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Summer Transfer Window (2024/25)

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12 minutes ago, striker said:

Dendoncker 7m like really?  Chambers 2.5m?

Villa aren’t getting anything for those players other than maybe their wages off the books.

Well your club might be tempted with dendonker at that price as he fits dyche’s tactics and chambers is easily worth £5mill plus and isn’t a bad player for a mid to low prem team … when your lot sell braithwaite can see you getting him … so be careful when you mock 😂

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1 minute ago, CVByrne said:

Does anyone really think a club in possible breach of PSR at the end of June 2024 is spending 8 or 10m on an 18yo right back and loaning him back to his parent club. That we would be spending 10m on a player from the Championship. 

If the club were worried about being in breach of PSR, January would be finding a sale month. Not signing players. 

I believe the club could have been in trouble this season on PSR and that's known to the media. What none of these people have factored in is the club massively out performed what the club budgeted for. We probably thought we should spend in summer window expecting we would come 8th and 2nd round in ECL. 

This whole idea we are desperate to sell before June is not a reality


It most definitely is.

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Posted (edited)
1 minute ago, Delphinho123 said:

It most definitely is.

What is? Our desperation to sell ?

Fine, type out what you're certainty is and who we need to sell, the money we need. I'll create a signature with the post. 

Edited by CVByrne
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Posted (edited)
2 minutes ago, Delphinho123 said:

It most definitely is.

Based on what other than  regurgitated click bait based on assumptions … when did SSN become a bastion of truth. Even the most trusted of journalists also need to balance their integrity with hits … 

Edited by thabucks
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1 minute ago, thabucks said:

Based on what other than  regurgitated click bait based on assumptions … when did SSN become a bastion of truth. Even the most trusted of journalists also need to balance their integrity with hits … 

He's a clueless forum troll. If he wants to actually reply to me I'll add it as a signature to my profile to preserve his endless cretiness. 

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11 minutes ago, CVByrne said:

Does anyone really think a club in possible breach of PSR at the end of June 2024 is spending 8 or 10m on an 18yo right back and loaning him back to his parent club. That we would be spending 10m on a player from the Championship. 

If the club were worried about being in breach of PSR, January would be finding a sale month. Not signing players. 

I keep coming back to this. Why would we sign Nedeljković in January for that 8m and Rogers for 10m ish if we had a potential PSR breach for the season. Makes no sense

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Why would we also spend £5m on Barkley who could be a useful squad option but if we were in so much FFP peril not essential. The truth is probably something inbetween, we will be looking to sell some players to balance books, but doesn't have to be our key players, which is the 🗝️ point so many seem to be missing, so go from one extreme to another, either insisting that Luiz or Ramsey will be sold, or denying we need to sell anyone at all, we will sell players regardless of FFP situation, for the simple fact we will need to make room in the squad, and we're at a stage now where even very good players could be sold, because now we're part of the great eight we can attract even better players

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1 hour ago, Vive_La_Villa said:

Really? So the clubs impacted could just sell each other players and then be compliant ? Shows what a farce it really is.


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27 minutes ago, thabucks said:

Based on what other than  regurgitated click bait based on assumptions … when did SSN become a bastion of truth. Even the most trusted of journalists also need to balance their integrity with hits … 

Sky is Sun journalism at its worst, used to be a decent watch 20 years ago, now it’s just there to drive their betting business.

I had it on in the background earlier ans even my missus commented on how many times they regurgitate the same limited dross 

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Posted (edited)
17 minutes ago, useless said:

Why would we also spend £5m on Barkley who could be a useful squad option but if we were in so much FFP peril not essential. The truth is probably something inbetween, we will be looking to sell some players to balance books, but doesn't have to be our key players, which is the 🗝️ point so many seem to be missing, so go from one extreme to another, either insisting that Luiz or Ramsey will be sold, or denying we need to sell anyone at all, we will sell players regardless of FFP situation, for the simple fact we will need to make room in the squad, and we're at a stage now where even very good players could be sold, because now we're part of the great eight we can attract even better players

Barkley is coming in July. So he will be on next seasons books. 

yes we will sell players regardless. However, we’ve spent loads of money in the last 3 years and not enough back, you don’t need to an accountant to know this. So PSR/FFP is a real issue for us. Denial won’t make the issue go away.. making money will. Could be from selling Doug, JJ, all our bomb squad,or £70m of scalf sales. Those books do need to be balanced by the 30th

Edited by CarryOnVilla
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39 minutes ago, CVByrne said:

Does anyone really think a club in possible breach of PSR at the end of June 2024 is spending 8 or 10m on an 18yo right back and loaning him back to his parent club. That we would be spending 10m on a player from the Championship. 

If the club were worried about being in breach of PSR, January would be finding a sale month. Not signing players. 

I believe the club could have been in trouble this season on PSR and that's known to the media. What none of these people have factored in is the club massively out performed what the club budgeted for. We probably thought we should spend in summer window expecting we would come 8th and 2nd round in ECL. 

This whole idea we are desperate to sell before June is not a reality

I think we're probably working out what everything means for this transfer window - particularly this month.  I imagine we're skirting very close to our PSR/FFP limit.

But, ultimately, all we can do is wait.

This thread is pretty ridiculous - no-one has a clue what is going on.

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1 hour ago, CarryOnVilla said:

Yeah technically. We could sell Doug to Chelsea and they could sell us Gallagher. 
we both book the sales as profit to cover the PSR deficits, and amortise the purchases over time, to keep it all under the threshold. 

in that scenario we both replacing  a quality cm with a quality cm. Solve the psr issue and the replacement issue in the same trade. 

Could we do that and loan them back?

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40 minutes ago, Villaphan04 said:

I keep coming back to this. Why would we sign Nedeljković in January for that 8m and Rogers for 10m ish if we had a potential PSR breach for the season. Makes no sense

True but then why did Everton and Forest do whatever they did to end up getting points deducted?

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53 minutes ago, Villaphan04 said:

I keep coming back to this. Why would we sign Nedeljković in January for that 8m and Rogers for 10m ish if we had a potential PSR breach for the season. Makes no sense

It's worth remembering that both of these transactions are cheap in terms of their effects on this year's accounts. If the club were planning to sell a player for big money before June 30th, it would have a massively bigger impact than the addition of those two players to this year's accounts. 

The other thing on Rogers specifically is we needed another attacking player, and in the end we probably wouldn't have finished 4th without him. If we gambled on signing a player to give us the depth that hauled us over the Champions League line, then he was good value as long as we can make a timely sale. 

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I would imagine the need for us to sell is based around us wanting to strengthen the squad. We are probably close to PSR and need to sell if we want to try and push on again with 2/3 first team quality players like last season. If we don't sell, we will be stuck somewhat and effectively stalling progress.

I don't think we need to sell to satisfy PSR, but I'd guess we need to sell if we want to strengthen the squad.

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Ultimately none of us know what the full story is and I suppose the proof will be in the pudding, but that also extends to the people just writing off anything that can be perceived as negative as "clickbait" and insulting the intelligence of anyone that is at least concerned about it. It's not like it's all come from Football Insider or something, you've had the likes of Ornstein who are reliable as it gets at least hint at the idea that certain unwanted sales could be necessary. It may not prove to be the case but you can trust that it's not all completely fabricated. 

I'd be gutted to lose a player like Luiz but am calm about it all because 1) nothing seems certain and 2) in the grand scheme of things we've not had it this good for an extremely long time, and thus are in a better position to deal with such an outgoing than we would have previously. 

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