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Summer Transfer Window (2024/25)

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1 hour ago, MaVilla said:

we do need to sort the defence and DM position, i saw a graph somewhere that showed we had the second worst defence of any team that ever finished in the top 4.

True, but that does include ten goals scored on the first and last days which both had mitigating circumstances (Mings’ injury and us firmly being ‘on the beach’)

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6 hours ago, John said:

Spurs offering £20m for Ramsey is an insult to both our player and to our club. They still seem to think that around £20m is enough to tempt a selling little club like us. It didn't get them Benteke and it won't get them Ramsey!

They pulled some similar bullshit with Newcastle trying to get Isak: they similar told Levy to do one.

So it's not so much a Villa thing as much as it's performance art by Levy, throwing stink bait into the water to see if he gets any bites and can tell people he tried to get big name players from other clubs.

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12 minutes ago, abdulaziz1 said:

We are not willing to pay the amount of wages they currently do right now. The revenue is still far away from them.

Doubt we're not willing given we paid 100K+ a week to sign Torres, Diaby, Tielemans, Kamara and Digne. I think we're more than willing. 

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3 minutes ago, bannedfromHandV said:

True, but that does include ten goals scored on the first and last days which both had mitigating circumstances (Mings’ injury and us firmly being ‘on the beach’)

No argument, but it’s clearly an area Unai has decided to upgrade regardless. Two young and high potential fullbacks already through the door and possibly another RB to follow. Similarly expecting a new high quality RCB to compete with Ezri, and I still think we will sign Hermoso as cover for LCB/LB - we don’t know how things will go for Mings long-term but he won’t be fit for the opening day and we must have cover for Pau. 

Really interesting question is whether Barrenechea gets a chance as the first choice cover for Kamara or is more of a project signing? 

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1 hour ago, Leeroy said:

Yes but remember Chelsea and Man City are money clubs. Fair enough it’s got them the trophies to give them relevance but without those sugar daddies they would be smaller than us. Spurs have never had rich billionaires buying them success, I’d still regard them traditionally as bigger than Chelsea and Man City.


I feel the biggest clubs are:

  • Man Utd and Liverpool
  • Arsenal just below them
  • Then a toss of a coin between us, Spurs, maybe Everton, Newcastle, and probably Man City and Chelsea because of their billions spent on players 


But you’re right we certainly shouldn’t feel anyone is superior, clubs or players. I think our fans sometimes make us seem smaller than we really are, maybe because of being haunted by the bad times. It’s only Eze, obviously a good player but he isn’t some kind of generational talent, whilst we’re in the Champions League with a top manager. He’d be lucky to join us to be honest, we’d be the biggest club he’s ever played for by far. Not like suggesting Mbappe or Bellingham.

Theres no maybe Newcastle or Everton in this at all we are very much clear of them clubs on a whole but i think recent years makes everyone suggest we are closer in comparison, we have double the achievements they have literally, if we are discrediting teams based on oil money clubs then we are only behind arsenal of course with United/Liv above them. But i agree with pretty much everything else 

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1 minute ago, RicRic said:

Theres no maybe Newcastle or Everton in this at all we are very much clear of them clubs on a whole but i think recent years makes everyone suggest we are closer in comparison, we have double the achievements they have literally, if we are discrediting teams based on oil money clubs then we are only behind arsenal of course with United/Liv above them. But i agree with pretty much everything else 

Everton have actually won a similar amount to us believe it or not, they’re just struggling on the pitch a bit like we were under Lerner. Newcastle haven’t won anything for nearly 100 years, so we could certainly see ourselves as bigger than them. Although Geordies are somewhat delusional and think their club is massive.

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Just now, Aston_Villan4 said:

I imagine the Kellyman deal is what’s getting the most scrutiny. 

Probably, it’s the one with the most noise. 

Yet the fact is, he’s probably our highest academy prospect. 

ask any other club how much their best prospect is worth and they all say a lot more than £19m

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6 minutes ago, Aston_Villan4 said:

I imagine the Kellyman deal is what’s getting the most scrutiny. 

Kellyman is our most prized young player, he is worth 19m to us, to even consider selling and thats what we have done.

Nothing the PL can do about it, they're about to open Pandora's box and it could soon backfire on them. City have outright cheated, but teams like us are starting to move to their side of the argument against restrictive rules.

Edited by VillaJay
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2 minutes ago, Aston_Villan4 said:

I imagine the Kellyman deal is what’s getting the most scrutiny. 

I think the PL will have a tough time trying to argue a fair market value for young players because potential is intangible. Also Chukwuemeka,  Ramsey and archer went for the same amount and weren't scrutinised. The first two didn't have many games under their belts and were compatible to kellyman.

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18 minutes ago, Made In Aston said:

I think the PL will have a tough time trying to argue a fair market value for young players because potential is intangible. Also Chukwuemeka,  Ramsey and archer went for the same amount and weren't scrutinised. The first two didn't have many games under their belts and were compatible to kellyman.

That’s it for me. For one we have a relationship with Chelsea in that we’ve done this before with Carney. And then, this is Chelsea we’re talking about. They’re notorious for dumping insane amounts of into transfers and blowing up the market.

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