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economic situation is dire


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You have it easy across the water. Try living in this black hole called Ireland. Country is going down the toilet, we've bred a country of greedy selfish stubborn fools, we're finished if you ask me. We have no leadership in either Government or opposition and we're doomed. The End.

So you English quit moaning.

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You have it easy across the water. Try living in this black hole called Ireland. Country is going down the toilet, we've bred a country of greedy selfish stubborn fools, we're finished if you ask me. We have no leadership in either Government or opposition and we're doomed. The End.

So you English quit moaning.

Yes, but at least all your crooked politicians have a nice smile and line of banter.

Our crooks are just crooks, and not very nice ones at that.

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You're having a laugh. All our politician are criminals, but we re-elect them, we don't care they're lining their pockets while in Government. We don't seem to care they pay themselves more than any government in all of Europe. Our Prime Minister is paid more than Barak Obama FFS. And He sure as hell has never smiled the fat toad wasn't even elected. Bertie just took his pile of money and **** off leaving us in this mess. Unions are now going to fight for every penny and our country will grind to a halt, implode and become Iceland 2.

Simply put we all are over paid. We should all take pay cuts of at least 10% to bring competitiveness back. But we won't because we're all greedy, selfish cowards.

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No Ian. We were worthless poor depressed people in the 80's slaves to a despicable Catholic Curch. We make some very hard decisions and decided to work together to make Ireland a better place. We cut corporate tax to invite foreign investment, we created the social partnership so there would be no industrial action. We make 3rd Level education free to build an educated state. All of this created the Celtic Tiger and was a credit to this country.

But then we got greedy, we wanted money, more money and still want it. The more money we got the more inflation increased and the more pay increaes the Unions wanted. We paid huge public sector pay increases far beyond all European countries. How did we afford it? Of course we funded it with non sustainable stamp duties on property. We had a holy trinity of greed the Government, Property Developers and Banks. All equally to blame in all of this, but the people most to blame our ourselves, we were far more greedy than even them.

What do you expect banks to do? Make money

What do you expect Property Developers to do? Make themselves money

What do you expect the Government to do? Buy Votes and get re-elected.

But we were happy to play this game and we went property mad. You can't place the blame with them when nobody forced you to take out a 100% mortgage and buy a rediculously over priced house. Then people wanted another house becuase their neighbour had one and property prices only go one way. Greed Greed Greed.

Now we want to blame someone, it has fallen to the banks to take the blame. Despite the fact the entire world banking system is in tatters, only the banks in your country are the evil ones, they did all the harm to you.

Now we're back in the 80's, our country is a mess we can make the hard decisions and get us out of this. But we can't because we're not the brave people we once were, we're greedy **** cowards who deserve every single thing we get. We just want to blame someone other than accept we're all to blame in this mess.

All the respect I have for my country is gone, the last of it died today.

The brave thing would be cross party decisions on how to fix our country and we should accept their decisions, regardless of how much they take from our pay. We're all over paid as it is.

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Our Government has to fix our budget and needs the public sector to take their share of the cuts. With a levy on their defined benefit pensions. 1.4bln is all, and the Social Partnership couldn't accept it. Industrial action looks liley and Moodys will downgrade our AAA status and hence our cost of borrowing will go up hence requiring more cuts and the spiral of doom.

The usual crap is wheeled out saying the poor teachers, poor nurses blah blah.

**** the teachers, they earn a **** fortune for doing half a years work. Straight out of College a teacher starts on 37,000. Thats 33,000 sterling, plus amazing pension and job for life. They're asked to take a 3.8% levy on their pensions like all public servants and they wont.

Nobody wants to take a pay cut, but people need to think of the people who are losing their jobs every **** day in the Private Sector, who's pension funds are gone bust. Tell them you won't take a 3.8% levy. **** disgrace. This country will never get out of this if the small first step like this leads to industrial action.

Anyone earning over 40,000 a year should take a 10% pay cut. EVERONE. That would be brave and could save our country. We won't because we're greedy and selfish.

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Teachers won't lose their jobs, they'll pay a levy on their pensions, they'll still be there to teach our children. Thousands of people are losing their jobs every week. Our Budget deficit will take 5 years to fix. We are not in a recession, we're in a black hole and people who are sheltered in the public sector need to wake the **** up.

As for the 10% it can be a mix of increased tax and pay cuts, pay cuts can save business from going bust and hence keep people in employment meaning people paying tax and not taking benefit. Also pay cut in public sector reduced expenditure. We're already heading for deflation so that part is inevitable.

My main anger is that we don't have the courage to face reality and work together like we did before and save this country. We're more concerned with blame and taking care of our own pockets. When asked to take a pay cut and Irish person will list his or her 10 reasons why others should take cuts before you.

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**** the teachers, they earn a **** fortune for doing half a years work. Straight out of College a teacher starts on 37,000. Thats 33,000 sterling, plus amazing pension and job for life. They're asked to take a 3.8% levy on their pensions like all public servants and they wont.

Holy shit...

Connecticut has the highest teacher pay in the US (Massachusetts would, if we hadn't passed Question 2-and-a-half back in the 70s), and even there, judging from the profiles of 24-yo teachers I see on match.com, the starter pay is something like $30k.

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**** the teachers, they earn a **** fortune for doing half a years work. Straight out of College a teacher starts on 37,000.

What you neglected to mention is that teachers who are fortunate enough to get permanent positions on leaving college in Ireland (about 6%) might get close to that amount.

For the vast majority, part time or temporary work is the only positions they'll find for the first 2-4 years. So they'll earn nowhere close to that figure. Minimal holiday pay (in many cases none), minimal security. Indeed, teachers who are currently in the job long-term (by that I mean 20-30 years service) will be doing well to see 45k. Not a pittance. But after tax, not exactly a fortune either.

It's all smoke and mirrors from the govt, the only people gullable enough to swallow that are the types who usually blame the teachers for the ills of society anyway.

When others in the private sector were busy lining their pockets during the boom years, teachers and other public servants were for the most part no better off. A rising tide lifts all boats? Not in Ireland, clearly. Now the arse has fallen out of the economy and it's teachers who are expected to take the hit to their pensions, one of the few perks of the job.


The chief protagonists, the bankers who got reckless and bet the farm on property, the developers who only too readily bought into this acceptable sub culture of greed and the govt who faciltated all the above (ex finance minister Cowan included) effectively walk away scott-free.


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but without teachers, the future is bleak

well I'd argue I have learnt more since i left school than i did whilst there , but in principal we need them .....

Yep, let's hope global cooling doesn't set in and bring regular snow, 'cos we'll be screwed without teachers

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It's all smoke and mirrors from the govt, the only people gullable enough to swallow that are the types who usually blame the teachers for the ills of society anyway

Nonsense, my point was (through the anger) that teachers and nurses are the pople who are never attacked because they are the jobs which generate the sympathy from the public. Nobody was on RTE news sayng how much that civil servant in the department of agriculture will have to pay.

Bottom line is it's not nice having you pay cut. But it sure as hell is alot nicer than losing you job and pension like the people from Waterford Wedgewood. People in the public sector are sheltered and I know plenty of teachers who live comfortable and they're in their 20's.

So there is always some people who are going to take a hit they can't afford and that is unfortunate but inevitable. We need to stop worrying about 4% of our pay and look at the people who have lost everything and get a bit of perspective. All these poor teachers and nurses (my brother is a nruse) life comfortable, they've cars and homes and tv's and all still go drinking every weekend.

People can afford these cut backs we just don't want them, myself included, but I would not argue with any tax increases or reasonable pay cuts because I have got some perspective of how **** we are if we don't get the public finances in order, our AAA rating will be gone and borrowing will cost more hence worsening our financial situation and will result in more pay cuts.

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[When others in the private sector were busy lining their pockets during the boom years, teachers and other public servants were for the most part no better off. A rising tide lifts all boats? Not in Ireland, clearly. Now the arse has fallen out of the economy and it's teachers who are expected to take the hit to their pensions, one of the few perks of the job.

This is the biggest load of rubbish I've ever read.

Public sector are paid FAR more than the private sector. FACT. No disputing that at all. I can dig up reams of articles to state as much. Just google it.

Public Sector pensions are miles better than private, by approx 20% it has been said. FACT.

Public sector are the ones who've benefited MOST from the boom and benchmarking.

People like to point to Laywers, Doctors, Bankers, Accountants etc.. who get more than the public sector workers. We'll there's a little thing people left out there, those people are the cream of the academic crop, they of course are going to get paid more than someone who goes into the public sector and more than 99% of the private sector who run businesses, who built homes, who work in shops.

All these people are being hammered, taking pay cuts, losing their jobs at DELL, and the **** public sector who have always had it better won't take a smll pay cut. People are SEETHING with anger.

I know people who have lost their jobs. Go tell them you won't take a 3.8% pension levy. Just because they don't have the powerful Unions to lay demands directly at the governments feet mean they are taking the hit. Noone else.


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Public sector are paid FAR more than the private sector. FACT. No disputing that at all. I can dig up reams of articles to state as much.

I think you had better get digging, then.

It might put the spade you have been using in your previous posts to better use.

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