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I've just started running. Can do two hours of football fairly easily with the anaerobic nature of stop start sprinting but have never been a good runner and have always hated jogging for any length of time. The base level of fitness is there, it's getting used to the stamina of going for 30 mins+ consecutively that's difficult for me.

Still the imprvements in only 2 weeks have been decent and i'm finding 30 minutes doable and the speed is creeping up too. Aiming for 10k runs in 60 mins which i hope isnt too bad?

I had the same problems when i first started running Grant. I had a very good base fitness from football. I went to the gym a lot, played 11 a side and 5 a side twice a week, and also used to go circuit training.

However, the first few times i tried to run longer distance for a prolonged period, it nearly killed me.

Like you, i was used to all the stop/start/sprint/walk explove fitness of football.

My body was simply not used to prolonged running without stopping. Took me a good few treadmill runs and a good bit of going through the pain barrier before long distnace running became anythign like normal or comfortable for me.

but then there's the injuries associated with road running (especially the knees and more lately my achilles tendons).

So now i'm back to the gym and football. I have come full circle.

Cheers Jon, it's good to know i'm not the only one.

Have managed another 4 runs this week and each time i'm looking forward to the next and while i build up, each is a pb too :D Am doing them first thing in the morning to burn off fat as part of a 2 month cutting phase.

Once i'm up to 10k runs i'll probably do 2/3 a week depending on other sports i'm doing. Hoping to phase football back in as my ankle ligaments recover.

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Just did my first run since Boxing Day. Five miles, took it very easy, about 45 mins I guess (wasn't wearing a watch). Really felt the extra weight and lack of training, but at least I've started again. :thumb:

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I've signed up for the Great Edinburgh run again this year.

To be honest, idid it last year, tried to keep up the running, but came to the conclusion that I just hate running!! I can't do it!

So this year I'm gonna keep up my football, I've hit the gym again hard and doing plenty of swimming. So that should get the fitness and stamina up. Then I'll just do the run for a laugh.

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did 20 mins on the treadmill in the gym today................

Never thought I'd be posting in this topic tbh

running or walking gareth?

20 mins non stop running as a starter would be some very good going!

fast walking uphill (about 4 degree gradient), I did do about 15 mins running on it a few days previously though,

fast walking uphill on that gradient is probably gonna get you as knackered as actual running.

you new to the whole gym lark, or an occassional attendee?

I love it personally. Plus usually it's a great opportunity to view very fit women in very little clothing/tight fitting gym gear who are al hot and sweaty.

What's not to like? (apart from the fat, saggy 60 year old women you get in there during the day, often in skimpy attire) :mrgreen:

New to it, its a completely alien culture to me :mrgreen:

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12 miles this week for me 4 days x 3 miles on the treadmill

knees just about holding up

on one hand good to be back , but also kinda depressing when i think how fast and fit i was (reckon I've put on 3 stone since my last knee op :-() ..but one step at a time

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Does any one else find they get a bad lower back when they do road running? I did about half a mile today before i had to stop running due to the pain. Any one else get this? any thing i can do to stop it from hurting?

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Does any one else find they get a bad lower back when they do road running? I did about half a mile today before i had to stop running due to the pain. Any one else get this? any thing i can do to stop it from hurting?

Might have to do with your running style. Do you run with 'standard' running shoes? If so your running style may not suit how you are built, in terms of absorption of impact when your foot hits the ground. Perhaps the way you run causes the lower back to absorb a lot of the impact of your strides.

Try not to run with "Running Shoes", or any shoe for that matter. All of them have some form of "support" which prevents your foot from absorbing pressure the way its supposed to, and as a result it messes up your whole body's way of absorbing pressure.

Try barefoot running - you will realize your running style will improve and not put too much strain on any part of your body. For me my ankles always hurt after I ran, but after switching to barefoot running it doesn't hurt as much.

Try getting a pair of Vibram Five Fingers. It's essentially just a thin strap-on sole. It's only so that you still have some protection from nasty sharp rocks on the ground or the like. For the most part your feet can feel the earth and pressure will be distributed among the muscles of your feet, which at the moment is severely underused because it's stacked on top of tons of thick 'support' from the sole.

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So did my weekly weigh in today ....

In the week I did 1 x30 min swim session , 4 x 30 min runs on the treadmill at a decent pace , some bag work.... I reduced all my crisp & sweetie intake to almost zero and .................

I've put on 6 lb in weight !!

My fat % has actually decreased by 1.8% and I've lost an inch from around my waist .. I aware that muscle weighs more than fat , but can I really have put on that much muscle so quickly ?, I'm not on steroids or any supplements

Yeah I know , i know i should judge it by how I look and feel but boy do the scale kick a man when he's worked so hard ... was it to much to ask for it to have gone down a lb ..... maybe I'll give up on the scales and just go by how i feel

oh well someone cheer me up before I eat the whole tin of roses that are in my cupboard from Christmas :-)

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Tony - ditch the scales. Obsessing over weight loss on a weekly basis distracts from the objective - which is improving overall health and fitness. You'll know about that from the way you feel and your running/swimming etc. speeds and recovery times.

Over a period of time you WILL lose weight, but that isn't the whole story.

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Finally back out tonight for a 10k or so. :hooray:

Hopefully haven't lost too much pace over the last two weeks as Mr.Trim and I start the build up to our first organised run in March (Fradley).

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Does any one else find they get a bad lower back when they do road running? I did about half a mile today before i had to stop running due to the pain. Any one else get this? any thing i can do to stop it from hurting?

I'd book in at a physio fella, or some sort of back pain specialist.

I get similar lower back pain myself when running (well i used to anyway). Sometimes it was worse than others.

It's all about posture and body dynamics. But if left untreated, lower back pain when exercuising can lead to other conditions like groin problems, knee problems and achilles problems (and i've had all 3 of these!).

treatment and special stretches for the back and lower limbs will see you OK.

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Finally back out tonight for a 10k or so. :hooray:

Hopefully haven't lost too much pace over the last two weeks as Mr.Trim and I start the build up to our first organised run in March (Fradley).

Race. It's a race. :)

You'll both do well in it. When you get the results, see how many club runners finish behind you. Makes you think.

I'm back to the club tonight for the first time in a month. :thumb:

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Does any one else find they get a bad lower back when they do road running? I did about half a mile today before i had to stop running due to the pain. Any one else get this? any thing i can do to stop it from hurting?

I'd book in at a physio fella, or some sort of back pain specialist.

I get similar lower back pain myself when running (well i used to anyway). Sometimes it was worse than others.

It's all about posture and body dynamics. But if left untreated, lower back pain when exercuising can lead to other conditions like groin problems, knee problems and achilles problems (and i've had all 3 of these!).

treatment and special stretches for the back and lower limbs will see you OK.

I've rested it for the last couple of days so i'll go out again tonight and see how it feels, and if i am still struggling i will probably follow this advice. I've already got really bad knees so i couldnt deal with more problems!

cheers :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

nice pictures .... could swear that first photo is a chick ... shouldn't the race be renamed tough guys and guyettes ?

looks like hard work , think I'll stick to me treadmill for now ....

talking of which .. weighed myself this morning and my body fat % has dropped almost 4 % and I've lost 2 inches off my gut so the comeback is going well ..

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I've heard about this Touch Guy Challenge before - but bloody hell it looks a nightmare.
I believe it's about 8 or 9 miles - the first six are more-or-less normal cross-country, the final stretch is horrendous obstacles. Of my two mates who did it, one said that that final stretch (and the hypothermia of the hour afterwards) was the worst experience of his life. The other one - a VERY strong runner in his 20s, who regularly wins races - had completed it the previous year, but this year failed to finish. He said that when he broke the ice to swim through the nine-foot-deep water he was convinced he was going to die.

EDIT: And it's VERY expensive to enter.

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