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The Global Far Right


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  • 2 months later...

Fun self-test time!

Been reading a bit of Adorno, etc. and ran into this:



Seventy years ago, the Authoritarian Personality studies attempted to "construct an instrument that would yield an estimate of fascist receptivity at the personality level."

This interactive F Scale presents that instrument in its final form of thirty questions, computing your aggregate "F Score" and subscores for the nine personality variables the F Scale tries to measure. Additional infomation, including the scoring scheme and an explanation of the personality variables, is given below after the questionnaire. So take the F Scale now --- or else!


I was rated a liberal airhead. I guess that's good. It's American-oriented, this rendering of the F Scale.

Edited by Marka Ragnos
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17 hours ago, Marka Ragnos said:

Fun self-test time!

Been reading a bit of Adorno, etc. and ran into this:

I was rated a liberal airhead. I guess that's good. It's American-oriented, this rendering of the F Scale.

The questions do seem heavily loaded and exclude all nuance, which seems to guatantee that the vast majority of people will enjoy a trip into smug mode.

It would be far more interesting to have a questionaire which tested for authoritarian attitudes, which both ends of the spectrum might find appealing.


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11 minutes ago, MakemineVanilla said:

The questions do seem heavily loaded and exclude all nuance, which seems to guatantee that the vast majority of people will enjoy a trip into smug mode.

It would be far more interesting to have a questionaire which tested for authoritarian attitudes, which both ends of the spectrum might find appealing.


I don’t disagree with you. I think it was put together immediately following the second World War, so it’s a little dated, for sure. It would be interesting to see a new version of it if there there’s one out there.

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18 hours ago, MakemineVanilla said:

The questions do seem heavily loaded and exclude all nuance, which seems to guatantee that the vast majority of people will enjoy a trip into smug mode.

It would be far more interesting to have a questionaire which tested for authoritarian attitudes, which both ends of the spectrum might find appealing.


Absolutely. The test was just about more nuanced than say "You believe that Jews are not people".

Couple of questions on there made me laugh.

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1 hour ago, osmark86 said:

Absolutely. The test was just about more nuanced than say "You believe that Jews are not people".

Couple of questions on there made me laugh.

It is a strong reminder of how far the epithet 'right wing' has shifted in recent times.

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  • 2 months later...

While they're clearly all a load of bell-ends, I'm not sure the police shutting down their conference is the best way to win the argument.


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On 12/02/2024 at 22:09, Marka Ragnos said:

Fun self-test time!

Been reading a bit of Adorno, etc. and ran into this:

I was rated a liberal airhead. I guess that's good. It's American-oriented, this rendering of the F Scale.

I got whining rotter .. I'm more of a leftie than the average rabid VT leftie  ...something must be wrong in the Matrix 

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Just now, tonyh29 said:

I got whining rotter .. I'm more of a leftie than the average rabid VT leftie  ...something must be wrong in the Matrix 

Welcome, comrade! 

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On 16/04/2024 at 14:17, tonyh29 said:

I got whining rotter .. I'm more of a leftie than the average rabid VT leftie  ...something must be wrong in the Matrix 

I was just You are a liberal airhead.

Now get back to your lentils, pinko.

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  • 1 month later...

Unfortunately I can see the far right make big inroads in the upcoming local and European elections here in Ireland. They have huge numbers of candidates running and are dominating the media narrative with the centrist parties trying to outdo each other to pander to the racists (Sinn Fein in particular are abandoning all pretense of being left wing and losing votes at a rate of knots due to it).

For an example I'll go through the 28 candidates (5 to be elected) in my European constituency (just because I want to write down my thoughts on each but also to show how shit politics is getting).

Justin Barrett - National Party - Far Right - An out and out nazi who quotes mein kampf and dresses in nazi attire, has been ousted as leader of the National Party by James Reynolds (who took the parties €400k worth of gold bars that they never explained where they got them). Won't get elected but his presence on the ballot paper is annoying.

Niall Blaney - Fianna Fail - Centre Right - Unimpressive nepo politician, his literature talks about tackling immigration and to stop scapegoating farmers over climate change. Won't get elected as Fianna Fail are running 3 candidates which he will be weakest.

Anthony Cahill - The Irish People Party - Far Right - Low profile leader of a newly formed racist party, a conspiracy theorist and no hoper. Their racist AI generated election posters are a blight.

Nina Carberry - Fine Gael - Centre Right - The former jockey, she has not appeared in the media yet and has never shown any inclination of being political before. Born into wealth and a Fine Gael family so will stand for posh rural issues. Could sneak a seat but don't think she will. Worth pointing out that Fine Gael are part of EPP group in Europe who want to go into coalition with the far right ECR after this election.

Peter Casey - Independent - Hard Right to Far Right - Former investor on the Irish Dragon's den who did unexpectedly well in the 2018 presidential campaign based on racism against travellers, has continued down that route with regards to immigration and general cuture war shite. The man is an idiot however as he admitted to being an illegal immigrant in the US himself. There is a chance he might get elected on transfers from the many other racists running.

Lisa Chambers - Fianna Fail - Centre Right - Not a popular politician (lost her seat in last general election) but siomeone Fianna Fail have tried to push because she is good looking and young (under 40). She has pandered to the racists like Blaney above. Will struggle to get a seat with the split FF vote. 

Barry Cowen - Fianna Fail - Centre Right - The strongest of the 3 FF candidates, has pandered to the right like the others and has done it the strongest. Thick ignorant man.

Luke "Ming" Flanagan - Independent - Centre Left to Left wing - Sitting MEP, a pragmatic left winger, not perfect by any means but a decent man who has done a good job representing rural Irish issues, I'll give him my third preference vote. He will likely top the poll.

Stephen Garland - Independent - Hard to pigeon hole as he is running on a pro cannabis platform, his twitter profile says he is pro direct democracy and pro free speech which are possibly terms hijacked in the culture war but his likes indicate he is not racist or anything only really likes cannabis (like Ming in that respect). No chance of getting elected.

Michelle Gildernew - Sinn Fein - Centrist - Current Westminster MP(abstainer), not impressive for me, Sinn Fein are trying to pander to the racists running riot around the country and abandoning the left who are their base. She is being pushed more than their sitting MEP Chris MacManus but I'm not sure which one will be elected.

Rory Hearne - Social Democrats - Centre Left - A housing expert who is an Associate Professor in Social Policy, has bit of an ego and looks smug in his election posters which annoys me. The Social Democrats will let people down whenever they get power but they are not the worst. Hearne would be better running in the General election but has an outside chance of a seat. I'll give him my 4th preference.

Charlotte Keenan - Independent - Unknown - No social media or media presence. Bizarre. Will lose her €1800 deposit.

Hermann Kelly - Irish Freedom Party - Far Right- Nigel Farage's former right hand man in Europe. Allied to the BNP in the past also. Won't get elected but will get votes as he is high profile.

Fergal Landy - Labour - Centrist - The Irish Labour party is becoming more and more irrelevant as they will never be forgiven for their right wing austerity after the crash but thankfully they are not pandering to racists at least. Landy won't get elected, hopefully his transfers might go left.

Chris MacManus - Sinn Fein - Centrist - Sitting MEP, vulnerable due to SF's implosion. Interesting to note he was rumoured to be behind wanting to take SF out of the left group in Europe to change to the Social Democrat group.

Margaret Maguire - Ireland First - Far Right -Another fascist running for another newly founded fascist party. Ireland First were founded on the back of a campaign of harrasment of librarians for teaching children that gay people exist. The party has the support of social media algoritms but not the support of the public thankfully.

Saoirse McHugh - Independent - Left wing - Ecosocialist, very impressive and solid on all issues. The only criticsm of her is that she was naive enough to have once been a member of the Irish greens. Will get my number 2 vote.

Ciaran Mulooly - Independent Ireland (party) - Hard Right to Far Right - A simple minded former RTE news correspondent, so a celebrity candidate in sorts. He might not be explicitly racistg himself but his party leaders have worked alongside the worst of the fascists in Ireland and look to aligned with the far right ECR group in Europe. He has a good chance of being elected.

Brian O'Boyle - People before Profit - Left Wing - An economist and has decent politics. Won't get elected but will get my number 1 vote as I know he'll be eliminated before Saoirse McHugh.

Pauline O'Reilly - Greens - Centrist to Centre Right - Current senator, the Irish Green Party are pretty much Fine Gaelers who like gardening. Most useless Green party in Europe. Won't get elected as they only have support in certain affluent pockets. Not racist but neo liberal to the core which causes enough damage to society.

Daniel Pocock - Independent - Hard to tell - A software engineer, he has a blog with very poor graphic design and it's hard to know what to make of it politically. Will do well to get his deposit returned.

James Reynolds - National Party - Far Right - Current leader of the NP who got to take the €400k in gold bars. A nazi like Barret but less ridiculous which makes him more dangerous. Won't get elected but unfortunately might get more votes than a nazi deserves.

Michelle Smith - Independent - Far Right - Led protests against housing for International Protection Applicant's in her locality. No chance of being elected.

Peadar Toibin - Aontu - Far Right in sheeps clothing - Sitting TD. Left SF in opposition to it's support for abortion to found Aontu, they now are firmly on the wrong side of all culture war issues and are very well funded. Unfortunately they are polished when platformed on traditional media to be respectable but radical enough to energise the online nutjobs. The party have plenty of candidates in the local elections who are firmly far right. He will probably get elected here unfortunately although it is believed he will step down immediately and give the seat to another Aontu member.

Maria Walsh - Fine Gael - Centre Right - Sitting MEP, former winner of the Rose of Tralee beauty pageant. Likes to present herself as progressive but voted to allow migrants to drown in the Mediterranean and will be part of a coalition with the far right if elected. Her seat is vulnerable.

Gerry Waters - Independent - Far Right - Struck off GP due to his covid 19 denialism which put lives at risk. His politics have regressed down the same rabbit holes as most covid deniers did. No chance of being elected.

John Waters - Independent - Far Right - Former high profile journalist, now an even bigger scumbag. Sidekick of Gemma O'Doherty. Racist, conspiracy theorist. Won't get elected.


Anyway I make it as 11 of 28 candidates running as being pretty much far right which for Ireland is astonishing. 

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15 minutes ago, Kuwabatake Sanjuro said:

Unfortunately I can see the far right make big inroads in the upcoming local and European elections here in Ireland. They have huge numbers of candidates running and are dominating the media narrative with the centrist parties trying to outdo each other to pander to the racists (Sinn Fein in particular are abandoning all pretense of being left wing and losing votes at a rate of knots due to it).

For an example I'll go through the 28 candidates (5 to be elected) in my European constituency (just because I want to write down my thoughts on each but also to show how shit politics is getting).

Justin Barrett - National Party - Far Right - An out and out nazi who quotes mein kampf and dresses in nazi attire, has been ousted as leader of the National Party by James Reynolds (who took the parties €400k worth of gold bars that they never explained where they got them). Won't get elected but his presence on the ballot paper is annoying.

Niall Blaney - Fianna Fail - Centre Right - Unimpressive nepo politician, his literature talks about tackling immigration and to stop scapegoating farmers over climate change. Won't get elected as Fianna Fail are running 3 candidates which he will be weakest.

Anthony Cahill - The Irish People Party - Far Right - Low profile leader of a newly formed racist party, a conspiracy theorist and no hoper. Their racist AI generated election posters are a blight.

Nina Carberry - Fine Gael - Centre Right - The former jockey, she has not appeared in the media yet and has never shown any inclination of being political before. Born into wealth and a Fine Gael family so will stand for posh rural issues. Could sneak a seat but don't think she will. Worth pointing out that Fine Gael are part of EPP group in Europe who want to go into coalition with the far right ECR after this election.

Peter Casey - Independent - Hard Right to Far Right - Former investor on the Irish Dragon's den who did unexpectedly well in the 2018 presidential campaign based on racism against travellers, has continued down that route with regards to immigration and general cuture war shite. The man is an idiot however as he admitted to being an illegal immigrant in the US himself. There is a chance he might get elected on transfers from the many other racists running.

Lisa Chambers - Fianna Fail - Centre Right - Not a popular politician (lost her seat in last general election) but siomeone Fianna Fail have tried to push because she is good looking and young (under 40). She has pandered to the racists like Blaney above. Will struggle to get a seat with the split FF vote. 

Barry Cowen - Fianna Fail - Centre Right - The strongest of the 3 FF candidates, has pandered to the right like the others and has done it the strongest. Thick ignorant man.

Luke "Ming" Flanagan - Independent - Centre Left to Left wing - Sitting MEP, a pragmatic left winger, not perfect by any means but a decent man who has done a good job representing rural Irish issues, I'll give him my third preference vote. He will likely top the poll.

Stephen Garland - Independent - Hard to pigeon hole as he is running on a pro cannabis platform, his twitter profile says he is pro direct democracy and pro free speech which are possibly terms hijacked in the culture war but his likes indicate he is not racist or anything only really likes cannabis (like Ming in that respect). No chance of getting elected.

Michelle Gildernew - Sinn Fein - Centrist - Current Westminster MP(abstainer), not impressive for me, Sinn Fein are trying to pander to the racists running riot around the country and abandoning the left who are their base. She is being pushed more than their sitting MEP Chris MacManus but I'm not sure which one will be elected.

Rory Hearne - Social Democrats - Centre Left - A housing expert who is an Associate Professor in Social Policy, has bit of an ego and looks smug in his election posters which annoys me. The Social Democrats will let people down whenever they get power but they are not the worst. Hearne would be better running in the General election but has an outside chance of a seat. I'll give him my 4th preference.

Charlotte Keenan - Independent - Unknown - No social media or media presence. Bizarre. Will lose her €1800 deposit.

Hermann Kelly - Irish Freedom Party - Far Right- Nigel Farage's former right hand man in Europe. Allied to the BNP in the past also. Won't get elected but will get votes as he is high profile.

Fergal Landy - Labour - Centrist - The Irish Labour party is becoming more and more irrelevant as they will never be forgiven for their right wing austerity after the crash but thankfully they are not pandering to racists at least. Landy won't get elected, hopefully his transfers might go left.

Chris MacManus - Sinn Fein - Centrist - Sitting MEP, vulnerable due to SF's implosion. Interesting to note he was rumoured to be behind wanting to take SF out of the left group in Europe to change to the Social Democrat group.

Margaret Maguire - Ireland First - Far Right -Another fascist running for another newly founded fascist party. Ireland First were founded on the back of a campaign of harrasment of librarians for teaching children that gay people exist. The party has the support of social media algoritms but not the support of the public thankfully.

Saoirse McHugh - Independent - Left wing - Ecosocialist, very impressive and solid on all issues. The only criticsm of her is that she was naive enough to have once been a member of the Irish greens. Will get my number 2 vote.

Ciaran Mulooly - Independent Ireland (party) - Hard Right to Far Right - A simple minded former RTE news correspondent, so a celebrity candidate in sorts. He might not be explicitly racistg himself but his party leaders have worked alongside the worst of the fascists in Ireland and look to aligned with the far right ECR group in Europe. He has a good chance of being elected.

Brian O'Boyle - People before Profit - Left Wing - An economist and has decent politics. Won't get elected but will get my number 1 vote as I know he'll be eliminated before Saoirse McHugh.

Pauline O'Reilly - Greens - Centrist to Centre Right - Current senator, the Irish Green Party are pretty much Fine Gaelers who like gardening. Most useless Green party in Europe. Won't get elected as they only have support in certain affluent pockets. Not racist but neo liberal to the core which causes enough damage to society.

Daniel Pocock - Independent - Hard to tell - A software engineer, he has a blog with very poor graphic design and it's hard to know what to make of it politically. Will do well to get his deposit returned.

James Reynolds - National Party - Far Right - Current leader of the NP who got to take the €400k in gold bars. A nazi like Barret but less ridiculous which makes him more dangerous. Won't get elected but unfortunately might get more votes than a nazi deserves.

Michelle Smith - Independent - Far Right - Led protests against housing for International Protection Applicant's in her locality. No chance of being elected.

Peadar Toibin - Aontu - Far Right in sheeps clothing - Sitting TD. Left SF in opposition to it's support for abortion to found Aontu, they now are firmly on the wrong side of all culture war issues and are very well funded. Unfortunately they are polished when platformed on traditional media to be respectable but radical enough to energise the online nutjobs. The party have plenty of candidates in the local elections who are firmly far right. He will probably get elected here unfortunately although it is believed he will step down immediately and give the seat to another Aontu member.

Maria Walsh - Fine Gael - Centre Right - Sitting MEP, former winner of the Rose of Tralee beauty pageant. Likes to present herself as progressive but voted to allow migrants to drown in the Mediterranean and will be part of a coalition with the far right if elected. Her seat is vulnerable.

Gerry Waters - Independent - Far Right - Struck off GP due to his covid 19 denialism which put lives at risk. His politics have regressed down the same rabbit holes as most covid deniers did. No chance of being elected.

John Waters - Independent - Far Right - Former high profile journalist, now an even bigger scumbag. Sidekick of Gemma O'Doherty. Racist, conspiracy theorist. Won't get elected.


Anyway I make it as 11 of 28 candidates running as being pretty much far right which for Ireland is astonishing. 

Bloody hell. Makes me prefer FPTP to PR. Who can be arsed sorting that lot out? I'll bet there's a low turnout. 

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