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What do you dislike most about yourself?


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My jawline and nose, HRT has done a lot for me but I started a bit later in life than is 100% perfect so I still think my jaw and nose are bit not quite how I want them to be but hey, the nose is fixable.

beyond that I struggle pretty bad with anorexia so any fatty bits really stress me out too

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Physically my teeth, smashed them when I was a kid and had false ones, meant I kind of gave up on all the others, finally got round to fixing them a few years back with implants but the damage has been done 

Other than that... Again @mjmooneybrothers 😂 I'm laid back to a fault, my wife will say I'm lazy for not putting the bins out but that's not what it is, I'm so laid back that I don't care enough about the bins to see that they're full, I've turned down 2 promotions at work because I didn't have the confidence for them (I was under qualified) and at the same time didn't want to put the extra hours in to make up the difference, I don't hate my job I outright hate working but Im actually pretty good at it, I'm educated and clever and my dad and brother aren't but they're proper all day grafters, if I had even a tenth of what they've got I'd be way higher in my career 

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9 minutes ago, mjmooney said:

I'm somewhat lazy and unambitious, which certainly held me back career wise - as did my tendency to speak my mind, when it would have been tactically advisable to shut up. And I do exhibit the classic only child selfishness. 

Bit late to worry about it now, though. 

Pretty much word for word what I was going to post. Scary. 

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45 minutes ago, mjmooney said:

I'm somewhat lazy and unambitious, which certainly held me back career wise - as did my tendency to speak my mind, when it would have been tactically advisable to shut up. And I do exhibit the classic only child selfishness. 

Bit late to worry about it now, though. 

The only difference is, it hasn't held me back. In fact it's probably helped me because the people I work for appreciate it. They know they'll get my true feelings and not bullshit, which they seem to prefer.

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2 minutes ago, mjmooney said:

Actually, elaborating on the laziness thing, my problem was always that I was a dreamer and a procrastinator. It started at school, and carried on right through university and work life. If I had a task to do - an essay to write, say - I'd do anything to avoid it until the very last minute (and often beyond). I'd be daydreaming, reading, listening to music, socialising - but never fully enjoying it, due to the nagging anxiety incurred by the knowledge of the looming deadline. I'd finally rush the job in a state of cold sweat, swearing that I'd never put myself through it again, and that in future I'd do it in good time and be able to properly enjoy relaxing afterwards. But I knew full well that I was kidding myself, and that the pattern would repeat again and again. As it did. Like @villa4europe, I was perfectly capable of doing the job really well, and most of my teachers and bosses knew that and got quite angry with me as a result. 

Did / do you maybe need the stress of the deadline to actually deliver your best work?

I have to be fairly creative now and again in my job, finding design solutions for building problems. I can allocate a day to think something through, but it’s pointless, I need to take it to the wire for the better ideas to suddenly emerge.



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4 minutes ago, chrisp65 said:

Did / do you maybe need the stress of the deadline to actually deliver your best work?

I have to be fairly creative now and again in my job, finding design solutions for building problems. I can allocate a day to think something through, but it’s pointless, I need to take it to the wire for the better ideas to suddenly emerge.

As a QS yes that is 100% me

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aside from my big old belly i hate how much of a control freak i am

holidays etc i have to be in charge (which i learnt the hard way when i **** up and missed our eurostar back form paris and had to fork out £400 on flights) and i do it on away AVFC games too where i get stroppy if the lads want to go to a pub that i think is shit or something

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Yes, chalk another one up for me on laziness. It's definitely held me back, particularly in education. I did far worse in my exams than I should have and never went to university as I knew damn well I wouldn't put the work in and flunk it,  not that I got he results to get into a proper university anyway

Even in everyday life I'll do anything to put off a bit of DIY or whatever. 

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49 minutes ago, chrisp65 said:

Did / do you maybe need the stress of the deadline to actually deliver your best work?

Well I've always justified it to myself on that basis, but I really don't know. Fact is if I'd delivered my best work, I'd probably have got a 2.1 instead of a 3rd, I might have got more promotions (and more money) at work. But I didn't fancy the expenditure of time and effort that would have entailed. In short, if I'd been like that I wouldn't have been me. I've learned to accept myself and not dwell on pointless regrets. 

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My huge dick. Really difficult to go running without feeling like an anaconda is trying to wrap round my legs.

And then I woke up and answered correctly.

Im really annoying. 

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45 minutes ago, sidcow said:

Yes, chalk another one up for me on laziness. It's definitely held me back, particularly in education. I did far worse in my exams than I should have and never went to university as I knew damn well I wouldn't put the work in and flunk it,  not that I got he results to get into a proper university anyway

Even in everyday life I'll do anything to put off a bit of DIY or whatever. 

procrastination is an awful habit I can’t get out of. I have a big job I’m in the middle of and I need it finished today. But here I am 😂

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