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In Native American and Polynesian societies, they have traditionally had "two spirit" people among them, what we'd call transgender or at least noticeably effeminate today. The difference is that in those societies, the two spirit people were revered. In most other parts of the world, they have been and still are persecuted. 

Respected feminist scholars like Camille Paglia suggest that transgenderism is a sign of cultural collapse, but that's probably her Catholic upbringing shading her views. 

In reality, trans people have always been with us in western society. Only lately can they get reassignment surgery and demand their rights. 

It's interesting that even very liberal women sound reactionary when talking about transitioning or fully transitioned men-to-women. They feel like these men haven't paid their dues and will never know what being a "real woman" is about.



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2 hours ago, maqroll said:


It's interesting that even very liberal women sound reactionary when talking about transitioning or fully transitioned men-to-women. They feel like these men haven't paid their dues and will never know what being a "real woman" is about.


Germaine Greer is another one. 


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On 14/11/2020 at 14:30, blandy said:

Trope's an interesting word to use. Obviously the overall number of trans people is a tiny proportion of the population, but if you look at Women's prisons, with a 1% trans population, sexual assault figures show trans people (former males) responsible for a disporportionate nearly 6% of sexual assaults on inmates, within them. SO concern over the danger (perceived or real) of women being attacked by males/former males accessing women's facilities isn't entirely misplaced, and voicing those concerns shouldn't lead to accusations of hate/TERF etc. That way madness lies. On the social medias, many people advocating trans rights also appear extremely aggressive towards people who don't hold exactly the same views as they do - people supposedly campaigning for tolerance and equality actively being intolerant towards others. Of course that's social media, and it's full of angry bells, from football fans to political stuff. But still...

The progress of protecting both women and trans people from danger, discrimination, disadvantage surely has to involve a more nuanced and tolerant level of debate than seems to take place in wider society.

When this sort of thing

Brings about an avalanche of cancel culture and abuse, there's a problem getting in the way of solving a problem. People don't need to agree with her view, but the reaction to what is a genuine concern for other people is utterly ludicrous and counter productive.

or TL:DR - just be nice to people, whatever their orientation/race/gender/sex/.... Start from there and there's a chance.

It's mostly just a case of live and live let, but with trans rights, as opposed to equal opportunities struggles in the past, there's a small chance that the rights of trans people could cause issues for hard fought women's rights.  It may be a small chance percnetage wise in the example of prisons that you give, but you can make a similar argument for sport.  Is it right that somebody who used to be a man and the physical advanatges that often brings can go and compete with female athletes in a given sport?  It might happen so infrequently as to not be much of a problem, but that's not to say it shouldn't be able to be debated without unpleasantness on both sides.

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A transgender man has lost his legal battle to be registered as his child’s father or parent in the UK after the supreme court refused to consider his final appeal.

McConnell began medical transition with testosterone therapy in 2013, and in 2014 underwent a double mastectomy. His passport and NHS records were changed to show he was male, but he retained his female reproductive system. He gave birth after suspending his hormone treatment and allowing his menstrual cycle to restart.

Both the high court, in September 2019, and the appeal court, in April 2020, ruled that even though he was considered a man by law and had a gender recognition certificate to prove it, he could not appear on his child’s birth certificate as “father” or parent. McConnell had argued this breached the Human Rights Act.

In the appeal court, Lord Burnett came down in favour of the right of a child born to a transgender parent to know the biological reality of its birth, rather than the parent’s right to be recognised on the birth certificate in their legal gender.


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7 hours ago, LondonLax said:

Germaine Greer is another one. 


If I understood that correctly, her argument is that Caitlin Jenner (Olympic athlete etc. think Linford Christie as a UK comparison) became a woman, including gender reassignment surgery so that she could get the same attention as the women Kardashians? Anyone that could possibly consider that as a stance is a f*****g idiot.

Germaine Greer has for years lived off stuff she wrote decades ago. She's an anti-intellectual and I can't believe she still gets any airtime to witter on and trot out her uninformed drivel.

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40 minutes ago, Seat68 said:

It really does come to something when a group of exclusively male football fans on a football forum are more accepting of trans people than noted feminists. 

It's interesting and what makes it such a complex discussion. I think the ladies often feel more personally threatened than we do about this stuff (whether real or just personal perception).

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1 hour ago, LondonLax said:

It's interesting and what makes it such a complex discussion. I think the ladies often feel more personally threatened than we do about this stuff (whether real or just personal perception).

I mean, it's hardly surprising.  The amount of shit men put women through on occasion is terrifying (and vice versa obviously).  So to "dress it up" as a woman and then be expected to treat her the same is confusing, especially when in the backs of their minds the real women must have that niggling voice. 

As much as I don't realise it, being a woman is pretty tough all things considered, certainly more simple being a dude.

Don't "yea but war" me.

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2 hours ago, Seat68 said:

It really does come to something when a group of exclusively male football fans on a football forum are more accepting of trans people than noted feminists. 

I do find it hilarous when i see on tv debates you see feminists lose their shit against transgenders

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37 minutes ago, StefanAVFC said:

Even on this forum 🤷‍♂️

I don't see the problem with someone asking the question, it's not like it's descended in to "PC gone mad". It's been man of the match forever, and at some point it has changed in the media to "player", although I've never heard anyone actually use that phrase.

It's not a problem, I can see why it'd surprise someone though. 

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11 minutes ago, Davkaus said:

I don't see the problem with someone asking the question, it's not like it's descended in to "PC gone mad". It's been man of the match forever, and at some point it has changed in the media to "player", although I've never heard anyone actually use that phrase.

It's not a problem, I can see why it'd surprise someone though. 

I don't see an issue with asking the question, but the phrasing of it was a little unneeded? Trannies or something cool like that. As if Transgenderism is a trend? I don't know, I'm not particularly snowflakey but it was a little badly worded for me.

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I can see why you'd read it in a dismissive tone, but I think there's a big jump between not really getting or caring about trans issues, and using the offensive term you've used in your post (and which the poster you're referring to did not).

I think it's a little unfair to link to a page criticising another poster that may not frequent OT, then put words in to their mouth that are much harsher than what they said.  

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40 minutes ago, Davkaus said:

I can see why you'd read it in a dismissive tone, but I think there's a big jump between not really getting or caring about trans issues, and using the offensive term you've used in your post (and which the poster you're referring to did not).

I think it's a little unfair to link to a page criticising another poster that may not frequent OT, then put words in to their mouth that are much harsher than what they said.  

That was a poor paraphrase, hands up to that.

However, we still have a lot of this dismissive/casual rhetoric which is harmful too IMO.

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  • 2 weeks later...

They're right to point out that the guidance for recording of hate crime is absurd, and almost certainly the reason that we've seen it spike rather than because of there genuinely being a significant increase of what people would usually consider to be hate crimes. Time and a place though, eh fellas. 

They've posted the guidance I'm referring to. Basically if someone says they've been the victim of a hate crime, that's the end of the matter as far as reporting it as a hate crime goes. It's a fairly trivial matter in the grand scheme of things, and hijacking today to push that message probably gives an insight into their true colours.


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The outcome of this trial 


A 23-year-old woman who is taking legal action against an NHS gender clinic says she should have been challenged more by medical staff over her decision to transition to a male as a teenager. 

on Tuesday may have a significant impact on the prescription of puberty blockers and treatment of gender dysphoria in children under the age of 17. Legal action has been brought against the Tavistock gender clinic by an ex-patient who now regrets undergoing hormone treatment and claims that they should have been challenged more vigorously by health professionals. At the heart of the issue is the degree to which children can give consent to treatment and the suitability of the affirmation model advocated by groups such as Mermaids and Stonewall. As with so much of this topic, this is a messy and complex issue that will likely be the source of much debate for a long time to come.

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