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10 minutes ago, Tom13 said:

Be interested to know if anyone's listened to this to see whether Taylor knows players aren't happy or if he was speculating they won't be. Am gonna try and find it later myself.

Here you go, it’s actually a good listen and he makes great points.

He’s a better talker than player! 🤣

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16 minutes ago, daft said:

But we have to at least entertain the possibility our squad isn't as good as we think. 

And that is not me absolving SG of anything.

No you are 100 percent right here.

Been saying this, but the problem is, he's not even making good use of the best players we actually do have.

There are some very simple things we could do to be better, which i don't feel even require a coaching badge.

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I was one of those that didn't want Deano sacked. And I didn't fancy the idea of appointing Gerrard, either. 

But I could see what the thinking was. It wasn't just that we were having a bad run, it was more about the future. They thought a 'big name' would be more likely to raise the profile of the club in the media, attract higher quality players, etc. And as far as that went, they were right. For a while, we were flavour of the month, and signings like Coutinho, Digne, Kamara and Carlos seemed to suggest that the plan was sound. 

The only question was: could he turn it all into performances - and results - on the pitch? After a brief 'new manager bounce', the answer has sadly turned out to be 'no'. The gamble failed, and Purslow has to take responsibility. 

Wes and Nasser have some decisions to make, and quickly. 

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19 minutes ago, daft said:

Let me clarif as I worded it poorly; in addition to the above two alternatives I gave, it could of course be a combination. 

But we have to at least entertain the possibility our squad isn't as good as we think. 

And that is not me absolving SG of anything.

Yeah I’m accepting that the squad isn’t there to finish say, 8th. I think we’re 2/3 quality players away from that. 

But as alluded to, they’re better than the current showing (or basically the 2022 form up to this point). We know they’re capable of better, we’ve seen it.

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Deano wasn't about to get us relegated, but they sacked him as we stopped progressing. Gerrard is in the same boat now, I cannot see him lasting.

At the latest it'll be the Leicester game, maybe Southampton, but the looking for a replacement has started, don't not believe it|!

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4 minutes ago, Mark Albrighton said:

Yeah I’m accepting that the squad isn’t there to finish say, 8th. I think we’re 2/3 quality players away from that. 

But as alluded to, they’re better than the current showing (or basically the 2022 form up to this point). We know they’re capable of better, we’ve seen it.

Yeah, I don't think we have a relegation squad 

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5 minutes ago, foreveryoung said:

Deano wasn't about to get us relegated, but they sacked him as we stopped progressing. Gerrard is in the same boat now, I cannot see him lasting.

At the latest it'll be the Leicester game, maybe Southampton, but the looking for a replacement has started, don't not believe it|!

I’m gonna share this again. Pathetic stuff. One guy is treated harshly, the other is afforded every allowance and luxury:


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22 minutes ago, Jas10 said:

Here you go, it’s actually a good listen and he makes great points.

He’s a better talker than player! 🤣

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I heard the whole segment and the presenters all hit on the main issues, such as lack of tactical awareness from Gerrard and an old fashioned approach to player recruitment (getting left behind by the likes of Brighton and Brentford). There is no strong identity running through the club from sporting director downwards. 

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9 minutes ago, foreveryoung said:

Deano wasn't about to get us relegated, but they sacked him as we stopped progressing. Gerrard is in the same boat now, I cannot see him lasting.

At the latest it'll be the Leicester game, maybe Southampton, but the looking for a replacement has started, don't not believe it|!

We're in  a very similar position now that we were in 10 months ago just before Smith got sacked: in terrible form, no ideas, and in danger of being dragged into a full-on relegation battle. I firmly believe that had we kept Smith we would've been dragged into one, and the same will happen now if we keep Gerrard.

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This pervading narrative that the players aren’t putting the effort in or don’t have the right mindset or aren’t battlers are don’t have their sleeves and socks in the correct positions or aren’t good footballers is a joke.

1. If Gerrard thinks some players aren’t pulling their weight, why is the XI almost always the same, and when it isn’t, why are results and performances the same?

2. If the case is that ALL the players aren’t pulling their weight, that points to serious issues with how they’re being personally managed and also the recruitment of these players.

3. Assuming the above - is it really possibly that we managed to only sign duds to a man? Every single one of them? Did they just get miraculously lucky being promoted, staying in the league and then getting 55 points? I thought we shifted the supposed weak of mind, body and skill players and replaced them with players worth a lot of money with big reputations and demonstrable proof of their ability to function at the top level elsewhere? So suddenly they’re actually not as good as we think and are weak minded and aren’t getting stuck in enough and need Gerrard to kick them up the arse to get a performance out of them.

Absolute insanity. All the talk of taking responsibility and none is taken. What they’re asked to do is absolute trash, it’s not the formation as much as the instructions they’re given individually and as a unit within the formation - its crippling players who’ve proven to be quality elsewhere or have already shown to be very good with us before.

Let him and the trash coaches we have go work with Southgate and England, they’re a match made in heaven.

Edited by a m ole
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