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VT Albums of the Year 2020


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3 minutes ago, Designer1 said:

She only came to my attention recently via those lovely Sleaford Mod boys.

I can see a similarity between the two but obviously not the bit that makes me not like the Sleaford Mods

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7 minutes ago, GarethRDR said:

Top 30 Matt Berry GIFs | Find the best GIF on Gfycat

It really is.

I actually think it's better than Witchazel and Kill the Wolf now.

It's definitely got more than a touch of Dylan to it. Much more reflective and melancholic than his other efforts, which seems to suit the musical style better.

Talented git 😁

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6 hours ago, Designer1 said:

She only came to my attention recently via those lovely Sleaford Mod boys.

I heard her on Marc Riley's programme before the LP came out and made a note to keep a lookout for any release. Got in there as soon as it came out - I think I posted on here (what Album...) when I got it.

edit - yeah, I did

On 25/09/2020 at 14:05, blandy said:

But on topic, Flaming Lips and Billy Nomates CDs just came through the door, from the record shop. 'Bout to put 'em on.

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Right so this spiralled out of control pretty quickly… I wanted to give you guys some sort of background as to what the records are about/why I picked them so sorry for the length of post! It would have been earlier, but “work” sadly got in the way… I’ve put the text in spoilers though so it doesn’t take up the whole page!

New Album 2020

10. OHHMS - Close


So as one of the last releases on Holy Roar (see below), this was a great representation of what they as a label were. This is OHHMS 4th album and continuation of their own progression of post metal that they have been peddling. At just over ½ hour, it is a short album but packs a punch and enjoyable listen. 

9. Lik – Misanthropic Breed


Thanks @sne for this recommendation. Never heard of them until then but a great representation of current Swedish Death Metal. Plenty of catchy riffs involved, it really is just a great listen. Went through the back catalogue after hearing this and whilst alright, it is clear that the song writing is getting better for an overall complete package. 

8. Anaal Nathrakh – Endarkment


One of Birmingham’s extreme metal’s flag bearers. After the very average “Desideratum” in 2014, “The Whole of the Law” in 2016 and 2018’s “A New Kind Of Horror” pulled it back significantly with a nice blend of very, very, heavy music with just a hint of melody/hooks which makes the music stand out significantly. “Endarkment” carries on that trend with another 10 tracks of pure punishment which is incredibly catchy at the same time. A wonderful album that embraces the rubbish that is in today’s society and spouts it out in utter fury. Sheer beauty in its ugliness. 

7. Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs – Visceral


In a list of ridiculous band names, these guys always stand out. With this release, it feels that they are coming more into their sound with this record. More concise songs, the “prog” element is slightly dissipating for more rock fury, it however doesn’t lose the flair. A solid improvement and great record. Having got a ticket to see them live, hopefully it won’t get postponed again from November 2021… Overall though a great record and a worthy listen. 

6. Enslaved – Utgard


Enslaved are one of those bands that are pushing the boundaries of black metal and extreme metal generally. With the addition of the new keyboardist on 2017 “E” showed new growth and potential of someone very much happy to play that role. On “Utgard” they continue that trend of soaring Viking songs that probably has more in common with Pink Floyd & Led Zeppelin than Mayhem. An album that again is a grower with time and patience but worthy of it. 

5. The Ocean – Phanerozoic II Mesozoic / Cenozoic


I first caught The Ocean supporting Opeth & Cynic back in 2008 and they were a good listen having heard “Precambrian”. Taking on themes of the creation of the Earth and how it relates to life today, they have always had a big weighty sound to them to their brand of Post Metal. However, I have somewhat dipped in and out with them as it didn’t really grasp me. I picked up “Phanerozoic I: Palaeozoic” in 2018 and it was a decent record again. “Phanerozoic II Mesozoic / Cenozoic” picks up where that left off, going through more ages of the Earth. With some focus on the dinosaur eras, it has the great lyric “We are just like reptiles/Giant rulers of the world/Within the blink of an eye/Wiped off the face of the earth”. A true modern masterpiece that needs to be listened to. 

4. Vile Creature – Glory, Glory! Apathy Took Helm!


So having heard of these guys prior but not listened, noting the write up of this record were very good, decided to give this a listen. A doom band at heart but there is a lot more to the depth of music. Based on a queer ideology which is the heart of lyrical content of the record, the songs scream from the start and very fitting for the style of music. Yet, towards the end of the record there is a real double header of melody and despair in the 2 title tracks. Having gone back and listened to the previous records, it can easily be seen how much better the song writing has gone and it is clear that this record is close to the heart of the bands’ own struggles. Definitely one for fans of heavier music but a great find for this year. 

3. Killer Be Killed – Reluctant Hero


A late addition to the list, having only been released a few weeks ago, but it is a cracker. As a “super group”, they will always be a “be wary” tag. However when the first album was released in 2014, it was an excellent blend of all of the separate elements, and was a really great representation of a classic modern metal album. This time round, with the addition of Ben Koller from Converge on drums, it has taken it to another level. There remains the level of aggression but this feels a far more complete record. Max Cavelera, Troy Sanders and Greg Puciato again take it in turns for the vocals and the shared work provides for a more unified approach as to what works best. An exceptional record that probably requires more listening, but definitely one that is worthy of it. 

2. Svalbard – When I Die, Will I Get Better?


So with the demise of Holy Roar in September 2020 (not due to the pandemic but rather some really “questionable” antics of the owner/founder), the bands and other employees very quickly jumped ship. It would appear that most if not all will end up at Church Road Records and given this was the first release due following the allegations/disclosures, it was the most severely impacted. That all being said, this is utterly wonderful album. Previous record “It’s Hard To Have Hope” was a great sounding Hardcore album which was an interesting listen. “When I Die, Will I Get Better?” takes them to the next level and real maturity in their music. There is a noticeable difference in the writing and composition of this record and it is clear that they have grown and developed. Comparisons to Rolo Tomassi are well deserved for there is that level of complexity within the music, but equally there is such charm and individuality that it deserves its own recognition. A real must listen and honestly a tough choice between this and the first choice.  

1. Boris – NO


Whilst the fact of a new Boris release shouldn’t be a surprise and the fact that the can be completely unpredictable in what style they will come out with, nonetheless this release still managed to surprise and inspire. Usually known for their drone and doom side of things, particularly with their last couple of releases (“Dear” & “Love & Evol”) this record has gone back to a more predominately punk/hardcore sound. Heavy in its simplicity and simple raw attitude, Boris again show that they are the masters without any boundaries. Despite that, it maintains a catchiness that Boris are well versed in writing and being self-released out of the blue, it truly stands as a complete f*** you to 2020, which musically has sadly put a dampener on things. Still with releases like this, we can look back and get some real positives from this year at least. And on a bonus front, when I thought I had missed out on the limited vinyl pressing, they announced some more which I have now duly acquired!

Honourable mentions:


Leeched – To Dull the Blades of Your Abuse (good album of “Metallic Hardcore” [not Metalcore], but I suspect the drummer/singer is not getting any “normal” job anytime soon with the amount of face/head tattoos.)
Toundra – Das Cabinet Des Dr Caligari (yes it is a soundtrack to the silent movie. No, I still haven’t got round to watching the film with this. Still good though). 
Napalm Death – Throes of Joy in the Jaws of Defeat (Another slab of Napalm is never a bad thing, this one just hasn’t stuck with me this time around like “Apex Predator” did.)
Solstafir – Endless Twilight of Codependent Love (a strong album from the Icelandic band which I haven’t got around to listening to much. If I delved further into it I would probably like it a lot more, but need time for that! I would definitely recommend checking out though)
Gold Key – Panic Machine (made up of members from Sikth & the Gallows, far away from those bands and more in line with some indie rock. Some decent tracks in there that are worth a listen and a nice change of pace from their day jobs). 

EP of 2020

There has been a few EPs this year but these are probably my favourite 3.


3. Ihsahn – Telemark
Instead of releasing an album, Ihsahn decided to release 2 EPs and originally was going to do 2 different live shows based on each EP but that kind of hasn’t happened for some reason. Anyway, this was the first one and focuses on his heavier side of his music. It’s a great representation of black metal but more intelligent than the stereotypical sound. He also adds a couple of covers at the end (Lenny Kravitz’s “Rock & Roll Is Dead” & Iron Maiden’s “Wrathchild”) which continue the theme. The only downside is that Taylor Swift blatantly ripped off the artwork for her album this year.

2. Zeal & Ardor – Wake of a Nation
So when the BLM movement took off earlier this year, it comes as no surprise that a band formed as a reaction to a racist suggestion on 4chan, they would have something to say about it all and this is the result of it. 20 minutes of powerful music with racism at its forefront. 2018’s Stranger Fruits was one of the releases of the year and this really provides more of the same great blend of genres. I suspect that when the next album hits (hopefully next year) they will explode. 

1. Ihsahn – Pharos
Definitely the better of the 2 EPs from Ihsahn this year. Delving into his more progressive side, this has, for me, far more exploration of sound and is generally a better EP than “Telemark”. This one also comes with a couple of covers, but perhaps more varied in Portishead’s “Roads” and Ah-Ha’s “Manhattan Skyline” which are both excellent IMO. My only criticism was that was far too short and whished he had undertaken a full album in this vein. Never mind, sometimes less is more. However, I always look forward to everything this man does, and this is by far no exception. 

Live/Reissue/Collection Release of 2020

So with 2020 being largely a defunct year on the gig front, a lot of bands have instead released reissued rarities, live albums, cover albums or random assortment of the same, in particular through Bandcamp who seems to be doing very well out of the pandemic. These are not in order but a few “choice cuts”. 


Mistress – Drink Till I Die
Mistress were the band before Anaal Nathrakh and they have released a number of songs/records from their back catalogue to help out. This one comprises of 3 covers (Bad News’ “Drink Till I Die”; Manowar’s “Each Dawn I Die” and Mercyful Fate’s “Black Funeral”). All done really well and whilst don’t really add much, help with the background of the band and how they were influenced by each of the bands (particularly the screeching King Diamond for some of the vocals in Anaal Nathrakh. Although not sure how “influential” Bad News are, still good for a laugh!). 

Marissa Nadler – Covers 3
Again, another set of covers and whilst I picked up the other 2 this year, this definitely sticks out still, even if the predictable “Nothing Else Matters” is on there (she has a nicer voice than Hetfield that is for sure). Standout track for me is the cover of King Crimson’s “Moonchild” which is wonderfully haunting. Definitely worth a listen. 

Desperados 3 OST
Odd one this. So for me, one of the Games of the Year (will get round to that list at some point, but it will be significantly shorter than this one). It’s a tactical/strategy game set in the Wild West and you generally go around trying to kill people in fun and unusual way but not get spotted. As I enjoyed the game so much, I ended up buying the collectors addition which included the CD for the soundtrack and it is rather fitting to the game. Really good listen on its own and nicely atmospheric. 

Devin Townsend – Orders of Magnitude Empath Volume 1
It’s a great live album but mainly because I was at the show itself that I enjoy it. It was a great show that showcased Devin’s more melodic side of his music and you can tell that there is great chemistry in the band. Plus he managed to get Che Aimee Dorval on the tour as well, which was simply delightful and meant that he played a number of tracks of “Ki”, easily one of his best records. 

Boris – Vein/Praparat/Eternity/Archives/The Things Which Solomon Overlooked 
One of the definite benefits for 2020, Boris have finally released a big chunk of their back catalogue digitally. These are all rare and out of print Boris records which sell for ridiculous price on Discogs so for me to be able to listen to them properly is nice. Just wish they were new physical copies out there but that may be somewhat unlikely at the moment, sadly. Still, good to have these in some form to enjoy. 

Worse Release of 2020

As much as we should praise the good, we should also identify the worse as well, because we all like to moan don’t we? Well, certainly “established” bands should know better. 


Behemoth – A Forest
Seriously one of the worse covers of “A Forest”, though I think @GarethRDR managed to find a “better” one. Utterly unrequired, boring, awful, has none of the charm of the original nor any of elements that makes Behemoth enjoyable. In particular, why shove Shining (SWE) (aka “the s*** one”) sing on it I never know! Utter drivel. 

System of a Down - Protect the Land & Genocidal Humanoidz
So the 1st new SOAD in, what, 14/15 years? With all of the apparent internal turmoil in the band, they have still managed to get together every few years to earn a pay check (or certainly appears that way). Further with even more diametric political views in the band not seen since The Ramones, this was surely going to fail to live up in hype? Yep, of course it did. Whilst “Genocidal Humanoidz” works better that “Protect the Land”, it remains clear that these are Malkian written tracks which have simply got the other guys on board with it. Whilst released for a worthy reason/cause, would be better simply donating the money instead. 

Metallica – S&M2
Why did they bother? Same arrangements as with S&M1, new tracks get some scope but at 2 ½ hours, it is a chore of a listen! Just really don’t need to bother, literally listen to the 1st one. Pointless. 

Best "new" discovery of 2020


So I did think about doing a separate list of albums that I had bought and have really enjoyed over 2020 (but weren’t released in 2020) and there are a few. I’ve picked up a couple of Swans albums (“Love of Life”, “Filth”), Sonic Youth’s “Dirty” and Nick Drake’s “Bryter Layter” which I have all really enjoyed (particularly Nick Drake, cracking album). I even ended up with Thin Lizzy’s “Jailbreak” as part of a random Discogs purchase which I have really enjoyed as well (and appreciate why it gets its plaudits). However, when drew up the list there was only really 1 outstanding band for me that I have discovered this year: King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard. 

Now, I know they have been around for a while and people on here (and everywhere, to be fair) have raved about them for some time but I hadn’t really listened to them. Given my penchant for heavy music back in January I ended up testing the water with “Infest the Rats Nest”, which was their latest release at the time and is meant to be their “Thrash” album, and it was, and is, “fine”. To be honest it was alright but didn’t really see much special about it. Then around May time, decided to try a different album, so plumped with the other 2019 release “Fishing for Fishes” due to the whimsical cover and the next most recent release (at the time). I have to say it was a wonder to listen to, vastly superior to “Infest the Rat’s Nest”. Whilst a much “lighter” record, to me, it had a lot more structure and purpose. Wonderful. I have then gone back through a lot of the back catalogue and whilst there has been a wide variety of output, they have all been enjoyable. I’ve have constantly been having earworms of “Nonagon Infinity” and “I’m In Your Mind Fuzz”. 

And then of course, they have just released a 2nd live album and a new record for 2020 “K.G.”, which I haven’t listened to yet, but may require the rejigging the top 10 list above. 


So there you have it, an overly comprehensive review of my music in 2020 which no one asked for. You are welcome. Whilst the lack of live music has definitely been a massive downer, bands seemed to have adapted and worked around the difficult situation they have found themselves in. With the signs of a vaccine being available soon and possible light at the end of the tunnel, it will probably take some time to truly go back to “normal”. What this has shown me that even if it does, it doesn’t matter because there remains plenty of great music out there and ready to be heard. Bring on 2021.  

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On 30/11/2020 at 08:35, Designer1 said:

I’ll keep it to 20, but it’s been a really good year for new stuff imo.


Solstafir - Endless Twilight of Codependent Love

Billy Nomates - Billy Nomates

Mr.Bungle - The Raging Wrath Of The Easter Bunny

Mountain Goats - Getting Into Knives

Ghostmane - ANTI-ICON

Modern Technology - Service Provider

Crippled Black Phoenix - Ellengaest

Kvaen - The Funeral Pyre

Anaal Nathrakh - Endarkenment

IDLES - Ultra Mono

My Dying Bride - Ghost of Orion

Matt Berry - Phantom Birds

Pigs x 7 - Viscerals

Alex Albert - I vs I

Ho99o9 - Blurr

Eluvium - Virga I

Turbowolf - The Free Life

Body Count - Carnivore

King Dude - Full Virgo Moon

Poppy - I Disagree


The Ghostmane album is as of now my AOTY.

I realise how much I don't know about current music. I've never heard of any of these. At a complete guess, going only by the titles, you like ambient black metal or noise?

I guess I've heard of Matt Berry, I presume it's not the same one.

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12 minutes ago, HanoiVillan said:

I realise how much I don't know about current music. I've never heard of any of these. At a complete guess, going only by the titles, you like ambient black metal or noise?

I guess I've heard of Matt Berry, I presume it's not the same one.

There's not many 'obscure' artists on that list tbh. There's also a good mixture of styles as I never, ever limit myself with genres (why would you when there's so much to be discovered?). I'm kind of amazed you haven't heard of IDLES

And yeah, it is THE Matt Berry - as I've mentioned a shit tonne of times before, he's just a talented bastard no matter what he turns his hands to and his music is no exception.

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1 hour ago, bickster said:

It is the VERY same one


48 minutes ago, Designer1 said:

And yeah, it is THE Matt Berry - as I've mentioned a shit tonne of times before, he's just a talented bastard no matter what he turns his hands to and his music is no exception.

Huh, interesting! Had no idea he was a musician to be honest.

49 minutes ago, Designer1 said:

There's not many 'obscure' artists on that list tbh. There's also a good mixture of styles as I never, ever limit myself with genres (why would you when there's so much to be discovered?). I'm kind of amazed you haven't heard of IDLES?

I'm sure there aren't; as I say, just made me realise how out of touch I am. I probably shouldn't have quoted your post specifically, because it's true for every other one as well. I recognise maybe 5% of the artists mentioned in the thread. Dunno if I'm getting old, or just have very different tastes.

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