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well, im thinking about doing it as i've been playing football this season. But recently, i've exerpienced really bad groin strain, a bad back, and sore knees. Im only 25, slim and i thought i was in decent shape.

This is the first year since i was 17 or so that i've played consistently but cant believe how many niggles and injuries ive picked up and have now had to stop playing. would going for jogs help or is it likely theres something more sinister wrong??

Football is deadly though, because it's all stop-start, twisting, turning, jumping, etc. - a recipe for injuries like you describe.

Runners just get different injuries - shin splints, achilles tendon problems, plantar fasciitis (heel pain), etc. You can reduce the risk though, by warming up before running, stretching afterwards, and avoiding overdoing it when you're not yet fit enough (see above!)

Check out the Runners World website for good advice.

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Do you runners use those little (rather sickly) gels? I think Lucozade do them as do 'Maxim'. I'm looking at one now -Maxim Energy Gel Strawberry flavour. Doesnt quench thirst but stops the knock.
Never tried them, but then I haven't done anything longer than a half-marathon for many years. If I ever do another 26.2 I might consider it.
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Had an achilles and lazyitis problem and haven't run since before Christmas I reckon, but started playing footy a couple of weeks ago and, reading this thread has inspired me to get out tonight and do a couple of miles. It's going to hurt though :nod:

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Oh yeah, you are dead right; you wouldnt need them for anything like a 10km. I only race 10 & 25 mile time trials now so would need them in the course of a race but handy to have in pocket inthe event of 'blowing-up' 25 miles from home when out training.

Do runners measure their training in terms of: a) time or B) distance ? Top cyclists (not me !!) dont consider the miles they cover but rather the hours on the bike.

Earlier in the thread, there was mention of HRMs ; has anyone bought one and what did they think of it. Another make to consider is 'Polar'; new batteries can be fitted by a decent watchmaker - no need to send them back or anything.

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Do runners measure their training in terms of: a) time or B) distance ? Top cyclists (not me !!) dont consider the miles they cover but rather the hours on the bike.
Most runners I know (including me) think in terms of miles "in the bank", but from a training point of view it would actually make more sense to think in terms of time.

Also, the terrain matters. Five miles on flat roads is not the same as five miles off-road or up and down steep hills.

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Without wanting to focus too much on times and distance at the moment as its not important has anyone got any tips on how to keep going?

I want to run 6 miles in an hour, a pretty easy time IMO. I just did a mile in 8 minutes jogging but I doubt I could keep that pace for an hour at the moment. Any ideas on how I could train to aim for that?

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Run/walk at the beginning. So say Run for 6 minutes, walk for 4, run for 6, walk for 4, run for 6 walk for 4 and warm down. Do that 3 times a week. In the other 3 days of the week (always take a day off), just walk for 30 minutes or so. Gradually change the proportion; more running less walking. Then stop walking altogether. Do it gently, never increasing anything by more than 10% or so in a week. In 10 weeks you should easily be able to run for 40 or so minutes at 8 minute mile pace.

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Bloody hell, had a go at interval training tonight on the treadmill. It's bloody tiring! To start off I ran at 14 km/h for 5 mins with 2 min walk, then 13 km/h for about 4 mins with 2 minute walk, then 12 km/h for 4 mins and after the 2 min walk I settled at around 10 km/h and ran 6k in about 37 minutes overall. It's a good feeling when you push yourself and run further/better than you have previously :)

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Well, despite a week with little training, and a phlegmy cough worthy of that bloke on The Fast Show, not a bad effort at today's Bradford 10K.

43:34 (12 seconds short of a PB, sadly), 164th out of about 1,000 runners, 18th over 50 ( out of 88 ).


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Had an achilles and lazyitis problem and haven't run since before Christmas I reckon, but started playing footy a couple of weeks ago and, reading this thread has inspired me to get out tonight and do a couple of miles. It's going to hurt though :nod:

me too. Going for a run tonight santa, my first for almost 12 months!! (knee problems from running - tendons!)

Hope to be able to bang out 3 miles in about 25 mins. Got the manchester 10K coming up in may, so just starting my programme now. Am aiming for under 50 mins for the 10K.

The previous times i have done it in 52.30 mins, so i need to shave 150 seconds off from somewhere. I think with 7 weeks of training, and 2 runs a week, shouldn't be a problem :nod:

some superb times there Mike!!!

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Had an achilles and lazyitis problem and haven't run since before Christmas I reckon, but started playing footy a couple of weeks ago and, reading this thread has inspired me to get out tonight and do a couple of miles. It's going to hurt though :nod:

me too. Going for a run tonight santa, my first for almost 12 months!! (knee problems from running - tendons!)

Hope to be able to bang out 3 miles in about 25 mins. Got the manchester 10K coming up in may, so just starting my programme now. Am aiming for under 50 mins for the 10K.

The previous times i have done it in 52.30 mins, so i need to shave 150 seconds off from somewhere. I think with 7 weeks of training, and 2 runs a week, shouldn't be a problem :nod:

some superb times there Mike!!!

Well like I said I was relatively pleased with the latest 10K as was (and still am) somewhat under the weather, but I had been hoping for a PB, as Bradford was a surprisingly fast course. Oh well, on to Rothwell in May.

Keep us posted on your progress Jon - I'm sure you'll get that sub-50.

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Had an achilles and lazyitis problem and haven't run since before Christmas I reckon, but started playing footy a couple of weeks ago and, reading this thread has inspired me to get out tonight and do a couple of miles. It's going to hurt though :nod:

me too. Going for a run tonight santa, my first for almost 12 months!! (knee problems from running - tendons!)

How did you get on Jon? I didn;t go in the end last week for a couple of reasons, although mostly being lazy. Went last night though and did a mile and a half in just under 14 minutes. I don't think any of them Kenyan lads have got anything to worry about with a time like that, but, for a fat lad going out for the first time in 4 months, I'll take it. The important thing is that I got out and got amongst it.

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Had an achilles and lazyitis problem and haven't run since before Christmas I reckon, but started playing footy a couple of weeks ago and, reading this thread has inspired me to get out tonight and do a couple of miles. It's going to hurt though :nod:

me too. Going for a run tonight santa, my first for almost 12 months!! (knee problems from running - tendons!)

How did you get on Jon? I didn;t go in the end last week for a couple of reasons, although mostly being lazy. Went last night though and did a mile and a half in just under 14 minutes. I don't think any of them Kenyan lads have got anything to worry about with a time like that, but, for a fat lad going out for the first time in 4 months, I'll take it. The important thing is that I got out and got amongst it.

Not bad that Santa!

My run was v tough Santa. haven't run properly for almost 12 months due to protecting my knees, as I get tendon problems in them - have had loads of physio on it to help to sort it out.

My and my training partner did nearly 2.5 miles in about 30 mins, although i did have to stop 3 times!! Nightmare. I seem to have lost all of my running skills. Was knackered, but i think it will do me the world of good. Knees were OK, which was a real bonus, so i'll have to bang out 2 or 3 more runs over the next week or so to get back into the swing of things.

No pain, no gain ..... :winkold: :(

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If it's been a year, it's bound to take a wee while to get back to it. I'm sure you'll get there. Good that you've got someone to run with too, that'll help I'm sure. Might see if I can draft some poor bugger in for me to cough, splutter and sweat behind. Got some good trainers to help with knees?

My achilles seems to be holding up well. Had plenty of physio on it too - by a bloke who used to work at the Stadium of Light. I always assumed it was as some sort of physio, but judging from the sports massage last night, it might well have been in the dungeons.

No pain, no gain .....

Never said a truer word. Gonna have another go tonight, before having tomorrow off.

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Sometimes when I run the outside of my foot feels like its burning. I notice it most when I have ran a bit then walked. Iv picked this up from runnersworld.

''Supination, also known as underpronation, is the opposite to pronation where the feet don't roll inward enough. Wearing the wrong type of shoe will lead to painful shins and joints, or even injury.''

Im hoping this will go away in time after I have used my running shoes more because I cant afford to be buying another pair. :(

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Got some running gear t'other day, including some nice Asics Cumulus 10.

Had a brief run this morning, I'm so unfit!

Buying a home gym this week too, looking forward to burning this fat I've gained over the past 2 years.

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