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General Krulak (part 2) and *STILL NO TRANSFER QUESTIONS*


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have to agree on the catering General...

I dont bother even getting up from my seat at half time, although i would love to get some food and a beer. Unfortunately the only way to do that is to leave 10-15 minutes before the end of the first half and still not be guaranteed to be back to your seat intime for second half kickoff.

Most the people around me are the same. I have to leave a few minutes before final whistle to make sure Im not waiting ages for a train, if I chose to have half time refreshments aswell Id be missing almost a quater of the game every week!!

Im sure its the same at most other clubs. I feel though that if something could be done to drastically speed up service times, then the takings would go up drastically too.

Soooo happy with the club at present General. Major praise is due to MON and Randy and all the guys and girls behind the scenes.

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General although i agree the catering is a problem i think credit where credit is due as it has came a long way from where it was and i understand it is work in progress. I have to say that the lads i was with were well impressed with the new foot long hotdog, at £3.50 it looked good value but how dare the club bring out such a deal while i'm on a diet! :lol: I also noticed that the bar has extended their line of product a bit by adding Magners cider which is also a nice and proof that things are being done.

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Hi General,

My Dad and I have been season ticket holders since 1995. We walked past the Holte pub yesterday before the game and we looked on in envy at the happy warm people enjoying a pint. How does the system work with invites as we are yet to receive one? It would make my Dad extremely happy to once again have a pint in the Holte before a game, something I have never experienced. Are we just being very unlucky so far by not getting an invite?

We stopped in during the summer, it is beautiful. The board are doing a great a job and it filters down from the top to pitch.

All the best

Tommy Corbett

Kings Norton

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Hi General

Last September my best friend aged just 34 and life long Villa supporter died suddenly of Deep Vein Thrombosis while waiting to return home from working away in Germany. The loss has hit myself really hard and even more so for his parents, brother, wife and daughter who has just turned five years old.

At the funeral, the family (who are all Albion fans) wishes were that they did not want any flowers from friends, but asked for donations to Acorns, due to its connections with our club.

There is an account set up at Acorns in his name and after further charity events, that has a total of over £2000, this will increase with more events organized for this year.

His brother had contacted the club asking if possibly arranging a charity game amongst friends and family at Villa Park in honor of his brother, and obviously all proceeds going to Acorns.

Yesterday while leaving the game i received a text from his brother, stating that he had managed to arrange the game at the Wolves ground, because Villa had refused permission for a game to take place.

I know the club probably have rules etc on the use of the pitch for such events, and if there is anything at all the club could do to help in our fund raising it would be greatly appreciated.

If not the game taking place at Villa Park, a signed shirt or ball that could be raffled off, would be fantastic gesture.

On a lighter note, would just like to thank you and everybody connected with the club, for the excellent work you are doing for Aston Villa Football Club.

Up the Villa


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General Krulak here:

1. Any left-over flags will be available in store.

2. heystally: All the points you make re. increased revenue are spot on. You did a very good analysis of the revenue part of the P&L Statement. We all must remember that there is another side to the P&L...profit and "loss." The increase in revenue comes at a price that needs to be factored in. That price is found, primarliy, in wages and tranfer fees. To put a winning side on the Pitch costs money...and that is where sponsorships come into play. Whether it is corporate sponsors buying seats or a sponsor on the shirt...it is all revenue that goes to meet the expenses of the Club. Our partnership with acorns is VERY important to the Club in general and Randy in particular. It is NOT something we will abandon as a given. Right now the partnership is alive and well and it will remain that way. Whether their name is on the shirt or not will NOT change our focus on the charity. I think that we should all just wait and see what happens...do NOT speculate...just wait and see.

3. naming stands: I don't know what more I can say about this. We are NOT going to change the name of stands until we reach the point that we know exactly where we are going with Villa Park. I hear what you all are saying...I am just telling you that we will keep the names for the time being.

4. AVFCGB: I don't have an answer for you. Please call John Greenfield at Villa Park and ask him the question...he can give you the answer.

5. villarocker: Sorry about the service issues you encountered. We have worked very hard to improve the service and continue to value the feedback. As I have said many times, the biggest issue we have is simply the infrastructure. When you near a sell-out, it becomes harder and harder to move food and drink to the places needed. Distribution becomes very difficult. Health and safety dictate how much food can be "stockpiled" at a particular kiosk.

6. I will be at the moscow game...and we expect 30k plus to attend.

7. Booing: That is unbelievable and, in my opinion, a crime.

8. evster: We are VERY reluctant to put non-league games or activities on the Pitch. That is simply the facts. Please contact Lee Preece at AVFC and let him know your situation and see if he can help.

9. The Game: I thought our lads played extremely hard...and the 2nd half was a powerful display. A week ago I was commenting on "luck"...I wonder what the pundits are saying now? Simply put we played hard, we took our shots, they didn't go it. We need to forget about this one and point to the next game...learn from yesterday but focus on tomorrow!!!!

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3. naming stands: I don't know what more I can say about this. We are NOT going to change the name of stands until we reach the point that we know exactly where we are going with Villa Park. I hear what you all are saying...I am just telling you that we will keep the names for the time being.

OK General. I was simply trying to generate a debate with yourself. Get a clearer understanding on WHY you are not willing to consider the matter. I don't believe I have been given that.

But it's no big deal. Much more important things to worry about.

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General Krulak here:

7. Booing: That is unbelievable and, in my opinion, a crime.

i genuinely believe this was aimed towards rob styles and another inept self obsessed display from one of the worst referees in the game...

the media picking up on this is just them trying to be negative about us, because we arent one of their "favourite four"...

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General Krulak here:

2. heystally: All the points you make re. increased revenue are spot on. You did a very good analysis of the revenue part of the P&L Statement. We all must remember that there is another side to the P&L...profit and "loss." The increase in revenue comes at a price that needs to be factored in. That price is found, primarliy, in wages and tranfer fees. To put a winning side on the Pitch costs money...and that is where sponsorships come into play. Whether it is corporate sponsors buying seats or a sponsor on the shirt...it is all revenue that goes to meet the expenses of the Club. Our partnership with acorns is VERY important to the Club in general and Randy in particular. It is NOT something we will abandon as a given. Right now the partnership is alive and well and it will remain that way. Whether their name is on the shirt or not will NOT change our focus on the charity. I think that we should all just wait and see what happens...do NOT speculate...just wait and see.

Hi General,

Thank you very much for your reply. I have no doubt that Villa's link with Acorns will be as strong as ever should we end our shirt sponsorship with them. But it has been nice to walk round in a Villa shirt, proud of the name across the front as well as the crest. All the best.

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7. Booing: That is unbelievable and, in my opinion, a crime.

General, I was sat in the Upper Holte yesterday and did hear a smattering of boos at the final whistle. The impression I got though was not that they were directed at the players or at MON, I got the impression they were simply groans of frustration at the lack of result when we'd played so well. I say this because the boos were immediately followed up by chants of 'Villa' and 'Holteenders in the Sky'. I may be wrong, but that's certainly the impression I got.

Just my two cents.

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Hi gen,

Yesterday I needed some cash out and had to go down to Tesco to take some out (Im a season ticket holder in the Holte so it's all the way at the other end and I come from the way Aston Station is) - now correct me if I am wrong but I've never seen any cash points in or around Villa Park, just Tesco, so would it be possible for some cash points to be installed around the ground or inside the ground? It would help a lot of fans and would probably boost business as I (and I'm sure a lot of other fans) often don't have cash on them and just money on cards.

Cheers gen

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General i have just been reading MON's comments about the booing on Saturday and would like you to pass on to him AND the team that WE TOO are bemused by it as shown in the link below. I can only assume that those who booed were non regular supporters as we have proved over the past few seasons that this is indeed a rare thing to happen after such a performance. It makes the manager and the team seem unapprciated foir their efforts and is not the thoughts of the majority.

If you could pass this on it would be great.

The thread on booing

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Just want to pass my sympathies on about the sad death of Paul Birch this morning. Im sure you are aware that Birchy has had his name sung at Villa Park every game for as long as anyone cares to remember ("With Spinksy and Birchy, Alan Mcinally") and I just wondered if the club were going to do anything as a mark of respect for him. Birchy spent a season at Doncaster in 1996/97 and as we play them on Wednesday night could they get involved too?

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Just want to pass my sympathies on about the sad death of Paul Birch this morning. Im sure you are aware that Birchy has had his name sung at Villa Park every game for as long as anyone cares to remember ("With Spinksy and Birchy, Alan Mcinally") and I just wondered if the club were going to do anything as a mark of respect for him. Birchy spent a season at Doncaster in 1996/97 and as we play them on Wednesday night could they get involved too?

Hi General

1) I agree. It was extremely sad to see the passing of 2 legends last week but I have always said that Birchy was one of the most underrated players to ever put on a Villa shirt. In my eyes and I guess a lot of people in their late 30's such as I he was every bit a Villa legend as some more successful players we never got to see.

For me in his years at our club he was always the first name on the team sheet

2)Booing - I am completely mystified, I hope it was at the ref but I suspect it was more a reflection of the number of complete idiots who follow this and all other clubs. Your and MON's unbelievable efforts over the last couple of years are cherished by 99.9% of all true fans.

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Hi General,

Just wanted to add my disbelief at the booing. What Lerner and O'Neill have achieved in the last two years is unbelievable and I hope they realise how happy us fans are. There are often some idiots around at Villa park (eg the coin thrower) but the vast majority of us are delighted to finally see great, spirited football return to villa park.

Also agree with the earlier poster, re shirt sponsorship.

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General Krulak here:

1. Booing: Let's be clear about this...booing does NOT motivate the team. This is particularly true when they have played as hard as our lads did this weekend. Obviously when someone buys a ticket, they have paid for the right to express themselves and some do. All I can say is that it is very demoralizing for our Lads to runs their socks off for 90+ minutes and then walk off the Pitch to the sound of boos. We must appreciate the entire "scope of their work"...what they have done the past few seasons. This last game...the smattering of boos...was just uncalled for. If you are sitting next to someone who is booing, it might behoove you to lean over and tell them to knock it off. Many of you say that you didn't hear the boos....well, when you are on the Pitch, believe me, you can hear. When our Manager even mentions it, you get the sense that the boos were, indeed, heard. We say that it does not reflect the feelings of "the majority"...which I am sure is true. At the same time, the Boos are heard and do NOT make the team feel very good after busting their guts on the Pitch. Very SAD!!!! :bang:

2. I was terribly saddened to hear of the passing of another Villa Legend. Again, we will do what is "right" and what is proper for the Family.

3. Doncaster: If the weather helps us, we think we may get around 28K. We look to get 38K at CSKA Moscow and sell out the Chelsea game.

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General I think you missed my suggestion about cash points in and around the ground? It's on the previous page.

Hi General,

I agree with this point. On many occasions I have turned up to the ground not having enough cash on me. I'm only going to be spending the momeny in the holte end suite or in the ground!

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