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Match Thread: Liverpool v Villa


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Who is this muppet of a co-commentator? "Hopefully John Brooks has a secret tunnel out of Anfield, he hasn't done Liverpool any favours." So because he has given the correct decisions on the big incidents, he should be lynched?

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5 minutes ago, claretman said:

Have they forgotten Jota kicked someone in the face a couple of weeks back with no red? 

Or the TAA playing basketball in his own area and nothing given. Even VAR said no. Disgraceful.

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1 minute ago, richp999 said:

Commentator 'hope the ref has an escape tunnel out of anfield, because he hasnt done any favours for Liverpool' 

Excuse me? Your not supposed to get any 'favours'. 

Shows you what they expect, and they can't quite believe they aren't getting it. 

Came here to post this. Guy is doing my **** nut in.

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Squeeky bums last 10 mins of that, but an absolutely brilliant first 30 mins. 

No doubt the 40k odd referees in the stands will get their will at some point though, so we’re gonna need another one at least. 

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