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Morgan Sanson


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2 hours ago, VillaChris said:

Wolves game is a case in point. Was probably our best midfielder that game yet is the one hauled off after an hour and then he's dropped for Spurs the following week.

Says it all don't it. Abysmal treatment that was.

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1 hour ago, TheMightyVillans said:

no idea how he doesn't make the bench when we only have 1 CM on the bench and we play a 3 man midfield. Far better option than having young on the bench.

Really wish a reporter would ask gerrard about sanson in the press conferences but the questions are always safe.

I reckon they either are not allowed to ask (same with luiz contract situation) or its cut off from the presser

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2 hours ago, TheMightyVillans said:

no idea how he doesn't make the bench when we only have 1 CM on the bench and we play a 3 man midfield. Far better option than having young on the bench.

Really wish a reporter would ask gerrard about sanson in the press conferences but the questions are always safe.

questions get vetted before they're asked. they probably have requested to ask about luiz and sanson but been rejected

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12 minutes ago, Rustibrooks said:

Apparently in talks with Besiktas for a loan

Thank god for Turkey, the home of AVFC cast off's. Yet people on here somehow think he's a world beater, like Traore and Trez. 

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24 minutes ago, Steero113 said:

Piss poor treatment from the club, I'm embarrassed for everyone involved. 

Couldnt put it better myself I've gone on for months about sansons treatment and that video clip shows he's got some ability.


For the club to completely right him off Smith and Gerrard should hang there head in shame both have caused this drama by not giving him a fair crack at Villa.


What concerns me should we let him leave firstly we have no one lined up to come in and secondly we are yet again chucking a player on the rubbish heap for no reason the guy hasn't had a sniff of football and that for me  disgusts me being a villa fan like the rest having our club associated with that treatment of players.

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