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Please tell me when to stop laughing at SHA


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7 minutes ago, rjw63 said:

Why do we keep helping these rancid words removed out?

Its like we either don’t know or don’t care what they think of us.

Very odd.

Don't care.  And we're only doing it because it gives one of our youth team first team playing time. No point cutting off our nose to spite our face. 

They'll go out of business with the blokes team before long anyway. 

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McLoughlin gets game time with us, she's only really a youth player in terms of age, she's been playing for our first team since the age of sixteen, as above at her age only Lauren Hemp, and Jess Carter had made more WSL appearances, this isn't some academy player that was desperate for first team football.

The logic probably was that she will get more game time with them, but still surely we could have found her a better move, it's not even that she's gone there that bothers me all that much, she's primarily a DM, probably not going to fire them to promotion, the more confusing thing is that we loan her out in the first place at all, our squad short on numbers, she's proven and can play several positions.

We took most of their academy players, including McLoughlin in the first place, academy staff, including their Head of Academy, some of their first team players, and first team manager, so maybe we thought the least we could do is loan them a player back for half a season, but with that video they don't show their gratitude in a good way.

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I don't think anyone is bothered by anything the player herself has done, I watched her video upon signing on loan for them and she didn't say anything wrong, I wouldn't have even been bothered if she said that she's a fan of theirs or whatever, if anything beyond saying all the generic stuff I thought she held back.

That there's less of an hatred rivalry in the women's game and that's something people involved are trying promote, makes what they've done all the more wrong, as it completely goes against that, they didn't need to make reference to us in the video in such an inciteful manner at all, they were pandering to the hatred beween the clubs that exists beyond the women's side of things.

I don't think it's a matter for us as a club to answer to, we just send her somewhere on loan where presumably we feel she's going to get the most game time, and it's not like the mens game where there's a bigger selection of clubs to choose from when loaning out players, and probably not as easy to send players on loan to other parts of the country as less funding, we pay host families to look after young players that aren't local, but other clubs don't have that backing, and besides she being young herself might have wanted to stay as local as possible, so if we were going to loan her out at all that she's gone there is kind of understandable.

Edited by useless
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1 hour ago, Davkaus said:

Thankfully the women's game generally doesn't have the aggressive and hateful rivalries of the men's game

Crappy clubs like sha doing their best to make it something, and to rile up rival fans.

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2 hours ago, Stevo985 said:

Christ guys. I know it’s blues but get a grip. It’s a playful video, done with a nudge and a wink. 

She’s also done a video saying she’s excited to get started and play for Blues, do you want her sacked or something?

No want her recalled why we helping the unwashed out then have them do that?

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1 hour ago, Demitri_C said:

No want her recalled why we helping the unwashed out then have them do that?

It's tongue in cheek joke.

Jesus Christ, who cares? Nobody here, apart form maybe @useless, even knew this player existed and now we want her recalled because of a playful joke on the internet?

Get a **** grip

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8 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

It's tongue in cheek joke.

Jesus Christ, who cares? Nobody here, apart form maybe @useless, even knew this player existed and now we want her recalled because of a playful joke on the internet?

Get a **** grip

Firstly Relax your face you dont have the right to tell people how they should take this kind of thing.

If some are pissed off about it they have every right to be. It is our rivals after all. If it don't bother you thats good for you, but jo one is telling you to get " a **** grip"

Your so dramatic  🙄 

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25 minutes ago, Demitri_C said:

Firstly Relax your face you dont have the right to tell people how they should take this kind of thing.

If some are pissed off about it they have every right to be. It is our rivals after all. If it don't bother you thats good for you, but jo one is telling you to get " a **** grip"

Your so dramatic  🙄 

The person asking for us to recall a player from their loan, for Christian Purslow to be directly asked about this, and calling our club "a **** joke"... is calling me the dramatic one? :D 

Edited by Stevo985
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Recalling her from the loan was also tongue in cheek, obviously was never going to happen. 

It does show sha up for what they are though. 

What they should have done is just welcomed her to the club or even a message thanking Villa for loaning her out. 

Saying “that’s better” as she takes of the rivals kit is really classless from them (it surprises nobody).

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1 minute ago, Genie said:

Recalling her from the loan was also tongue in cheek, obviously was never going to happen. 

It does show sha up for what they are though. 

What they should have done is just welcomed her to the club or even a message thanking Villa for loaning her out. 

Saying “that’s better” as she takes of the rivals kit is really classless from them (it surprises nobody).

it's a weird one for a loan, definitely. could understand if they signed her permanently. fortunately it's low profile so not made any headlines.

put it this way, if we'd loaned them nakamba and he'd done this, he'd not be welcomed back by a large % of the fanbase

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16 hours ago, tinker said:

SHA v Tesco's bags on a Friday at 8pm, who's sanctioned that? Should be fun in town with that lot sulking after been thrashed.

Apparently they are planning a protest march from The Tavern to the Sty about the owners and EFL 

They will probably be all holding hands and touching knobs whilst singing sotv along the way :wave:

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5 minutes ago, Genie said:

Saying “that’s better” as she takes of the rivals kit is really classless from them (it surprises nobody).


Has anyone actually watched the video? 

She doesn't take off our kit. And the tweet itself says "that's better ;) ". The video doesn't say that as she's taking it off.


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6 minutes ago, Genie said:

Recalling her from the loan was also tongue in cheek, obviously was never going to happen. 

It does show sha up for what they are though. 

What they should have done is just welcomed her to the club or even a message thanking Villa for loaning her out. 

Saying “that’s better” as she takes of the rivals kit is really classless from them (it surprises nobody).

Yeah sure, if this happened at all :D


I swear people are commenting without watching the video.

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