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3 hours ago, Tomaszk said:

Been trying to tell you this for a while. You've been saying Gerrard will succeed with no evidence.

Yes he has.

He's dug a right horrible hole for himself.

So much positivity about the mythical pre-season he needed. "The players have all bought in...they're doing exactly what we tell them".

He can't turn round now and say players aren't good enough.

Hope it's not just his fine media aura at work. In fact we know it's not.

Every fan with half a clue could see the errors he was making. Basic, basic, basic. Dog & Duck stuff.

Ineffective Formation. Everyone in the middle of the pitch will never work in the PL. Don't leave your best player out the team. McGinn is currently our 4th choice centre mid at absolute best, you could probably stick Kamara or Aaron Ramsey there and they'd be better...he makes him captain!

No excuses. Pressure on. I'd sack him if we lose to Everton, no doubt. Would have sacked him in the summer. No evidence to suggest he's anything more than a good talker. 

He was one of the most tenaciously gifted players of his generation, he has drive, determination and perseverance, I have no doubt.......but its clear, its not finding its way in to our play......thats the confusing thing that most like me who support him ( for now) are experiencing.

You say evidence.......many,many managers show no evidence, before they join, Eddie Howe failed at Bournemouth, David Moyes had his times of failure.....Ron Saunders showed no evidence, before he embarked on our journey.

When you talk about the players being good enough, it depends what you mean......In terms of physicality, they are not good enough, but thats him and the previous managers fault for not signing players with an ability to mix it or reach aerial balls.....in the air we are woeful and teams exploit it.

when you say, every fan with half a clue ( whatever that means) could see his errors,sure I don't agree with everything he does, but I never have with any manager, but they do need wriggle room to correct things.... thats a bit disingenuous, are you then saying Purslow hasn't a clue too, for appointing him?......All the podcasters, who support him have they no clue either......thats just you on your high horse.....airing your inevitable disappointment.

This clearly isn't working, and much more of it, and things will get tricky, for sure.....but its still too early, for sabre rattling, he has to fix the things that need fixing....if he can't, then you will possibly have your way.

I would hazard a guess and say the errors that these half clued up fans see, would be divided in the fan base anyway.....we all see things through our own lens, and subsequently have a variety of issues, that irk us.

Who is our best player?....best at what? they all do different things......Aaron Ramsey is a boy learning his trade, these guys would have ate him up, like the rest of our team and they are adults.

You could have picked any permutation from our squad, yesterday and it would have made diddly squat.....Maybe Mings for his height and general defensive organisation, but thats it.

Its about players in the main, and we have too many with the same/similar weaknesses, so its hard to blend and get cohesion.....sure managers are responsible for that, too many piano players, and not enough piano carriers....teams like Bourenemouth will explot that and they did.....The problem is Game Plans go out the window, when you just meakly concede a goal in 2 minutes, and then fail to secure any initiative in the game....they just conceded the territory, where they couldn't be hurt, and focused on the bit where could be hurt and defended it well.....we stupidly played like we had Erling Haaland playing for us....pumping aimless balls in to huge defenders.

Don't claim the moral high ground just yet.......He still has an opportunity to fix it.





Edited by TRO
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7 hours ago, Jas10 said:

Talking shit like he usually does, spoofer.

It’s incredible the amount of resources and leeway he has been given despite being such a poor and inexperienced manager who is seemingly incapable of coaching the players at his disposal (needing to lean on a huge backroom team who are almost as useless and inept) and just wants to spend money all the time. As if that’s a/only solution…

He just comes across as a speaker or “face” who likes to talk too much but can’t actually back that up with positive action. 

He’s just riding on his name and reputation as a player. It means relatively nothing when it comes to management.

We’ve been crap for the vast majority of his tenure, no positive signs or ideas, I’m sick of him. His record is abysmal.

I put up with the dross and didn’t criticise him much last season in the hope that we would be ready and firing for this one after a full preseason and more transfer activity but there is nothing to show for it and no signs of improvement, identity, playing style, cohesion and whatever else is required to give fans some optimism and encouragement for the team they support… what is the plan?

He has really pissed me off and many others today. What the hell have we even been working on? His ego prevents him from admitting his own faults…

We have a lot of quality (and expenditure) in this squad and were well and truly shown up and embarrassed by Bournemouth. This was worse than the Watford defeat…

FFS we were just launching aimless balls into the box today without any rhyme or reason… it was embarrassing and made no sense. We’re not even utilising the talent we have or even choosing the right players to play together… can’t even pass and keep the f***ing football!

He is failing to even get anywhere near the best out of the players at his disposal… a manager’s job is not just to spend money and slate his players, all he does is deflect blame…

Out of likes but this is bang on.  We have the right to question whether this bloke actually knows what he is doing, or whether Beale was the brains behind Gerrard

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2 minutes ago, TRO said:

He was one of the most tenaciously gifted players of his generation, he has drive, determination and perseverance, I have no doubt.......but its clear, its not finding its way in to our play......thats the confusing thing that most like me who support him ( for now) are experiencing.

You say evidence.......many,many managers show no evidence, before they join, Eddie Howe failed at Bournemouth, David Moyes had his times of failure.....Ron Saunders showed no evidence, before he embarked on our journey.

When you talk about the players being good enough, it depends what you mean......In terms of physicality, they are not good enough, but thats him and the previous managers fault for not signing players with an ability to mix it or reach aerial balls.....in the air we are woeful and tems exploit it.

when you say, every fan with half a clue ( whatever that means) could see his errors,sure I don't agree with everything he does, but I never have with any manager, but they do need wriggle room to correct things.... thats a bit disingenuous, are you then saying Purslow hasn't a clue too, for appointing him?......All the podcasters, who support him have they no clue either......thats just you on your high horse.....airing your inevitable disappointment.

This clearly isn't working, and much more of it, and things will get tricky, for sure.....but its still too early, for sabre rattling, he has to fix the things that need fixing....if he can't, then you will possibly have your way.

I would hazard a guess and say the errors that these half clued up fans see, would be divided in the fan base anyway.....we all see things through our own lens, and subsequently have a variety of issues, that irk us.

Who is our best player?....best at what? they all do different things......Aaron Ramsey is a boy learning his trade, these guys would have ate him up, like the rest of our team and they are adults.

You could have picked any permutation from our squad, yesterday and it would have made diddly squat.....Maybe Mings for his height and general defensive organisation, but thats it.

Its about players in the main, and we have too many with the same/similar weaknesses, so its hard to blend and get cohesion.....sure managers are responsible for that, too many piano players, and not enough piano carriers....teams like Bourenemouth will explot that and they did.....The problem is Game Plans go out the window, when you just meakly concede a goal in 2 minutes, and then fail to secure any initiative in the game....they just conceded the territory, where they couldn't be hurt, and focused on the bit where could be hurt and defended it well.....we stupidly played like we had Erling Haaland playing for us....pumping aimless balls in to huge defenders.

Don't claim the moral high ground just yet.......He still has an opportunity to fix it.





Eddie Howe got Bournemouth promoted from the 4th tier how did he fail at Bournemouth?

Roy Keane was a giften tenacious midfielder would you hire him? He has actually managed at a higher level as well compared to Stevie

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2 hours ago, TheMightyVillans said:

Feels like the beginning of the end for him.

The only big decision I feel he has handled well was chukwuemeka.

He has always been good with his words too but that seems to be cracking now.

To be fair to him, nearly everything in the transfer market he has handled well and he's managed to treat similar Dougie & Chuk situations with the nuance that they deserved. He's only really gotten the new Bomb Squad wrong on that front.

He'd make a great Director of Football maybe but he isn't yet a Premier League quality manager. I can't fault his media presence/interviews, his reading of the game etc. He knows what is happening, what is going wrong - he describes it well enough, he can see the issues. His attracting of big name players - and evidently, convincing them to come to us - has been great.

He cannot however, do anything to fix the issues he is seeing either in a game or through coaching. He isn't a strategic or tactical mind in any sense, and he appears to be struggling to teach his vision.

Not convinced he's a manager, if he can learn those things, he could be very good - but we perhaps aren't the place (nor is anyone in the Prem) the place to learn.

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I’ve not written Stevie off yet. If he starts getting results and / or we start playing well then he’d get more time - the earliest I’d consider changing him would be after six games.

I just think alarm bells should be ringing. It all feels a bit Roy Keane right now. Setting high standards and being stern only gets you so far.

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1 hour ago, Delphouneso said:

Another poster said it a few weeks back and I can't remember who it was so apologies for not giving them credit, but all of Gerrard's decisions just feel wrong. Win or loss under Deano you always felt he was making the decisions that were best for the club, Gerrard seems to be making decisions based on what's best for Steven Gerrard.       

Agree with this also, I fear that a lot of the “feel good” and positivity that Dean bought to the club is being undone with the way Gerrard is treating the players.  

This could come undone pretty quickly and Purslow/Lange should be monitoring this including engagement with Mings and other senior players

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7 minutes ago, daft said:

Obviously fans have turned on him. Any chance of him winning them back?

I don't see it. If he goes and wins the next two or three games, perhaps he brings them back. Fail to beat Everton, let alone lose, and I think things will escalate. 


I just hope if/when he does go, the owners and Purslow really go for a special manager. I'm fed up of all these mediocre managers managing this once great club. We just never get it right. Probably the last manager we appointed with a big reputation at his peak was O'Neill. Although that turned out to be a bit disappointing given the way he left, his poor performance in the transfer window, and the one dimensional style of play (and he  was a big factor why things went south after laving due to his short term thinking), he did at least get us into the top 6 three times in a row. He at least knew how to get players playing above their station which is in complete contrast to Gerrard. 


It's only one game into the new season but this team has to be up for every single game if we want to achieve our objectives this season and to not be ready for the opening day against a newly promoted club is unacceptable. There were just no excuses for yesterday's sh*tshow and we should have been beating Bournemouth comfortably. And these types of displays have been going on since March. 

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I am worried that yesterdayss game will result in us panic signing 2-3 players to an already bloated squad. 

However rich our owners are, we cannot afford to have a bloated squad and i am seriously worried that our wage structur is getting too massive too quickly. 


Gerrard was a terrible appointment but its to early to be seriously talking about sacking, the new players would be pissed and it would send a terrible message to any potential future managers

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Let’s see what next week brings lads, pointless going round the houses on Gerrard, he will either turn it around or get sacked. I was happy to give him a preseason and a let him get a few of his own players in but yesterday was a disgrace and he should be held accountable for that. 

Pretty sure we will see at least 3 changes next week, Emi, Mings and Watkins will start imo. I would start Augustinsson ahead of Digne as well. 

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12 minutes ago, HalfTimePost said:

can't fault his media presence/interviews,

After yesterday's comments re: Mings and Coutinho, I think you could! 

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2 minutes ago, Eastie said:

I think he will get to the World Cup break and see where we are - certainly if in the bottom 6 in November it’s hard to see how he can continue . 

Even if he’s 12th, I don’t think he can continue. The target is 7th, by November he should be 8-10th at the worst, otherwise he’s having to play catch up.   Really you want to be tracking above where you want to finish, build up a buffer of points for a bad run.

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5 minutes ago, Panto_Villan said:

I’ve not written Stevie off yet. If he starts getting results and / or we start playing well then he’d get more time - the earliest I’d consider changing him would be after six games.

I just think alarm bells should be ringing. It all feels a bit Roy Keane right now. Setting high standards and being stern only gets you so far.

I don't think being stern gets you anywhere in today's game, unless your the manager of Man city who can destroy footballers careers to prove his point . Klopp has the right balance on the face of it, he is clear and no nonsense approach works with modern footballers.

Digne having jewellery on for the game is a big worry for me, was it stupidity or just a don't care attitude? I think we all sense there could be player unrest with leading members of the squad, Beundia and Ming's must be frustrated with what's going on. They will start to question Gerrard and his ability, if they already haven't. I just hope it doesn't go toxic . 

We span the wheel of fortune with Gerrard and it was a big risk, this was my worry from day one, the risk of the appointment. The odds are now longer for him to succeed than when he started and that's a problem. 

However It's not over yet by a long way and a good performance against Everton will change our outlook UTV

Ps Fingers crossed your are right Tro, you bring great content to Villatalk , thanks .

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11 minutes ago, DaveAV1 said:

I don’t agree with you often, but that would certainly fix it for most fans. Especially the win part. 

It would. Especially if it looks like we know how they were won, with a well executed game plan. At the moment we rely on a player producing a moment rather than a team knowing what it's doing.

It's like Man Utd under Solskjaer

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