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Ross Barkley


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4 minutes ago, Vive_La_Villa said:

Complete speculation but I get the impression Barkley is the kind of player that has to be handled correctly on a personal level.  I think Emery would get the best out of him. 

I don't think that is speculation at all.  I think he (like many players) really struggled going from a team where he was the bright young thing to a club where he was just another cog in the machine.  I think it's why he rediscovered form at Luton. 

I think he'll enjoy working with Unai and the coaches.  He won't be the "big star" of the team but he'll have a well defined role and he'll have people telling him what he is doing well and what he needs to do better.  If he listens, learns and puts that into practice he'll get the "love" from the coaches, the manager and his team-mates.  If he wants to be "the main guy" then he'll soon sink.

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On 29/05/2024 at 11:30, _AA_786 said:

Might be imagining it but they all had a big WhatsApp group called the Avengers and then did an "A" gesture with their fingers when they scored. They probably were just a group of rich, relatively stupid young men with a lot of time on their hands. As they've split up or grown up a bit, the incidents have lessened.

Think JG also recently said in an interview that his best mates in football were Calum Robinson (ex-Villa, now Cardiff) and SJM. Aside from the pre-palace drinking, SJM has been a model citizen. JG however hasn't quite grown up fully and nearly fell off a bus 🤣

haha. buncha nerds 🤓

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On 29/05/2024 at 20:30, _AA_786 said:

Might be imagining it but they all had a big WhatsApp group called the Avengers and then did an "A" gesture with their fingers when they scored. They probably were just a group of rich, relatively stupid young men with a lot of time on their hands. As they've split up or grown up a bit, the incidents have lessened.

Think JG also recently said in an interview that his best mates in football were Calum Robinson (ex-Villa, now Cardiff) and SJM. Aside from the pre-palace drinking, SJM has been a model citizen. JG however hasn't quite grown up fully and nearly fell off a bus 🤣

Way to make up absolute nonsense to fit your narrative. Its a tribute to someone who passed away JFC


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I was frustrated with Barkley, he was perfect against Liverpool and Arsenal, but after that I got frustrated each time DS played him. I wasn’t that convinced by his signing (but that’s me with each castoff), I usually like to be proved wrong in cases like this so I got excited by his performances against the two mentioned teams, but as the season went, I thought him playing will only regress our performances. 

However, now it’s a totally different case, with much respect to Dean Smith (who is a hero for the club, and a Villa fan at the very least), we’re totally different today. The whole structure is different.

A player like Barkley could only flourish at certain games/tactics/system. DS system was dependent on Jack Grealish, that was during Championship and PL. Without Grealish we suffered. 

Thats the first thing, then we have the fact that Barkley came as a star, even Grealish himself looked up at him, somehow a bigger name coming to a struggling side with a smaller name manager. 

Now it’s the otherway round, he’s coming from a relegated team, where he’s done hard work, and trying to get up in the ladder again, and wanted by a CL club as a (squad player), under a world class manager. 

Many familiar faces,

Martinez, Konsa, Cash, Luiz, McGinn, Ramsey and Watkins. But everyone of those has become a bigger name than him. 
With all these things considered and more importantly Emery utilizing him and knowing how and where to use him, I’m not against him coming. 
We had some good free signings the last couple of years as well. I’m not overwhelmed but I’m ok with it.

Thats from someone who gave up on him early on last time and didn’t want to see him in the team sheet. 

Certain tactics and managers make you giving up on some players, McGinn, Watkins and Bailey on particular, all went into that process. Luiz was always ok but utilizing him with Kamara showed world class form. Tielemans progress (compared to his form at Leicester). So why not with Barkley who’s done well at Luton?

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5 hours ago, Anything11 said:

Way to make up absolute nonsense to fit your narrative. Its a tribute to someone who passed away JFC


The irony of you posting to claim someone has made up absolute nonsense to fit their narrative only to have them post multiple sources to backup their comments.

Bettered only by reading the source for the reason you provide having absolutely nothing to do with said celebration. Why would Grealish, Dele Alli and Maddison do a celebration for a deceased Chelsea fan?

Not that it matters and sorry for moving OT, but it was funny. 

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On 29/05/2024 at 23:43, Spoony said:

The attitude angle is a weird one. The man hustled like **** all season for an awful Luton team doomed to go down. Could easily have just taken his handsome PL payday and done bugger all much like many of our own old ex-England internationals in our relegation season. 

Not really, he's had question marks over the majority of his career

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He’s had a great season, and I don’t object to his signing.


but one swallow doesn’t make a summer, and I have very strong doubts about him continuing to perform - much more likely to regress to his usual lazy / sulky self.

Happy to be proven wrong (like I was with regards to Luton’s choice to sign him).  If Emery sees something in him, who am I to question him?

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11 hours ago, Steero113 said:

The irony of you posting to claim someone has made up absolute nonsense to fit their narrative only to have them post multiple sources to backup their comments.

Bettered only by reading the source for the reason you provide having absolutely nothing to do with said celebration. Why would Grealish, Dele Alli and Maddison do a celebration for a deceased Chelsea fan?

Not that it matters and sorry for moving OT, but it was funny. 

Yeah I completely f*cked that up. My bad @_AA_786 mate

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I mean, if a player's attitude in his final game of the season should be used to judge his ability/character then we're never going to sell any of the players that featured at Palace 2 weeks ago

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50 minutes ago, briny_ear said:

This thread has gone pretty weird and no mistake.



So it fits right in here on VT then....

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