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Steven Gerrard


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1 hour ago, TRO said:

It will be a dark day for sure, but we are away from home, against a team scrapping for points , like us......Its convenient to select an away game, to make that point.

but can any manager manage, under those circumstances......as soon as we lose, the pitchforks are out again......as soon as we win, its a champagne lunch.

Thats a daft way to assess football.

Oh come on, there’s clutching at straws and finding excuse after excuse and then there is this. If we lose to Leicester then he should go. There’s no excusing that whatsoever. Even a draw wouldn’t be good enough at all. 

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Why the comparison to Potter? Don't really see the similarity. By the time Potter had taken over Brighton he had been coaching at some level for 14 years. Steven has been at for maybe a half decade now. Steven isn't going to make up for that massive knowledge gap by blundering through an entire PL season.   

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1 hour ago, TRO said:

It will be a dark day for sure, but we are away from home, against a team scrapping for points , like us......Its convenient to select an away game, to make that point.

but can any manager manage, under those circumstances......as soon as we lose, the pitchforks are out again......as soon as we win, its a champagne lunch.

Thats a daft way to assess football.

Another loss, then comes another excuse, give him more time, 4 more games it goes on and on. We cannot lose to Leicester at the weekend. 

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33 minutes ago, Risso said:

Well said TRO, that's where I am too. If we get played off the park by Leicester and Southampton, I think he'll probably be toast, but a couple more improved performances and a draw and a win and he'll be fine I think.

Risso, The naysayers, have a point I and you know that......but none of us know is, how long it takes to turn these things around.....even if we presume, he knows what he is doing......The players have to execute it.

There is a multitude of elements that take time......it might take time for it to sink in with some players......it might take time for SG to feel the penny drop.....it could be many things.

Things like belief, confidence, togetherness, desire, are all intangibles and there is no exact science to them......moods are hard to change, how long do they take?

Even if we win the next 2, its not all hunky dory......He and the team have to find a semblance of consistency, to finish where our talent is expected to finish.

We have made a good fist in 3 games of playing one of the best teams in the world as we have done of playing arguably the second best team too......but we Aston Villa, will not be judged by playing Man City and Liverpool......its all the rest, we will be judged on and thats whre we have to find our form and that something that brings our competitive nature out.

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Lose to Leicester and it's over for Gerrard. I'm not sure even Purslow will be able to swing that with the owners. After the draw with City, only an upturn over the next couple of games at least will suffice. The time for excuses is at an end.

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52 minutes ago, nick76 said:

 “The fight, is coming back” what?  You are taking this from one game.  As for the atmosphere, again one game, there is literally a thread where people are complaining about lack of atmosphere.  The run rate of the team is down, the performances have been really poor except one game against the champions which you’d expect players to be up for. Almost everybody wanted him sacked before the game on here, it’s been poor….the above comment is bizarre to say the least.

No I'm not.

  • I saw some of it at Arsenal, despite the result, bar for kamikaze defending at the back post once again.....there was a positive vibe of us going after players and competing against a very in the groove, Arsenal team....us losing by the odd goal.
  • I saw it against West Ham, where Rice and Soucek, usually rip us a good one.....sure we shot oursleves in the foot, taking off Luiz, but there was more fight in them.....bar for another Kamikaze attempted block and a fluke of a goal, that would have been a draw....and an  unbeaten at home, status.

Not to mention all the good stuff against the countries best team.

On here, Nick is only a marginal percentage of the fan base......it is not representative of the Stadium.

However, I said this so many times, its tedious.......I cannot change a fans mood from losing......and I am the first to admit, we have lost more than we should under SG.

I am not defending losing......what I am doing is defending the right to fight back, and turn those losses in to wins.

I am not as quick as you to declare defeat.....but I accept your opinion.....who knows, I might share it.....but I can't predict the future, even if I believe in it.

I am just not prepared, yet, to call time on him.....when I am, you will know.

In the mean time.



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50 minutes ago, Ingram85 said:

Oh come on, there’s clutching at straws and finding excuse after excuse and then there is this. If we lose to Leicester then he should go. There’s no excusing that whatsoever. Even a draw wouldn’t be good enough at all. 

A draw away to Leicester, not good enough?....thats clutching at pitchforks.

Yeah ok.

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30 minutes ago, IrishVilla10 said:

Another loss, then comes another excuse, give him more time, 4 more games it goes on and on. We cannot lose to Leicester at the weekend. 

who can go anywhere in this league and EXPECT to win.....Thats just having no respect for this league and thats folly.

did the Untited fans say, "we just can't lose to Brentford"

did the Forest fans say, "We just can't lose to Bournemouth"


We want to win, of course we do, but so do Leicester....it will be a battle, I hope we win.


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7 minutes ago, Ingram85 said:

A draw against the current absolute worst team in the league after one of our worst starts to a season ever is not good enough no.  That you think it is in the current situation is mind boggling. 

Man City just drew to the second worst team in the league at the time to be fair. 🤷🏾‍♂️

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11 minutes ago, TRO said:

who can go anywhere in this league and EXPECT to win.....Thats just having no respect for this league and thats folly.

did the Untited fans say, "we just can't lose to Brentford"

did the Forest fans say, "We just can't lose to Bournemouth"


We want to win, of course we do, but so do Leicester....it will be a battle, I hope we win.


Of course not, if you ignore the context of the situations. What has ten hag done since he lost to Brentford? There’s going to be loses, but we lose too often and that’s a fact. Our managers fighting for his job and luckily gets to play the worst team in the league this weekend, a draw is not good enough. 

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22 minutes ago, TRO said:

No I'm not.

  • I saw some of it at Arsenal, despite the result, bar for kamikaze defending at the back post once again.....there was a positive vibe of us going after players and competing against a very in the groove, Arsenal team....us losing by the odd goal.
  • I saw it against West Ham, where Rice and Soucek, usually rip us a good one.....sure we shot oursleves in the foot, taking off Luiz, but there was more fight in them.....bar for another Kamikaze attempted block and a fluke of a goal, that would have been a draw....and an  unbeaten at home, status.


22 minutes ago, TRO said:

On here, Nick is only a marginal percentage of the fan base......it is not representative of the Stadium.

I go to the games like you and many of here do.  What I hear on here, I hear at the ground, in the pub, from friends, colleagues and other platforms.  It may not be 100% accurate but I bet it’s in the margin of error.

24 minutes ago, TRO said:

I am not defending losing....

But you are even in the paragraphs above this quote and you have done in previous comments.

25 minutes ago, TRO said:

I am not as quick as you to declare defeat...

Quick? I’m not sure most of this year as quick.  Plus it’s not accepting quick it’s accepting reality that he’s not showed on any consistent basis or over a long period he’s good enough, in fact over a period he’s proved he’s not good enough.


Anyway, you have your view which I can’t see in the slightest so I’ll leave you to it because if I didn’t know and respect you as a do and your history of posting I would believe you are trolling the forum but I know you aren’t.  I hope we agree in the future on other things because we have great discussions but I think the Gerrard debate between us is going nowhere.  Either he gets sacked and nothing to discuss or in an alternative reality he avoids the sack, comes good and I’ll be gladly saying how wrong I was and I now bow to the Gerrard.

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3 minutes ago, IrishVilla10 said:

Of course not, if you ignore the context of the situations. What has ten hag done since he lost to Brentford? There’s going to be loses, but we lose too often and that’s a fact. Our managers fighting for his job and luckily gets to play the worst team in the league this weekend, a draw is not good enough. 

The context is :

  • We have lost 1 home game to a fluke goal.
  • We have not lost any of our pre season games
  • we have lost, 1 game in the last 6 games of last season to Man city.

I am far from happy, so don't think I am.....but throwing the baby out with the bath water, is not my game.

I am not asking fans to be happy, because I am not, its a poor start.....but sorry, I don't think perspective is being employed here.


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3 minutes ago, nick76 said:


I go to the games like you and many of here do.  What I hear on here, I hear at the ground, in the pub, from friends, colleagues and other platforms.  It may not be 100% accurate but I bet it’s in the margin of error.

But you are even in the paragraphs above this quote and you have done in previous comments.

Quick? I’m not sure most of this year as quick.  Plus it’s not accepting quick it’s accepting reality that he’s not showed on any consistent basis or over a long period he’s good enough, in fact over a period he’s proved he’s not good enough.


Anyway, you have your view which I can’t see in the slightest so I’ll leave you to it because if I didn’t know and respect you as a do and your history of posting I would believe you are trolling the forum but I know you aren’t.  I hope we agree in the future on other things because we have great discussions but I think the Gerrard debate between us is going nowhere.  Either he gets sacked and nothing to discuss or in an alternative reality he avoids the sack, comes good and I’ll be gladly saying how wrong I was and I now bow to the Gerrard.

Trolling is not my game Nick and as you say, I am not doing that.

We do disagree on this, but not everything.

rightly or wrongly, i do respond to posts, which I think is only right.

so I am in the minority on here, so it follows, I do have a lot of responses.

you are right..... we have done it to death, and we both have our views.

I concede yours is stronger, because you back what has happened......I am backing what I think will happen, which is harder to do.....albeit, I don't think things are as bleak as you are painting.


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19 minutes ago, TRO said:

A draw away to Leicester, not good enough?....thats clutching at pitchforks.

Yeah ok.

Is this the new excuse? Disregard everything that have happened before and just look at the result from a single match, without any context?

Of course a draw against Leicester doesn’t sound too bad, if we ignore we have been absolutely rubbish in  the five matches we have against team that are located in the lower half of the table.

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3 minutes ago, Keyblade said:

Wild what a big name can do to people's standards and expectations. 

Sorry mate, but I really dislike this sort of statement.

As far as I can see no ones standard has dropped, some fans are just hopeful that the current manager can turn things around, possibly so that we don’t have to pay out millions of £’s in compensation, possibly so that we don’t take on the gamble that the next manager/head coach might also not reach the required standard.

Is that really such a bad thing?

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33 minutes ago, TRO said:

They finished 8th last season?

They are in poor form like us, who knows what happens, when it changes.

Its hard, to just predict, absolute outcomes, surely you have seen this so far , this season, some bizarre results.

I would guess many teams down the bottom will recover....its just a start, thats all it is.

Arsenal lost the first 4 last season, and experienced a fall out like ours.....they recovered form and finished 5th......I'll bet you would take that, wouldn't you.

Have faith man.

But Gerrard fans keep telling me last season doesn’t matter. He’s had the fabled sodding pre season also.

Also, Arteta who spent time under Guardiola had a clear plan to weed out bad habits and bad ego’s, played his best players and a consistent team where he could with actual visible tactics and gameplan. Does Gerrard do any of this?

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