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General Krulak (part 2) and *STILL NO TRANSFER QUESTIONS*


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My biggest disappointment is that all of our momentum is lost. We may be out of Europe in 1 week and all the players that we should have been trying to sign will have another reason to look away. We had the world at our feet last December and now it is back on our shoulders. Happened so many times before. we all could see what was needed to be done 8 months ago. Why the people that can make actually make it happen cannot is totally beyound my understanding. Up the Villa!

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From when our terrible run started my heart sinks when a Villa game is hours away. I don't mind if we lose a game knowing we are fully prepared and knowing the players gave everything for the fans. Neither of these issues can be tolerated by fans that pay good money to follow the team they love.

Let’s be honest with ourselves as a club and admit that there are problems that need to be sorted. I don't expect MoN to publicly talk about the issues he has to deal with, but I do expect to see a person in his position learn from previous mistakes, like leaving transfers to the last minute.

Please don't take this post as me loosing complete faith in the current stewardship (Martin & Randy). I'm hoping this current dip in form is a blip and I still think we can pull through this.

I know my post is not as eloquent as pilchards (great post by the way) I just wanted to have a little say.

On a lighter note: I was passing Bodymoor Heath today after a meeting and decided to stop in the academy spectator car park for a ciggie (I know I need to give up). Saw Bouma running his heart out and I had a moment of pride. Can't wait till he is back playing.

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I think MON should have a read of Pilchards post also, it would give a great insight into the thoughts and feelings of the fans, and hopefully it won't fall on deaf ears? I think that Pilchards view is shared by the majority of Villa fans at this moment in time. I have faith it will be turned around and come September 2nd we may all have a completely different outlook on the season as that's the nature of football.

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I think MON should have a read of Pilchards post also, it would give a great insight into the thoughts and feelings of the fans, and hopefully it won't fall on deaf ears? I think that Pilchards view is shared by the majority of Villa fans at this moment in time. I have faith it will be turned around and come September 2nd we may all have a completely different outlook on the season as that's the nature of football.

It's a quality post by Pilchard, probably the best I've seen on this site and sums up everything I am feeling

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I feel a little letdown too. I'm normally excited at the start of a season full with hope and expectation. However, I appear to have lost the zest despite being a season ticket holder. Fortunately, a wedding spared last Saturday's embarrassment but for the fisrt time in years I couldn't actually tell you our next five fixtures such is the way i feel at the moment. All the raised expectations of the last two seasons have disappeared. Other teams seem to have reached our level and surpassed us in a fraction of the time whereas we appear to have gone backwards. I appreciate signing players is not as easy as some would think but we do appear to be the 'poor relations' when it come to business in the window. I cannot agree with anyone who claims our squad has improved in the close season. We have a team that cannot defend, a midfield that lacks the quality to control games and a strike force that appears to have forgotten what the goal looks like and TBF the writing has been on the wall since Feb, if i can see that then surely so called 'professionals' can so why are these issues not being addressed? No doubt we will sign a couple of players but I have serious doubts they will be of the quality fans are expecting given the so called ambitions of the club.

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Sadly General, i thnk it may soon be time for you to retire from having to post on this and the other sites you frequent, (not what i want)

I know how much you love the Villa , as do we all, but there has to be a time when you feel you cannot carry on doing the fantastic work that

you have done over the last 3 years. As a fan of over 50 years I already think that this season is going to unfortunately be a stepback in the

progress we have made since Randy took over, and hence i don`t think we have a right to expect you to commit your time to respond to everthing

that is put to you on these sites. I would love you to prove me wrong, but I think that, if there is a willing young NCO in your ranks that can follow in your footsteps then maybe Mrs Krulak can have her kitchen finished, you will always be in our hearts, Semper Fidelis.

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Sadly General, i thnk it may soon be time for you to retire from having to post on this and the other sites you frequent, (not what i want)

I know how much you love the Villa , as do we all, but there has to be a time when you feel you cannot carry on doing the fantastic work that

you have done over the last 3 years. As a fan of over 50 years I already think that this season is going to unfortunately be a stepback in the

progress we have made since Randy took over, and hence i don`t think we have a right to expect you to commit your time to respond to everthing

that is put to you on these sites. I would love you to prove me wrong, but I think that, if there is a willing young NCO in your ranks that can follow in your footsteps then maybe Mrs Krulak can have her kitchen finished, you will always be in our hearts, Semper Fidelis.

Surely that is his decision to make, if at all?

For what it's worth General, you're the first and only of your kind, so you'll forever be the yardstick.

If I may bring up an old request, have you gotten any further with the topic of Ladies' replica kits? You said that you were looking into it for me a while back.

Thanks in advance, and thanks for your time.

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Hi General,

I rarely post on this thread, but just wanted you to know that there are many like me who are 100% behind MON, and are delighted with the work he has done so far as long with yourself and Randy. We're just not as vocal as the moaners.

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The comments from Pilchard are pretty much exactly how I am feeling as a fan aswell.

Gone is the optimism, gone is the belief in what O'Neill is doing, gone is the excitement that makes you WANT to go to a match.

If you can show that message to RANDY and MARTIN I think that may pretty much reflect what the majority think at the moment.

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Hi General,

I have one of the fans blockpaving slabs (with names engraved) outside the Trinity Road Stand, it has been there for 3 years now, but it's started to fade quite fast. I contacted the club and although I was told it would be re-done, as of yet nothing has happened. Any chance you may be able to ask those in control? Many others in the same are look the same way.

Also, May I request that you DO NOT send Pritchard's post to MON. For all those saying you should, there are many others like me who think otherwise. I believe we should support the club through thick and thin and not just 'hand back my season ticket'.

Thanks for your time, much appreciated.

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Also, May I request that you DO NOT send Pritchard's post to MON. For all those saying you should, there are many others like me who think otherwise. I believe we should support the club through thick and thin and not just 'hand back my season ticket'.

I'd like to agree with this General. No matter how eloquent the delivery, the argument, and message, is flawed. I firmly believe the majority of Villa fans are 100% behind the manager and owner.

Unfortunately "entitlement culture" continues to grow in the UK and combine that with a history under the previous owner of sacking any manager as soon as results were poor and it leads to knee jerk reactions from the fans too.

Please keep up the good work, thanks for making us proud of our club once again.

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But it needed to be said, as much a fan of MON i am, it damn well needed to be said. We need some kind of urgency back, on the pitch and off it, yes we hear people are working 'behind the scenes' but weve had since january to sort these problems out and here we are now, 10 days until the end of the window and nothing has been done. On the pitch, the players need to start realising how lucky and priviliged they are to play at Villa park and start putting 110% into the cause instead of worrying about which lambo they are getting next or which tropical beach to 'recover' on.

General, I just also want to say, despite being a little frustrated, I am a massive fan of MON, yourself and Randy, I appreciate what you have done and where you have taken us, I am proud about our consecutive 6th place finishes, it cements us at the higher end of the league. Plus, the fact you even post on here at all is brilliant, let alone all the time so please dont be put off by the negative comments and ignore the fool telling you to retire a few posts back!

I truly believe things will sort themsleves out eventually, but there is a growing unease amongst the fans and im sure You, MON and the team are aware of it, and im sure your sick of hearing it but the best way to dispel it is by action, the kind of action we saw at the start of last season where fresh faces were brought in and the team was immense! Yes, like I said, we know people are working behind the scenes but its time they start producing, I work hard in my job, but if there werent results coming from that hard work, id be out of my job.


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I personally think it might be useful to send to MON, while I appreciate that is might not be the opinion of everyone on these message boards. Even if it is just the 10 or so people who have confirmed that it is there opinion on these message boards then I still believe it might be useful in explaining our frustrations.

I would like to say that Pilchard's post was extremely well thought out and well constructed. Even if you don't agree with it the in the slightest it is very well structured and sums up my feelings perfectly. My situation is slightly different in that I was a season ticket holder for the past 3 years but I could not have afforded the one of payment at renewal time so I decided I will go to all the home games and pay for them individually and then possibly get a half season ticket when in January.

I don't anticipate myself going any time soon simply because of Pritchard's arguement. I love Villa and I will check the results and news with anticipation but I really don't enjoy us playing badly, I hate us losing and I don't want to send my time and money to make myself unhappy.

I don't want to make this a slight on you general. I believe that what you do on these message boards is fantastic in a position with is often without thanks.

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I wanted to post to add my thoughts to those made by Pilchard, and to other comments since.

As you have come to realise and experience, football is a deeply emotional game and does so much to impact the everyday lives of fans across the country and the globe. As Villa fans we are lucky to have someone so closely associated to the powers that be at our club to vent our frustration at, so for that I thank you. Whenever Villa play and whatever the result, it does so much to shape your mood. I have been in Australia for the past two weeks and everyday without fail I have logged on to the internet to check on whats happening with the Villa, I stayed up to watch the Wigan game on TV and I watched the Vienna game on the Internet at 3 in the morning - it may be sad but thats what football means to me and so many other fans.

At the moment General we are a massively frustrated group of fans. Last season we were the talk of the league and the 1st part of the season was the best period I have know for the team. Like Pilchard I have been a season ticket holder for 10 or 11 years and haven't been fortunate enough to be present when we have won a trophy but I have seen some real dross at Villa Park. Last season things were finally looking up and even though we let 4th place slip I was still queitly confident that we could kick on again this season, but the events of the summer have left me deflated.

Our rivals have strengthened and in my eyes, and in the eyes of many other fans and members of the media, have overtaken us as we have become weaker. This is not only frustrating, it hurts!

Rightly or wrongly we can only compare the feelings we have now for those we have had in the past - and right now we are incredibly frustrated that we are not making the progress we believe we should be making and fear we are about to go backwards again. This may be an over reaction, I hope it is, but it is just the way I feel.

In a weeks time we may be looking back on the events of the summer and laughing about how paranoid we have been but right now I fear we are in for a long season.

Thanks for your continued involvement General, it is appreciated.


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Another good post Dave1380.

General, i hope you dont take the advice of those telling you to ignore Pilchards post, just because they disagree with it's sentiments. To brush if off as just one fan ranting would be a mistake. They're are plenty enough just on this forum that do agree with it and it sums up perfectly how i feel too in regards to our clubs present situation.

I have and always will be a Villa fan. But can only see us going backwards this season unfortunately. So disappointed with the apparent lack of ambition at the club when it comes to bringing in players who will improve the team. Still pursuing 'average' players who will do a job, but not good enough to push us on. We have the smallest squad and such a lack of options, no wonder we look one dimensional in our games.

I accept we cant go out and just sign the best; ridiculous prices and i'm sure they dont want to play for us. But i'm sure they're are many talented players around the continent waiting to show what they can do if given a chance. Surely after so many average and overpriced signings we have made it's time to go and look for the players and talent who can improve us now and in the future..from all continents! (WP permitting)

Buying English presently comes at a very heavy cost. Many of which dont merit the price paid.

I like Martin O'Neill but i no longer have any confidence with his signings. Many he has signed he no longer seems to rate and dislikes playing them. Now when we sign someone i pretty much shrug my shoulders and say 'we'll see'. But i see no evidence of improvement in the team or us going in a forward direction at this time.

Thanks for you time :)

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