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3 minutes ago, markavfc40 said:

If there was an election tomorrow I would not be in any way confident that we wouldn't end up with a Tory government. 

I agree, sections of our populous will continue to vote for them regardless of continued poor performance. 

but, I suppose in the same vein, certain members of society would only ever vote for Labour/Liberals etc

people can be stuck in their ways when it comes to voting, instead of doing what’s best for their community and the country. 


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20 minutes ago, villa4europe said:

Holland banned all flights from the UK because of the new strain

Germany expected to do the same tomorrow 

Italy and Belgium have also banned travel from UK with France expected to follow suit later.

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1 hour ago, bickster said:

Schools, this is where its currently spreading

It isn't. it was (arguably) in October, but not any more. Even in October, it looks more like Student age was more prevalent than school age (there's some overlap).

This is from the Government's corollafungus internet.

Screen Shot 2020-12-20 at 14.20.26.png

Edit - I suppose you could hypothesise that fewer school age people are being tested than other age groups, proportionately, but I've seen no data on that to confirm or refute such a hypothesis.

Either way, test results show school age people to be pretty much the least likely to test positive for the fungus.

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2 hours ago, chrisp65 said:

There could be a dedicated information channel on TV, a proper informed up to date website.

Their fungus website is really good, IMO. You can see detail, or just overview stuff according to preference.  You can look hyper local, or national or county or...

Figures for all kinds. Links to other stuff. Nice and clear and easy to use.


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I look forward to significantly more overreach by police forces who haven't correctly briefed their officers. I've already read several anecdotes about the police preventing travel outside of tier 4 to people trying to visit their support bubbles.

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30 minutes ago, blandy said:

it looks more like Student age was more prevalent than school age (there's some overlap).

15-19 is almost exclusicely school age at this point. Also the 10-14 age group in that graph is darker now than at any point previously

Agreed Students too but we've just sent them home... oops

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8 minutes ago, Davkaus said:

I look forward to significantly more overreach by police forces who haven't correctly briefed their officers. I've already read several anecdotes about the police preventing travel outside of tier 4 to people trying to visit their support bubbles.

Been at at all weekend in Liverpool with Taxi Drivers, preventing them travelling from Tier 3 area to Tier 2, now I suspect this has affected Uber and one other company because they've seemingly picked on the drivers by what authority their vehicle is registered by (Bolton, Wolverhampton etc). As far as I can tell they are using Coronavirus legislation to suspend the drivers PH licences. Methinks it's complete over reach. You are allowed to travel for work, even in the brand spanking new Tier 4

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14 minutes ago, blandy said:

Their fungus website is really good, IMO. You can see detail, or just overview stuff according to preference.  You can look hyper local, or national or county or...

Figures for all kinds. Links to other stuff. Nice and clear and easy to use.


What it’s not, is up to date when they make these on the hoof briefings and pre press releases that cause people to grab a bag and head for the train station.

They are too keen to hint stuff in drips and drabs to their favourite journalists rather than issue a coherent message via an up to date website.

If the new info isn’t on there before the journo’s are giving their best guess, before Johnson waffles his way through some Latin, then at critical times, it’s useless. Yesterday, it was useless.


No, that’s not fair. Not useless, as a family we had been looking at the figures for several weeks and were ready to jump if the shit hit the fan and we were convinced it was going to.

So yesterday we already had a sort of plan B, and it worked. Presents swapped, food delivered, smaller turkeys bought. It involved getting on the motorway yesterday evening, but hey.





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2 minutes ago, chrisp65 said:

What it’s not, is up to date when they make these on the hoof briefings

OK, I'll take your word on that. I look at it most days and haven't found it missing info that's available elsewhere, but if it's not updated at the time of rules or whatever coming into play, then that's an area it could improve.

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9 minutes ago, bickster said:

15-19 is almost exclusicely school age at this point. Also the 10-14 age group in that graph is darker now than at any point previously

Agreed Students too but we've just sent them home... oops

Sure. Yet they're still the least affected in terms of +ve cases. So it's very hard to argue that "Schools is where it's currently spreading" based on the data available.

I imagine that the plan to start testing in schools in Jan is because (as I suggested  in the earlier post) maybe fewer school age people are showing symptoms which lead to them going for a test - if they just get very mildly affected, or are asymptomatic, then they may not know they have it - so testing needs to properly happen to improve the data, and consequential actions.

The whole Test Track and Isolate thing has just been a mess, when it's the most important thing in actually dealing with the fungus until people are widely vaccinated.

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3 minutes ago, blandy said:

Sure. Yet they're still the least affected in terms of +ve cases. So it's very hard to argue that "Schools is where it's currently spreading" based on the data available.

I'm looking at the data you've posted, if we ignore the over '80s for a sec then at the extreme right of that graph, to my eyesight, the darkest blue to almost purple lines represent the 10 to 19 age groups

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22 minutes ago, Davkaus said:

I look forward to significantly more overreach by police forces who haven't correctly briefed their officers. I've already read several anecdotes about the police preventing travel outside of tier 4 to people trying to visit their support bubbles.

It's interesting. You're right of course.

I don't know if all people classed as key workers have a letter to present to "to whom it may concern" (Rozzers, Fungus-wombles etc.) if they are stopped - Our place gave them to the key workers (along with training on precautions, a car pass and a corolla fungus lanyard to show we're "on the list"), but without any formal means of knowing whether someone is "allowed" to be where they are, or undertaking whatever journey, it's basically unpoliceable.

Of course it's not practical or possible to cover the population in general for every eventuality, so the Plod are bound to do what they always do and follow their instincts/prejudices and therefore get it wrong some of the time. Some plod are excellent and others are utter weapons at times. Bound to happen.

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3 hours ago, villa4europe said:

Holland banned all flights from the UK because of the new strain

Germany expected to do the same tomorrow 

Until they realise that their countries are also rife with the new strain.

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We got a note from my children’s primary school head teacher just before the break. It said that they were pleased that they didn’t have to close at all since reopening in September. It said they’d only had 2 positive cases amongst the children but due to the timing of them they didn’t need to close (I assume that meant they tested positive right before October half term.

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8 minutes ago, villa4europe said:

Hard to say, Berlin was already on lockdown so the government here doesnt need to discover a new strain to justify closing it for Christmas... 

Not saying they will fabricate it to justify actions, just that maybe countries  treating the UK like it has the lurgy (the new strain) might realise they actually have it too but didn’t notice.

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