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Future Club Crest & Brand Identity


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44 minutes ago, Vive_La_Villa said:

I don’t get this brand image at all. But maybe I’m just out of touch and it’s actually quite cool. 

I think in isolation it's shit. To be honest. Whatever they're trying to do with that specific logo doesn't work.

However, I think there are good things about it. The colours are great. The claret is a proper claret which we've been moaning about for years. The creamy/gold colour is a cool retro sort of look.

The font doesn't work for a 2 letter logo, and shouldn't be anywhere near any badge. But I don't think it will be. But as part of some sort of 150 year celebration I think it could look quite cool.


Probably the worst thing they've done is release a sneak peak of a very small snippet of what will be a much wider release, at a time when everyone is expecting a club badge/crest.

My guess (and it sis a guess) is whenever they do a proper release of all of this stuff, it's going to look far better than one tiny shitty logo

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4 minutes ago, JAMAICAN-VILLAN said:

Mate it's mental 😂.

I've seen some now say he's the worst CEO since Tom Fox FFS 🤦🏽‍♂️



T'internet innit? People love nothing more than an extreme knee-jerk reaction and a 'hot take'.

The art of measured reflection is dying, if not already lost.

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10 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

What would Heck have had to do since he's been here for him to have done a good job?


I always find it interesting when football fans debate the talents of executives. We all largely have no **** idea what they do and whether they're any good at it

Some of us do work in or with large corporates and work with Execs on a daily basis. I can tell you now that jacking up prices and visibly reducing customer experience off the pitch to annoy your customers. Then hiding in a cave with zero communication for 3 months until you think it’s safe to come out. Then shitting the bed by blatantly not being honest about the north stand in your first major in house interview (if you can’t lie properly then at least be competent enough to answer a planted question that doesn’t make it blatantly obvious you’re not being honest) and dropping a bollock on the one thing you built your reputation on (rebranding - the crap logo)…. Is not exactly how I would define a “good job”. 

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Now I've had some time to mull this over, I think I'm fine with it.

If we're to understand that this is simply a marque - much like the McGregor one that has adorned shirts previously - it's fine. Not great, but fine. Imagine that this logo is something that appears no bigger than a two pence piece on the nape of perfectly coloured home shirt and it gets a lot more palatable*. 

*Unintentional but insert shirt on a pallet meme if you need to

Edited by JPAngel
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2 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

I think in isolation it's shit. To be honest. Whatever they're trying to do with that specific logo doesn't work.

However, I think there are good things about it. The colours are great. The claret is a proper claret which we've been moaning about for years. The creamy/gold colour is a cool retro sort of look.

The font doesn't work for a 2 letter logo, and shouldn't be anywhere near any badge. But I don't think it will be. But as part of some sort of 150 year celebration I think it could look quite cool.


Probably the worst thing they've done is release a sneak peak of a very small snippet of what will be a much wider release, at a time when everyone is expecting a club badge/crest.

My guess (and it sis a guess) is whenever they do a proper release of all of this stuff, it's going to look far better than one tiny shitty logo

To kind of expand on my point, the 76ers rebarnd included a load of new stuff like kits and fonts and logos etc.

Their main logo rebrand was this


which is very american but looks fine to me.

They also released this as some sort of secondary logo



Now when all this was released at once, I imagine the fans would have looked at that figure of Ben Franklin and taken it for what it was, a very small part of a larger rebrand and not the primary logo or goal of what theyy were doing. I don't know enough about basketball but it's probably like the devil on the Man Utd 3rd kit. Looks a bit stupid in isolation but it makes sense in the grand scheme of things.


I think what Heck might have done is basically the equivalent of tweeting out JUST that figure of Ben Franklin. If that had happened with the 76ers I imagine their fans would have had the same reaction as us. What the **** is that? They're expecting a rebrand and a main logo and they only get that.

My guess would be when we see the fully release full package of our rebrand, the AV150 thing will only be a very very small part of it. But because it's the only thing we've got, we've over analysed it and reacted emotionally

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1 minute ago, DakotaVilla said:

Some of us do work in or with large corporates and work with Execs on a daily basis.

Yes some of us do. Me, for example.

2 minutes ago, DakotaVilla said:

I can tell you now that jacking up prices and visibly reducing customer experience off the pitch to annoy your customers. Then hiding in a cave with zero communication for 3 months until you think it’s safe to come out. Then shitting the bed by blatantly not being honest about the north stand in your first major in house interview (if you can’t lie properly then at least be competent enough to answer a planted question that doesn’t make it blatantly obvious you’re not being honest) and dropping a bollock on the one thing you built your reputation on (rebranding - the crap logo)…. Is not exactly how I would define a “good job”. 

So I'll ask again, what would you have liked him to have done?

I have no idea if he's done a good job. Being totally honest. I see what execs do day to day. but I don't see what Heck does day to day. The North stand stuff is a bit of a let down, but we don't know the full picture yet. There might be a perfectly good reason (and there might not)

And we haven't seen the branding yet. It might be **** amazing. So judging him on that seems harsh.

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Maybe he’s showing us something really shit to make us think the worst so when we see the good stuff we’ll like it even more than we normally would. We’ll be like it’s ok but at least it’s not shit like the 150 thing.

Like how Homer let Lisa go alone in a bus because he couldn’t afford a Limo.

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3 minutes ago, DakotaVilla said:

Why then be so incompetent to release something that looks so crap in isolation? Especially if you’re some kind of rebranding genius. 
Surely, you’d release the logo/design theme that you thought would get fans excited the most? 

Probably because he's smart enough to realise (having taken 6 months to learn as much about the club as possible) that Villa fans are never happy, so he's given us something to moan about while the rest of the work goes on in the background. He's lowering expectations in order to deliver an overall rebranding project and new crest that a majority of fans will (if not embrace) at least be moderately content with.

Seriously, if you had to look at the behaviour of our supporters on social media, and the reaction to absolutely everything that isn't an emphatic win, would you not embrace a similar strategy in rolling out changes in our branding? Give people something to moan about, while soft-launching a more traditional colour palette to get people used to the other changes they're going to see in the coming months.

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8 minutes ago, DakotaVilla said:

Why then be so incompetent to release something that looks so crap in isolation? Especially if you’re some kind of rebranding genius. 
Surely, you’d release the logo/design theme that you thought would get fans excited the most? 

I have no idea.

But I'm not going to judge an entire rebrand on one tiny logo and throw my toys out of the pram because I don't like it.

Maybe just wait until we actually see it

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5 minutes ago, est1874 said:

Probably because he's smart enough to realise (having taken 6 months to learn as much about the club as possible) that Villa fans are never happy, so he's given us something to moan about while the rest of the work goes on in the background. He's lowering expectations in order to deliver an overall rebranding project and new crest that a majority of fans will (if not embrace) at least be moderately content with.

Seriously, if you had to look at the behaviour of our supporters on social media, and the reaction to absolutely everything that isn't an emphatic win, would you not embrace a similar strategy in rolling out changes in our branding? Give people something to moan about, while soft-launching a more traditional colour palette to get people used to the other changes they're going to see in the coming months.

Certainly not. Unless you think you've done a terrible job and are looking to cut losses. If you're confident in the good job you've done that's not a viable strategy, especially for a demanding audience. 

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51 minutes ago, DakotaVilla said:

We’re humming under Emery’s watch. It’s got absolutely nothing to do with Heck whatsoever. As has been made abundantly clear he has absolutely nothing to do with the football side. All Heck has done is sour the mood with a large section of the fans at the start of the season and also again now.

I’ll judge him on what he does at Villa and if “arguably the most qualified sports executive in the world” is so good at rebranding and he’s not said anything of note for 6 months and then his big tease is that crock of shit logo then god help us please when the new badge is unveiled in a few weeks time. 

But I guess expectations are now so low we’ll accept anything that doesn’t look like a 4 year old off their face on fizzy pop has scrawled it with their crayons during arts and crafts. 

There’s not much we can do though so here’s hoping you’re right and that he lives up to the stellar billing that you have given him. It will be fairly easy to assess how good he is in a few weeks as we can just compare his new badge with the one he dumped as soon as he got here. 

The mood among large sections of the supporter base simply isn't sour. The people who are moaning now would be moaning if we won the Champions League.

It's absolutely fine if you don't want to give him any credit for the direction of the club at this stage, he's been here 5 minutes in executive terms. But you can't then also slam him for having achieved nothing. What should he have done? What would a significant success look like at this stage?

He should absolutely be judged on what he does at Villa, his past record has simply earned him the opportunity to do the job and perhaps some patience. But I feel like a few on here have decided that he's failed before his first assignment is due.


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21 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

To kind of expand on my point, the 76ers rebarnd included a load of new stuff like kits and fonts and logos etc.

Their main logo rebrand was this


which is very american but looks fine to me.

They also released this as some sort of secondary logo



Now when all this was released at once, I imagine the fans would have looked at that figure of Ben Franklin and taken it for what it was, a very small part of a larger rebrand and not the primary logo or goal of what theyy were doing. I don't know enough about basketball but it's probably like the devil on the Man Utd 3rd kit. Looks a bit stupid in isolation but it makes sense in the grand scheme of things.


I think what Heck might have done is basically the equivalent of tweeting out JUST that figure of Ben Franklin. If that had happened with the 76ers I imagine their fans would have had the same reaction as us. What the **** is that? They're expecting a rebrand and a main logo and they only get that.

My guess would be when we see the fully release full package of our rebrand, the AV150 thing will only be a very very small part of it. But because it's the only thing we've got, we've over analysed it and reacted emotionally

Quite likely, or at least I hope so. 

The question then becomes- Why release Villa Ben Franklin? Keep that mother (with respect, Mr Franklin) locked up till you release the full beans.

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15 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

To kind of expand on my point, the 76ers rebarnd included a load of new stuff like kits and fonts and logos etc.

Their main logo rebrand was this


which is very american but looks fine to me.

They also released this as some sort of secondary logo



Now when all this was released at once, I imagine the fans would have looked at that figure of Ben Franklin and taken it for what it was, a very small part of a larger rebrand and not the primary logo or goal of what theyy were doing. I don't know enough about basketball but it's probably like the devil on the Man Utd 3rd kit. Looks a bit stupid in isolation but it makes sense in the grand scheme of things.


I think what Heck might have done is basically the equivalent of tweeting out JUST that figure of Ben Franklin. If that had happened with the 76ers I imagine their fans would have had the same reaction as us. What the **** is that? They're expecting a rebrand and a main logo and they only get that.

My guess would be when we see the fully release full package of our rebrand, the AV150 thing will only be a very very small part of it. But because it's the only thing we've got, we've over analysed it and reacted emotionally

We could have a cartoon version of David Bradley

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1 minute ago, HKP90 said:

Quite likely, or at least I hope so. 

The question then becomes- Why release Villa Ben Franklin? Keep that mother (with respect, Mr Franklin) locked up till you release the full beans.

Absolutely. I have no idea why he's done it. 

It might simply be that he likes that particular part of it. Maybe it does look better or make more sense if you've seen the entire thing. Maybe he has terrible taste. Maybe we all have terrible taste?

Or maybe the entire rebrand is completely terrible.


But I won't be concluding what's happened until we actually see it

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46 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

I think in isolation it's shit. To be honest. Whatever they're trying to do with that specific logo doesn't work.

However, I think there are good things about it. The colours are great. The claret is a proper claret which we've been moaning about for years. The creamy/gold colour is a cool retro sort of look.

I think this has really been missed in this release, the colours, which will have far more bearing on our identity than a one-off 150th logo element. 

I've been on this forum for 20 years and in that time every time a new shirt or badge is released, people complain the claret "isn't claret" and is too purple. 

At the same time you've got people here and social media complaining that he doesn't listen to the fans. He's listening. 

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Nothing concrete has been released yet, and we can only speculate (wildly) about the purpose of this new logo. No point losing the plot over it, there’ll plenty of time for that when the full rebrand is launched. 

Maybe Heck just wanted to test it with the public to see what response he got? Quicker than a survey and the feedback is instant. 

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31 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

I have no idea.

But I'm not going to judge an entire rebrand on one tiny logo and throw my toys out of the pram because I don't like it.

Maybe just wait until we actually see it

It's not a tiny logo though, he's said it's the main logo for the 150 year anniversary. So it won't be the badge on the shirt, but it's the equivalent of the official Olympics or World Cup main logo. And it's shite, really, really shite. And he's releaed it in a terrible way. Both its shiteness, and the rubbish way he's gone about it aren't exactly the mark of the marketing genius he's supposed to be.

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