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Five years ago - What were you doing?


Has your life changed for better or worse in the last 5 years?  

103 members have voted

  1. 1. Has your life changed for better or worse in the last 5 years?

    • It's about the same
    • Better
    • Worse

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5 years ago I was going to more Villa games than now, therefore worse.

5 years ago Aston was a snotty 7yo who could hold small childish conversations, now he's 12 going on 20 with the ability to point out where teams are going wrong - better

5 years ago I was happily married with Aston, now it's the same

5 years ago I was looking forward to being 40, now I'm looking forward to her 40th (Monday) same.

5 years ago Villa had Ellis, we the fans had VFC and AVISA. I made some good friends in those days. Friendships which may have waned but will never be forgotten. Better due to the lack of Ellis

5 years ago I was posting occasionally on the first VT, now recently I've been the same. That does need to change back to the halcyon years in between and 15 posts a day ;-)

Overall I've got less disposable income than I had 5 years ago but things seem a little better.

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A lot better. 5 years ago was the start of my life to go down steepily. And that lasted for about 5 years, actually. With some few ups now and then. That changed, for no seemable reason at all, about this summer. Feel a lot better now and enjoy my life. Don't know if it will go down again, but atm I'm not thinking too much about it.

And 5 years ago I had not seen Villa play in flesh once and now I've been to VP 4 times, seen them once in the InterToto-cup (Odense) and seen 3 friendlies here in Sweden. I'm also atvm discussing with Svenne to go and see the Wham away game and I'm definitely to see that game at VP in april. Add Randy and MON to that and you have another reason why my life is so much better these days. :nod:

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5 years ago I went from a 25k job in Probation to a 5k student Nurse bursary. My kids (4) were all teenagers (our house was hormone city). My wife was a crap paid class teacher.

Now, I am doing an occupation I first dreamt about doing 10 years ago (still don't earn as much as I used to though). The kids are all grown (house full of adults who love each other is worth all the money in the world, nearly). My wife is a well paid Deputy Head.

The only down side is this elongated wait for a U.S. immigrant visa, but when that finally arrives we will be sorted.

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Gone for the same but sooo much has changed. Currently im going through the hardest part of my life so far and some days im really really happy then the next hour its killing me

im totally different person and in a totally different place to 5 years ago but there are a few things that i wish had never changed

so is life i guess

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5 years ago i'd left school in the May and i'd started college in the September doing English Lit, Media Studies and Film Studies. It wasn't what i expected at all and it was too much like school, i stuck it until the end of October but i carried on 'pretending' to go. I'd go out of the house in the morning with my mom when she went to work, then as soon as she'd gone i'd go back in the house and doss all day. I carried this on until just before Christmas, then my mom was getting suspicious so she rang the college and asked if i'd been attending and of course they said i hadn't been since the end of October :lol: I was lucky that Santa still came to me that year

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Bickster I hope the best for you and your missus.... and Paddy, not sure exactly what I'm trying to say to you here but (and I'm trying to think of the school article you wrote, and the one thing you said you hated hearing about the cancer) I think that the strength you showed to get through your brain tumor(s) is just brilliant. Glad to hear you are happy and active.

Not sure I'd say hated hearing about it. But I suppose I know what you mean. I never liked to keep it to myself, that just wasn't the best way to deal with it for me. For some it is.

Care to lend me some of your motivation and ambition?

Haha, if I could bottle it I'd send you some (at a price!). Seriously though, everyone's got it in them, I'm convinced of that, it just takes something like this to bring it out.

Franz josef or fox glacier?

Was that aimed at me Dan? I did Francis Jeffers. We had a guide, who it seems, in hindsight, that he didn't know what he was doing. He got us lost trying to take a short cut, slipped and would have fallen down a huge crevass had he not been very quick to stick his axe in. It was by far the most dangerous thing I've ever done (in the sense that you were one slip from falling down something you couldn't see the bottom of.

Having spoken to people since it seems it shouldn't have been anywhere near that dangerous and the guide wasn't doing his job properly. I mean they split you into 3 groups of reasonably hard, medium and easy, but it still shouldn't have been that dangerous. Someone died on the glacier the week after we were there.

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About the same. Five years ago I was in the same house, with the same wife (and kids), doing the same job.

Funnily enough I'm quite a bit happier with it all now than I was then.

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i think someone posted it here recently and i think its important to remember during bo th happy and sad times that 'this too will pass'

im now appreciating the great things i have and getting through the bad moments much easier

however, i regret not appreciating what i had and letting it slip

but overall ive achieved so much and im close to achieving more things to im the same

sorry for not posting this in the post i just made, but its really set me thinking

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Things are definitely better for me. I had just started working for a friend's startup company as a sales and Marketing manager for a company with a completely unsellable product. I was living with my girlfriend in Docklands, but the relationship was on the rocks. Had barely enough money to exist. I could afford bills and basic food, but that was it.

Since then I've had a couple of failed relationships (with lots of fun for a long time when they were working!), but the main thing for me was an ex forcing me to go to the doctors to talk about depression. Since then I've been hospitalised twice, pretty much successfully, and now I appreciate every day and realise that I hadn't really been happy since I was about 5 years old. I read the posts of those who were/are '16 and without a care in the world' and it reminds me of how different I was back then - if I wasn't worrying about somehting then I would worry that I should be worrying about something.

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Play of light, a photograph

The way I used to be

Some half-forgotten stranger

Doesn't mean that much to me.

Trick of light, moving picture

Moments caught in flight

Make the shadows darker

Or the colors shine too bright

-- Neil Peart (with possibly the highest notes Geddy Lee has ever hit)

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It was in 2003 when I decided to turn down an opportunity to train at Silverstone college for an apprenticeship to be on a pit crew.

Instead as my folks had just split up I moved to Wales with my Dad for a year and did night security.

How different my life would be now!!

But then my present Missus would not be expecting my first baby so............

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Another one for you younguns: The decisions you make now will affect you for the rest of your life, some good some bad. Make sure you make the right choices because the bad ones hurt a lot.

i know u didnt mean to mate but that has really just bummed me out

im 21, and i only now know the true meaning of the words sorry and regret

its getting better though and there are reasons the crap stuff happeed so im looking forward to my future and ive got exciting things coming up

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Another one for you younguns: The decisions you make now will affect you for the rest of your life, some good some bad. Make sure you make the right choices because the bad ones hurt a lot.

i know u didnt mean to mate but that has really just bummed me out

im 21, and i only now know the true meaning of the words sorry and regret

its getting better though and there are reasons the crap stuff happeed so im looking forward to my future and ive got exciting things coming up

Sorry mate, like you say it is good to look forward. Time is a great healer.

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its surprising that many more people think things have got better than worse.

surely law of averages should mean for 50% of people it will have got better, and for 50% of people it will have got worse.

(excluding those who it has stayed the same).


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5 years ago I was probably off my head on some sort of chemical substance in college. Life was good back then.. but I suppose my quality of life has gone up in 5 years... although I don't have as much fun as I did back then.

Hasn't been a steady incline though.. after college I hit a pretty big trough in my last job, and have only really turned my life around this year.

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26th November 2003, 17:00

I know exactly what I was doing.. I was walking home from work and my head was a bit messed up. The previous Friday night I had met a nice young lady at a party, had spent the hours of 2am to 6am doing incredibly dirty things to her. And 26/11/03 was to be our first date. Unfortunately, she had gone very very very quiet on the text message front and I was convinced I wouldn't hear from her again. I was 7 weeks into my Newcastle experiment, having just moved over from Dublin, and I was fast becoming disillusioned with things.

As it turns out, she texted me at about 6pm, and we went on that date. Now we're married, no kids and no money. But, on the whole, things are better than they were 5 years ago.

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