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The General Election / General politics topic (End Nov 2008)


If there was General Election tomorrow which way would you vote?  

66 members have voted

  1. 1. If there was General Election tomorrow which way would you vote?

    • Labour
    • Conservative
    • Lib Dem
    • Green
    • BNP
    • SNP / Plaid
    • Other (please explain)
    • Abstain / Spoil Ballot

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a true labour policy if ever i saw one, that, and one i agree with fully.

tax should be capped ... we all use the same amount of oxygen , we all still dial the same 999 for a lack of response from the police

Though capping tax would not change the fact that some people would pay more tax than others. It would just put a ceiling on how much more.

Anyway, I won't get into a discussion on personal taxation as I think we both know where each other stands. :P

Our Chancellor and PM were unable to predict what was going to happen 6 months ago , and yet now they give us a clear prediction to the year 2015 that all will be OK and we trust them !!!

I thoroughly agree with your amazement on this.

I, like you, would like to know why we are now in a position where the Chancellor has become a sound source for short term and medium term predictions.

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as for taxing the rich im sure we will see alot more rich immigrating after this announcement

? Emigrating you mean? If so, here's hoping it's Paul Daniels, Phil Collins and all the usual suspects. Reason enough to vote Labour in itself :)

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as for taxing the rich I'm sure we will see a lot more rich immigrating after this announcement

? Emigrating you mean? If so, here's hoping it's Paul Daniels, Phil Collins and all the usual suspects. Reason enough to vote Labour in itself :)

we can have another "will the last person to leave the country ,please turn the lights off " headline in the papers ... and it will help the UK met it's carbon emission levels as well :-)

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as for taxing the rich I'm sure we will see a lot more rich immigrating after this announcement

? Emigrating you mean? If so, here's hoping it's Paul Daniels, Phil Collins and all the usual suspects. Reason enough to vote Labour in itself :)

we can have another "will the last person to leave the country ,please turn the lights off " headline in the papers ... and it will help the UK met it's carbon emission levels as well :-)

well, according to the daily Mail, we are a bit overcrowded.

would help with the rush hour traffic too :P

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all i know is god help us in a couple years when labour decide they want to recoup all the money they would have lost by cutting vat, and taxes. knowing them they will increase vat to 18.5% or even 19% comapred to the 17.5% we are currently on. this will put us in a worser position than we are now.

as for taxing the rich im sure we will see alot more rich immigrating after this announcement

if you care to do a little research you will find the Tories are the ones who always increased VAT as a way of not increasing direct taxes.

VAT is the Tory method of taxing and look at how much it generates

2.5% cut is worth £12bn, that is actually 3p on the basic tax rate

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all i know is god help us in a couple years when labour decide they want to recoup all the money they would have lost by cutting vat, and taxes. knowing them they will increase vat to 18.5% or even 19% comapred to the 17.5% we are currently on. this will put us in a worser position than we are now.

as for taxing the rich im sure we will see alot more rich immigrating after this announcement

if you care to do a little research you will find the Tories are the ones who always increased VAT as a way of not increasing direct taxes.

VAT is the Tory method of taxing and look at how much it generates

2.5% cut is worth £12bn, that is actually 3p on the basic tax rate

How will a 2.5% reduction in VAT help you Ian?
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Lib Dems again. Hate Labour and hate tories. wouldn't consider myslef particularly left wing at all, but bored of the bickering shite that ruins any effort I make to watch BBC parliament it's just so cringeworthy.

I don't think Clegg's a great leader at all tbh but then he's not getting in next election so it's not a great concern.

I still don't understand the economy much at all, so again, my viewpoint is irrelevant, but I still don't understand the logic of forcing people with little money to spend it all to help out the economy, whilst making daft cuts which no one will benefit from.

From a personal viewpoint I'd like my disposable ( ie savings ) income freed up by not having souless traffic wardens giving me parking tickets despite my lovely polite note informing them i was seeking a permit asap :P

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It laughable, all the ones asking what the Tories would do different are the ones that spouted, it' time for a change in '97, when nothing was clear what Labour would do, it's clear now that they planned on screwing the country, so perhaps these despot, staunch labour supporters, that can't see the wood for the trees should take their own advice.

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if you care to do a little research you will find the Tories are the ones who always increased VAT as a way of not increasing direct taxes

I find it interesting that a Labour supporter is talking about not increasing direct taxes, given all the stealth taxes introduced by this shower

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Given whats happened over the last few months the Tories should be nailed on dead certs to get elected next time. The fact that they aren't says a lot about the comedy duo that are Cameron and Osbourne and how they are perceived by the country.

The country should be crying out for change but it isn't as I think many wouldn't trust Cameron and Osbourne to run a pubs darts team never mind the country. For all Labours incompetence they may yet get re elected not because people want them but because the alternative is more frightening.

Sad that British politics has fallen so low.

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Excuse me Ian, there are no figures in that link, perhaps you are just pulling them out of your arse?

The facts of the matter are that THIS government have INCREASED it the the figure stated, and it's a disgrace, like it or lump it.

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:-) - Nick that was just one of many articles that details the significant increases that the Tory party have talked about for taxes on flights. From adding VAT to fuel to a whole series of measures to increase the tax levels. No need for the abuse - I can understand as a Tory you are feeling a bit peeved today because your leadership is being shown up but civility please :-)

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Not really Ian, the facts are the facts and you are mearly speculating on figures...

The fact that in the UK labour popularity is down the toilet and even in NZ labour have gone, times are looking good.

NB. I don't see where I abused you, you said that the conservatives would make this more expensive, how could you possibly know this, considering there are no figures released, hence you must have pulled that assumption from somewhere, I enquired as to whether it was from your arse?

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Guest Ricardomeister

Out of the main parties, I could not vote for the Tories as I have a social conscience and care about the more vulnerable in society. I could not vote for the wishy washy Lib Dems. Labour at least do not have the "Me, me, me!" attitude of the Tories but they have made so many mistakes that I don't think I could vote for them either. As far as I can see the only honest party are the Official Monster Raving Looney Party. I will vote for them, or if they do not field a candidate, then I will spoil my ballot paper as I did in the council by-election.

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