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Diet and Weightloss


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13 minutes ago, villakram said:

The correct way to do this is with a proper blood glucose screening over a 4-6 hr period post ingestion of a glucose mixture.

A1C etc., are one secondary markers as to the state of your system. If they indicate a problem, it is likely worse than indicated.

Awesome stuff on getting yourself sorted out!

Yeah it was veey early prediabetic/normal so that was enough to scare me. I know there is various different tests to do to continue to monitor. I have fatty liver because i stupidly removed my gallbladder in my twenties (this was days before you could do your own resrarch online and you trusted the doctors who absolutely lied to me) so i have bile defiency affed onto when i was over weight.  Ive now gone from a large to a small for clothes so i think im heafing right direction fingers crossed


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4 hours ago, Demitri_C said:

Yeah it was veey early prediabetic/normal so that was enough to scare me. I know there is various different tests to do to continue to monitor. I have fatty liver because i stupidly removed my gallbladder in my twenties (this was days before you could do your own resrarch online and you trusted the doctors who absolutely lied to me) so i have bile defiency affed onto when i was over weight.  Ive now gone from a large to a small for clothes so i think im heafing right direction fingers crossed


I can only imagine what they would have proposed were you over here,  $$$$ parasites.

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5 hours ago, villakram said:

I can only imagine what they would have proposed were you over here,  $$$$ parasites.

Oh dont worry we are heading that way 😔

They usually just want to stick you on meds. But before you do that try prevention.

How much would something like that cost you in the states?

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My relationship with my body is a weird one.

There was a time 5/6 years ago when I was bigger. I'm 6'3 (191cm) and I was like 15 st 4 (97kg) and I made a change, going down to 79kg (12 and a half stone) which in hindsight was a bit too much.

Now I'm around 87kg which is pretty much smack bang in the middle. I'm fit, healthy, in a good range for my height, but I have the 'leftovers' from the bigger days and my clothes don't sit on me exactly how I'd like.

So from the start of 2023, I decided to do 30 mins minimum of exercise daily but although my fitness allows it, my body does not so I'm down to 5 days (including 2/3 days of 2 hour football which is probably what's breaking me :D)

I just feel that I can't win with it, I should be happy, I look fine, I'm physically healthy and everything within normal range but I just feel I could be better you know?

So I'm watching what i eat a lot more, and cutting down a lot of beer.

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I know this thread is about "Diet and weight loss"but I have ( what I think is valuable info )

I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes about 23 years ago.I eat chocolate,biscuites,cakes in moderation but often.I am not on any medication and I dont eat any fruit at all.The only veges I eat are peas,potatoes and corn.I am healthy and fit as I play table tennis twice a week and walk for an hour every morning.The only other thing worth mentioning is that I eat raw rolled oats,with milk every morning ( its my favourite breakfist )

So,with this diet and regular exercise I am managing to keep healthy and fit.   

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8 hours ago, Demitri_C said:

Oh dont worry we are heading that way 😔

They usually just want to stick you on meds. But before you do that try prevention.

How much would something like that cost you in the states?

You would need to be insured for sure. The pricing and treatment absolutely depends on that, e.g., I had a knee issue a few years ago, arrived in E.R. ~ 9pm and stayed until next morn where some senior types could get a look at an ultrasound. All good in the end after too much knee based needle porn.

Billed by insurance ~ $12k. This was for some tylenol, lidocaine when needle probing my knee and then a couple ultrasound go arounds. They did get someone from ortho with a big needle at one point, so I suppose he cost more?!? Even had a surgeon turn up after the morning shift change telling me to be nil by mouth as they'd be scoping my knee that afternoon... I may have let him know a thing or two, so that didn't happen. Who knows how much they would have billed for some actual surgery. Madness.

I have heard that were you being personally billed for these things, then there is always some room for negotiation, but I dunno about that. 


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11 hours ago, StefanAVFC said:

My relationship with my body is a weird one.

There was a time 5/6 years ago when I was bigger. I'm 6'3 (191cm) and I was like 15 st 4 (97kg) and I made a change, going down to 79kg (12 and a half stone) which in hindsight was a bit too much.

Now I'm around 87kg which is pretty much smack bang in the middle. I'm fit, healthy, in a good range for my height, but I have the 'leftovers' from the bigger days and my clothes don't sit on me exactly how I'd like.

So from the start of 2023, I decided to do 30 mins minimum of exercise daily but although my fitness allows it, my body does not so I'm down to 5 days (including 2/3 days of 2 hour football which is probably what's breaking me :D)

I just feel that I can't win with it, I should be happy, I look fine, I'm physically healthy and everything within normal range but I just feel I could be better you know?

So I'm watching what i eat a lot more, and cutting down a lot of beer.

Diet is key, though, so it’s only good to focus more on that than on working out. Working out every day isn’t necessary, either. You need rest days too, it’s a vital part of improving your fitness. 

I’d also consider cutting down on the football and do more gym work with free weights. I’d be happy to give some advice over in the gym thread if you’re interested. I’ve found a routine that works very well for me, which isn’t too taxing, and the results (imo) are great. As it happens, I’m exactly the same height and weight as you are, so I guess you’d want to replace some of your weight with muscle mass? 

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18 hours ago, villakram said:

You would need to be insured for sure. The pricing and treatment absolutely depends on that, e.g., I had a knee issue a few years ago, arrived in E.R. ~ 9pm and stayed until next morn where some senior types could get a look at an ultrasound. All good in the end after too much knee based needle porn.

Billed by insurance ~ $12k. This was for some tylenol, lidocaine when needle probing my knee and then a couple ultrasound go arounds. They did get someone from ortho with a big needle at one point, so I suppose he cost more?!? Even had a surgeon turn up after the morning shift change telling me to be nil by mouth as they'd be scoping my knee that afternoon... I may have let him know a thing or two, so that didn't happen. Who knows how much they would have billed for some actual surgery. Madness.

I have heard that were you being personally billed for these things, then there is always some room for negotiation, but I dunno about that. 


Wow thats **** mental. This is why when i hear some people over here say be better if private at least ill get seen but then dont realise the cost afterwards.

12k would absolutely be unaffordable for most in this country

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20 hours ago, PussEKatt said:

I know this thread is about "Diet and weight loss"but I have ( what I think is valuable info )

I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes about 23 years ago.I eat chocolate,biscuites,cakes in moderation but often.I am not on any medication and I dont eat any fruit at all.The only veges I eat are peas,potatoes and corn.I am healthy and fit as I play table tennis twice a week and walk for an hour every morning.The only other thing worth mentioning is that I eat raw rolled oats,with milk every morning ( its my favourite breakfist )

So,with this diet and regular exercise I am managing to keep healthy and fit.   

Thats brilliant mate as the meds help with one thing but can cause issues with other things. If you can keep it under control without the meds thats exceptional as not many people can do it.


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5 minutes ago, Mark Albrighton said:

I’m now weighing in at around 10 stone 5 pounds. I was about 12 stone at the start of the year. I’m 5’8”, for reference.

Side note, weighings were taken on my old scales which underestimate weight by approximately a pound or two. Regardless, at 10 and a half stone, I think this is the lightest I’ve been since leaving school (my suspicion is I would have to go back to around GCSE age for when I was lighter).

About a third to a half of this lost weight was from Christmas excesses. Haven’t had an alcoholic drink since New Year’s Eve. Reduced (but not completely removed) bread, meat, sugar. Still having a treat here and there but I’m mindful of it. No real “cheat days”.

Running 2 or 3 times a week (5-8 miles each run, occasional 10 mile run). A bit of resistance training, need to increase it a bit. Fifty press up a day - everyday. Have also been doing regular HIIT workouts, beginner level stuff but it’s a good little workout to do on alternative running days.

Not really sure what the end goal is. I’m out socialising at the weekend so alcohol is being reintroduced (I am now sipping my first beer of the year, in preparation for said weekend drinks, so I don’t go in completely cold). Previously I’ve had “comfortable” weights at 13 stone and then about 11 stone 6 pounds where my weight seems to stay steady. I’m hoping that I will settle on a new weight of around where I currently am but we’ll see.

Congrats man, that's great going!

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18 hours ago, Mark Albrighton said:

I’m now weighing in at around 10 stone 5 pounds. I was about 12 stone at the start of the year. I’m 5’8”, for reference.

Side note, weighings were taken on my old scales which underestimate weight by approximately a pound or two. Regardless, at 10 and a half stone, I think this is the lightest I’ve been since leaving school (my suspicion is I would have to go back to around GCSE age for when I was lighter).

About a third to a half of this lost weight was from Christmas excesses. Haven’t had an alcoholic drink since New Year’s Eve. Reduced (but not completely removed) bread, meat, sugar. Still having a treat here and there but I’m mindful of it. No real “cheat days”.

Running 2 or 3 times a week (5-8 miles each run, occasional 10 mile run). A bit of resistance training, need to increase it a bit. Fifty press up a day - everyday. Have also been doing regular HIIT workouts, beginner level stuff but it’s a good little workout to do on alternative running days.

Not really sure what the end goal is. I’m out socialising at the weekend so alcohol is being reintroduced (I am now sipping my first beer of the year, in preparation for said weekend drinks, so I don’t go in completely cold). Previously I’ve had “comfortable” weights at 13 stone and then about 11 stone 6 pounds where my weight seems to stay steady. I’m hoping that I will settle on a new weight of around where I currently am but we’ll see.

Brilliant stuff mark! Your atory is so similar to mine as i weighed about the same at your heaviest but im about 10 stone 11. I really want to get to 10 stone 5 but im finding it hard to get lower than 10 st 10 pounds. Im at a point where my weight stays in area of 10 stone 10-13

Weight wise im lightest ive been

Congratulations remarkable achievement  guess you have gone large to small now?!

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2 hours ago, Demitri_C said:

Brilliant stuff mark! Your atory is so similar to mine as i weighed about the same at your heaviest but im about 10 stone 11. I really want to get to 10 stone 5 but im finding it hard to get lower than 10 st 10 pounds. Im at a point where my weight stays in area of 10 stone 10-13

Weight wise im lightest ive been

Congratulations remarkable achievement  guess you have gone large to small now?!

Cheers Dem, yeah the plateau(s) are hard to deal with. For whatever reason it just kept dropping off this time, until the current weight. 

My guess is that the HIIT workouts played a big part. Had never done them before and I kinda feel that I respond better when I keep my body guessing. Metaphorically and literally keeping me on my toes.

If by large to small, you mean clothes, yeah I’m shopping in the small section exclusively at the moment (gone from medium to small), 30” jeans, comfortably in slim fit stuff. It’s a good little ego boost but, one for the you wear it well thread, style seems to be going more oversized now, which is typical.

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2 hours ago, Mark Albrighton said:

Cheers Dem, yeah the plateau(s) are hard to deal with. For whatever reason it just kept dropping off this time, until the current weight. 

My guess is that the HIIT workouts played a big part. Had never done them before and I kinda feel that I respond better when I keep my body guessing. Metaphorically and literally keeping me on my toes.

If by large to small, you mean clothes, yeah I’m shopping in the small section exclusively at the moment (gone from medium to small), 30” jeans, comfortably in slim fit stuff. It’s a good little ego boost but, one for the you wear it well thread, style seems to be going more oversized now, which is typical.

With the clothes side i was a 34 and now im about a 31 i would say. I was a large and i had some nice clothes that i had to get rid of as they were huge on me.

I now can wear small/medium whixh im happy with. 10 stone 5 is my aim hoping i can get there by September 

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Yeah yeah piss off you bunch of thin bastards. 

Women like rolls of fat don't they? Thats what I was told. Guys?

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3 hours ago, Davkaus said:

I've absolutely piled the weight on over the last 18 months, with a combination of comfort eating, a complete lack of exercise, and way too much drinking. Rarely get drunk other than a monthly whiskey might, but got way too comfortable with the routine of having a couple of drinks before bed every night without fail, and for a few months I've been looking in the mirror and thinking "you fat bastard". BMI is a very blunt instrument, but I was a few kilos into the overweight category for the first time in my life.

Had enough of it in February, and I've knocked the casual drinking on the head, which has made the snacking easier to stop, go for at least a couple of long walks a week, and skip breakfast. 7kg down in 6 weeks, without doing any real workouts, and still having a couple of nights out in that time. I'd been putting off making the effort for months but I've been amazed at how quickly it's flying off with a couple of changes.


Great stuff dav. The hardest part whwn you first start. You always put it off a week and then nevee get going. Or you will do ut for afew w days and crumble when the cravings start then back to square one.

I use to think weight loss was really hard but if you really want something motivate your self like you have anything is possible. Of course with age is harder but certainly not impossible 


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I think weight loss via sustainable approach of more exercise and healthier eating is great and we need more ways to promote it. It's great reading some of the stories in here about how people have shifted the weight be changing their lifestyle. 

I worry for the movements from America on "Fat acceptance" and "Healthy at any weight" as it's built around victim culture and doesn't promote improving health. It's more important here as we have a creaking NHS and less people going to hospital for preventable lifestyle reasons like smoking and obesity the better.

I personally think we should expand the sugar drinks tax to cover more. The additional revenue should go to fund the NHS. 

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15 minutes ago, CVByrne said:

I think weight loss via sustainable approach of more exercise and healthier eating is great and we need more ways to promote it. It's great reading some of the stories in here about how people have shifted the weight be changing their lifestyle. 

I worry for the movements from America on "Fat acceptance" and "Healthy at any weight" as it's built around victim culture and doesn't promote improving health. It's more important here as we have a creaking NHS and less people going to hospital for preventable lifestyle reasons like smoking and obesity the better.

I personally think we should expand the sugar drinks tax to cover more. The additional revenue should go to fund the NHS. 

You make some great points but the romanticizing of food and in particular takeaway culture is only getting worse. I’ve seen it with my own eyes on TikTok, there are now full time influencers who literally do nothing but eat takeaways and the likes of Starbucks every day to make a living, there’s a constant battle in the comments about whether it’s right or wrong and that engagement just makes them more money.

I really do fear for our kids in these coming years.

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