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Have you ever been a Victim of a Burglary, Mugging or Robbery?


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Never mugged -- flat burgled in Montrose district of Houston, Texas and chequebook stolen from old Toyota in same area -- lot of junkies in that area. New locked bike stolen in a matter of hours in Finsbury Park -- cable locks lol. I lived in a barrio in LA when very young, and my brother got shot at once.   

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Amsterdam for a stag do. Stayed in an apartment. Went out for a few hours. Came back to front door open and cash and other things missing. 

Went to police station to report it. They weren’t interested in taking a statement. When I insisted, they just said their computers were down and so no crime could be reported.

I said so it’s ok for me to go outside and murder someone - they just shrugged, then ignored me and carried on chatting between themselves.

Dutch police are weird.

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13 hours ago, magnkarl said:

Some meth-head tried to steal our EV last year by mirroring the key at our front door. We have wifi-cameras at all sides of the house so we could see the guy as well as cameras in the car. I phoned the police while this was ongoing as he had a machete-like knife in his belt. He managed to mirror the key after 20 minutes, but I kept locking the car with my app. He got really frustrated when I'd locked the car about 20 times after he'd opened it, and started banging on the door. The police arrived after about 30 minutes, tased (but it didn't seem to land) and maced him as he had a deadly assault weapon, he ran off into the neighbour's garden, lost his scruffy grey reebok chav pants and fell over my neighbour's rose bushes. He was sentenced to 12 years for assaulting police, intent to use a deadly weapon and for having burglared several more people..

We've now got the keys in a signal blocking metal box, and have hung up signs with camera icons in the drive way. It's worked so far.

@mottaloostill seems to have good internet access though😉

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Well, I once had a bag of my favourite marbles robbed off me after fighting for them. I ended up with a bloody nose and plenty of tears as I was about 7 years old. 

The other instance, as a young scrawny kid of about 16 in the late 80's I was pulled over on my way to work at the markets in Birmingham by a bloke in his 20's. It was around 6am and virtually pitch black by the old Rag Market and Don Christie Records. He was an absolute dicksplash and stunk of beer. He pulled a pen knife/swiss army knife on me and threatened me to give him my money. I had about £2 quid on me at the time and nearly gave him what I had. I'd been boxing since the age of 9 though and without thinking just cracked him. He was the first bloke I ever knocked out. 

Found out a few days later he actually worked in the wholesale market and had probably crawled out the Mercat that morning. He was a barrow boy for one of the fruit and vegetable wholesalers and after a finding out where he worked, he got taxed by a guardian of mine. I ended up with £50 quid for my trouble and the idiot got volleyed out the market and lost his job. 

Touchwood since that instance I've never had a similar issue although I have been mugged and robbed on a regular basis by the British government. 


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Well, any desire I might have had to visit England and see a Villa match some day has now vanished, as I'm too scared.

In the 90's a friend had a car that was broken into a few times in New York.  He used to joke that everyone in the city had a key to his car.   The trunk was apparently very easy to pop without doing any damage.   The first time he and a fried were on their way to a friend's house on Long Island and stopped in the city to party.   When they got to the friends house late at night they opened the trunk and reached in for their bags  and kept reaching further and further until they realized they'd been burgled.  Three of us borrowed his car to go into the city one day a few years later.  We removed everything of  value from the trunk beforehand and left only a partial case of beer in.   Parked on a busy street in mid-afternoon and went into a bar for some beers and a snack.   When we came back to the car, the friend who had been a victim of the first theft said, "How much do you wanna bet the the beer is gone?"   Sure enough, it was gone.  In broad daylight in front of hundreds of people.

Our house was burgled twice in 18 months about 10 years ago.   First time, I get home and the front door is ajar and the screen for my daughter's bedroom window is leaning against the wall and the window is open.  Laptops and tablets stolen, nothing else.  There had been a wave of similar burglaries, quick in and out.   They cut a small slit in the screen so they could check if the window was unlocked.  This happened in broad daylight in full view of the street.  I usually went to the kids' bedrooms before leaving each morning to make sure the windows were locked but for some reason hadn't done it that one time.  We got a quote for an alarm system but didn't follow up.

The next time we found the sliding glass door to our master bedroom open and the bedroom ransacked, with important documents and financial records scattered and jewelry thrown about.   Luckily, my wife isn't one for expensive jewelry, so nothing of value lost, but we had to close our bank and credit card accounts and get new ones.  The door had been locked, but it turned out that it had enough play that you could lift the door up slightly and get it off the latch and then open it.   We got the alarm system and installed cameras with a DVR.  We haven't had anything since, but our neighbors had a car stolen off the street.  We checked our cameras and saw a couple of people walk up our driveway and check the doors of our cars around the time of the theft.

There is a lot of brazen property crime in our general area, though not so much our immediate neighborhood.   Lots of complaints on Nextdoor about the police not prosecuting anything under $1,000 and blaming it on liberal politicians who raised the threshold for a felony, and a lot of people advocating guns.

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7 hours ago, Brumstopdogs said:

@mottaloostill seems to have good internet access though😉

If the joggers weren't tinged yellow in the crotch area then in the words of Shaggy....."it wasn't me !"

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9 hours ago, ender4 said:

Amsterdam for a stag do. Stayed in an apartment. Went out for a few hours. Came back to front door open and cash and other things missing. 

Went to police station to report it. They weren’t interested in taking a statement. When I insisted, they just said their computers were down and so no crime could be reported.

I said so it’s ok for me to go outside and murder someone - they just shrugged, then ignored me and carried on chatting between themselves.

Dutch police are weird.

Probably smoking too much cannabis. Just relax friend. 


Edited by sidcow
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Yes, i was burgled 23 years ago in my old flat, was at work, so it happened in board daylight, i always remember the police officer making a joke about my CD's because they had left them, i really was not in a mood for jokes then!

Also yes also been mugged in my only time in Liverpool, go sample the nightlife my friends said, it is a great night.... yeah got beaten up by 3 of the local pondlife and had my wallet stolen. Again the police were like, well your not from around here, the locals dont like outsiders... 



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Robbery, yes. Violence, yes. But, oddly, never the two together. 

I had two leather jackets stolen in pubs, separate occasions. Never saw who did it. 

When we were first married, our flat was broken into and my wife's (rabbit) fur jacket stolen. She didn't much like it anyway. 

But I've been the victim of unprovoked assaults on numerous occasions, both in Brum and in Leeds. Skinheads, every time (it's why I have zero time for any nostalgia over skinhead 'culture'). The final (I hope) time was the week before my wedding - two teeth kicked out, and the mate I was with hospitalised with concussion. Reported it to the police, they weren't interested. The ironic happy ending was that I made a claim with the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board, and got a couple of grand, which, added to our savings, got us over the line for a mortgage deposit. Thanks, lads. 

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2 minutes ago, mjmooney said:

The ironic happy ending was that I made a claim with the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board, and got a couple of grand, which, added to our savings, got us over the line for a mortgage deposit. Thanks, lads. 

Wow, I never knew such a thing existed. I might get a couple of mates to pretend mug me. 

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36 minutes ago, sidcow said:

Wow, I never knew such a thing existed. I might get a couple of mates to pretend mug me. 

Dunno if it still does. This was the 1980s. 

EDIT: It does. Now called CICA

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Wrong place, wrong time in Yardley Wood (is there ever a good time to be there?) and was attacked by a group of locals when I was about 16. Tried to be the peacekeeper but ended up looking like the elephant man. Still played football the following morning despite my face being black and blue. Scored a pearler too from just inside the halfway line.

A few years later, was working at Spitfire Park. We were the first occupants of the site and all the other blocks were empty. Running a set of shifts that mirrored Jaguar (to whom we were a supplier) meant some late evenings in the building. One night, about 11pm, there was an almighty smash and I went to the front door to see a Range Rover in the middle of reception. Out piled a bunch of burly lads with hammers and bats. They shouted for everyone to vacate the office and stay out the back until they'd gone. One of the lads (the smallest in the warehouse) went to go for them but quickly changed his mind when one of them went for him. We followed our instruction and waited ten minutes out back. Returned to the office to find they'd taken two PCs and a printer. Not exactly a big haul but we had steel shutters fitted out front the next day.

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9 minutes ago, choffer said:

A few years later, was working at Spitfire Park. We were the first occupants of the site and all the other blocks were empty. Running a set of shifts that mirrored Jaguar (to whom we were a supplier) meant some late evenings in the building. One night, about 11pm, there was an almighty smash and I went to the front door to see a Range Rover in the middle of reception. Out piled a bunch of burly lads with hammers and bats. They shouted for everyone to vacate the office and stay out the back until they'd gone. One of the lads (the smallest in the warehouse) went to go for them but quickly changed his mind when one of them went for him. We followed our instruction and waited ten minutes out back. Returned to the office to find they'd taken two PCs and a printer. Not exactly a big haul but we had steel shutters fitted out front the next day.

Happened to the Ciro Citterio head office in Newtown in the mid 90's.  Bunch of blokes with baseball bats just steamed in and took all the computers.  

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3 minutes ago, sidcow said:

Happened to the Ciro Citterio head office in Newtown in the mid 90's.  Bunch of blokes with baseball bats just steamed in and took all the computers.  

They would have been disappointed with their haul after hitting us. If they were after nuts and bolts they'd have hit pay dirt. 

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Mugged in Paris. The fetid icing on what was generally a diarrhoeic cake of a weekend and experience. I have no need or desire to ever set foot in France again.

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My first car, an old Golf was a bit of a magnet to getting broken into. Which was most of the time was to try and get the stereo which had a removable faceplate which I didn't keep in the car.

The first time I actually dreamt about my car getting broken into that night. Then when I went to my car, they'd smashed a window, nicked my parcel shelf with speakers in and took a bag with golf shoes in it. My golf clubs were also in there but they left them.

After a night out in Bristol, the next day again a window was smashed CD's all over the place but nothing taken.

Think it got broken into a couple of times after that, them getting in without any damage.

Finally on a split shift from work parked just up from my house. I'd actually left the faceplate on. Annoyingly I nipped to the shop, there were a couple of suspicious lads but didn't think anything of it, then as I passed my car on the way back saw the loose wires, resulting being pretty pissed off both for leaving the faceplate on and that I was so close when it happened.


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