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Steven Gerrard


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2 hours ago, TRO said:

I believe, FWIW.

That you can fly?

In miracles?

That children are the future?

In Father Christmas?

For every drop of rain that falls a flower grows?

We’re gonna win the league? 

All of the above?

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8 minutes ago, blandy said:

then there are the largest group who (apparently) just are positive, because he's our manager. Which is also fine.

That’s generally my default setting. That doesn’t make me a happy clapper, deluded, unrealistic or never critical. It just makes me positive and supportive of whoever the manager is. After all the clue should be in the title. 

Over the years, and there’s been a few, we’ve had managers I’ve liked more than others. From adoration to frustration but my view is, for us to do well our manager has to do well, so it seems counter intuitive to not want our manager to be a success.  I do get the bigger picture argument and particularly felt sympathy for it at the end of the Steve Bruce reign but I just couldn’t square it with the lifetime of wanting is to win come what may.  

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What I've learned from being a Villa, is that there will always be factors that i dislike a lot, like manager, owners or players, I've learned that these factors should not hamper my overall enjoyment of watching Villa and seeing them win.

I was totally one to hope we lost, in the hope that managers would get sacked. Those feelings just ruin football.

There will always be aspects that are worrying or annoying with Villa, we just need to go along with the ride and enjoy what we can

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53 minutes ago, Chicken Field said:

What I've learned from being a Villa, is that there will always be factors that i dislike a lot, like manager, owners or players, I've learned that these factors should not hamper my overall enjoyment of watching Villa and seeing them win.

I was totally one to hope we lost, in the hope that managers would get sacked. Those feelings just ruin football.

There will always be aspects that are worrying or annoying with Villa, we just need to go along with the ride and enjoy what we can

I was at the stage where I didn’t care so much about our results as wanted Bruce gone so badly.  But I’d be amazed if anybody would want us to lose to get rid of Gerrard already. Have to give the guy a chance.

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15 minutes ago, Vive_La_Villa said:

I was at the stage where I didn’t care so much about our results as wanted Bruce gone so badly.  But I’d be amazed if anybody would want us to lose to get rid of Gerrard already. Have to give the guy a chance.

Never want us to lose but I definitley had the "if we're going to lose I hope it's by 6 and we sack the word removed" with Bruce 

Not a clue how anyone could be at that stage with Gerrard 

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19 hours ago, villa4europe said:

Never want us to lose but I definitley had the "if we're going to lose I hope it's by 6 and we sack the word removed" with Bruce 

Not a clue how anyone could be at that stage with Gerrard 

Nowt queerer than folk.

People have their reasons for disliking other people, which can have varying degrees of logic....not worth trying to work it out.

Its easy for me....because I really like the guys persona....and love his drive and determination....His deliberation and measured reponses.

We all know, the connection with Liverpool is awesome, but he give Rangers everything too.

I think he is that sort....if he fails  with us , it won't be for the want of trying, I am sure of that.

Edited by TRO
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11 hours ago, TRO said:

Nowt queerer than folk.

People have their reasons for disliking other people, which can have varying degrees of logic....not worth trying to work it out.

Its easy for me....because I really like the guys persona....and love his drive and determination.

We all know, the connection with Liverpool is awesome, but he give Rangers everything too.

I think he is that sort....if he fails  with us , it won't be for the want of trying, I am sure of that.

Yep i agree, was ambivalent about Gerrard as a person, didn't know much about him to be honest other than he wasn't a big time Charlie. But watched  the doco Make us dream on Amazon and i like the cut of his jib, seems a thoughly decent person, and other than playing for Liverpool and handing our arses to us a few times i don't see what there isn't to like.

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1 hour ago, tinker said:

I don't see his connection with Liverpool being awesome, I see it as a negative as far as villa fans are concerned. 

I dream we can do a Leicester and win the league but I know if we do he will leave us at the drop of a hat for his dream job at Liverpool, I can't get over that fact when it comes to Gerrard and never will. 

The tribal nature in football means Liverpool fans already treat teams like villa as beneath them and this type of "if we do well he will be off" isn't something I can accept, I'm a winner and hate to lose and want my team , villa , to compete at the very top. Not get to the finish line and then have the architect of our glory piss off to 'his club' and become a Liverpool legend. 

As for wanting us to lose so he goes, I could never put myself through the pain of a loss just to prove that I was right and tbh I hope my opinion on Gerrard is wrong, if it's not then I'm in for a whole lot a pain, shit Saturday evenings (spoilt weekends) and a very  nervous season ahead.

How long did Leicester’s title winning manager last? 
If Gerrard wins the league then he will go down in Legendary status, irrelevant of it he leaves straight away. Even if he did, the club would then be in a position to get some big name manager to continue the job. 

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4 hours ago, baldivisvilla said:

Yep i agree, was ambivalent about Gerrard as a person, didn't know much about him to be honest other than he wasn't a big time Charlie. But watched  the doco Make us dream on Amazon and i like the cut of his jib, seems a thoughly decent person, and other than playing for Liverpool and handing our arses to us a few times i don't see what there isn't to like.

That was his job and he did it.....He has a different job now......that needs to be recognised in some quarters.

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1 hour ago, mikeyp102 said:

How long did Leicester’s title winning manager last? 
If Gerrard wins the league then he will go down in Legendary status, irrelevant of it he leaves straight away. Even if he did, the club would then be in a position to get some big name manager to continue the job. 

I don't remember in the past, of many times folk talking about how long a manager will last.

I hope SG lasts for years, because the team will be doing well, if he does.

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just thinking out loud

  • Was Rangers fans miffed at SG's status at Liverpool
  • Many stars need to align for him to go to Liverpool
  • His connection with Liverpool is legendary, that will never go away, its only negative, if you let it be.
  • What are the chances of getting a high profile manager, who has NEVER been fondly connected with any other club......eg O'Neill with Leicester and Forest.....Ron Atkinson with Albion etc
  • If SG wins the league with us, all the negativity you harbour  with him, will have evaporated.
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1 minute ago, TRO said:

just thinking out loud

  • Was Rangers fans miffed at SG's status at Liverpool
  • Many stars need to align for him to go to Liverpool
  • His connection with Liverpool is legendary, that will never go away, its only negative, if you let it be.
  • What are the chances of getting a high profile manager, who has NEVER been fondly connected with any other club......eg O'Neill with Leicester and Forest.....Ron Atkinson with Albion etc

I'm not arsed about Liverpool link. Don't think there's many that are.

It's his ability as manager that I'm worried about. Got it all to prove. Being given incredible resources when he's proven nothing. 

We're gambling on him being a good manager when we could have got any number of far more proven options. Pochettino is there right now if we wanted to hire him. Eddie Howe was there and took Newcastle up past us.

Hopefully Purslow is right and he is a great manager. Not been a great start has it.

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1 minute ago, Tomaszk said:

I'm not arsed about Liverpool link. Don't think there's many that are.

It's his ability as manager that I'm worried about. Got it all to prove. Being given incredible resources when he's proven nothing. 

We're gambling on him being a good manager when we could have got any number of far more proven options. Pochettino is there right now if we wanted to hire him. Eddie Howe was there and took Newcastle up past us.

Hopefully Purslow is right and he is a great manager. Not been a great start has it.

  • I was addressing those that are arsed.
  • Hasn't had a full season yet, yes, he has got it all to prove, thats why he is buying players, its called re-construction.Lets judge him with his own team, own recruits?
  • Every Manager is a gamble, it doesn't necessarily follow that successful managers can reproduce it else where....and when it does like Conte, they recruit their own players.
  • The owners have done most things right so far, lets judge him after reasonable time.
  • Eddie has bought the right types of players in January, to further their cause.....prior to the January window, he struggled in his first 2 months.....Pochettino, why don't PSG want him?
  • His own games extrapolated out, would have had us finish 9th...that wasn't so bad, with someone elses purchases, was it.
  • His ability as manager with us ,is in its infancy, lets judge it accordingly.
  • Thats all its been a start.....I would say its been mixed.....and that is what I expected.
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16 minutes ago, Tomaszk said:

I'm not arsed about Liverpool link. Don't think there's many that are.

It's his ability as manager that I'm worried about. Got it all to prove. Being given incredible resources when he's proven nothing. 

We're gambling on him being a good manager when we could have got any number of far more proven options. Pochettino is there right now if we wanted to hire him. Eddie Howe was there and took Newcastle up past us.

Hopefully Purslow is right and he is a great manager. Not been a great start has it.

You think we could get Poch, have a day off mate. 😂😂😂🫡

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5 minutes ago, spiezels said:

You think we could get Poch, have a day off mate. 😂😂😂🫡

I get your drift.....but if Everton can attract Ancellotti , why not.

The question still remains, why would he do well with us?

Another important point is.....Managers have to be able to work with the CEO, and vice versa , that is a crucial relationship to get right.

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3 hours ago, mikeyp102 said:

How long did Leicester’s title winning manager last? 
If Gerrard wins the league then he will go down in Legendary status, irrelevant of it he leaves straight away. Even if he did, the club would then be in a position to get some big name manager to continue the job. 

Are we really factoring in Gerrard winning the league for us ?

On what planet is that happening !!!?

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5 hours ago, tinker said:

I don't see his connection with Liverpool being awesome, I see it as a negative as far as villa fans are concerned. 

I dream we can do a Leicester and win the league but I know if we do he will leave us at the drop of a hat for his dream job at Liverpool, I can't get over that fact when it comes to Gerrard and never will. 

The tribal nature in football means Liverpool fans already treat teams like villa as beneath them and this type of "if we do well he will be off" isn't something I can accept, I'm a winner and hate to lose and want my team , villa , to compete at the very top. Not get to the finish line and then have the architect of our glory piss off to 'his club' and become a Liverpool legend. 

As for wanting us to lose so he goes, I could never put myself through the pain of a loss just to prove that I was right and tbh I hope my opinion on Gerrard is wrong, if it's not then I'm in for a whole lot a pain, shit Saturday evenings (spoilt weekends) and a very  nervous season ahead.

Get where you are coming from but the only way Gerrard has the slightest chance of ever managing Liverpool is if he gets us in Europe or wins a cup. 

We’ve been starved of success for so long I’d take that any day. 

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6 minutes ago, Vive_La_Villa said:

Get where you are coming from but the only way Gerrard has the slightest chance of ever managing Liverpool is if he gets us in Europe or wins a cup. 

We’ve been starved of success for so long I’d take that any day. 

They might give him a season while they are rebuilding like Chelsea did with Lampard.

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