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The only way a lockdown is going to help is if it actually is a lockdown, more like what we had initially - schools off, work remotely or not at all bar a few truly necessary roles, etc.

Which isn't going to happen. Instead we'll get more nudges towards that without actually doing much.

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13 minutes ago, Genie said:

Wow 😯 yesterday was first time we broke 40,000... today 53,000


Isn't that just down to more testing?

I guess a lot of people may have had covid earlier this year but never had access to a test. I'm one of them - I was as rough as a badgers bumhole in March. 

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Will people who have already confirmed to have had covid be at the back at the queue for the vaccine?  Surely they would have already built up a fair amount of immunity, if not total.  That's 2.3m people already.  Also, what is the situation with the antibody tests?  If there are millions of people who have also had the virus without knowing, would doing those tests (if they're available) at the same time help speed up the whole vaccination process as well?

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11 minutes ago, Xela said:

Isn't that just down to more testing?

I guess a lot of people may have had covid earlier this year but never had access to a test. I'm one of them - I was as rough as a badgers bumhole in March. 

To a degree, but mass testing has been available since the summer hasn’t it. Now we’re smashing records daily. The NHS are treating more people now than at the first peak in April.


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27 minutes ago, Xela said:

Isn't that just down to more testing?

I guess a lot of people may have had covid earlier this year but never had access to a test. I'm one of them - I was as rough as a badgers bumhole in March. 

The Beeb have just said (quoting someone important it seems) that this is a real increase in terms of cases in proportion to testing.  I've just looked on the Dashboard to have a look myself and do some Excel wizardry but it doesn't appear to be fully updated yet.

UK Gov Coronavirus Dashboard

EDIT:  You also have to look at the situation in the hospitals which doesn't look good at all. 

Edited by trekka
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13 minutes ago, sharkyvilla said:

Will people who have already confirmed to have had covid be at the back at the queue for the vaccine?  Surely they would have already built up a fair amount of immunity, if not total.  That's 2.3m people already.  Also, what is the situation with the antibody tests?  If there are millions of people who have also had the virus without knowing, would doing those tests (if they're available) at the same time help speed up the whole vaccination process as well?

I believe so. I think they are not vaccinating anyone who’s confirmed had it within the last 60 days ( might have been 90, can’t remember).

Good point on the anti body tests. 
No one knows how long a recovered person retains immunity for, I read something that said around 6 months, but who knows.

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4 minutes ago, blandy said:

I think they are not vaccinating anyone who’s confirmed had it within the last 60 days ( might have been 90, can’t remember).

90. According to my neighbour the doc. 

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1 minute ago, HanoiVillan said:

The numbers are bad, but some of this is due to backfill from the Christmas period I think.

NHS saying they are treating more people than in the first peak (April). It seems to be genuinely more infections than we’ve seen before. 

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9 minutes ago, Genie said:

NHS saying they are treating more people than in the first peak (April). It seems to be genuinely more infections than we’ve seen before. 

Yes, I agree. Not downplaying it, just stressing that it probably isn't 53,000 positive tests conducted in the last 24 hours only; some of them will have occurred over the last week (which isn't much better obviously, but I would just urge a little caution about the daily figures at this stage).

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6 hours ago, a m ole said:

that’s wild. i’m 32 and in nearly perfect health, yet i have 3 pre-existing conditions in that image alone and it’s not an exhaustive list.

what does a mental health diagnosis have to do with the physiological effect of a virus?

If we've learned anything from Brexit, it's that positive thinking is crucial to the outcome of anything and everything.

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3 hours ago, HanoiVillan said:

The numbers are bad, but some of this is due to backfill from the Christmas period I think.

 I dont think Wales, Scotland and N Ireland were being counted during Christmas but they were still well in access of 30,000 a day during Christmas so no I think the cases are rising dramatically because of this new variant. No-where else in europe are anywhere near our numbers. 

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So it now seems that just the one jab gives enough protection to stop people getting so ill they need hospitalisation, so they are going down the Blair route of getting a single jab into as many people as possible. 

They say there is science behind this.  They had better be right as that's a hell of a gamble if it doesn't work. 

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The senior guy from Oxford University just said they've given vaccine to 40,000 volunteers since April (8 months) and had no serious side effects. 

This is a massively important message which needs to be got out. 

Also said in addition to the normal regulatory procedures they have had significant external scrutiny from various other sources. 

He also reaffirmed that the first jab gives enough protection to stop the disease getting serious. 

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