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Steven Gerrard


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The pundits do piss me off with the will turn it around and give him time. We operate in a league were having time doesn’t exist which is why elite managers (Conte for example) go to average sides and pick them up straight away and average mangers Steal money while improving nothing and in our case making is worse. 

the biggest worry for me is that I don’t see with the current set up in place a way of turning it around and what further damage will be so before he goes. I think the mings captaincy shambles will have a bigger impact than he realised by creating a problem where one didn’t exist 

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The players have to buy into whatever method the manager wants to use for it to be successful.

Their performances on the pitch would indicate that they have not done so.

It is pointless continuing with this manager, and I hope they have already a plan in place for him to be replaced.

Has to be a top class experienced manager this time.

Another mistake and Purslow will be gone.

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I'm not generally one of those Gabby haters, but unsure why every time I hear him he is defending Gerrard and saying the players need to step up. He really should know personally, without a decent manager, players don't perform. he only ever worked hard for O'Neil himself, so berating the players is just nonsensical, an probably just click bait.

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52 minutes ago, CarryOnVilla said:

Echoing a lot of my thoughts. 

if Gerrard goes, we are stuck with a few long term problems he created. No wingers, and a dud Coutinho

so the what ever manager we get in, they’re forced to play narrow too… uchhh 

Seen this a few times. Who are all these wingers he got rid of? Only one I can think of is Bertie who was inconsistent and rarely fit.

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14 minutes ago, DCJonah said:

I think people make way too much of that. Before those 5 games we lost, we beat man u at old Trafford and our reserves drew with Chelsea in the cup. Both excellent performances. 

Even during those 5 losses, that wolves game we were 5 minutes from being in the top 7 and who knows how holding on in that game changes things. 

We'd also lost major backroom staff, had big injuries and new signings were unable to play together for multiple reasons. 

It really shouldn't have been that difficult for Gerrard to pick us back up, especially when you consider the backing he got in January. Most pundits felt we had the best window. 

I think the idea that this was some difficult long term challenge to get us back around mid table is crazy. 

Smith was looking lost after losing Grealish and had started spiralling into strange tactical decisions and team selections, we needed to make a change but we just needed someone with a fresh set of eyes to assess the squad post-Grealish, to get us back to basics and add a bit of confidence to the players. It should have been a fairly easy job for a good manager. Just capturing the simple bounce back he'd have looked good, but he's made a total hash of all it all round.

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I think this would be the best course of action:

Sack SG, remove all of his own staff including Danks and McPhee - the pathetic “club appointments”, useless t***ers!

Keep Cutler on, he’s great.

Give Critchley the caretaker role… if he does really well he may even be in contention for a longer run…

In the meantime, before the window closes, we should try and strengthen where we can and put the squad in a better position and make it less difficult for the new man to manage the team and help it succeed. We need a midfielder. Need to address any deficiencies with the squad.

Strip McGinn of the captaincy and either give it back to Mings or appoint Martinez.

If we can sell McGinn in the near future, I would do it. 

Get in touch with Poch, sell the vision, resources and facilities of the club to him. Allow him to bring whoever he wants and needs with him. His usual assistant is Jesus Perez.

It’s a perfect match - we have so much appeal, he will get more backing and resources than he got, for the most part, at Spurs. He gets to work with and bring through our young players (as he’s know to do) into the first team. Gets to work with and improve our South American stars, including his fellow countrymen in our two Emis. He will make them even better. He even gets to be reunited with Coutinho, a player he worked with at Espanyol and really wanted Spurs to sign for him…

Poch gets to re-establish himself in the PL, make a mark again and grow and progress with this club. It’s a mutually beneficial relationship. We have excellent foundations, we just need the right man to take us forward and Poch fits the bill perfectly.

For a manager who wants to get back to the PL and have some success, it’s an excellent job. There’s not a lot we lack (compared to other clubs) away from the pitch… the right man can take us to where want to be… 

None of the “top jobs” are available right now and the opportunity to bring in an ambitious appointment like this (especially when he’s available and won’t cost us to pry from a club) doesn’t come along too often and does not last…


First things first, kick SG out the door to never return… enough is enough.

If not Poch, there are plenty of alternatives that will all do a hell of a better job than this guy. He’s worse than we ever imagined…

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2 minutes ago, daft said:

Wingers aren't really an issue. Modern football does not require old school chalk on the boots wingers. 

We need to play a defensively sound system that may well be narrow, compact and fluid to compensate. 

The problem is that either our managers canodo it or our players just suck. 

Keep Gerrard, sack all the players?

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Let me clarif as I worded it poorly; in addition to the above two alternatives I gave, it could of course be a combination. 

But we have to at least entertain the possibility our squad isn't as good as we think. 

And that is not me absolving SG of anything.

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2 minutes ago, daft said:

Let me clarif as I worded it poorly; in addition to the above two alternatives I gave, it could of course be a combination. 

But we have to at least entertain the possibility our squad isn't as good as we think. 

And that is not me absolving SG of anything.

Our squad certainly doesn't fulfill it's potential when we don't use our best players in their best roles.

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Just now, Tom13 said:

Our squad certainly doesn't fulfill it's potential when we don't use our best players in their best roles.

Yes, but that is down to the system the manager want to play.

I assume Gerrard plays the lads he thinks fits his shit system best.

It's not working. Again, I am not absolving him of anything.

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1 minute ago, daft said:

I suggested it was a POSSIBILITY. We can't just close our eyes to because Gerrard is a word removed. That puts us at even greater risk.

We get a new man in, they need to step up.

I posted that at the same time you clarified in a second post 👍

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3 minutes ago, Tom13 said:

Be interested to know if anyone's listened to this to see whether Taylor knows players aren't happy or if he was speculating they won't be. Am gonna try and find it later myself.

I listened to it. Taylor was insightful but not gossipy. You can read into it that he knows all is not well but wasn’t leaking stuff as such. He spoke well, particularly around the limitations of Gerrards system and how exposed it leaves us. 

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6 minutes ago, Tom13 said:

Be interested to know if anyone's listened to this to see whether Taylor knows players aren't happy or if he was speculating they won't be. Am gonna try and find it later myself.

By the way, to find it, just click on the tweet posted above and in the replies to the tweet, someone has posted a link. 

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I saw Gerrard's post-match interview, but did any of the players do one? 

In these situations, you usually get one (the skipper?) who comes out and rallies round the boss, says that they, the players, have to take responsibility, etc. I assume that didn't happen. 

I'd love to have heard the 'conversation' in the changing room afterwards. 

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5 minutes ago, Ingram85 said:

I posted that at the same time you clarified in a second post 👍

Nerves are **** raw now. I hate this shit, so I get a bit down, didn't mean to be so harsh. 



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