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Season tickets 2024/25


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As someone point out you could be paying £1.5k-2k+ for a season ticket and be sat next to someone who has only paid £500-600.

Cut off all new STs to anyone on the list and cram in random corporate seating, which isn't even that given they have decided to put some in the lower north next to the away fans with the worst view possible. This is just Heck effectively saying to the waitlist, if anyone wants to pay over the odds for a ticket you jump the queue and take it over these poor people who are miles ahead of you.

How many more years now until regular folk on the waitlist get a chance at tickets? He will just cram more hospitality in at any chance he gets. 

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31 minutes ago, AndyM3000 said:

As someone point out you could be paying £1.5k-2k+ for a season ticket and be sat next to someone who has only paid £500-600.

But you can get a pint and some food, sit down and enjoy them whilst chatting to your mate, then go to the toilet and be able to wash and dry your hands. 

It's a value thing. You might see value in it and some won't. 

You could say the same about gyms. Bloke next to you pays £25 a month for puregym and you pay £120 for David Lloyd. You're lifting the same weight but the experience is different. 

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I get they are trying to milk the cash cow but those seats in the Lower North Stand will be a hard cell 😜 

On a serious note it's a crap view and cramped seat for £1550 a season or £150 a game I see empty seats my lord apart from the bigger games.  Bournemouth on a Wednesday night no chance of flogging every GA+ seat in the stadium.

I hope they have a plan B for these type of games.

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11 hours ago, Risso said:

Nope. The only difference is they’ve included all home games, including CL and cup games. So could be 4 extra, could be 10+ extra. I think they were not pleased with the take up in hospitality for the early Conference games, so are sort of forcing people to go now.

And they’ve renamed it ‘The Oak Room’. And you get a free home shirt.

Presumably a shirt that you can't actually wear when using the facility.

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4 hours ago, mrchnry said:

Well, going into my 4th season on the waiting list and only potentially having 2 seasons left to go down Villa Park I decided to get a terrace view ticket. You have to admire how quickly the owners have created a massive demand. 

Yes, it's expensive, but you can't want to compete with arsenal and Liverpool and then moan that tickets cost more than Wolves. 

Welcome, I'll see you in there.

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50 minutes ago, limpid said:

Presumably a shirt that you can't actually wear when using the facility.

Indeed. A shirt that probably cost them a fiver at most to buy.

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Well the cells appear to be selling quickly, don't judge me but it still seems a lot of cash to not walk in piss. Surely that level should be standard. Plus no drinks or food included. 

I guess it don't matter in the grand scheme of things, if folk wanna pay then that's up to them. But £82 to watch Villa v Southampton

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2 minutes ago, OutByEaster? said:

How much additional income do we reckon this is all going to bring in?

Eight figures?

All our hospitality and GA+?  

We must be up to 5,000 seats for that, at an average of £2,500?  That would be £12.5m.

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10 hours ago, ender4 said:

All our hospitality and GA+?  

We must be up to 5,000 seats for that, at an average of £2,500?  That would be £12.5m.

Additional income or total income?

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Just now, omariqy said:

Additional income or total income?

Total hospitality and GA+ income.   Excluding food and drinks. 

It's just a very rough guess though. 

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Or we could just sell Dendoncker for £5m!

I get the need to increase revenue and I am all for it. However, I am worried that more and more regular match goers will be pushed out/costed out. They also need to improve the catering and facilities for regular match goers. 

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I don't know how many tickets we had to start with but these are how many are left after the first couple of days of sale:

Lower Grounds A1 - £2,700 - 68 left

Lower Grounds A2 - £2,700 - 183 left

Lower Grounds A3 - £2,700 - 96 left

Lower Grounds P2 - £2,700 - 194 left

Terrace View K2 - £1,860 - 28 left

The Cells R2 - £1,560 - 34 left

603 GA+ season tickets left to sell worth £1.5 million to the club.


Edited by ender4
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The £14K for a table in the 'Oak Room' is actually £14K plus VAT, so a table for 4 is now £67,200. Good luck shifting them.

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Posted (edited)
On 11/06/2024 at 10:44, AndyM3000 said:

As someone point out you could be paying £1.5k-2k+ for a season ticket and be sat next to someone who has only paid £500-600.

Not really. If you've paid 1.5k and they've paid 600, then you've both paid 600 for the seat, but you've paid an extra 900 for all the "plus" stuff that comes with it


Edit: reading the last page properly I may have misunderstood what the offering on those seats are, so ignore me!

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On 12/06/2024 at 10:55, ender4 said:

I don't know how many tickets we had to start with but these are how many are left after the first couple of days of sale:

Lower Grounds A1 - £2,700 - 68 left

Lower Grounds A2 - £2,700 - 183 left

Lower Grounds A3 - £2,700 - 96 left

Lower Grounds P2 - £2,700 - 194 left

Terrace View K2 - £1,860 - 28 left

The Cells R2 - £1,560 - 34 left

603 GA+ season tickets left to sell worth £1.5 million to the club.


On the webpage for the cells, it said there were approximately 300 tickets on sale, so if only 30 left, it’s shows that it was a good decision and supply and demand is really hitting through. 

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If I was starting out trying to watch Villa I think I would have given up on the idea of getting a season ticket, and watch most of the games on the telly box with a couple of visits to Villa Park and some non league live footy thrown in. By doing this I fear we are making problems down the road with an increasingly ageing season ticket rump and a mass of corporate- where will the next generation of regular match dayers come from? Or do we care about this?

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