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General Krulak (part 2) and *STILL NO TRANSFER QUESTIONS*


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Hi General, I was thinking about Russ Appleton the other day, the guy who I first met when I went to that Bolton game in the box. I think he was head if infrastructure or something if I remember rightly? Just wondered if he was still involved really, seemed a really nice bloke.

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General, it has probably not escaped your attention that there's a thread on the main board regarding renaming the Ellis stand to something more fitting. I know you have said that will never happen under Randy and I totally agree with your reasoning.

However, somebody raised an interesting point. I am sure you are fully aware that The North Stand used to be known as the Witton End. I can only assume it was changed to avoid any confusion with the Witton Lane Stand. Now that that isn't a problem any longer, would Randy consider changing it back? It may only seem a small 'issue' in the grand scheme of things, but it is part of our history. Our Proud History.

Perhaps if/when it is redeveloped?

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General Krulak here:

1. Borrow money from me??? You have got to be kidding!! You'd have to go thru Mrs "K" and I wouldn't wish that on anyone!!

2. Russ Appleton: Russ did a superb job of overseeing some of the most critical renovations at Villa Park. He was in charge of the renovation of the Holte Pub, he led the construction of the Bodymoor Heath Training Facility to include all pitches and the removal of the old buildings, he worked the renovation that took place in the North Stand Offices and the store/ticketing area and he provided oversight on Randy's home outside of B'ham. In other words, Russ did a great deal for us. He is now in the US working on other projects.

3. We will not changed the name of the Doug Ellis stand as I have said before. I would not count on changing the name of any stand at this time.

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3. We will not changed the name of the Doug Ellis stand as I have said before. I would not count on changing the name of any stand at this time.

Can I ask you General why you wouldn't consider changing the name of the North Stand? It has no real historical significance.

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3. We will not changed the name of the Doug Ellis stand as I have said before. I would not count on changing the name of any stand at this time.

Can I ask you General why you wouldn't consider changing the name of the North Stand? It has no real historical significance.

If that means we're unlikely to see the Coca-Cola Stand any time soon, I'm right behind the General on this one.. :)

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hi general, great news on the wigan came selling out. it's about time we sold out games like this and hopefully with our continuing success we will! :)

i'll be there...let's hope villa park is rocking tomorrow and we roar our lions on to a great win :D

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i just want to agree with TwistedLogic on the fact that we have sold out for the game agaisnt wigan, as eary as last season we were lucky to get any where near 40k for a game agaisnt wigan, and now we selling out, just shows how far we have come in a short amount of time

thanks alot General

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I have to say General that i am pleasantly shocked that we have sold out for this game as Villa have done this family ticket offer recently and we have not sold out. Whether its the teams performance in the league or the extra work that the staff have put in to promote it i think a well done is due to all.

I'm sure you will sleep tonight knowing that Blackcountryvillain will be happy too. :lol:

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General Krulak here:

1. Naming stands: We just want to hold the names we have now....we have some big decisions to be made about the renovation of Villa Park in its entireity...changing names on stands is pretty low on the priority scale.

2 The Wigan game will be close to a sell out but we do not see a 42+K crowd at this time...which would be a sell out. We do see 41K which is very good.

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2 The Wigan game will be close to a sell out but we do not see a 42+K crowd at this time...which would be a sell out. We do see 41K which is very good.

Hi General,

I think we should be in the 42k. I called to try and get a couple of extra tickets but was told all had gone. So it should make for a great atmosphere.

My question today is regarding shirt sponsorship. I assume in the next couple of months the decision will be made as to next season's sponsor. Personally, I would be absolutely delighted if Aston Villa were to keep the name Acorns proudly announced on our kits.

I understand when the decision was made, you said it was partly because of Randy's fondness for the charity, but partly because the Villa name had a price that no sponsor was willing to meet, and we would not sell this great name for less than what it is worth. Well I would suggest, even if such a bid reached that amount, that we stick to the path we have chosen this year.

We have already seen an increase in television exposure this year, being selected for more live games on Sky, and added UEFA games on Five, our FA Cup game against Gillingham was on ITV (and I assume the game against one of the Scouse teams will be should we make it there). Whilst attendences haven't been as high as last season, I think the added games will have helped make up for that. And I can only assume that we have increased our fan base since last season, which would increase our merchandise sales, etc.

Now obviously this is just me speculating, but I can only see this kind of exposure increasing. We are now firmly one of the top five teams in the country, and with the very real prospect of Champions League football next season, this would undoubtedly benefit us financially.

It is for reasons such as these that I wish we do keep the Acorns sponsorship. If we can go this season without being paid for a name on our shirt, yet increase other areas of our teams revenue, then surely future seasons will only be better. We did something unique to this league and this country at the start of this season, and it showed what kind of club this is OFF the field, whilst the players and coaches (and of course MON) have proven what kind of club we are ON the field.

Long may both continue.

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1. Naming stands: We just want to hold the names we have now....we have some big decisions to be made about the renovation of Villa Park in its entireity...changing names on stands is pretty low on the priority scale.

Well when the stand is renovated, it would be just as easy to stick "The Witton End" on the side as it is "The North Stand".

Just saying. I know it would get a lot of backing.

I'll leave you to your business. Thank you for the reply.

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Hi General

I would like to agree with Heystally! comments above regarding the shirt sponsership. I guess as the credit crunch bites it will become harder to ignore the prospect of sponsership, and our success this season will certainly increase the number of people knocking at your door. But this season I have been very proud to read the many positive comments written about my club because of this gesture. This 'goodwill' toward the club could never be purchased .... And most importantly we are genuinely helping a very worthwhile organisation who are making a real difference to terminally ill children

We have taken a very high ground position .... Lets not give it up easily

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General K. I have a question about the sale prices on the Vlla Direct on-line store? Why are sale items having their prices constantly increased. I have looked at ordering various items to find they have substantially increased in price. For example the adult track suit bottoms were £17.99. They are now up to £25.99. The adult polo-shirts have risen from £13.99 to £19.99, even the blue baseball caps have now risen an additional £1.

Surely in a sale the prices should stay the same? Can you give any reason for the sale price increases?

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Hi General,

A much better performance from the guys today but not the result we wanted hey! We did everything but score and I don't think you can blame our players for that. Wigan defended very well and through anything and everything in the way to stop us scoring. On another day it could have been a big scoreline. I thought the effort of the lads second half was fantastic and that is why I find it hard to believe that some people booed at the end. I didn't hear this personally but I have read it online through various sources. It's hard to understand how these people think or why they would do this after watching the lads put so much effort into that game. I just hope MON realises that it's only a very small minority of people that weren't thinking straight with their reactions!

I have a small gripe regarding the catering in the Lower North Stand. The kiosk to the left of the stand, as you look at it, was closed at half time. All of the fans then headed to the other remaining kiosk and getting served was a struggle to say the least! It is hard enough to get served in that stand as it is but today was just a joke. It is quite frustrating when you have to leave your seat 10 minutes before half time to get in the queue for something to eat or drink normally, but when you actually get back to your seat and the second half has already kicked off, it is really annoying. Surely something is wrong when you have to miss 15 minutes of the game just to get some chips or a drink?

I don't know what happened today but the service in that stand really is sub-standard for a club like Villa General.

Sorry to complain General, it's not really in my nature to do so as I love all things Villa!

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hi general. i was at the game today and i must say that the boys did so, so well considering we were up against wigan's parked bus tactic and a referee who, quite frankly, needed to borrow my partner's glasses.

i also want to take this oppotunity to mention about the apparent boo'ing that was going on. i was in lower trinity this afternoon but i didn't hear any boo'ing but can i just let it be known that the people boo'ing need a good hard slap. you do NOT boo your own, and at the end of the day...martin and the boys have done so much for us and i'm abolsutely furious that a few idiots decided to throw that back in their faces.

can you please let them know that the majority of us appriciate what they have done so far this season, and that we accept that days like today happen. we've just got to accept it and move on. arsenal dropped points as well so we didn't really lose any ground at all.

P.S great to see john carew back :D

up the villa!

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