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General Krulak (part 2) and *STILL NO TRANSFER QUESTIONS*


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I have been on a course recently where it was discussed what good leadership was, with people encouraged to bring up examples of good famous leaders and good leaders that they had known in real life. One of the people on the course had worked for MBNA, and used you as her example. Sounds like you made a real impression there.

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Just another note - after sending a reserve side to competitive match - I won't be renewing my season ticket - or that of my 2 young sons, both of whom are villa fanatics - and the younger had a lump in his throat - when I told him , that Barry, Young, Gabby - were chosen for the match.

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Hi General!

A very good friend of mine is studying sports science, and he would really like the opportunity, if possible, to visit Bodymore Heath to see how our guys do things - training plans, nutrition etc.

I don't know who we would need to get in touch with to arrange this, but if you could be of any assistance it would be really appreciated.

Many thanks


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Hi General

I am a season ticket holder in upper holte, k4 if its important. Throughout the season there has been some tension between a bloke in the row behind me, and the bloke behind him. Stuff has been said, the bloke directly behind me has been threatened, even hit once, spat at all through the game today, and propertly stolen (the bloke 2 rows behind me throw his hat down the holte).

I class this as unacceptable, because at the end of the day, we are ALL there for the same reason - ASTON VILLA FOOTBALL CLUB. We are all there to show support, love, passion towards the pride of the midlands.

I dont know if the 2 people involved are on this site, but who would i talk to in order to get some notice to people's actions at the top of the holte end.


Also, gutted about today, thought we at least should of got a point.. also the fans were a big letdown over the paul birch tribute which has been on here since he passed away.

I'm also a season ticket holder and stand right behind these people with my sons and what happened saturday was unaceptable, this young lad with his girlfriend was threatened and spat on by 3 bully boys who are also season ticket holders!

I spoke to the stewards after the game and told them what happened and that these three bully boys continually smoke throughout the match, they said they will deal with it, I'm waiting to see what happens Sunday .

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General Krulak here:

1. I communicated with Randy in Moscow. He says it is cold! I told him that it is cold on the web sites too!! :)

As long as you also told him that not everyone is cold General. Hope Randy has a good time anyway.

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Coldbathkid and Sparey16 both of you should get in touch with

[edit]Lancsvillan who can help you getting in touch with the right people at the club, staff members names removed to stop him being deluged as that person has other priorities[edit]

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General Krulak here:

1. I have read your comments re. the Moscow game...and have read MON's comments on the OS. I do not think I can say it better than MON has said it. I would recommend that each Fan go back to the official site and read, CAREFULLY, what Martin had to say. First off, he would not say that he is throwing in the towel. We can win the game. Are we putting out our "best" squad...MON was clear on that. I would ask that everyone read what Martin has to say because he did a very good job of articulating exactly where he sees our Club. As for squad size, I have said it over and over again, I am not in the transfer window business. What I will say is that MON is not going to go for numbers...he will go for players that he feels will work within his system. I continue to have total faith in MON and so does every member of the Board.

2. Adbo9: "I will certainly think twice about renewing my season ticket as, from a personal point of veiw, playing half a side in major competitions that we could possibly get silverware from is scandalous". I am terribly saddened to read this post...for it shows a remarkable lack of understanding of what we are trying to achieve. At the end of the day, we have to trust our Manager. If this means you don't renew your season ticket...I am sorry.

To be honest general, i think your comments show a remarkable lack of understanding to the working fan..... I can only look at this from my own perspective, but the money i've shelled out personally to attend all our home uefa ties, and the away tie in prague (not forgetting the domestic cup competitions) - only to see us throw away our chances of some prestige and silverware by taking the competition(s) as a distraction, to me is slap in the face ....... maybe Im missing the point, but Im of the opinion and age where football was about winning silverware and to see clubs prioritise finishing 4th in the league over lifting a major trophy saddens me..........

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General, before the tidal wave of bad opinion gets to you with regards to tonights result, Id thought id post my support for yourself randy and martin. The experience those youngsters have gained tonight will be invaluable when they are needed towards the end of the season. Unfortunately this does now put pressure on us to finish fourth, with a couple of very hard away trips to play yet. I only hope this result doesnt bite martin in the arse !!


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General Krulak here:

1. We anticipate about 41K at the game on Sunday.

2. Smetrov: Again, I was saddened to hear of a fan who is not going to renew his Season Ticket because of the decision we took re. Moscow game. Far more important to me was your comment that you have also decided not to renew your two son's tickets. My sense is that over time, you will regret that decision. I say this, not as a Director of the Club, but as the father of two lads. Please do not act in haste or in anger or disappointment...there is more at stake here than tickets or money. :(

3. adbo79: As I have mentioned before, the change in "times" did NOT come as a result of Randy, me or the other Directors. Winning silverware may have been HUGELY important years ago but the reality is simply this...revenue allows a Club to compete at the highest levels and in a consistent manner. Our goal is to repeat what the '82 Squad accomplished. Reality dictates that the best path to that achievement is to get into the Champions League and get the revenue needed to build a consistently winning Squad. Winning the UEFA Cup (if truly possible) might well make you happy but that success would be fleeting if we could not reach for the real golden ring...the European Cup. Additionally, contrary to what you and others think, I am not some money bags who walks around with pounds dropping out of my trousers. I spent 35 years in the Forces and if you would care to look at the US Military pay scale (1999) you may be shocked. I spent 25 of those 35 like most of you...supporting a family, moving 31 times, sending my kids to school, getting into max debt, etc. etc. I wish I had what you seem to think I have.

4. I wish we had won tonight...we didn't. Our lads got some great experience that will pay dividends later. Go ahead and whip up on me...I can take it.

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Dear General,

It is an honour for us that you come on and answer our questions, I did not buy tickets for Moscow but I think next year when we take on the likes of Real Madrid and Milan in the Champions League tonight will be forgotten about. Your a good man for coming on here when the times are tough, but I think at the end of the season most people will see just how brilliant, yourself, Randy and Martin are.

Up the Villa! And thanks again General.

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Hi General

Have to say we should be giving Martin O'Neill alot of prase tonight for motivating them kids (at 23 not often i can say that!) to play like they did, I thought Bannan in particular was superb!

Just one quick question the coach tickets me and a couple of friends have received for the man city game state they leave at 1030, obviously as this is an evening kick-off this cant be right, have heard people say its 1515 could you please confirm this for me.

Many Thanks


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One statement, one question if I may.

The Moscow game divided fans, there are good and bad points on each side. Personally, I think MON knows what he is doing in this. I haven't a clue how taking the first team half way round the world, to play on a plastic pitch in minus 10 degrees will effect them only 3 days before a huge game - but presumably MON does, so I'll cut him some slack. however, he has now put immense pressure on himself for Sunday and Wednesday - and I think he knows it.

My one concern tonight (and it is not for you to comment, as you obviously couldn't) is the apparent injury to Carew, I hope I am wrong, but personally, I wonder if Carews heart is in it now - presume we will find out in the close season.

The question if I may.

You have mentioned many times regarding the stadium renovation, so I am not asking you to regurgitate it all. But, on many threads, it is suggested that if we do increase capacity, we will get funding for this through the Olympics (I think this was said in the local press when London got it). Can you confirm if this is the case, or is it just a chinese whisper that has been said so many times now, we actually believe it.

Ta for your time


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Hi General,

I am obviously gutted following our UEFA exit. But I have to applaude the lads who played their hearts out in Moscow. In minus figures temperature, on a plastic pitch, the lads gave it a very good go, and if we'd had maybe a keener eye in front of goal at times then it could have been a lot different. Special mention for Bannan and Albrighton, who stepped up well in their first starts for the club. Hopefully we'll see more of them in the next few months and years.

I can completely understand where MON was coming from leaving some key players at home. I don't want Aston Villa to be a team who can win the UEFA Cup year after year, never breaking into the top tier of European (and world) football. I want Aston Villa to be one of the biggest clubs in the world. Finishing 5th in the league and winning the UEFA Cup would still be a step in the right direction, but we have such a fantastic chance of finishing within the top four, and establishing ourselves in the group stage of the Champions League.

The money and attraction to better players would be such a step up from winning the UEFA Cup this season. The best players in the world want to play in the Champions League. Our vice-captain wants to play in the Champions League. In the position we are in, we need to be going for that 4th spot, no matter what. And then the future prospects of getting silverware will be so much more likely than winning one trophy this season. This is about our future.

So I applaude MON in his decision. With the schedule we've had, he cannot make an easy decision, and he cannot win either way. He sends a weak team to Moscow, there's fan discontent. We send a strong team and lose at Stoke, there's discontent. He's made the right decision for the future of this club, which has a much brighter potential than it would if we went for the UEFA Cup and weakened our top four chances.

And a thank you to you too General K. It must be difficult at times having to absorb some of the anger from some fans. Your position between the board and fans can't be easy at times, but I thank you for persisting with it. You are a valuable asset to us. And with a bit of patience, I'm sure the anger will be much more restricted in the future.

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I don't really think the majority of fans spending that sort of money are on minimum wage.

I get a bit more than minimum wage and can hardly afford away games in this country.

Anyway it is the big push now general has MON ever asked you in to rally the troops?

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hi General,

Just wondering if you had to pull any troops out of battle so they didnt have to fight more than once a week and help keep them fatigue free? ;)

Despite my huge disappointment with the way our club has treated a competitive game and the fans who have followed the Uefa cup this season; i am grateful for the hard work that has been done and to see my club moving forward.

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