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General Krulak (part 2) and *STILL NO TRANSFER QUESTIONS*


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Could you kindly pass on our thanks and congratulations to the team, Randy, Martin and all at Villa Park after today's superb win at Blackburn?

Today's win made history for our great football club. Never in our proud past have we won 7 games away from home in a row. Our bright future has now added to our proud past. My thanks to you and to all who have done so much so soon at Villa Park. You all have now added to the proud history of our great football club by what you have made possible in the present. :clap:

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General Krulak here:

1. The Game: I thought our lads played their socks off today...and was very pleased with our defense. There is no question that MON had the Squad up for this game and that the lads themselves "believe." I was proud of all of them. 7 away wins in a row is very special...and very hard to do.

2. One game at a time. That will remain my mantra. Others can talk of Champions League, possible Cups, etc. etc. I will continue to talk of one game at a time. ALL the rest will come if our lads believe and play like they did today. We need to win...and if we don't win, we need to draw. We just need to keep on keeping on. We are blessed with a great Manager, a great group of Coaches, a strong Squad, a dedicated staff at Villa Park, a wonderful owner and GREAT FANS!! Put this together and you get a Family that, if we stick together, can do almost anything.

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We are blessed with a great Manager, a great group of Coaches, a strong Squad, a dedicated staff at Villa Park, a wonderful owner and GREAT FANS!! Put this together and you get a Family that, if we stick together, can do almost anything.

Now THAT wouldn't be amiss on one of the banners that hang from the stands :nod: :clap::hooray:

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Hi General,

This is a letter I wrote to The Guardian's Football weekly's podcast show and my wife said I should sent it to you as you might enjoy the read so here you go!

Well done and thank you very much by the way, I have not been on in awhile as I have been grieving myself and I am very sorry for the loss of your father.

"Good Day Gentlemen,

I have been listening to your podcasts twice a week for the past two months, it’s been mostly enjoyable.

But one thing has really bothered me, your inability to mention Aston Villa and their progress, which has been quite astounding considering the wage bill of players and the resources that the managers of the teams that are placed around them.

I thought you were finally going to have a chat about Villa last podcast when calling out the fixtures you stopped at Villa because there was one of the panel who had “very strong feelings about this one” only to find out he was upset about Blackburn’s home attendance!!!! I mean, come on!

Before Villa won AGAIN today this email was going to ask if the reason you guys don’t mention Villa was because you don’t think Villa will keep it up, like that so called pundit Laurenson (will look forward to him eating his words).

But I don’t think there is any question now that Villa can and WILL keep it up. Very solid at the back - in fact the only fault Villa have is they don’t put away a lot of the chances they create, we should be winning games by 2 or 3 goals.

I don’t believe their squad is too small either, with injured players returning and even without the rock Laursen at the back they are still keeping clean sheets and winning. I think I would rather 16 players that I have full confidence in putting on or starting than having 30 odd players who are average on the books. Sunderland have 35 players on the wage bill!!!!!! Plus 5 out on loan.

Martin O’ Neill is prepared to wait for the right players who will fit into his plans.

So this can’t be the reason you are not talking about them.

But maybe now after Villa have broke Big Sam’s unbeaten record, have gone above Chelsea, won 7 away in a row, are 8 points clear of Arsenal and have 6 players in the England squad, (Curtis Davis can count himself unlucky not to be in the squad) Maybe now you will find the time in your podcast to have a little chat about Aston Villa..

If not maybe I will have to wait until we beat Chelsea.

Look forward to listening,

David Doherty

Aston Villa Fan"

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Hi General,

The performance from the lads on Saturday was brilliant! I went to the game and enjoyed the performance and the banter that we all had. I still talk to fans who, for whatever reason, do not accept that Villa have any chance of winning the league. They say we want this and that result so that results go our way and we can finish 4th. I disagree because I think we shouldn't be worrying about what is going on below us. We should be looking at those above us and who we can overtake!

Those lads out on the pitch yesterday were fantastic and the team spirit shown is amazing. They really do play for each other and I personally think that is the "Superstar" factor that we have at Villa. We may not have a Ronaldo, Torres, Drogba or Van Persie but we do have a very talented and incredibly hard working bunch of players that all share the same will to win and that spirit is something that I have not witnessed in a Villa team for a very long time. I can't believe I am saying this but I watch Villa and never worry for one minute that we might actually lose the game. That surely as to be a good sign!

I firmly believe that this is our year to win something and I have been telling you this all season General! It was nice to hear Martin's post match interview yesterday, when he said that the players now have belief. They should, because the table doesn't lie and they full deserve to be where they are. Let's just hope they can continue to believe and deliver the performances that are making this an incredible season for AVFC.

General, us fans were singing this yesterday - "we're gonna win the league, we're gonna win the league. And now you're gonna believe us and now you're gonna believe us and now you're gonna believe us - we're gonna win the league" Crikey general, it's been a long long time since I last sung that!

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General Krulak here:

1. flashingqwarty: "we couldn't compete in the transfer market". I think you have taken this out of context. MON was NOT saying that we couldn't compete but that we weren't going to compete when the prices were so outlandish. Believe me, MON and Randy are on the same sheet of music. There comes a point in time when the price of a player in NO way approximates the value of that player. At that point in time, we don't feel it is advisable to "compete in the transfer market." MON has been absolutely brilliant at getting the right players at the right price. Randy is very satisfied with what he is doing. They are on the same page.

thanks for this general - extremely well put and really makes me feel better about the whole think - star man!!

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Hi Gen.

Was browsing channels today on Virgin Media to see what to watch and I end up going past Arsenal, Liverpool, Celtic, Rangers TV etc - now do you think Villa will be getting one of these in the near future?? would be a great asset.

Also we used to have a radio station called The Villan, you could listen to games on DAB radio, what happened to this? Not enough listeners?


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General Krulak here:

1. chefdoc2000: Any letter to the editor that extolls the Villa and its ethos is fine by me.

2. villarocker: You have, indeed, been talking about "winning something" all season....and if we do, you will deserve all the accolades you receive. As I have said as recently as yesterday, I am just looking at one game at a time. If we continue to play with passion, play our socks off, believe,...we will be fine. We still have a long way to go...and we just need to take them one at a time.

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2. One game at a time. That will remain my mantra. Others can talk of Champions League, possible Cups, etc. etc. I will continue to talk of one game at a time. ALL the rest will come if our lads believe and play like they did today. We need to win...and if we don't win, we need to draw. We just need to keep on keeping on. We are blessed with a great Manager, a great group of Coaches, a strong Squad, a dedicated staff at Villa Park, a wonderful owner and GREAT FANS!! Put this together and you get a Family that, if we stick together, can do almost anything.

You'd never know that you've got a wee bit of experience at making speeches and motivating people! Great stuff.

Out of interest, has MON ever asked you to speak to the players for any reason?

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Re: above.

I think this shows what a wonderful club we have become, because, two years ago, as said, I'd be very worried now.

Now ?

There isn't a single ounce of me that is concerned that MON would go !!!. No way, but the best thing about it - the media feel the same .

I was listening to TalkSport earlier and the Chelsea / Mon debate came up - and every one , and I mean everyone was saying "Why on earth would MON leave Villa for Chelsea - it just isn't gonna happen"

My how far we've come !

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General can you just confirm for me that MON Won't be leaving please!!!

I'm not worried..okay i kind of am, despite theres hardly any chance of it happening, the fact that he's so big means even if it's only a 0.1 chance..then it's still concerning!

can you tell me there is 0.00000% of him going! thanks!

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General Krulak here:

1. I think the Birch Tribute work is absolutely brilliant!! I am very proud of the fans.

2. MON: As I have said many times, MON and Randy get along extremely well. They have great mutual respect for each other and are solidly on the same sheet of music. Obviously NO ONE can promise anything in this day and age...but friendship, loyalty, mutual goals and mutual respect all go a long way. We need to trust both men.

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