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Summer Transfer Window (2024/25)

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What's a shame is seemingly these outgoings are all needed. I'd have had Cash and Duran on my list of mid-tier players I'd sell to fund new squad members, but I like them both.

Needing to rush them out the door in June along with Dougie for PSR is a real kick in the teeth, even if I'd have accepted the moves.

I appreciate that's my emotions in it, but it's tough to take

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13 minutes ago, HalfTimePost said:

What's a shame is seemingly these outgoings are all needed. I'd have had Cash and Duran on my list of mid-tier players I'd sell to fund new squad members, but I like them both.

Needing to rush them out the door in June along with Dougie for PSR is a real kick in the teeth, even if I'd have accepted the moves.

I appreciate that's my emotions in it, but it's tough to take

You wonder what would've happened if we'd missed out on CL, even more sales?

Making CL gets us 30m or so but the press were briefed we don't receive that figure until halfway through the season so that's causing issues I assume, bit like a promoted team doesn't get 100m + through the letterbox the day after winning the play off final.

If we're losing all these players then we need to make signings quickly rather than messing about up to August 31st.

Last year we signed all of Diaby, Torres and Tielemans before the last week of July so need a repeat and the chance for Unai to get them used to our system in the friendlies.

Hopefully we'll see a few signings as soon as June 30th passes.

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Making CL brings income but that’s all forward facing, out into the future, at least until PSR rules are adjusted to allow for discounted future revenues.  

Sales are backward facing, only fix the sins and spending of the last three seasons.  The more we sell for a profit now, the more we can buy now and leverage.  Assuming you have owners willing to lever up and spend cash for the transfer fees, every dollar in profit booked unlocks 3-4x that in potential spend.

The risk is overextending on transfers, bombing out of European places and being a one-and-done, then having to sell a Watkins/Emi to rebalance the books.

These sales were always going to happen eventually.  We were running 90% wages to turnover, but doing that got us to champions league.  The key now is reinvesting again, levering again, and pushing on to being a champions league regular.  Then you get to the point where you have more revenue, more leverage in the market.

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24 minutes ago, Paulie said:

Making CL brings income but that’s all forward facing, out into the future, at least until PSR rules are adjusted to allow for discounted future revenues.  

Sales are backward facing, only fix the sins and spending of the last three seasons.  The more we sell for a profit now, the more we can buy now and leverage.  Assuming you have owners willing to lever up and spend cash for the transfer fees, every dollar in profit booked unlocks 3-4x that in potential spend.

The risk is overextending on transfers, bombing out of European places and being a one-and-done, then having to sell a Watkins/Emi to rebalance the books.

These sales were always going to happen eventually.  We were running 90% wages to turnover, but doing that got us to champions league.  The key now is reinvesting again, levering again, and pushing on to being a champions league regular.  Then you get to the point where you have more revenue, more leverage in the market.

This is why I have said we have to learn when to sell a player, when the value has peaked and a player opportunity is in the market.

its wages that will kill us not fees

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3 hours ago, paul514 said:

Because I don't believe we are over the limit. If we are over the limit it will be very small.

I like your optimism but it has been reported for quite a long while that we need to sell before this artificially created accounting “deadline day” (a farcical situation beyond belief but that’s a different discussion), and now we are selling one of our star players on what appears to be the cheap before this deadline hits. I hoped we would be OK but the signs add up to there being some FFP / PSR issues that needs resolving. 

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Seems a lot of you are on Jacks level of encyclopaedic intelligence and need to take a moment to reflect and realise that you don't understand what is going.

We have PSR issues. Read the room.

We will sell important players in an effort to improve the squad as a whole. This means players will come in and you will not understand why - but that is why you (and I) are posting on an internet forum and not running a football team. 

and stop attacking @GlobalVillan he is one of the only people here who has any idea and it isn't fun wading through 20 pages of philosophers blindly incorrect sh*t to get to it.




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13 hours ago, bobzy said:

Only a few transfers is the correct way to do things - no concerns with that.

I honestly can’t believe there are people out there who have witnessed what these owners and this manager and his team have done at Aston Villa in such a short space of time, who think they would replace Luiz and Kamara with Barkley and McKennie for the season ahead and be done with it.

**** insane. 

With the talk of Sawiris being so frustrated he is considering suing the Premier League it might not be as rosy a picture at Aston Villa board level as you are implying there. 

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5 hours ago, Awol said:

Various sources have said Luiz won’t sign the contract that’s been on the table for months, so from a sale perspective he’s at his max value to us right now. 

Whether Duran is ‘worth’ 30, 40, or 50 million is entirely subjective, his current value is whatever Chelsea agree to pay. Presumably it will be within a few million of what we agree Gallagher is worth to us. Fair exchange, no robbery. **** PSR. 

I’m intrigued by the idea that we may switch to a system with wing backs, SIL on the left, and on the right… Frimpong? Probably see some movement on that front once AC Milan realise they can’t bend us over a barrel on the fee for Cash.  

Hopefully we’ll still get Hermoso on a free, so if we can move Carlos on too then a new RCB I’d also likely on the cards - Tobido rumours would make sense there. 

Duran being off means we also need a second striker (the Sevilla guy?), and I’d be surprised if we don’t move for Baena in July once the PSR strings loosen.

Looking at a rebuild this summer to rival the promotion season. 

McKennie played right wing back for Juventus at times. 

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7 hours ago, bobzy said:

We're a club on the up and have just qualified for the Champions League (or equivalent) for the first time in 42 years.  We're in the safest hands I can remember us being in, we have the best manager that we've had in my lifetime (37 years), our goalkeeper is currently the best keeper in the World and is part of the World champions team, our striker is likely to break our individual Premier League goalscoring record this season and the future is incredibly bright.


But (potentially) selling a player who wasn't even in the side when we beat Arsenal away has obviously crushed all this.


Edit:  Are you a troll?  Is that it?

So because I have a different opinion to you I’m a troll? Got it. Don’t be a clown.


It was a fantastic achievement qualifying for the champions league but is also the reason for concern. We are selling one of our best players when we’ve just finished 4th and going to be playing the best teams in Europe next season, it really shouldn’t be happening and especially not at such a low price. And there are many other players we could sell before Doug. I’d only not sell Martinez and Watkins before him, everyone else I would and that includes McGinn and Ramsey. You might not agree but that is my opinion. I think we can even sell Duran and Cash and not sell Luiz, seeing as we’d probably get more for both than this rubbish deal we’re getting for Luiz.


There are also legitimate concerns about how we ended the season and coupled with a poor window so far it’s got me worried. I’ve seen so many times with this club one great season and then we go into decline, it’s probably why I’m a worrier but don’t accuse me of trolling just because I have a different opinion to you, it’s just evasive.

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8 hours ago, thabucks said:

Champions league qualification - Emery’s track record of producing teams again and again better than the individual parts. Monchi’s record of building successful teams, how Emery is a coach who  improves players… How we’ve got ultra  ambitious owners willing to take on the established system. Record breaking commercial deals … list goes on 

what is there to be negative about ? 

Of course all that is positive but this is the transfer window thread so it’s important we stay on topic. So far for me it hasn’t been a good transfer window, if we start signing players that I believe will take us forward and improve us then I will be positive. My opinion is we haven’t done that so far.

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11 minutes ago, Leeroy said:

So because I have a different opinion to you I’m a troll? Got it. Don’t be a clown.


It was a fantastic achievement qualifying for the champions league but is also the reason for concern. We are selling one of our best players when we’ve just finished 4th and going to be playing the best teams in Europe next season, it really shouldn’t be happening and especially not at such a low price. And there are many other players we could sell before Doug. I’d only not sell Martinez and Watkins before him, everyone else I would and that includes McGinn and Ramsey. You might not agree but that is my opinion. I think we can even sell Duran and Cash and not sell Luiz, seeing as we’d probably get more for both than this rubbish deal we’re getting for Luiz.


There are also legitimate concerns about how we ended the season and coupled with a poor window so far it’s got me worried. I’ve seen so many times with this club one great season and then we go into decline, it’s probably why I’m a worrier but don’t accuse me of trolling just because I have a different opinion to you, it’s just evasive.

How would you feel if rumors of Luiz refusing to sign a new contract and wanting out end up being true?

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7 hours ago, RichiBoi11 said:

Maybe not on a financial stance, but if he has made it clear he wants out then he'd probably still be off. This might be where the issue lies

I really don’t know why he’d want to leave now. And if he did we should at least be demanding big money for him rather than selling him on the cheap.

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2 minutes ago, Aston_Villan4 said:

How would you feel if rumors of Luiz refusing to sign a new contract and wanting out end up being true?

It just wouldn’t make any sense to me. As people keep telling me we have an amazing manager, amazing owners, infrastructure, just finished 4th. Why would anyone want to leave, especially to Juventus who I just don’t think are that good at the moment.

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We could lose Duran, Cash, Carlos, Luiz, Iroebugnam, Archer, Digne, Moreno, Dendoncker, Sanson, Coutinho, Chambers in this window. 

Be some turnaround. But I’m cool with it. 

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3 minutes ago, Delphinho123 said:

We could lose Duran, Cash, Carlos, Luiz, Iroebugnam, Archer, Digne, Moreno, Dendoncker, Sanson, Coutinho, Chambers in this window. 

Be some turnaround. But I’m cool with it. 

All those are fine other than Luiz and if we’re moving on Duran and Cash in the next couple of weeks for around £50-60m then I really don’t understand how Luiz has to be a sacrificial lamb as well.

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28 minutes ago, Leeroy said:

It just wouldn’t make any sense to me. As people keep telling me we have an amazing manager, amazing owners, infrastructure, just finished 4th. Why would anyone want to leave, especially to Juventus who I just don’t think are that good at the moment.

Well you’re talking about a professional athlete who’s young and in their prime and someone who may not think the same way. I understand, and agree, that as a fan it seems more rational to stick to what you just described but there could be tons of reasons going through the kids head about making this move happen. Imagine if they’re offering him around 200k a week? That’s easily something that could turn his head. There are also several Brazil National team guys on Juve that he would already be very close with. Another thing to keep in mind. Fwiw though, if it happens I think this is more of a FFP forced decision than anything else. But who knows what the whole process has been like leading up to this point. We won’t truly know anything until the dust has settled, if it even is kicked up to begin with.

Edited by Aston_Villan4
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