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Whats your favourite national newspaper, and why?


What is your favourite daily national newspaper?  

25 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your favourite daily national newspaper?

    • The Sun
    • The Mirror
    • The Daily Mail
    • The Express
    • The Guardian
    • The Independent
    • The Times
    • The Telegraph
    • The Metro
    • Other (specify)

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Apparently, The METRO (freebie newspaper found at train, tube and bus stations) is the most read paper in the UK, by quite some distance. Ill bet a lot of people on here read it, but is it actually anybodys favourite paper?

So, what is your favourite daily paper, and why. (and no, i cant be arsed to list the Sunday papers)

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The Times.

Its a good newspaper. Good journalism, easy to read, mostly factual, no stories about Brtiney adn her three in a bed romp with whoever, excellent sports/football (The Game) section. Its the one paper that jumps out at me from all the ones there if I go to a newspaper stand.

The Guardian is a close second for the above reason.

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Its easier to say your least favourite paper; I think the Mail & Express are loathsome papers, I think the Times has declined so much in the last 25 years, its so sad. Same with the Torygraph & the Indie. Can’t comment on the Guardian as they are a client!

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I live in North London: ergo I am a mung bean and sandals Guardian reader.

I never buy the Sun (I know Hillsborough had nothing to do with us, but I still find the lack of complete, no strings attached, apology reprehensible), agree that Times is good for sport. Telegraph is a bit staid, Independent is a bit flaky, and the rest I never touch.

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Being an occasional traveller from Dublin to London, I never know what paper to buy there so I'll be interested in the result of this poll.

If it's good enough for the VT posters then it's good enough for me!

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Well, i voted the Guardian.

I guess its aimed at my agegroup, and my politics.

The journalists who write for it can actually string a sentence together, and the editor deems that running a two page spread about what Wayne Rooney's missus has bought at the shops this week is not good copy. I concur.

The sport section is better than in any tabloid, and i see that The Fiver is becoming a VT fave (bookmark the online football section now. Go to the knowledge and bore the shit out of everybody with some of the best football trivia out there. (but it has to be said, it still cant compete with The Times game pullout on a monday morning) and the Friday review is one of my favourite things. Its like the NME for twentysomethings, i guess.

Oh, and its funny. You gotta have funny havent you?

My only qualm is that they STILL havent made a compact version. And until they do, i still find myself buying the (inferior) Independent from time to time.

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My only qualm is that they STILL havent made a compact version. And until they do, i still find myself buying the (inferior) Independent from time to time.

Apparently, that's 'in the pipeline' so to speak, although it won't be a proper tabloid size, but a midway between, like the French Le Monde paper.

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Guest RantinRob

None - they're all full of **** shite.

Why anyone would pay good money for a "news" paper full of shite, when you can get it free on the net, is beyond me.

Last time I actually PAID for newspapers was 1996, to get all the clippings from our 3-0 win over Leedszzzzzzz

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The Guardian when I'm in England, The New York Times when I'm in the USA. Though I have to say that the Guardian's commentary and coverage of the US election in 2000 was awful, I'd never seen so many thoroughly incorrect things printed as "fact" - well, other than in a Rupert Murdoch rag.

And I wouldn't even wipe my ass with the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, it's an insult to my anus.

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The Guardian when I'm in England, The New York Times when I'm in the USA. Though I have to say that the Guardian's commentary and coverage of the US election in 2000 was awful, I'd never seen so many thoroughly incorrect things printed as "fact" - well, other than in a Rupert Murdoch rag.

And I wouldn't even wipe my ass with the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, it's an insult to my anus.

Did you ever read The Boston Herald MSE?

Woeful... utterly woeful!

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I generally don´t buy a paper but if I had to it would be The Guardian. I used to get it occasionally on a Wednesday for the media jobs. I got The Times recently and found that half decent.

The Star crossword keeps me busy for 5 mins at work sometimes but i´d never buy it... oops i put a fake apostrophe in.

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