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Jhon Durán


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42 minutes ago, useless said:

No I never called people gullable fools for believing we would sell Luiz, again that's a lie, just like when you pretend to be ITK all the time, I stated myself on numerous occasions Luiz might be sold, might point was that he was one of a number of players we could sell, and at the time there wasn't anything to suggest we would sell him over any other options other than the Italian clickbait media

I quoted your EXACT statement. That's precisely what you said. 

And I don't pretend to be ITK all the time. I do work in football and do get information about certain deals. There are posters that know me personally and know that's the truth whether you like it or not.

You are just being a coward and a liar in saying you didn't call people gullible for believing we would sell Luiz. I f******* qutoed you ffs!

Edited by GlobalVillan
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4 minutes ago, MrBlack said:

Anyone wondering why Duran wants to go there to sit behind Jackson and not play champions league... he's a Chelsea fan. 

Jackson out injured (don’t know how bad but I read he’s out at least for the summer) so good chance Duran starts when the league kicks off.

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1 hour ago, useless said:

Why are people reacting as if fifty million is an outragous fee for him, he a twenty year old striker that has already he can proven he can score at Premier League level, international level, and in Europe, he makes a positive impact almost every time he comes off the bench, he's already a top player, but his potential is off the scale, we should be demanding at least forty million, if he carries on his current trajectory he will be worth a lot more than that


Assuming it's even true it certainly is a surprisingly large figure. There are very few - if any - strikers with comparable pedigree to Duran that have commanded such a fee in the history of the sport.

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54 minutes ago, gwi1890 said:

It means that negotiations are on going a fee of around 50m euro

My guess is that it’s more like £30m plus £10m in add-ons. Which rounds up nicely to 50m in euros.

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If there was a striker at another club with a similar pedigree - say at Brighton for instant, no one would be batting an eyelid at the thought of him being worth £50m. Maybe it's a little overpriced but not by much, there aren't many strikers Duran's age who have shown as much as he has, which is why he's worth a big fee, if he's as good as he is now, then how much is he going to be worth as he gets older, bearing in mind strikers are usually late developers

I think that's the crucial thing not being understood by some, if Chelsea were to pay fifty or forty millioin for him, it wouldn't be because he's worth that now; but because he's as good as he is now, that's a big indicator that he has a very good chance of being worth that kind of money and more in the future

Evan Ferguson is of a similar profile/pedigree to Duran, he would command a similarly large fee, for the exact same reasons

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We just have to take that fee really.

He's not going to suddenly start games for us in the CL. And if we have a slow start in the prem then Ollie will continue to start every game to try to get us going rather than being rested.

The reality is unless Ollie gets injured he'd be starting even less games for us between August-October than he did last season.

No good for his career given he's been here 18 months and his goals to games ratio was actually very decent for the minutes he played.

Lots of money coming in so hopefully that gives us the headroom to make 3-4 signings that really increase the quality of the bench options.

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He just came to us at the wrong time. Far more potential than say Wesley so he'd have got loads of starts in that  period.

Whether people rate him or not that Liverpool comeback out of nowhere was one of the best moments in our recent history and pretty much all down to him (and Chambers amusingly) so will always have a soft spot for helping getting us over the line when we were stumbling.

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I like Duran, he has that special something.

However the guy is rumoured to be a moaner and rumoured to want out.

Further to that if someone offers us 40-50m for him you have to think to yourself, how often is it that players are transferred for that amount, and what qualities and experience do they have? The answer is clearly more than Duran.

This is a deal you definitely take, bank the FFP profit.

Replace him with Jonathan David for 35m on a 5 year and it costs 7m a year, no brainer.


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@GlobalVillan playing down the likelihood of Gallagher has me doubting it but...


If Monchi offloads the agent of chaos to Chelsea to play in a system he does not suit and then we sign Gallagher who would be an amazing addition for us it would be incredible business. Add to that signing Iheanacho who we have interest in (for free i think?)) and he will have played a blinder.


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7 hours ago, ender4 said:

My guess is that it’s more like £30m plus £10m in add-ons. Which rounds up nicely to 50m in euros.

Did he not cost villa 20m as an 18 year old who had never played in prem.  40-50 isnt ridiculous.  I wouldn’t be selling for 30 anyway given risk we took spending 20 on him

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5 hours ago, paul514 said:

I like Duran, he has that special something.

However the guy is rumoured to be a moaner and rumoured to want out.

Further to that if someone offers us 40-50m for him you have to think to yourself, how often is it that players are transferred for that amount, and what qualities and experience do they have? The answer is clearly more than Duran.

This is a deal you definitely take, bank the FFP profit.

Replace him with Jonathan David for 35m on a 5 year and it costs 7m a year, no brainer.

I agree to make a profit of what 30m+ on him inside 18 months. Would be very good business. Chelsea need a striker who can be their starting no 9 we have ours for the next 4/5 years so it's not a position we need a new starting player in. Plus making 30m+ on a player who isn't a regular starter is rare.

I'm sure what Emery wants is a versatile forward, who can play s/s or no9 or even in a wide position. 

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9 hours ago, villarule123 said:

Meh, he's clearly got bags of potential but he's probably the most immature footballer since Balotelli so anything near £40m is a good deal for us.

This is the key. Loads of potential but I have serious doubt about him fulfilling it.

Let's be honest him liking all Chelsea tweets - you can say it doesn't mean anything as much as you want but he clearly wanted this move, so good riddance.

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