it is because of the battles I have been in and the sacrifice I have seen so many men make...maybe it is just the way my parents brought me up. I just cannot reconcile myself to the idea that because the going gets a little tough...that things aren't going the way I want them to go...that my view of how things should work is not being met...that things aren't "fun" anymore...etc. etc. that I just stop being involved. In the case of Aston Villa Football Club, I stop going to the games. Yes, I am still a fan and I love Villa and Claret and Blue runs thru my veins but....I won't go see them play because it is so discouraging. I cannot reconcile myself to that view. I am sorry. I am not being critical of anyone...particularly the poster...I am just saying I cannot reconcile myself to that view. It is not in my DNA. If everyone felt that way and acted on those feelings, we would not have a football Club. It would lead to a "death spiral." Forget about relegation...without a fan base in the stands, cheering the lads on...there would be no team...no Club. So when all of the Fans who have agreed with the post decide that they too will not come to the games, understand where that attitude can take us. As I said earlier, it probably just stems from my time in the military...but as I have said before, "when the going gets tough, the tough get going." NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO GIVE UP!!! NEVER give up your colours!!

2. bakerbob: You are incorrect...and for the last time, player money and infrastructure money do NOT come from the same pot. I will not go into the way a Club is financed but you are wrong.

3. Risso: I am sorry but I will not talk about transfers any more than I have already. No, the Europe offer is not because "fans are staying away in droves"...it was a gesture made because of the state of the economy and the understanding that paying for a bunch of games is difficult. Fans are not "staying away in droves" but if the do, then heaven help us as a football club.

4. I have answered the ladies shirt question before. No ladies shirt this year.

5. The Browns do not have a person who goes on the sites like I do.

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General Krulak here:

1. The "Post"...now a page one article. First and foremost, I appreciate the post...well written, well thought out, well reasoned and obviously passionate. I recognize (and have said so time and time again) that the comments made in that post mirror the feelings of many on this site and others. I have done as I said I would do...I have passed the comments to those who need to know...and to some because I think they should know. At the same time. when it gets to the bottom line, I find myself disagreeing. Maybe it is just my military background...maybe it is because of the battles I have been in and the sacrifice I have seen so many men make...maybe it is just the way my parents brought me up. I just cannot reconcile myself to the idea that because the going gets a little tough...that things aren't going the way I want them to go...that my view of how things should work is not being met...that things aren't "fun" anymore...etc. etc. that I just stop being involved. In the case of Aston Villa Football Club, I stop going to the games. Yes, I am still a fan and I love Villa and Claret and Blue runs thru my veins but....I won't go see them play because it is so discouraging. I cannot reconcile myself to that view. I am sorry. I am not being critical of anyone...particularly the poster...I am just saying I cannot reconcile myself to that view. It is not in my DNA. If everyone felt that way and acted on those feelings, we would not have a football Club. It would lead to a "death spiral." Forget about relegation...without a fan base in the stands, cheering the lads on...there would be no team...no Club. So when all of the Fans who have agreed with the post decide that they too will not come to the games, understand where that attitude can take us. As I said earlier, it probably just stems from my time in the military...but as I have said before, "when the going gets tough, the tough get going." NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO GIVE UP!!! NEVER give up your colours!!

Probably your best ever post and to sum it up that's how I feel . Jesus if we had the internet back in 1969 or 1986 I dread to think . I will be there whatever the league we are in , your club is for life and the ups will take you to places you can never imagine .

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Great response above - i really liked The "Post" because of the passion. I think what I took from it was how deflated the poster feels. I would never stop supporting the Villa but will bitch as much as the next guy when things aren't going well. As we all know, points in the Prem are vital, every game is a chance to get 3 points which will all add up to give a team its final league standing. For me, the biggest mistake this summer was not replacing Laursen and followed by another mistake of selling Knight too early - I feel if we had a leader when we played Wigan that 3 points could have been ours.

Anyway, the real reason I want to comment here was 1: to say, thank you so much for coming on to this forum and replying, its fantastic and I appreciate it so much! and 2: I'm going to see the Browns at M&T this September, I'm a Ravens fan and want to say sorry in advance of total domination of the Browns offense ;0) 28-3 Baltimore

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As usual, great post and reply

I was born close to Villa Park have followed Villa all my life and now approaching 50. I went to my first game in 1969 and have been 'hooked' ever since. Villa are in my blood, simple as that.

There have been many dark days and times and it would have been the easy option to have given up on the Villa - especially when we got relegated to the 3rd division. But, and a massive but, there have been some fantastic good times (like winning the league and the European Cup!) and they will live with me for the rest of my days

Now, I really can't believe some of the posts I am seeing. I can only believe they are the younger generation because surely if they had really been thru the dark times like I have then they would be coming out with such clap trap. I am even minded to say we can do without such 'fans'

We will get it right. No doubt about that. We are making great progress and the vast majority of true and proper supporters are behind Randy and Martin and the rest of the staff.

I would be grateful if you could feedback to those who matter a balanced view and that most of us are there, behind the team, thru thick and thin.

Keep the faith. I will until I die


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As usual, great post and reply

I was born close to Villa Park have followed Villa all my life and now approaching 50. I went to my first game in 1969 and have been 'hooked' ever since. Villa are in my blood, simple as that.

There have been many dark days and times and it would have been the easy option to have given up on the Villa - especially when we got relegated to the 3rd division. But, and a massive but, there have been some fantastic good times (like winning the league and the European Cup!) and they will live with me for the rest of my days

Now, I really can't believe some of the posts I am seeing. I can only believe they are the younger generation because surely if they had really been thru the dark times like I have then they would be coming out with such clap trap. I am even minded to say we can do without such 'fans'

We will get it right. No doubt about that. We are making great progress and the vast majority of true and proper supporters are behind Randy and Martin and the rest of the staff.

I would be grateful if you could feedback to those who matter a balanced view and that most of us are there, behind the team, thru thick and thin.

Keep the faith. I will until I die


Thank god we still have 'proper' fans.

Great post and I agree with it all. Tell Mon and the players we are still behind them

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Probably your best ever post and to sum it up that's how I feel . Jesus if we had the internet back in 1969 or 1986 I dread to think . I will be there whatever the league we are in , your club is for life and the ups will take you to places you can never imagine .

Fully agree with MM although thankfully I don't go back as far as 1969 but remember only too well 1986 when this club was on its knees a position it again found itself in 20 years later.

Rest assured General the post you referred to did not speak for me and many other Villa fans. I will support this club till the day I die, revel in the good times and take the bad on the chin but always continue to show the same support and passion for my club no matter what.

Keep up the good work and the inspiring posts.

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General Krulak here:

It might be only fair to our Fans that my comment be afforded the same front page spread that the other comment received...not because they are mine but, rather, because it presents a different view with hopefully the same passion.

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Good post, General. One function of this forum is that it allows people to vent their frustrations, and sometimes it can seem that the anger and negativity is the prevailing mindset of the supporters.

I know most supporters on this site and everywhere else are behind the manager and chairman 100%, even if we have concerns right now.


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The bottom line is we have not strengthened the team when we have needed to in 2 transfer windows in a row. No motivational speech is going to cover that disturbing fact or our 2 wins in about our last 18 matches.

I'll always support the Villa, but I'm a fan of action rather than words.

When the going gets tough, the tough get going. The going has got tough and we haven't reacted fast enough and done little about it!

Again though, I appreciate all your doing to relay messages of how ALL fans feel.

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I think every club has its certain large amount of die hard fans General, that will go to cheer on the boys no matter what, and Villa are no exception. There will be some that may stay away for various reasons. Some might not be able to really afford it and choose to be a bit more careful with there money and maybe watch it online instead, other's may just not wish to travel so far to see what they believe is a team that's not as strong as they think we could have had under a different manager. Whatever the reasons, that is the prerogative of those individuals. However, I know that there are fans that would be their come rain or shine, through the good times and the bad. I think what matters most is that ALL of those people will still be supporting Villa, whether in attendance or not. Anyone who chooses to stop supporting a club can't really have had that club in their heart in the first place.

There should be a thread on here where fans tell their stories of how they attended games when they should have been somewhere else that probably should have held an higher importance. My Dad did just that when we played Everton in the league Cup final of 1975. I was in hospital as a 3 year old having an operation and he was at Wembley watching the boys. I vaguely remember him calling me from London before the game to see how I was. I fully understand the reason he went to the game, given the fact that my operation wasn't for anything major.

I paid £100, to a friend of the family, for a ticket to the 2000 FA Cup Final against Chelsea and ended up sitting in the Chelsea end alone (got split up from my brother), with my face painted, wearing a Villa shirt, a Claret and Blue wig, and getting endless amounts of abuse. We played terrible, lost and the day cost a fortune, but would I do it again? Of course I would!

The Villa is a way of life. There are fans of clubs out their that go through a lot more turmoil than we do, some without any sign of a bright future too!

Let's just hope that MON can work his magic and surprise a few people hey General!

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Just a quick note to say thank you for all that's been achieved since you, Randy and MON came to the club. The number 1 ranking in the 'stewardship' league is well deserved and, I think, reflects the approach being taken by the board and senior management.

The despair and downright misery I felt sitting in the stands week in and week out under the previous regime is still fresh in my mind and I was one of the fans who emailed Randy via the Browns website pleading with him to come in and buy the club.

The last few years have been fantastic - a particular highlight was the game at Villa Park vs Sheffield United with the '82 team in the stands (after they had been snubbed for years). My older brother had tears in his eyes as they walked round the pitch as it brought back memories. And I was particularly thirlled at the guest of honour (Mr Jim Brown himself).

MON drives me mad in his tranfer market dealings - from a distance it looks like he overthinks things and wants to be 100% sure before he makes a signing. As a result if things don't come off we're left with little option for plan B. However, some of the signings he has pulled off (Young, Carew, Cuellar, Delph and Downing) have shown we can fight off other clubs (including Man City, Spurs and Everton) when he has made up his mind.

I've not posted on this site for quite some time (mainly because I haven't had much to add) but the hysteria and the myopia of some of the recent comments have really annoyed me.

Yes we have one of the smallest squads in the premier league (including a number of largely unproven youth or reserve players)

Yes the spine of the team looks weak since Barry and Laursen departed

Yes I'm worried about tomorrow's game with Lowry potentially having to mark Torres (probably the starkest illustration of our frailties)

And yes it is frustrating that these issues haven't been addressed earlier in the summer

But I'll judge the club on the past three years rather than the first two games of the season. And I also don't imagine that these problems have gone unnoticed by MON you or Randy.

Good luck for tomorrow, good luck in the transfer dealings and thank you for all that's been achieved to date

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Hi General,

I appreciate your input and your pride and the responses of other fans - and i respect your opinion of course.

BUT, its all just words and means very little in the real world to be brutally honest with you.

Since Martin O'Neill first took over three years ago, every time we have had a bad result, or played poorly, he has reverted to excuses about how small the squad is and how tired the players are and how we need more quality in and how he will add x,y,z if and when he can. For 1 year, even 2 years i can appreciate it takes time to build a team. BUT 3 years is ample time to have addressed the squad size and to have brought in enough quality to the squad that we are not left in a situation where we are having at the moment.

There is NO EXCUSE for only having 1 fit CB in the squad when we have known since January that Laursen needed to be replaced and Davies was having to play through injury - on top of that we SOLD our ONLY other backup in this position.

I am sorry if this seems disrespectful but this is the equivalent of sending a bunch of 15 year olds into afganistan with a few ballons on the end of sticks and expecting them to defeat the taliban - its NEVER going o work!

Enough of the excuses and asking for faith as Martin O'Neill has had AMPLE time with which to address the SEVERE shortage of numbers and quality within this squad.

Yes we have made progress but at what cost?

Do you throw away the chance to win a trophy on the off chance you MIGHT get 4th in he league? i think not - especially when you are already faced with a depleted and exhausted squad - it was always on the cards (clearly apparently even in december) that we were unable to last the full season without additions in january and we did NOTHING. To confound this we lost our best two players and started selling off the squad without bringing in anyone to replace them.

We currently have fewer players of siginificantly less quality than what we had 12 months ago despite the efforts of Martin as hs team - this cries out to me that they are incapable of taking the team further.

In order for us to have a team even equal to the one from 12 months ago we'd need to sign 3/4 top quality players, and i just cant see where they are going to come from. I am completely disheartened and diappointmented in the lack of ambition and progress shown by the management team - should we go into the season without SEVERAL additions i fully expect a relegation battle this term. I hope i am proven wrng but i cant see things being any differnt than they are right now under Martin O'Neill and fully expect him to be sacked by January - I am an IT manager and if i left my company without enough computers to operate efficently or to achieve my targets then i would fully expect to lose my job and in a much smaller time frame than Martin has had.

Something NEEDS to change for Aston Villa to continue to progress and Martin O'Neill id not the person to invoke such changes as 3 years of excuses highlight as does the fact that our current league form of 2 wins in 19 games - this type of form is one of the worst in the clubs history and is the making of a relegation candidate. I'm not panicking over the first 2 games of the season - i'm panicking over nearly 9 months of completely inadequate and inept management of the team which leaves us as the worst team on form in the prem since january.

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This doesn't really affect me as I'm a season ticket holder, but I was just browsing the official site and ended up looking at the ticket prices for single games - just being curious - and have an issue to raise with student tickets.

In previous seasons when I've wanted to buy extra tickets for my friends, who are all mainly students may I add - there has been a reduction in price..but not by much which was my complaint before. Different issue now though.

My question is, in Holte lower, why is a student to a VV category game £30, but an adult £29? for Categories B and A the student prices are the same as the adult prices . You don't actually get a reduction (£1!!!!!!!!!) until it's a category AA game (£36 adult, £35 student/armed forces)

I don't think this is right and it's definitely something that needs to be looked in to as the whole idea of student prices is to enable those with lack of funds due to education and living independently to be able to afford certain things - but how can students attend Villa matches when the student prices are higher than adult prices!!

Sorry, rant over. Just bugs me because I'm a student myself and I wouldn't like to abide by these prices.

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