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14 minutes ago, Oaks said:

To suggest Villa is a more right leaning club blatantly comes from them lot across the city to try and create this working class of the city vibe. 

If this was 1953 or 1963 that might make sense. 

But in 2023 stereotyping, 'right wing' = uneducated working class, 'left wing' = educated middle class. 

If the sha fans' jibe that Villa fans are middle class is correct, you would *expect* this forum to be more left-leaning. 

Perhaps there's some truth in it. 

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2 minutes ago, mjmooney said:


But in 2023 stereotyping, 'right wing' = uneducated working class, 'left wing' = educated middle class. 

Its certainly not what i would class right wing or left wing. Maybe far right and far left. They're not the same imo. I think the majority of the cubs in the country have a section of far right fans and probably far left, but other than posh ive only really thought as Villa as pretty a political. 

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Ok.  I was going to say first of all it isn't a defence of Brand. I was also going to say him not being funny has nothing to do with his guilt or innocence. I was also going to say I happen to agree, he is one of the worst so-called comedians I've ever heard.  But then I noticed you are posting in black font so there's no need.

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So this must make some of the people attacking brand nonces then according to that as they were defending schofield and edwards saying they have done nothing wrong legally just morally because consental age? 😂



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Just now, Demitri_C said:

So this must make some of the people attacking brand nonces then according to that as they were defending schofield and edwards saying they have done nothing wrong because consental age? 😂


Were many people defending Schofield? I think the general consensus was that he abused his position against a much younger person, and it also seemed like a case of grooming

Edwards is an entirely different kettle of fish, as, to the best of my knowledge, he was just buying photos online? Purchasing something that someone has offered up for sale of their own volition is an entirely different set of circumstances to engineering an imbalanced and seemingly abusive relationship

I'm going to assume that the first few words are a classic Dem typoed message and you might have missed a word or two rather than you actually calling other posters paedophiles.

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12 minutes ago, Davkaus said:

Were many people defending Schofield? I think the general consensus was that he abused his position against a much younger person, and it also seemed like a case of grooming

Edwards is an entirely different kettle of fish, as, to the best of my knowledge, he was just buying photos online? Purchasing something that someone has offered up for sale of their own volition is an entirely different set of circumstances to engineering an imbalanced and seemingly abusive relationship

I'm going to assume that the first few words are a classic Dem typoed message and you might have missed a word or two rather than you actually calling other posters paedophiles.

Schofield never received this level of scrutiny. When brand was a left winger i dont recall him ever being ever being criticised until when he became more right wing. With his conspiracies.

Schofield and edwards have done some dodgy things and why were they not cancelled? Brans been cancelled even though he hasnt been charged with anything. I just want to see consistency.

As soon as both starting talking about mental health they vanished off the radar.

Dav im using what the that stupid board describes as a "nonce" saying why now? Trial by media? Makes you a paedo now?

Its funny how you havent commented on that? Im going with whats written on the picture not my personal view obviously 

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Whether you liked what they did or agreed with what they said should ultimately mean absolutely nothing. 

I remember a joke between me and my friends when all the Savile and other things came out is was "as long as its not Rolf" then it was we were gutted. We loved than man dam it. 

But there's so much in the american right wing press about grooming. From teachers talking about gay and trans issues in sex education and drag artists and sam Smith being seen by kids, yet Russell Brand at 31 having a sexual relationship with a 16 year old is legal here so nothing to see here. He was getting her to read Lolita ffs

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2 minutes ago, Oaks said:

yet Russell Brand at 31 having a sexual relationship with a 16 year old is legal here so nothing to see here.

apart from the alleged non-consensual sexual assault, absolutely nothing

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2 minutes ago, bickster said:

apart from the alleged non-consensual sexual assault, absolutely nothing

Legally yes...morally i would say its something people get "cancelled" for today.

I remember Peter Stringfellow getting lorded for it 30 years ago.

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36 minutes ago, Demitri_C said:

Schofield never received this level of scrutiny. When brand was a left winger i dont recall him ever being ever being criticised until when he became more right wing. With his conspiracies.

Schofield and edwards have done some dodgy things and why were they not cancelled? Brans been cancelled even though he hasnt been charged with anything. I just want to see consistency.

As soon as both starting talking about mental health they vanished off the radar.

Dav im using what the that stupid board describes as a "nonce" saying why now? Trial by media? Makes you a paedo now?

Its funny how you havent commented on that? Im going with whats written on the picture not my personal view obviously 

there’s a lot to take in here but most importantly 

Brand absolutely has not been cancelled, he is free to post his videos on Twitter (and he is actively being supported by the billionaire owner of it) and he still has his contract with Rumble which probably make him hundreds of thousands combined. 

Edwards and Schofield have been the definition of cancelled, neither have appeared on TV since 

Also what Brand allegedly did amounts to criminality, Edwards and Schofield nope. Yet they’re cancelled and he isn’t. Why?

Seriously go to GB news Twitter feed and search Brand and then Schofield/Edwards

Then for some right wing talking heads  

they say Brand is innocent unless proven guilty and Schofield/Edwards had the exact opposite. 

The exact opposite of almost everything you wrote is true. It’s almost staggering how wrong you have it. 

Edited by StefanAVFC
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43 minutes ago, Davkaus said:

Ok, let's take this one at a time.


Schofield was all over the national media for weeks. Brand isn't being criticised for being right wing, he's being criticised for multiple accusations of sexual abuse. He didn't get criticised for this when he appeared left wing because we didn't know about them. If you've got some examples of similarly serious allegations about left wingers being sexual predators that everyone ignored, you might have a point.


Schofield was forced to resign from his job. Edwards hasn't been on TV since and isn't expected to be again. Their careers are basically over.  

So they haven't been cancelled, but they have vanished. Do you think it's by choice neither of them have been on TV since? They disappeared from the front pages when there was no new information and it stopped being a story. the same will happen to Brand. They can't just keep publishing "Today, so and so is still a sexual predator". Doesn't sell many papers.

Why now? Because now is when we know about it? It's taken years of investigation to get to this point.

A trial by media is not conclusive. the documentary and the evidence is fairly compelling. Is it enough to get to court? Maybe, if they wanted to. Is it enough to lock him up? Not sure. People may want to hedge their bets with some generous "allegedlies" because what appeared to be slam-dunk accusations in the press have been incorrect before, that's true. A consideration of the evidence makes me think he's quite probably a sexual predator - and his defence in public of it all being a conspiracy to hide "the truth" is certainly not what I'd expect if the allegations were all just made up. Until further information comes to light, I feel fairly confident putting him in my "he's a wrong 'un" category.

Haven't commented on what? 

Would you not agree that brand has received much more attention than schofield or edwards did? Is there a documentary on either one of them? As soon as both of them used the mental health card what happened they slowly came of thw news then some of their celeb mates were backing them in public.

You say they are over but you dont know for certain. It wouldnt suprise me if either one comes back in the next 12-18 months when its all died down abit. Brands careers over (whether innocent or guilty now without a trial)

It stopped being a story why? How comes with brand your getting relentless stories every day which half of us would have seen on tv with our own eyes back when it was for all of us to see but no one said anything untils been brought back into the public eye years after? We all saw how idiotic brand was on tv back so why we shocked now? He always did outrageous shit that i thought was terrible and nothing was done back then

I personally hope it goes to court only then can we see what happens. If guilty i hope he goes down its such a high profile case i dont think it will just fall into the 99÷ that nothing happens. They will study everything.

Yeah your second from last paragraph is reasonable and im not going to argue with why you have that observation (ans im not saying your wrong either as there is evidence) i finally watched the documentary and the bit with jimmy saville made me sick to my stomach.  Disgusting 

Despite that he is entitled to a fair trial like everyone is.

On the nonce part as explained why didnt you comment on what the picture actually says? It says your a paedo "because andrew tate supports" whoevee created that isnt very smart because tate has been charged with any paedo charges and the others " she was above the age of consent" so how does that make you a nonce if its above the age. It makes no sense 😂



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I don't know about the UK, but in the US the right wingers who complain about cancel culture are really just complaining about being called out when they're exposed as being racists, sexists, misogynists or just general a-holes.  People like Donald, Jr. has complained about being "cancelled" multiple times.   Seriously?   Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey, for example, were truly cancelled, and deservedly so.   it doesn't seem that Brand is being cancelled at all.   Just being rightly roasted for some seriously disturbing sh*t.   If he's convicted of crimes he probably will truly be cancelled, and rightfully so.

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4 minutes ago, il_serpente said:

I don't know about the UK, but in the US the right wingers who complain about cancel culture are really just complaining about being called out when they're exposed as being racists, sexists, misogynists or just general a-holes.  People like Donald, Jr. has complained about being "cancelled" multiple times.   Seriously?   Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey, for example, were truly cancelled, and deservedly so.   it doesn't seem that Brand is being cancelled at all.   Just being rightly roasted for some seriously disturbing sh*t.   If he's convicted of crimes he probably will truly be cancelled, and rightfully so.

Was Spacey not exonerated recently of any wrongdoing? 

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5 minutes ago, Demitri_C said:

Would you not agree that brand has received much more attention than schofield or edwards did? Is there a documentary on either one of them? As soon as both of them used the mental health card what happened they slowly came of thw news then some of their celeb mates were backing them in public.

You say they are over but you dont know for certain. It wouldnt suprise me if either one comes back in the next 12-18 months when its all died down abit. Brands careers over (whether innocent or guilty now without a trial)

It stopped being a story why? How comes with brand your getting relentless stories every day which half of us would have seen on tv with our own eyes back when it was for all of us to see but no one said anything untils been brought back into the public eye years after? We all saw how idiotic brand was on tv back so why we shocked now? He always did outrageous shit that i thought was terrible and nothing was done back then

I personally hope it goes to court only then can we see what happens. If guilty i hope he goes down its such a high profile case i dont think it will just fall into the 99÷ that nothing happens. They will study everything.

Yeah your second from last paragraph is reasonable and im not going to argue with why you have that observation (ans im not saying your wrong either as there is evidence) i finally watched the documentary and the bit with jimmy saville made me sick to my stomach.  Disgusting 

Despite that he is entitled to a fair trial like everyone is.

On the nonce part as explained why didnt you comment on what the picture actually says? It says your a paedo "because andrew tate supports" whoevee created that isnt very smart because tate has been charged with any paedo charges and the others " she was above the age of consent" so how does that make you a nonce if its above the age. It makes no sense 😂



FFS the exact same thing is happening with Brand. He has even more famous people backing him than ‘some mates in the media’ 

Brand’s career is over? Apart from the huge contact on Rumble and being publicly supported by Elon Musk yeah? 

it stopped being a story after weeks of coverage. With Brand it’s been 3 days 🤦

why weren’t Schofield and Edwards allowed a fair trial then? Why were they dragged through the media and why are you saying about the ‘mental health card’ and ‘mates in the media’ in relation to them and not Brand? Especially considering Edwards was never even accused of anything criminal 🤦

your position is just a complete mess Dem, sorry 

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11 minutes ago, Demitri_C said:


On the nonce part as explained why didnt you comment on what the picture actually says? It says your a paedo "because andrew tate supports" whoevee created that isnt very smart because tate has been charged with any paedo charges and the others " she was above the age of consent" so how does that make you a nonce if its above the age. It makes no sense 😂



It makes absolute sense, but probably not to you, its positions people take who back Brand. Its right wing talking points, adopt one, you are likely to adopt one or more, its not even nuanced, its a joke that is now having to be explained to you.

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