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23 hours ago, JAMAICAN-VILLAN said:

Yeah but the irony is, it's mostly Villa fans pursuing a narrative who are describing it as them being " poor ". Even if they weren't at their " best ".

Man City in second gear still brush aside most teams.

I've seen Man City fans and neutrals giving us credit for the performance.

As I mentioned earlier, were people bemoaning the 7 - 2 against Liverpool as they weren't at their " best "?

You can only play against what is in front of you.

Do we get any credit for making them play lesser than their best?

At the start of the game they were having their way with us and playing as they often do, we grew in confidence, grew into the game and once we started applying more pressure is when I'd say they started getting " sloppy ".

So spin it however you want, but we deserve credit.

I have to say shaun, you have touched on an old chesnut of ours.....some always make excuses for the better opposition, when we beat them.

you, cover it well.

There is a heads you lose ,tails you lose culture, in some of our fanbase.

We are inconsistent, I will grant anyone that.....but that's what it is.

If we approach games right, we can give anyone a game.

SG has to to find more consistency.



Edited by TRO
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2 hours ago, Rightdm00 said:

Steven has had 2 windows. If he was desperate for a left winger he could have purchased one by now. Ramsey ended up on the wing out of desperation. It's not even where he should be playing. Ramsey is our biggest goal threat from midfield. He should be the furthest advanced midfielder, in and around the box. Out on the wing you nullify his greatest skill. 

For me, this all looks to similar. Steven just throwing things against wall and waiting to see what magically works out. More square pegs in round holes for me. As long as he keeps doing that then this squad will continue to underachieve. 

I actually reckon Ramsey has a lot of Grealish traits (not as good at this stage).

LW is where he belongs imo

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23 hours ago, maqroll said:

A loss v Leicester and he's done.

It will be a dark day for sure, but we are away from home, against a team scrapping for points , like us......Its convenient to select an away game, to make that point.

but can any manager manage, under those circumstances......as soon as we lose, the pitchforks are out again......as soon as we win, its a champagne lunch.

Thats a daft way to assess football.

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22 minutes ago, TRO said:

It will be a dark day for sure, but we are away from home, against a team scrapping for points , like us......Its convenient to select an away game, to make that point.

but can any manager manage, under those circumstances......as soon as we lose, the pitchforks are out again......as soon as we win, its a champagne lunch.

Thats a daft way to assess football.

It is a daft way.  It’s good job we aren’t in that situation, we are on a bad run this season of 4 points in 6 games, on a really bad run stretching back into last season.  SG is on a run that really should end in him being fired but looks like a stay of leniency after a draw but losing to Leicester just continues the bad run and need for him to be fired.

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23 hours ago, JAMAICAN-VILLAN said:

Yeah but the irony is, it's mostly Villa fans pursuing a narrative who are describing it as them being " poor ". Even if they weren't at their " best ".

Man City in second gear still brush aside most teams.

I've seen Man City fans and neutrals giving us credit for the performance.

As I mentioned earlier, were people bemoaning the 7 - 2 against Liverpool as they weren't at their " best "?

You can only play against what is in front of you.

Do we get any credit for making them play lesser than their best?

At the start of the game they were having their way with us and playing as they often do, we grew in confidence, grew into the game and once we started applying more pressure is when I'd say they started getting " sloppy ".

So spin it however you want, but we deserve credit.

Precisely this! 

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38 minutes ago, TRO said:

It will be a dark day for sure, but we are away from home, against a team scrapping for points , like us......Its convenient to select an away game, to make that point.

but can any manager manage, under those circumstances......as soon as we lose, the pitchforks are out again......as soon as we win, its a champagne lunch.

Thats a daft way to assess football.

Not one loss though is it, it's a near full season's worth of games where 95% of the time we've looked like a bunch of strangers told to pull the kit on and run about half an hour before the game starts.

The points (although we REALLY need some) for me are still of lesser importance to fixing that, he's had time, a full preseason too and yet we have looked clueless and inept. If we lose the next couple but play actual football I'd be inclined to see if he can keep that up as the results would follow. I'm not saying Gerrard out just for the sake of it, unless he can show some solid progress, so playing above the levels we saw under Smith, then he should go. 

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57 minutes ago, TRO said:

It will be a dark day for sure, but we are away from home, against a team scrapping for points , like us......Its convenient to select an away game, to make that point.

but can any manager manage, under those circumstances......as soon as we lose, the pitchforks are out again......as soon as we win, its a champagne lunch.

Thats a daft way to assess football.

Yeah people banging on how if we don’t win, however Rogers and Leicester have more riding on it then us, so it instantly becomes a harder game for us.

Not a position I would envy being in if I was a premier league manager of any of the other 19 clubs. 

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Well said TRO, that's where I am too. If we get played off the park by Leicester and Southampton, I think he'll probably be toast, but a couple more improved performances and a draw and a win and he'll be fine I think.

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37 minutes ago, nick76 said:

It is a daft way.  It’s good job we aren’t in that situation, we are on a bad run this season of 4 points in 6 games, on a really bad run stretching back into last season.  SG is on a run that really should end in him being fired but looks like a stay of leniency after a draw but losing to Leicester just continues the bad run and need for him to be fired.

We have lost 1 game at Home to a fluky goal.

The poor performances have been away....that needs to improve, granted.

2 games have been poor, away to Arsenal was a bit predictable to most discerning fans.

We can't keep hitting ourselves over the head with the Bournemouth hammer Nick....its gone, and no matter what we do this season, we can't wash it away.


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7 minutes ago, sne said:

27 points from the last 26 PL games from January up until now in 2022.

It it becomes 33 from the last 28 games does it come a little bit more acceptable to give him more time ?

Smith got 40 from his last 36. So at some point Gerrard should be measured the same way. 

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22 minutes ago, TRO said:

He presided over 7 months of league football and extrapolated out, would have finished, midtable......we know, it can't always work out like that, because 2 teams are not the same quality, so fixtures matter.....his last 6 games rendered 1 defeat against Man city, going  for the title, in their own back yard.

He presided over a pre season, where he played 6 won 5 drawn 1.....and losing his trusted Lieuteanant, in Michael Beale, who was central to his plans.

We now have a new coach, who was denied going on tour, to have got going with his coaching methods....so that has not been helpful either

Look, we can all paint pictures, to fit our narrative.....and they all have relevance, depending on the glass being half full, or half empty.

The start has been woeful....who can deny that?, but there are signs, that the things that have denied us good performances and starting to appear.

The fight, is coming back.....There are signs of the competiveness, appearing in some of our players, form is returning in some.....and the fans in the stadium, can sense something, the atmosphere after we scored was immense.... a bit of relief belief, was returning, not just the result, but the manner of it, ( When was the last time city didn't win after scoring first) and the set up of the team....whether it continues, who knows.

I am not going to change opinions, only results will do that......so I can't, and won't say you are wrong......He still may go, if results are not forthcoming.

but I will continue to back him, to turn this around, until its over......and right now, it isn't......So I will continue to believe, we can improve....and when I see things in our play to be encouraged by, I will continue in my support of him.

 “The fight, is coming back” what?  You are taking this from one game.  As for the atmosphere, again one game, there is literally a thread where people are complaining about lack of atmosphere.  The run rate of the team is down, the performances have been really poor except one game against the champions which you’d expect players to be up for. Almost everybody wanted him sacked before the game on here, it’s been poor….the above comment is bizarre to say the least.

Edited by nick76
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10 minutes ago, TRO said:

We have lost 1 game at Home to a fluky goal.

The poor performances have been away....that needs to improve, granted.

2 games have been poor, away to Arsenal was a bit predictable to most discerning fans.

We can't keep hitting ourselves over the head with the Bournemouth hammer Nick....its gone, and no matter what we do this season, we can't wash it away.


We lost to West Ham who were as bad as us in the league and were bottom if my memory serves me well.  Both SG and Moyes made changes, Moyes changes made the difference tactically whereas SG made us worse.  We beat a very poor Everton team then aside from the Man City game we have been poor.

How you are taking positives from anything other than Man City game is astonishing.

Edited by nick76
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Just now, Vive_La_Villa said:

It it becomes 33 from the last 28 games does it come a little bit more acceptable to give him more time ?

Smith got 40 from his last 36. So at some point Gerrard should be measured the same way. 

Not really for me to say, the club does what the club want's. If they feel Gerrard can get us into the top-10 and fighting for Europe then they should stick with him. If they don't then they should get rid IMO.

Keeping us away from the relegation zone shouldn't even be a thing, but under Gerrard it is sadly. For me sticking with Gerrard is pretty much the same as giving up on the season, I'm not ready to do that.

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