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Steven Gerrard


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1 hour ago, tomav84 said:

what's the song going to be at (presumably) southampton home game though? he's not been here long enough to develop a catchphrase

under bruce it was "we'll be there, we'll be there, we'll be there or thereabouts"

maybe just a simple (to the tune of 'ere we go):

"it's on you, it's on you, it's on you"

he wants the lads to roll the sleeves up

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1 hour ago, Jas10 said:

I’m not in the mood for a debate with you today TRO, especially around the manager. And I am, by no means, having a laugh. This isn’t funny.

But my point was, that players (especially unwanted ones) are harder to shift if they are on higher wages, especially if you’re trying to sell them to foreign (or financially inferior) leagues, as well as lower leagues… such as the Championship.

I wasn’t talking about key players but those out of favour, they may be coveted by some but they can’t afford to give them anywhere near the same wages. Maybe that’s why we can only get certain ones out on loan and have to pay them a percentage.

One quick and small example for you, but there are better ones. Guilbert… he was actually rated as one of the top performing players in Ligue 1 at Strasbourg (this is fact, many stats and reports etc. that cover this) and the fans adored him (another fact, I have seen so many positive messages from them and pleas for them to keep him on and how badly treated he has been here) - they can’t afford him… can’t afford to pay him whatever we are…

As for the rest of your comment, I’m just going to ignore it. I’m not interested in conflict or arguments.

No, you just want to say things that are convenient to the narrative, of getting rid.......Lets get rid of him.....but lets be fair also in the criticism, thats my call.

What players did SG sign on the wages you suggest, that we can't shift, which ones out of favour, was his doing, sure its a job, he has to deal with.....at least have the temerity, to address the criticism, where it belongs.

SG has signed no one, we are ready to move on.....we have a bloated squad, not down to him.

You are entitled to your view, but be fair, with it.

Edited by TRO
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Just now, TRO said:

No, you just want to say things that are convenient to the narrative, of getting rid.......Lets get rid of him.....but lets be fair also in the criticism, thats my call.

What players did SG sign on the wages you suggest, that we can't shift, which ones out of favour, was his doing, sure its a job, he has to deal with.....at least have the temerity, to address the criticism, where it belongs.

SG has signed no one, we are ready to move on.....we have a bloated squad, not down to him.

You are entitled to your view, but be fair, with it.


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4 minutes ago, TRO said:

No, you just want to say things that are convenient to the narrative, of getting rid.......Lets get rid of him.....but lets be fair also in the criticism, thats my call.

What players did SG sign on the wages you suggest, that we can't shift, which ones out of favour, was his doing, sure its a job, he has to deal with.....at least have the temerity, to address the criticism, where it belongs.

SG has signed no one, we are ready to move on.....we have a bloated squad, not down to him.

You are entitled to your view, but be fair, with it.

Well he signed Carlos ,Digne , Coutinho and Kamara who started against Bournmouth and we lost ..are we staying all starting 11 need to be his players before he is judged ?


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6 minutes ago, Nabby said:

Well he signed Carlos ,Digne , Coutinho and Kamara who started against Bournmouth and we lost ..are we staying all starting 11 need to be his players before he is judged ?


I think he's actually trying to say that, he hasn't signed the shite ones.

Or the ones not good enough etc.

I have said, as much as the complaints are, the players letting us down the most, are the old ones.

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5 minutes ago, TRO said:

No, you just want to say things that are convenient to the narrative, of getting rid.......Lets get rid of him.....but lets be fair also in the criticism, thats my call.

What players did SG sign on the wages you suggest, that we can't shift, which ones out of favour, was his doing, sure its a job, he has to deal with.....at least have the temerity, to address the criticism, where it belongs.

SG has signed no one, we are ready to move on.....we have a bloated squad, not down to him.

You are entitled to your view, but be fair, with it.

I'll be fair @TRO

3 wins in 15 likely to be 3 in 17 after next week and he needs time? How long does he need, another 5-10 games which could be loses, then we write off the season.  I really think he has had enough time, we are a mess, he is a poor coach.

I also cannot believe a man of your experience @TRO you really think after managing Rangers in a poor league, Gerrard has the experience to come in and manage AVFC. It's far too big for him, like Chelsea was too big for Lampard.

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Is it fair to say he's the most disliked manager we've had in at least a decade? I'm trying to think of competition and I mainly think of Bruce, Garde and McLeish.

McLeish was rubbish and had the blues connection, but came across as an honest, humble and nice bloke.

Garde was rubbish and unpleasant, but pretty much took an impossible job.

Bruce could be very unpleasant, was rubbish and underachieved, but to his credit he did steady the proverbial ship and did lay the foundation on which Dean built our promotion on.

Gerrard is rubbish, he is unpleasant and unlike all three has actually inherited a good squad, and he's greatly contributing to a massive regress not only on the pitch, but apparently off it as well. 

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1 minute ago, WooJung said:

Is it fair to say he's the most disliked manager we've had in at least a decade? I'm trying to think of competition and I mainly think of Bruce, Garde and McLeish.

McLeish was rubbish and had the blues connection, but came across as an honest, humble and nice bloke.

Garde was rubbish and unpleasant, but pretty much took an impossible job.

Bruce could be very unpleasant, was rubbish and underachieved, but to his credit he did steady the proverbial ship and did lay the foundation on which Dean built our promotion on.

Gerrard is rubbish, he is unpleasant and unlike all three has actually inherited a good squad, and he's greatly contributing to a massive regress not only on the pitch, but apparently off it as well. 

Garde wasn't that disliked? Just a bit hapless and doomed from the start. I think most recognised that we had bigger problems by that point.

But yeah I'd say Gerrard is definitely up there.

Edited by Mantis
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3 minutes ago, Nabby said:

Well he signed Carlos ,Digne , Coutinho and Kamara who started against Bournmouth and we lost ..are we staying all starting 11 need to be his players before he is judged ?


I am not saying that at all.....I am just trying to apportion blame fairly.

do you think its fair to expect him to finish in a European spot and give him ONE first team player.....after finishing 14th?

My point is..... We are right to question him, his results are relegation form, and it will take some surviving.....but I am not sure, some of the criticism is fair.

I think, One new signing, ( Carlos was unfortunate, but thats not his fault either) is a bit much to ask any manager, to turn this around.

I have not got the confidence, that some of our players are as good as we think they are.....and judging by the market place, maybe I'm right.

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3 minutes ago, TRO said:

I am just trying to apportion blame fairly.

Really? it feels like you are really trying to deflect as much blame as possible from Gerrard.  You obviously blame Gerrard somewhat as you’ve said but you’re floating ideas as if he’s third or fourth on the list of whose at fault, that’s how it’s coming across.  Yes there is blame to be passed around, of course, but number one by some distance is Gerrard.  I don’t think you are apportioning blame fairly.

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1 hour ago, TRO said:

I am aware, you blame the coaching, and I am not saying you are wrong, but me personally am more concerned with recruitment or the lack of it.....I am staggered, how we have stalled during the summer, what did we tell Kamara and Carlos, was they expecting this?

I was expecting a bullish summer, and after coming out of the traps quickly, I was encouraged, by the quality and prudency of the 2 signings.....but what has happened since, bar Leicester, everyone has spent money, and moreover have sold very well too.....who have we sold? we are having to, as good as, give them away.....We have teams above us, spending more, how can we compete, doing that.

I am shocked we are faffing around with limp statements, that we are still actively looking to bring players in......are we, are we really....I just not convinced.

I agree with this actually. I’ve said before I think something has gone on behind the scenes re our summer spending plans. They talked a good game before the window, then we made two signings both of whom talked about our project etc and then…nothing (bar back up squad additions). It’s been a weird summer for sure. 

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Lost the fans. Reading between the lines it seems like he has lost at least a section of the locker room. Arsenal Wednesday. City Saturday. What are we still doing here? This is done. Time to move on. 

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16 minutes ago, foreveryoung said:

I'll be fair @TRO

3 wins in 15 likely to be 3 in 17 after next week and he needs time? How long does he need, another 5-10 games which could be loses, then we write off the season.  I really think he has had enough time, we are a mess, he is a poor coach.

I also cannot believe a man of your experience @TRO you really think after managing Rangers in a poor league, Gerrard has the experience to come in and manage AVFC. It's far too big for him, like Chelsea was too big for Lampard.

I get what you are saying, but my experience has nothing to do with it, its my judgment, if anything.

I find it hard to believe a guy with years and years of playing at the top of the game, and dragging his team, back in to a European cup final, is clueless as to what happens in a game...I don't buy that.

I understand, he is getting things wrong, yes.....I don't think football is rocket science, but there are only so many permutations to set up, its not some complex rubik cube, that Elon Musk, is required to solve.

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