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Summer Transfer Window (2024/25)

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I think Luiz and Kamara are a top 4 midfield pairing so would love to keep Luiz.

If we do need to sell him though, sell him to someone who can afford him, not someone who is having to raid the back of the sofa (Juventus I’m looking at you). 

If we got upwards of 70m for him I think we’d be able to find a quality replacement.

Worrying there are no decent DM links though. 

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2 hours ago, Villaphan04 said:

I keep coming back to this. Why would we sign Nedeljković in January for that 8m and Rogers for 10m ish if we had a potential PSR breach for the season. Makes no sense

Because, as has been previously suggested, if you are £5m shirt on FFP then making yourself £8m short because of 6 months wages and amortisation probably doesn't make a blind bit of difference.

If we can't find £8m before the end of the month, I doubt we can find £5m. If we can find £5m then I'd be surpsied if we couldn't find £8m. 

Plus, they may have decided both could double their prices by the summer. The numbers being bigger could, of course, completely change the equation. 

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2 hours ago, thabucks said:

Well your club might be tempted with dendonker at that price as he fits dyche’s tactics and chambers is easily worth £5mill plus and isn’t a bad player for a mid to low prem team … when your lot sell braithwaite can see you getting him … so be careful when you mock 😂

Everton and Villa are both my clubs. I’m not mocking anyone, just being a little more realistic than you are and who is really being insulting here?

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4 hours ago, macandally said:

There are 6 decent clubs with decent players and an opportunity to resolve each others issues quite easily and without significantly reducing quality. 

PSR is an artificial construct, treat it as such and work around it 

For us dummies, how would this work exactly? Sell each other our players? How would we have to configure it to comply with PSR?

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4 hours ago, JAMAICAN-VILLAN said:

I'm still thinking if we could sell say:

Olsen - 8 mill?

Dendonker - 7 mill?

Chambers - 2.5 mill?

Carlos - 12.5 mill?

Iroegbunam ( Sell with sell on or buyback ) - 5 million?

That's circa 35 mill, plus the other deadwood we get off the books and wages.

Wonder how much this would help.

The only issue is how long it would take to make these deals and getting the actual players wanting to move.

Have I missed anyone else we can move on without affecting our core?

Do we then throw Gauci in at the deep end as backup keeper etc?

Balancing act.

Also why Luiz is mooted as a highly saleable asset which could address issues immediately and have alot of immediate interest, unfortunately.

I think we would get a max 12mill combined for olsen (2mill), dendonker(5mill), chambers(Free) and tim (5mill). 

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4 hours ago, TheMightyVillans said:

I think we would get a max 12mill combined for olsen (2mill), dendonker(5mill), chambers(Free) and tim (5mill). 

I'm guessing Carlos is worth a bag of mini cheddars too? 

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Posted (edited)

Reducing costs is the main aim, we have players who cost a lot but are not key to the team. Carlos, Digne, Dendonker, Coutinho being the 4 main ones. We then need to bring in 50m in profit on player sales. We could manage that if we sold Duran + a few others. Like KKH, Sinisalo, Iroegbunam maybe others.

Edited by CVByrne
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17 minutes ago, CVByrne said:

Reducing costs is the main aim, we have players who cost a lot but are not key to the team. Carlos, Digne, Dendonker, Coutinho being the 4 main ones. We then need to bring in 50m in profit on player sales. We could manage that if we sold Duran + a few others. Like KKH, Sinisalo, Iroegbunam maybe others.

Digne was our main left back last season - 33 league appearances and 11 in Europe, contributing over 3,300 minutes. Moreno hasn’t exactly been stellar since his return. He’s critical to the team. I highly doubt he’s leaving. 

Carlos, however, played way more than we expected due to injuries. He’s far more likely to be sold despite what was paid for him. 

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19 minutes ago, CVByrne said:

Reducing costs is the main aim, we have players who cost a lot but are not key to the team. Carlos, Digne, Dendonker, Coutinho being the 4 main ones. 

Digne? Not key?

He must have played over forty games last season!


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Just now, The_Steve said:

Digne was our main left back last season - 33 league appearances and 11 in Europe, contributing over 3,300 minutes. Moreno hasn’t exactly been stellar since his return. He’s critical to the team. I highly doubt he’s leaving. 

Carlos, however, played way more than we expected due to injuries. He’s far more likely to be sold despite what was paid for him. 

Dinge had a great season, his best one at the club. I still don't see him as a key player. We can sell him and simply sign Hermoso on a free and we've saved ourselves about 6.5-7m in annual cost and covered LB and LCB

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1 minute ago, CVByrne said:

Dinge had a great season, his best one at the club. I still don't see him as a key player. We can sell him and simply sign Hermoso on a free and we've saved ourselves about 6.5-7m in annual cost and covered LB and LCB

You do realise that Hermoso has only played LB twenty times in 174 games for Atletico? He’s a CB. If he did sign, he’s coming to replace Carlos. 

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25 minutes ago, The_Steve said:

You do realise that Hermoso has only played LB twenty times in 174 games for Atletico? He’s a CB. If he did sign, he’s coming to replace Carlos. 

He has played left back 53 times and CB 249 times according to Transfermarkt. 

Ezri Konsa had played 32 games at Right back and 218 games at CB before last season.

We moved on Young who was our main right back to play Konsa there. It was a massive success. Konsa now covers CB and RB. Signing Hermoso is the same but for the left side. 

Hermoso is absolutely not a replacement for Carlos. Hermoso isn't that good of a defender and we need a right footed Mings to replace Carlos. 

Football is not how it was in the 1990s the game has moved on. 

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Chamber is moving into the last years of his contracts, I think maybe we would get one or two million, people perhaps forget how good we are now relative to some of our fringe players, just because a player doesn't get a look in with us, doesn't mean that that player isn't a good player per se, they're just not good enough for a great eight club; Chambers would probably be one of the best, or at least one of the most dependable players at a lot of Championship teams, so we would get at least something for him, might even get a lower table Prem move, there was talk of Southampton possibly taking him back

Dendoncker is still only 29, has 152 Premier League appearances, and most of those for clubs who were doing well at the time, in addition to that he has 32 caps for a decent Belgium team, and many appearances in Europe with Anderlecht, Wolves, and ourselves, he's a steady performer who will do a job for most teams, if he hadn't have gone out on loan, he probably would have played a lot more us second half of the season, and guess what we might have had a better end to the season too, it will depend on who specifically wants him, maybe we would get more from another Premier League team, but I would expect between five and ten million, certainly he's not going to leave on a free, some might try and make a meme of how much they don't rate him, but that's not the reality of how he will be seen in the football world

I think we have to be careful with the youngsters, don't let them leave too cheaply, because one good season at Championship level, which several of them are more than capable of, and they could be worth a lot more next summer, so could be a bigger help with FFP then, Archer for the simple fact he's pretty a guarantee of goals at Championship level, I think we should get a decent fee for this summer, I'm hoping we can find a Championship loan for Bogarde, he's one I think could surprise and do well

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43 minutes ago, CVByrne said:

Dinge had a great season, his best one at the club. I still don't see him as a key player. We can sell him and simply sign Hermoso on a free and we've saved ourselves about 6.5-7m in annual cost and covered LB and LCB

Hermoso is not a left back, he's a left sided centre back who normally plays in a back three.  He's the left sided Konsa.

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6 minutes ago, CVByrne said:

He has played left back 53 times and CB 249 times according to Transfermarkt. 

Ezri Konsa had played 32 games at Right back and 218 games at CB before last season.

We moved on Young who was our main right back to play Konsa there. It was a massive success. Konsa now covers CB and RB. Signing Hermoso is the same but for the left side. 

Hermoso is absolutely not a replacement for Carlos. Hermoso isn't that good of a defender and we need a right footed Mings to replace Carlos. 

Football is not how it was in the 1990s the game has moved on. 

Young was the better part of 38. He’s not comparable. A big problem last season was the lack of specialist RB when Cash didn’t play. It overexposed Konsa. It’s a squad game. Whilst Unai may like more hybrid, ball playing centre backs who can play out wide. It’s also very evident that we benefit from having full backs who also cover as wing backs. Again, the reality is, the likes of Hermoso isn’t coming here to play LB no matter how much you might wish it. 

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1 minute ago, duke313 said:

Hermoso is not a left back, he's a left sided centre back who normally plays in a back three.  He's the left sided Konsa.

He would be the Carlos upgrade if anything 

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13 minutes ago, Delphinho123 said:

Have we sold Bodymoor yet?

Paperwork has been drawn up and just waiting for the signatures … 

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19 minutes ago, Delphinho123 said:

Have we sold Bodymoor yet?

Did we sell Bodymoor with the stadium when we was in the championship? If not it does make every sense in the world that we replicate what Chelsea have done & still doing 

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